"worn out--"

Airiri Sawamura muttered as if complaining.

At this time, her voice was no longer delicate, nor did it have that clipped sound, but had a rather mature charm.

She stretched.

Just as she expected, the button that bound her breasts bounced towards the private room door with a bang.

The breasts were about to come out as if they had escaped from a cage. In addition, the purple lace underwear could be clearly seen.

Sawamura Airiri sighed, picked up the button, and muttered to herself: "Really, when did you become so fat? You could still wear this type of clothes ten years ago... You need to mend the buttons as soon as possible, Sakura may have to wear them tomorrow."

"However," she stroked her cheek and smiled infatuatedly: "I'm pretty good at it. I will still be regarded as a JK when I put on my school uniform. It seems that I have taken good care of myself over the years~~~"

She stood up and took out a brand new costume from her backpack.

Then she gradually took off her pleated skirt and sailor uniform, revealing a snow-white, mature and sweet body.

At the same time, she also took off the blonde wig on her head.

Waterfall-like dark purple hair poured down, either fluffy or clinging to her body.

This is the second reason why she can't go to school.

Because there is no girl named Sawamura Airiri in Shiroqiu High School.

She's not some Sawamura Airiri either.

But Miyajima Sakura's mother, Miyajima Tsubaki.

She sighed as she changed her clothes.

The method of lurking into the school is indeed unreliable.

Fortunately, this time it was not without gain.

Obtained the contact information of the boy named "Kobayashi Murayasu".Moreover, he is also a member of the Kendo Club, which is a perfect identity.

Miyajima Tsubaki recalled the scene when the boy stood up for him.

Although a little childish, it is indeed filled with the youthful spirit of his age.

Alas, it would be better if Sakura had a boyfriend like this good boy.

It's a pity that we still don't know what kind of monster it is.

Miyajima Tsubaki glanced at her phone.

Inside was a text message sent by the boy.

Chun chuckled lightly and did not reply.

Don't communicate too frequently with teenagers, thereby exposing your identity.

Miyajima Tsubaki took her time, she was not in a hurry.



Ps, 3 updates today

130. I told you not to reply to my message! (monthly ticket adds 15 extra

Tsubaki Miyajima has only one daughter, Sakura.

Sakura has been learning kendo from his grandfather since he was a child.

Self-disciplined and hard-working.

In addition to her character of taking everything seriously, it also makes her particularly naive.

"Innocence" is not entirely a good thing.

On the one hand, innocence is innocence, and innocence is a rare good quality.

On the other hand, innocence also makes Sakura ignorant of worldly affairs and does not understand many things in the world.

For example, feelings.

Especially "love".

In fact, as far as Tsubaki Miyajima knew, Sakura's only friend since childhood was Ayaka Kobayashi.

So let alone lovers, there is not even a boy who can get close to her.

So this time when he heard that Sakura was going out on a date with a boy, Miyajima Tsubaki was shocked.

Of course, she is still much calmer than Grandpa Miyajima.

At that time, she was willing to believe in her daughter's vision, thinking that her daughter, who always abided by the rules, would at least not let unruly boys get close to her.

But that evening, the small "Okamoto" package found on her daughter completely destroyed Miyajima Tsubaki's trust.

Maybe Sakura is more bold than she thought?

She gradually came up with this question, but quickly dismissed it.

She has seen her daughter since she was a child, and she can still clearly understand what kind of character he is.

Even if it changes, it must be a recent and sudden change.

In other words, "someone" influenced Sakura's thoughts and behavior, making her do the thing of carrying a gun with her.

And this person is most likely the boy who dated Sakura.

That day, Chun's heart kept beating on the left side of her chest.

Even though she knew that her daughter's last line of defense had not been breached, she was still worried.

Just because it was not breached today does not mean that it cannot be breached tomorrow. There will also be the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow——

Chun doesn't necessarily want her daughter to keep her virginity, but she is very scared. What if this girl who can change her daughter's personality drastically... what if she is a bad person?

And the person who could make Sakura change like this wouldn't look like a good person at all! !

How to do how to do?

Tsubaki felt that she should go talk to Sakura, but in the end she held back.

She was also a mother for the first time, and she didn't know how to express it. Moreover, children at this age are the most sensitive and rebellious. Although Yingying has always been a good child, she was still afraid of touching Ying's rebellious mentality by accident.

After all, she had no idea how much Sakura had changed.

Go discuss it with dad?

Chun shook her head again. Her father was her biological father and Sakura's biological grandfather. He had rich life experience, but he doted on Sakura too much.

If he knew about this kind of thing, he would have to kill that boy.

Although the hope is slim, there is still a slight possibility that the boy is from a good family... It cannot be like this.

Chun numbly packed her daughter's clothes, her movements gentle but her heart was numb.

Sakura's only daughter is Ayaka, and she tells Ayaka almost everything.

Tsubaki also knows this, but if you ask Ayakashi, the sisters will inevitably cover for each other.

Ayaka is a sensible child, but after all she is only a high school student with little social experience and is easily blinded by others.

And if you ask her, it's easy for them to talk to each other about everything.

Miyajima Tsubaki decided to start elsewhere.

Then, she saw her daughter's changed school uniform, and a plan was immediately hatched.

She reluctantly put on her school uniform and put on a wig.

After her daughter left the house, Chun also headed towards Shiroqiu High School.

I will protect my daughter! !

At the beginning of the plan, she changed her name to "Ariri Sawamura" and infiltrated her daughter's school as JK.

Then she would inquire about information from various sources. If Sakura was really in love with someone, there would still be some flaws, and she could peel off the cocoon and proceed step by step.

However, this plan failed when we arrived at the "Shigen Tea House" station.

On the subway, Chun felt uncomfortable.

Her plump figure has passed the age of wearing school uniforms.

Clothes, clothes have to stretch... If clothes stretch in the subway, then life will end again, right?

Fortunately, she had expected this to happen when she went out and brought a spare supply of well-fitting clothes with her.

So, she quickly got out of the car.

The place to get off is "Shigenchaya Station".


Lin Cun'an went to school.

Lin Cun'an is out of school.

The fiery red sunset shines into the classroom through the window.

The students in the class have almost left.

But Lin Cun'an still sat in his seat, tapping his fingers on the table with a little irritability.

The phone is on the table.

Nanao Akane just sent a message "Then I'm going home o(〃'▽'〃)o".

He had lunch with Nanao Akane. At that time, Nanao Akane asked "Do you want to go home together today?" After getting the answer of "no", the girl glared at him unhappily, but she didn't angry.

She seemed to know that she should give the boy his own space, and she didn't ask for anything too much.

However, what Nanao Akane expected was different. Hayashi Muran did not go to the Kendo club today.

"I played it wrong." Lin Cun'an said calmly.


Anshi Zhengzhi was surprised: "So you are listening!"

Seeing his Aibo wandering around the world, he thought nothing would happen if he made a slight mistake.

"I made five mistakes." Lin Cun'an glanced at him: "Are you really practicing your guitar?"

"Yes, I have."

Faced with the doubts of his best friend, Anshi Masashi became anxious: "I can only rely on guitar to enhance my charm now, how can I relax!?"

"You can also go to the Shibuya underground passage to drink green juice every weekend." Hayashimura An said.

Anshi Zhengzhi:?

Lin Cun'an did not discuss this topic again, but continued to look at his phone: "You can play it again."

"Wow, you're really killing me!"

An Shi Zhengzhi quickly rushed to Lin Cun'an: "I'm so exhausted, let's take a rest for a while -"

Then he wanted to look at Lin Cun'an's mobile phone secretly: "What's wrong? Are you arguing with your girlfriend? Which one?"

When asked which one, Anshi Zhengzhi felt a little sad.Some people have a girlfriend, and some people have a girlfriend somewhere.


"what are you doing then?"

"wait for news."

"He said it wasn't a quarrel."


Lin Cun'an looked at the phone, which was motionless at all, and continued to tap the table rhythmically with his fingers.

Da da da, da da da.

The image of a "girl" full of contradictions but also exuding incomparable charm appeared in his mind.

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