"Yeah." Lin Cun'an thought for a moment, then he pushed up the bicycle axle, "Miss, you have to hold on tight."

"...What do you want to do?" Kurashiki Rena asked, and she subconsciously hugged Lin Cun'an's chest.No, it's impossible. No matter how fast he rides, chasing a car is still too far-fetched.

Then Lin Cun'an pushed his feet hard on the pedals of the bicycle, as if he was having fun.

Kurashiki Rena's two advantages suddenly pressed on Lin Cun'an's back. As the air pressure in her chest was drained, her eyes blurred and the scenery on both sides instantly receded.

"Wait-" Kurashiki Reina said.

Before she finished speaking, Ferrari appeared in her sight again.

To catch up so easily?

It was just a momentary panic, but it did not affect Rena Kurashiki's sanity. She immediately discovered that the reason for catching up was not because of the fast speed of the bicycle - of course it was really fast, but the main reason was that Ferrari had greatly reduced its speed. .It's like waiting for them.

Also, using a bicycle to chase a car...and it's a sports car is unrealistic anyway.

Just as Kurashiki Reina expected, after Eric saw the bicycle carrying the beautiful girl appear in the rearview mirror, he leisurely held the steering wheel with one hand, and then stepped on the accelerator hard again.


The exhaust sounds again!

"Hahahahahahahaha, let me eat the exhaust fumes!" Eric smiled wildly.

Then the next moment, he realized something was wrong.

"......Eh, eh!?"

At first he thought it was because he was dazzled, but after blinking hard he realized...why the bicycle was in front of his windshield! ?

"——Ah!" Kurashiki Rena's heart palpitated again due to the sudden acceleration of the bicycle.

"Don't be afraid."

Lin Cun'an calmly comforted the young lady: "As long as you hold on tight, nothing will happen to me."

"But..." Kurashiki Reina felt that her forehead was sticky and covered with sweat.

Lin Cun'an glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that the Ferrari he had left behind caught up again, and soon he was at a parallel distance from the bicycle.

Eric looked at Lin Cun'an, who was carefree and expressionless, and then looked at the speedometer of his car.I hate your mother... 70 miles...

"Hey, are you catching up?" Lin Cun'an smiled calmly, then controlled the handlebar with one hand, and gestured with his forehead with the other hand, "Well, see you later." At the same time, he gently reminded Rena Kurashiki: " Be sure to hurry up."

Kurashiki Rena felt the wind filling her mouth. She had no other ideas and was just acting on instinct.

She immediately tightened her grip on Lin Cun'an's body.


"call out"!

The arrows that the bicycle started to shoot... no, they were like bullets... no, they were like cannonballs, they rushed out.

Bicycles do not have an internal combustion engine system, so there is no exhaust gas, and there is not even a loud exhaust gas.But it made Eric feel more disgusting than the exhaust fumes. He looked at his car and then thought about Lin Cun'an's human-powered bicycle.

His head was buzzing, and he couldn't handle it at all.

But the next moment, he pulled the accelerator and flipped the shift paddles in one go. RNM's grandiose Ferrari can't outrun your bicycle! ?Full throttle! 7200 rpm, fuck him!

Boom boom boom!

The red supercar turned into a land plane and headed straight for the bike.


Eric's hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly. She had already seen Kurashiki Rena's pale golden strong wind, and he also saw the bicycle's rear light! !

Victory is ahead!

But the next moment, Eric felt a deep sadness.

Ah... I drive a Ferrari and only chase a bicycle.

But chasing a bicycle is not the saddest thing, it is not catching up that is sad!

Eric continued to hit the accelerator, then pulled the steering wheel, and the car changed lanes.

When he was about to be level with the bicycle, Eric glanced ahead and stepped on the brakes! !

Because when he changed lanes, he borrowed the opposite lane, and a car happened to be driving from the opposite direction! !If the brakes are not applied, the fronts of the two cars will kiss intimately! !

Fortunately, the SF90's brakes were powerful, and the other party also braked in time, and it was a Porsche... Finally, when they were about to meet, and the distance between the two parties was less than two meters, they stopped each other.

"Wow, Ferrari and Bozi..."

Lin Cun'an also stopped pedaling. He looked at the road behind where the accident almost happened, and then shook his head with emotion: "There are indeed many rich people in this world... They should all hang up street lights. Oh, Miss." , I didn’t say what you meant…”

Miss Kurashiki is already in a bad state and is on the verge of collapse.

He didn't even hear what the young man in front of him was mumbling.  

421. I don’t like stockings very much (3k

When the Porsche owner and the Ferrari owner were about to get off the Solo, Lin Cun'an made a slight turn and left the national highway.

After riding for a while, we have arrived in the city.

The "Sacred Mountain" where "Inaba Shrine" is located is itself on the edge of Yachio Inaba Town. Now after a racing trip, they have reached their destination, Okina City, and are not far from the destination supermarket.

Hayashi Muran parked his bicycle aside and helped Reina Kurashiki to take a rest on the wooden chair first.

And he went to the vending machine and bought two bottles of ice-cold soda.

"You're not dead, are you?" Hayashimura Yasu handed a bottle to Kurashiki Reina's face.

Kurashiki Rena was still in a daze, so she subconsciously took it and answered:

"Not dead..."

Then her trembling hands couldn't unscrew the bottle cap, and she had to rely on Lin Cun'an's wrist strength to raise her white neck and take a sip.

She felt that she must be crazy. She was riding a bicycle just now, but the bad map kept giving her warnings.

"The speed is 80 kilometers per hour. You are seriously speeding. You are seriously speeding."

She took another two breaths.

But the scene of overtaking the Ferrari, the scene of leaving him behind, and the scene of Lin Cun'an probably slowing down to greet the owner of the Ferrari, happened to be very deeply imprinted in her mind.

"Really (TM) mentally retarded." Lin Cun'an cursed lightly, "Don't you know that this small country in East Asia is not under the control of Newton?" It is managed by Newton's brother, who is awesome.


Kurashiki Reina was caught off guard and laughed. She had never been in a car before.Although she has not yet obtained her own driver's license, she has sat in the passenger seat many times while others took her on roads or mountain trails, but she has never had this special experience...riding a bicycle and then smashing a Ferrari. , no one would believe it if I told you, right?

And just by imagining, I can guess how wonderful that beautiful guy’s face will be.

"Oh, I laughed." Lin Cun'an said lightly.

Kurashiki Reina stopped smiling and said coldly: "It's too dangerous."

"Indeed." Lin Cun'an nodded. Just now, he had not considered everything comprehensively. It would be absolutely fine if he was alone with the Americans, but if Rena Kurashiki behind her didn't catch him properly, it might cause difficulties. Estimated accident, "So I rode for a while and then stopped riding."

Qi is strong, but safety is more important after all.

"But that guy drove [-] miles on the national highway and caused a complete accident. Even if he can't be detained, he may be disgusted." Lin Cun'an said, if the prediction is correct, the Bozi's car The car owner will report it to the traffic police... but I don't know if the police force in this world will take care of it.

"He was speeding and you were speeding too." Kurashiki Rena said with a sideways glance, "Be careful of getting a ticket."

"No, bicycles are also covered?" Lin Cun'an glared and said, "The regulations don't stipulate the speed of bicycles, right?"

Kurashiki Reina:......

Almost forgot about this.

But who would have thought that a bicycle could be so fast?

"...How did you do it?" Kurashiki Rena asked.

"I told you that in Hawaii..." Lin Cunan scratched his head.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it." Kurashiki Reina snorted coldly, naturally not wanting to believe Lin Cun'an's statement.She thought about it and found another point: "Since you can beat that guy on a bicycle, why do you have to let Xiudou compete with him?"

Lin Cun'an scratched the back of his head and sighed softly:

"There are some things that I think it would be best for you not to know."

"The relationship between you two is not good." Kurashiki Reina said.

"Yes." Lin Cun'an admitted generously.Anything that could restrain Hōya Hidetō would be of no use to Lin Cun'an here.Speaking of which, Hidetachi Haiya didn't realize that Reina Kurashiki knew that their relationship was not working out. It can only be said that the cerebellum is not fully developed and the brain is completely underdeveloped... Hayashimura Yasu thought for a while and added,

"It has nothing to do with him being your boyfriend."

"...I know." Kurashiki Reina gritted her teeth. She was about to raise this question, but was rejected before she could even speak.Although "it doesn't matter" is a good thing in terms of results, but... sjb, I don't want to lose face!

She took a sip of the cold soda, trying to suppress the anger in her heart.

"Let me tell you, Feng Ya is not a good guy. If you want to break up with him, you should do it as soon as possible." Lin Cun'an said.

Kurashiki Rena glanced at Lin Muran with cold eyes:

"You slandered a girl's boyfriend in front of her...?"

Lin Cun'an shrugged, "Forget it if you don't believe it. Anyway, the world has an excellent matching mechanism."

Kurashiki Reina was silent for a moment, then sneered again: "Aren't you afraid that I will complain to Hidetō?"

"Uh... our relationship remains the same whether you file a complaint or not. Nothing will change because of this incident." Lin Cun'an said.Hidetoshi Hideya wanted to kill him, but for now, he just couldn't do it with his ability.

Kurashiki Reina had obviously thought of this, and she just said this to scare Lin Muran.Unfortunately, it didn't have the slightest effect.

She slightly twirled her long pale blond hair hanging on her shoulders, thought for a moment, but didn't say anything to offend Lin Cun'an.

She stretched her long legs and then pulled up the cuffs of her long black stockings.

Although it seemed like nothing was wrong now, and she could even laugh and find it quite interesting, when she was actually on the road just now, Kurashiki Rena was so nervous that she was covered in sweat. Not only her forehead, palms, but also her back were wet. Well, the stockings were a little sticky. She thought she would buy new ones and put them on, so she pulled the socks down.The stockings were peeled off from between her feet.

This action is a bit astringent.

Lin Cun'an unconsciously looked away and did not stare at her.

Kurashiki Reina glanced at the young man who turned his back and pursed his lips slightly, showing some gentlemanly spirit.Then I heard Lin Cunan speak again.

"...Ah, I want to break up with you not because I still want to pursue you." He said, "Don't get me wrong, it's just for your own good."

Kurashiki Rena's eyebrows trembled.

"Hello, Xiao Lin Cun'an." She called Lin Cun'an.


Lin Cun'an turned around.

"go to hell!"

Following Reina Kurashiki's cry, a black object hit him in the face.

Lin Cun'an calmly raised his hand and grabbed it in his palm.

"Oh, you still want to attack me?"

Then "Bang", hit... Damn it!It turned out to be a double sword style!

Another black mass fell from his face. Lin Cun'an stretched out his hand again and let it fall into his hand. He squeezed it gently and felt like silk.As for the smell, it's a little sour and sweet... uh huh.

Lin Cun'an pinched it between his index finger and thumb, and then held it in front of him.

".........this thing?"

After throwing away the stockings as if to vent her anger, Kurashiki Rena clapped her hands happily. She turned around, unwilling to look at that little bastard again.

The supermarket is not far away, just a zebra crossing away. Kurashiki Rena has already seen its sign, so she no longer needs to rely on Yasu Hayashi's bicycle.It was only after taking two steps that Kurashiki Reina recalled that something was not right.Stockings are quite personal. Although they are not as good as Fatty, sometimes the price of the original stockings sold online is pretty much the same... There are many people among the model colleagues who do this kind of thing, but Rena Kurashiki is not the one with her identity. As for doing this kind of devalued business because of two lousy money.However, if it falls into the hands of a "boy", he might do something strange...

Kurashiki Rena quickly came to her senses and faced Hayashimura An, who was following the old god behind her:

"Hey, give it back to me!"


"My stockings! What else could they be?"

"Ah? You want more?"

"...I don't want it and I won't give it to you." Kurashiki Reina said with her canine teeth.

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