She held her hands in front of her chest and looked at Lin Cun'an in a defensive posture:

"You, don't come over, no, otherwise I..."

Shiina Chizuru's canine teeth bit her pink lips, her eyes were determined but fearful, and there was a thin layer of mist in her eye sockets.

She stood up quickly and took a step back.Trying to put some distance between himself and the boy.


Lin Cun'an narrowed his eyes, "This expression is not bad."

Do you know how to resist?

Knowing that resistance is a good thing, Lin Muruan just wants to cultivate Shiina Chizuru's sense of resistance.

Is this cat playing with mouse?

Shiina Chizuru became increasingly frightened. She had heard that some animals enjoyed teasing their prey.

And humans are also a branch of animals.

Her little face changed slightly, and her eyes were already looking at the door. At this distance, if she ran away...

Then she heard a devilish whisper,

"Then, Mr. Tsukino's evidence of embezzlement of public funds..."

Shiina Chizuru's petite body suddenly froze, and the foot she stepped out retracted again.

"I, I know I was wrong," her attitude was extremely correct, and the hand covering her chest dropped weakly, "I, I won't resist..."

Lin Cun'an was furious as soon as he settled down. Will you die if you persist a little bit?

Seeing Lin Cun'an's Sima's face tending to be very angry, Shiina Chizuru was already inclined to perform a soil seat.

Kneel down on your knees, put your head between your hands on the ground, and then lift your buttocks...

This approach can probably calm the anger.Shiina Chizuru thought, all this is worth it for Teacher Le Tsukino...

"Do you know where you went wrong!?" Lin Cun'an shouted.

Shiina Chizuru didn't say anything. She was about to take action to apologize.

"The process of this question is correct, but the final answer is wrong. You are too careless!"

Then Shiina Chizuru heard the boy in front of her say this.

Shiina Chizuru:?

Wrong, wrong in this place?

Then, a hand stretched out.

He grabbed Shiina Chizuru's bow tie so fast that Shiina Chizuru didn't even have time to react.

Then he pulled it out roughly.

With a "pop" sound, the tie collapsed.

Due to this pulling force, Shiina Chizuru's waves that were not consistent with her height became slightly rougher.

What should come is still coming.

Shiina Chizuru closed her eyes. After removing the tie, her white neck was completely exposed to the air.

"Copy this question twenty times and give it to me for inspection tomorrow." Lin Cun'an casually put the tie in his pocket and said calmly.

Shiina Chizuru didn't know how to react for a moment.

She was a little dazed.

...meaning I won’t take off her clothes?

Or is this bow tie itself a piece of clothing?

"Did you hear that?" Lin Cun'an asked.

"I-I heard it..." Shiina Chizuru said.

"Then, go change into gymnastics clothes." Lin Cun'an added, "Same as yesterday."

"...Okay." Shiina Chizuru nodded. Now he will do whatever he says. What else can he do?

Lin Cun'an had already stood up before her and walked towards the door of the classroom.

Shiina Chizuru, who had just stood up, seemed to have thought of something. She looked at the small plastic bottle placed on the table, and finally reminded Lin Cun'an, who had almost walked out of the door: "Hey, your Ida."



341. Are you looking for me? (4k, so the monthly ticket adds 110.5

Yasogami High School.

As the end of the semester approaches, another precious day passes.

Shiina Chizuru was still walking in the corridor resolutely.

Shiina Chizuru, 17 years old, is still a young girl.

Although she experienced something yesterday, she thought that bright flowers would bloom under her body.But in fact, what she imagined did not happen.

Even Shiina Chizuru began to wonder...could she be the only one thinking about that kind of thing?

She looked out the hallway window.

Today is not as clear as yesterday. The sky is filled with layers of gloomy black.

It is going to rain.

Shiina Chizuru thought to herself that the guy didn't come to see her until school was over today.

Could it be that he gave up?

Thinking of this, Shiina Chizuru couldn't help but feel happy.But Ran was worried again, but he still didn't return the bankbook. What on earth did he want to do?


Just when Shiina Chizuru accidentally stopped to think, a voice sounded from behind.

She trembled first, not knowing whether it was fear or relief. Her first feeling was that it was supposed to come or it would come.

But the second feeling turned into a little disappointment, because this voice was too gentle and familiar, and there was a big gap between it and the cold Sima Yin.

The one who called her was not the boy, but Mr. Tsukino.

But it’s Tsukino-sensei after all.

Shiina Chizuru turned around and showed a polite and sweet smile,

"What's wrong? Teacher Tsukino."

"I just wanted to ask if you are okay..." Teacher Tsukino said with concern, "You seem to have been absent-minded these past two days. If you are not feeling well, please tell me."

Shiina Chizuru lowered her eyes, her cheeks were a little pink, and she nodded: "I understand... Don't worry, teacher, I'm fine... It's just,"

She bit her lip, the question lingering in her heart... that question, she wanted to ask.

After communicating with the boy yesterday, she really didn't want to believe that Mr. Tsukino would really do such a thing as embezzling public funds.But... her lips trembled, and before she had time to ask, she had already imagined the scene when she got the answer she didn't want.

Shiina Chizuru was scared again.

"What's wrong?" Teacher Tsukino noticed that Chizuru Shiina was hesitant to speak. He tilted his head slightly and asked.

"...It's okay." Shiina Chizuru said.

Her head ached.

She didn't know why she didn't trust Mr. Tsukino. Did she have too high expectations for him, or was she unwilling to break her illusion about him?

Shiina Chizuru was a little confused.

She even didn't want to face Teacher Tsukino, wondering why the guy didn't come to take her away today. In that case, she wouldn't have to think about these complicated issues and would only have to deal with the guy.

"Oh, Tsukino—"

Then, someone behind Tsukino also greeted him.

This voice made Shiina Chizuru's eyes widen in uneasiness, but her pupils shrank like needlepoints.

"...Teacher Taimura." Teacher Tsukino turned around and smiled.

Teacher Taimura is still his senior in name, and Tsukino is relatively modest towards his seniors, even if his reputation is not very good.

"What's the matter?" Tsukino asked.

"I'm not looking for you, let me look for you..." Taimura's small, pea-like eyes looked at the other end, Shiina Chizuru, who stubbornly pursed her mouth and looked at him with disgust, " Hey, look for Shiina-san."

Facing this obviously disgusting look, Tai Cun didn't feel resentful, but instead laughed.

Tsk tsk, what a stubborn little female donkey. I’ll deal with you later.

No, my crotch is itchy...

Tai Cun's nostrils were filled with hot breath.


"Don't worry, Tsukino, I'm not that stingy. This time I'm not here to hold Shiina accountable, but I'm here to discuss with her about training, study, travel, and travel..." Taimura said.

From Tai Cun's dilated nostrils, Shiina Chizuru saw an emotion called lust.

But among the four words "study trip" that he pronounced particularly clearly, Shiina Chizuru could only compromise. She nodded: "...Okay, okay."

In addition to the boy, this Taimura also knew about Teacher Tsukino's embezzlement of public funds.Not only that, Taicun was also the discoverer of this matter.

There are wolves in front and tigers in back.

Chizuru Shiina thought of these words again before she came out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den.

"That's it..." Tsukino didn't doubt anything.

He is just an ordinary teacher, Taimura is the person in charge of the school trip, and Chizuru Shiina is the monitor.

He really couldn't make irresponsible remarks about such a thing.

"Well, instead of going to the office, let's go to the chemistry laboratory. It's close there and it's quiet." Taimura said in front of Mr. Tsukino.

This surprised Shiina Chizuru. Is Taimura really so upright?

"Oh, oh..." Tsukino nodded.

He didn't know why Taicun said this.

"Then Shiina, come on." When Taimura smiled, the flesh on his face piled up.Rather than being ugly, it feels more like fat on a meat board, with a rather greasy feeling.

Coupled with the sweat on his forehead, this temperament is even more highlighted.

Shiina kept up with Taimura.

Tai Cun urged, "Come closer."

Shiina Chizuru was uneasy, but still walked up to shoulder level from behind him.

"What do you want to do?" Shiina Chizuru asked coldly.

"Hey, Teacher Tsukino's embezzlement of public funds hasn't been revealed yet, has it?" Taimura said.

If it were revealed, Tsukino could still teach in this school because it was made out of nothing, but this girl Chizuru Shiina would never treat herself with such a fearful attitude.

Shiina Chizuru was silent, she didn't speak.

"Although I don't have a bankbook in my hand, as long as I tell the superiors about this, they will send someone to check. Then Mr. Tsukino will also be responsible~" Taimura threatened in a low voice.


"So, what should I do next, I think should be very clear, right? After all, you have experience, so you don't need me to teach you?" Taimura said with a smile: "I will teach you about chemistry later. Let’s have some fun in the lab~~ Do you know why I told Mr. Tsukino that we were talking in the chemistry lab?”

Shiina Chizuru still doesn't understand what Taimura means by "experienced", but she has no time to ask.

"...Aren't you afraid that Mr. Tsukino will find out?"

But in fact, this is a very interesting thing for Tai Cun, "Because Tsukino knows that you are in the chemistry laboratory, so you will definitely want to ask him to save you when the time comes~~ Under that kind of physical twitching , mixed with the look of expectation, just thinking about it makes people excited ●Ah~~I bet he won’t come to save you~~What’s more, even if he comes, he will definitely be upset when he sees you being shot. Sensual and interesting~~Maybe you will join us~~Hehehehe..."

Listening to Tai Cun's unabashed obscene words, Shiina Chizuru frowned.

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