It seems that this is my blessed place. I will visit more in the future...

As for "Kobayashi Muran"?

Who the hell is Kobayashi Murayasu?



Ps, this chapter could be divided, but I was too lazy to divide it, so it’s 4k.Please vote at the beginning of the month. This is very important to me. Thank you very much!And if you can read it, you must do so!Many chapters have been deleted before. If you save it and read it, you will only be able to see the revised youth version (although the plot will not change, but some exciting descriptions will be deleted)... I may write it recently. It's normal, after all, there is no such hard background (sad... Anyway, vote more monthly!)

241. It’s me! (Monthly ticket adds 77 more updates



Endless torture.

The most frightening thing is always the unknown.

Miyajima Tsubaki felt that her mentality was a little broken.

She expected that Snake Mound George would attack her, but for the sake of her father and Sakura, she had no choice but to risk her life.

Chun is no longer young.

She has to consider her daughter's future more than herself.

As long as Snake Mound George doesn't touch Sakura, she will agree to whatever request she makes...

But when she was taken into the van.

She felt the truck travel a distance.

Then stop.

She was taken out of the car again.

Because her eyes were covered, she didn't know where she was.

She didn't even know how much time had passed.

...Probably, two days?

This is not the result of an excellent biological clock, but a judgment based on "behavior."

Every time a long period of time passes - at least it feels particularly long to Miyajima Tsubaki,

There would be a woman—the woman who took her into the car. Miyajima Tsubaki recognized her voice.

Come and feed her - and the feeding is different every time. For example, the previous time it was noodles, and earlier it was steamed buns and soy milk... Chinese breakfast.

One breakfast, one lunch... With this type of food, she could guess the time to some extent, but of course it was impossible to be completely sure, because she couldn't rule out the possibility that they wanted to deliberately confuse her view of time, although she didn't know what the consequences of doing so were. usefulness.

Just pretend it's been two days for the time being.

In the past two days, let alone the "captured Sakura", she has not even seen Snake Tomb George...

This made Miyajima Tsubaki even more frightened. If the guy didn't touch her for the time being, could it be that he was going to attack Sakura?

She wants to struggle.

But his hands and feet were tightly bound and he couldn't move at all.

She wanted to shout.

However, something ball-shaped was stuffed into his mouth, and he couldn't make any sound except for a slight sound like "Ouch".Only drool fell to the ground.

She was almost heartbroken.

Miyajima Tsubaki suddenly began to regret. If he had discussed it with others at that time, he might have fallen into this kind of dilemma... But who could he discuss it with?

It seems that the only person she can communicate with is that boy... But a boy is a boy after all. He is not mature enough yet, and she cannot harm him.

Miyajima Tsubaki originally wanted to go on a hunger strike, but the woman sneered: "It's okay if you don't eat, but... I can't guarantee whether I can see your daughter by then."

For Sakura.

Sakura is her only belief in living.

At least for Sakura...

Miyajima Tsubaki lay on the ground, moaning feebly. She still retained her life... just for Sakura.


Suddenly, such a sound sounded.

Miyajima Tsubaki's ears could hear that the door that was very close to her was pushed open.

She could hear such a sound every day... From the sound and the footsteps of the other party, Miyajima Tsubaki could deduce that the room was not big.

Is it time for evening feeding?

Miyajima Tsubaki thought to herself that time seemed to pass a little faster than she imagined.

But in this case, she would not be surprised to have any form of delusion.

Then a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders, trying to help her up.

Miyajima Tsubaki was stunned for a moment, and then began to struggle as if he was electrocuted... because the touch of these hands was not that of a woman before, it was larger and seemed to be that of a seemed to be a little familiar, whether it was the touch or the smell, which made Miyajima Tsubaki a little confused, but she still felt danger and discomfort subconsciously.

But then, the blindfold used to obscure his vision was removed.

The environment here is already gloomy, but there is still some light after all.

Miyajima Tsubaki, who had experienced a long period of darkness, felt a little uncomfortable when the light invaded her eyes, so she quickly closed her eyes.

After a while, she opened her eyes with difficulty and looked at the person in front of her.

is a teenager.

It's a familiar face.

Miyajima Tsubaki's eyes were stunned, as if he couldn't understand or believe what he was seeing.

Her delicate body began to tremble.

She wanted to ask "Why are you here"... but the thing in her mouth was restraining her from saying this. She could only try to ask by shaking her delicate body from side to side.


However, before the other party realized her intention.

Tears burst out of his eyes first.

This is the excitement of seeing hope again after despair.

For a moment, Miyajima Tsubaki thought she was dreaming... After this thought came to her mind, she actually asked herself over and over again as if she really didn't believe in the reality she saw.

Is it a dream?

Is it really a dream?

But if it was a dream, the thought "Is this a dream?" should not arise.

"It's alright, it's alright."

The young man in front of him smiled slightly, his voice as gentle as ever.

It was like helping her stop a bad boy on the subway for the first time.

It was also like the second time he blocked Miyajima Sousuke for her in the milk tea shop.

Miyajima Tsubaki's tense nerves finally relaxed, and his body instantly went limp, and he staggered towards Lin Cun'an, almost throwing himself into his arms.

"Really...this thing..."

Lin Cun'an silently looked at what was in Miyajima Chun's mouth, and then gently untied her belt.

The mouth also eliminates restraint.

Miyajima Tsubaki quickly took a breath and shouted: "It's a snake..."

But after shouting like this, she lowered her voice for fear of being discovered - after all, she still didn't know why Lin Cun'an was here, and she didn't know whether this would bring danger to the young man. "It was Snake Mound George who brought me here, and he also captured Sakura. You, please untie me quickly... We have to find a way to rescue Sakura."

"rest assured."

Lin Cun'an still smiled gently: "Miyajima-senpai is fine, Miss Chun, you can rest assured."

"Huh?" Miyajima Tsubaki was stunned, and then asked quickly: "Where is Sakura? I want to see her..."

She swayed from side to side, trying to break away from the rope that tied her, but the hemp rope was tied too tightly, and the rope sank into her flesh whenever she moved.

She frowned in pain.

"Don't move yet." Lin Cun'an said, "I want to say one thing next... If you don't blame me, Miss Chun, I will untie you."

"What?" Miyajima Tsubaki was even more surprised.This young man risked his life to save her, why should she blame him?She is not the kind of white-eyed wolf who repays kindness with hatred.

"In fact, the kidnapping of you has nothing to do with Snake Tomb George." Lin Cun'an said: "The mastermind is someone else."

Miyajima Tsubaki was startled again and thought: "N-could it be Sosaku... that bastard?"

Lin Cun'an shook his head, "No."

"That is……?"

Lin Cun'an pointed his thumb at his nose and made a "Speed ​​down Saiyan Vegeta" gesture: "It's me!"



Ps, if you vote for a monthly vote, you won’t suffer a loss if you vote for a monthly vote, and you won’t be fooled if you vote!

242. But I’m happy



After Lin Cun'an finished his gesture, Miyajima Tsubaki stared at him with wide eyes.

The air between the two fell into silence for a while, a bit still and awkward.

Lin Cun'an sighed, you see, bitches just can't understand the romance of Saiyans.If you meet someone who knows how to do it, he is already a mid-level opponent of "Afterburner" and "Turtle Style Qigong"...

He lowered his eyes subconsciously. Women were indeed boring.

Although there are no Qizhu in this world, there should still be characters and gestures of the same type... Read more comics.

It turned out that as Miyajima Tsubaki's breathing became faster and faster, her chest began to rise and fall continuously.

She stared at Lin Cun'an who said this ridiculous statement.

Still can't believe it,

So she asked as if to make sure:

"You tied me here?"

"That's right, it's me." Lin Cun'an said.

"You are the one who put me here for these two days?" Miyajima Tsubaki asked again.

Her pupils were trembling along with her delicate lips. Due to being "imprisoned" for two days, her lips lacked blood, and due to the horrifying fact at this time, her delicate lips were even whiter.

"Yes." Lin Cun'an still nodded. He nodded shyly, pursed his lips and smiled: "It seems you have fully understood the situation."

"What about Sakura?" Miyajima Tsubaki grasped the key point.

"She should be at home...sleeping?" Lin Cun'an said. Miyajima Sakura told him that she had the habit of taking naps on rest days.

"..." A hanging heart was completely let go.

However, things did not end there.

Miyajima Chun raised her eyes and looked at Lin Cun'an from bottom to top.

There was a ferocity in the direct gaze that was rare for her.

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