We, that is, you and me.

The author and the readers, after experiencing the testing of friends and foes, tempering their personalities, and communicating in simple and easy-to-understand terms, are finally about to enter... the auditorium of 'Vip'.

Congrats, congratulations.

Yes, to put it bluntly, you have to collect money.

Some people are going to say, damn Taro, why are you on the shelf? Will you get any subscriptions with your little popularity?

Me: I’m a hen

Person: Can you please not put it on the shelves?

Me: Do you support me?

I have only one purpose in writing books, not to realize my own life value, but to make money.

So for those guys who want to watch it for free, Ah Shi can only say one thing, Guo~

In fact, this book has almost 18 words, and there are definitely a lot of free chapters among the books on the shelves at the same time.

This is to clarify, it is not because of my conscience, but because I thought that the number of words on the shelves must meet 18.

Well, I still suffered the loss of not reading the announcement of the signing group.

Since this chapter is called a reflection on the launch, I’ll just talk about some of it.

Not long ago, I met a writer buddy, a newbie, very talented. I describe him as the kind of person who is fed by God to his mouth.

My friend and I originally thought it was a great god from somewhere who changed his account and came down to see the scenery. After talking about it, we were sure that he was indeed a new person.

He survived the growing stage, got recommendations for testing the waters, and the popularity of the book skyrocketed.

The few old youdiao watching were filled with tears and envious.

I am one of them.

What's even more commendable is that Xinrenjun is also very good at coding. He can write more than 1 words in one day.

I asked him, aren't you tired?

He said it was quite fun and not tiring.

I said, awesome.

Later I told Ah Mi about it.

Ah Mi is a friend of mine, not a writer, but he often listens to me talk about things between writers.

She said that it is indeed remarkable that you can achieve this result as a rookie, but you can also do [-] words a day as a rookie, right?Damn, have you forgotten?

I said, I really forgot.

[-] is my fourth year of writing books.

The time when I typed the first byte of my first book was still in the summer of [-].

Nearly four years, neither long nor short.

More than 800 million words, no more, no less.

I still remember that summer more than three years ago was very boring. When people are bored, they will do more boring things.

This is how I am.

So I watched a lot of horror movies, domestic horror movies.

Let me explain to children who don’t like watching horror movies. The characteristic of our domestic horror movies is that the essence is all in the promotional videos.

If you watch the entire movie like me, you can only come to one conclusion.

I said, it sucks, I can do it too.

Ah Mi said, "Come on then."

I said, wait for Shiji.

Then the time came.

At night after watching the horror movie, I lay in bed and tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Instead of being scared, how could I be scared by a mere horror movie, let alone one made in China.

I just couldn't sleep, so I took out my mobile phone and started reading online novels, but before I was halfway through reading, I was charged.

Looking at the bank account, everything is clear and everything is poor.

Me: I have 10 yuan to read a book.

Ah Mi was still awake, so she transferred ten yuan and asked: "You have read so many books, can you write them?"

I am silent.

And I couldn’t sleep because of the darkness—not because I was scared.

Then I got up and typed on a 3000 yuan laptop. From 22:[-] to [-]:[-], I typed a total of [-] words.

I said to Ah Mi: I think it will work.

She said: I think you can do it.

I can do it this time, so I got on.

Thank you for the book that made it into V, thank you for the domestic horror film, and thank you for Ah Mi.

Sometimes a person will appear in your ordinary life, adding a little color to your life and making a little waves. For me, that person is Ammi.

Originally I just wanted to earn some money for reading books, but Ah Mi asked me to write more.

After writing about autumn and winter, we welcome next year's spring, and then summer comes again.

People always say that after eighteen, the most unforgettable year should be 24, because it is six years away from eighteen and six years away from thirty.

When spring turned to summer in 24, I was already over [-], but far from [-]. It still became the most special year for me.

At that time, I had to write projects of more than [-] words every day. Every morning I would lie on the balcony and count the stars while telling Ah Mi that I worked hard.

Ah Mi said that she also worked very hard.

That year, I just entered the industry, and she was working hard to improve her professional skills, take exams, and practice language in order to find a good job. Both of us worked hard.

When the white color of Oriental Fish Belly rose slowly, the two said good morning and night to each other, and then went to sleep.

The result is good.

I won the prize.

Not a big, small prize.

But who am I? Since I was a child, apart from my third-grade essay "Qianjiang Tide", which was read aloud by the teacher as a model essay to the whole class, where have I ever won any writing awards?

And Ah Mi found her favorite company in Shanghai.

I am proud of Ami, and Ami is proud of me.

Ah Mi said, keep up the good work, we will keep up the good work.

I said, good.

Ah Mi said that the summer of [-] was very special.

I said, yes.

Ah Mi said that unless she gave birth to a baby in the summer, the summer of [-] would be the most special.

I said yes.

Ah Mi said, that's right, you don't have children.

I said, shaking with anger, when will we boys stand up?

In the next two years, I went through a lot of things, and I wrote things that were liked and criticized by others.

I hardly interact with people online, I rarely reply to the comment section, and I have no readership.

The reason is unknown, for fear of being scolded.

When I get scolded, I definitely want to scold him back, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable.

But it’s even more sad if you can’t scold me even after you scold me.

So, let’s just stop doing that kind of thing.

Ah Mi comforted me and said, don’t think of others as too perfect, and don’t try to make yourself too perfect.It is impossible for everyone to like people.

She also said, for example, for a beautiful girl like her, wouldn’t the shit she poops stink?

Justified and convincing.

Last year, 22 years ago, I coded fewer words than ever before.

As usual, I sent Ah Mi the code word report at the end of each year, and it was only over 100 million.

Ah Mi asked, are you tired of it?

I said, a little tired.

It took a while for Ah Mi to reply to me again, Ah Shi, how much longer do you think you can write?

I don’t know how much longer I can write.

Some people think that writing a book is like playing a game. The more you write, the higher your level will be, and you will become more and more powerful.

But actually no, this kind of output stuff is a process of accumulation, but accumulation is very painful.

I often tell people that if you ask a friend who has been reading online articles for more than three years to write it for you, no matter how good it is or not, it will definitely not be a problem to at least write an opening chapter of [-] words.But if you ask him to write a second book, it will be difficult to write it.

The further back you go, the older you get, and the harder it is to write if you can't keep up with trendy things.

This is impossible.

Just like when I was fifteen or sixty-seven, those who shouted were the best Two-dimensional to protect us.

And now I would tell you to be careful with Two-dimensional.

People always change.

(However, I never thought that children today would laugh at me while I was still watching anime. Fortunately, I am quick to wit, and I am good at tempting people. I said that cartoons are also divided into children’s animations and adult animations. The Paw Paw Rescue Team you are watching is a children’s animation. , Brother, this is an adult animation - Do you want to know about the Saint Girl Trilogy?)

I said, I don't know, but I want to try again.

Yesterday I told Ah Mi the news that it was going to be put on the shelves.

Ah Mi said, it’s almost May.

I said yes.

Ah Mi said again, do you still remember May of [-]?

I said, remember.

Ah Mi said that it seemed like a long time, but if you think about it carefully, it was only three years ago.Ah died, just three years ago.

I said yes.

Then today, I saw the stars at three o'clock in the morning and the white fish belly in the east.



Okay, I made the above up.Damn, I'm not very old, I turn eighteen every year.

Let’s talk about something serious next.

First of all, I would like to thank my editor, Xiaolu, also known as Brother Lu.

Sometimes I wonder, why can't my editor be a charming big sister, and then ask me all day long, "Brother the author, why don't you update more today?" '

Then I wondered whether Brother Lu would also wonder why his writer couldn't be a cute little sister named Aluo, who would then say "Brother editor, I'm so tired of updating today" all day long.

I had mixed feelings and hesitations, and finally came to the conclusion that a woman would only affect my coding speed.

Brother Lu is my first editor and the one I have worked with for the longest time.

I was lucky that he was the first editor I met.

I will always remember that when my first book was on the shelves, my grades were poor, but Brother Lu came and asked me: Do you want to improve your grades?

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