"Sometimes, don't jump to conclusions easily. Since this guy is hiding behind the window and eavesdropping, even if he is a waiter, he must have ulterior motives!"

Chu Liuxiang looked like he would rather kill someone than let go.

Or maybe he wanted to find out who was the murderer of his confidante.

So as long as there is a little clue, we will not let it go.

"Stop pretending, I've seen all the waiters in this inn. When did you come? Don't tell me you just came here at noon today."

Chen Changsheng said expressionlessly.

The man was slightly startled.

"I used to help in the kitchen, so it's normal that I wasn't seen."

"Are you still pretending to be stupid? Your hands are clearly those of a martial artist. Which shop waiter would have calluses on his palms? I'm afraid you are still a master of palm skills."

Soon after that, the man saw that he could no longer pretend, so he dodged directly, and then struck Chen Changsheng with a palm.

But Chen Changsheng had already noticed something was wrong with the other party, and he was always vigilant.

How could such a sneak attack possibly cause harm to him?

Just for a moment.

Chen Changsheng then caught him with his backhand.

The separated tendons and bones made the man unable to move.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

They were almost deceived by this man, but they didn't expect that it was Chen Changsheng who revealed the secret.

"Say! Who are you!"

Chu Liuxiang gritted her teeth...

"Haha, I really didn't expect that the famous Xiao Li Feidao and Chu Liuxiang would actually listen to these words said by a brat? Yes, I am not the waiter in this inn, but so what?"

"Anyway, your loved ones are already dead. If you want to find the murderer, then make the whole world a bloody mess! Otherwise, your sweethearts will die in vain!"

The man gave a ferocious smile.

When Chu Liuxiang heard this, her eyes became even sharper.

Just when he was about to continue questioning, he found that the man's expression suddenly changed, and then a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"This guy took poison and committed suicide!"

"Is there any help?"


Shangguan Haitang stepped forward to check it out and shook his head regretfully.

"What this person took in 5.7 was extremely poisonous, and there is no way he can recover."

"Damn it, the clue we finally got is dead again! Who is going to do this to us!"

Chu Liuxiang cursed.

At this moment, Li Xunhuan seemed to realize that Lin Shiyin's death was probably inseparable from Li Hongxiu's death.

"Now you understand, someone is really setting the blame on us!"

Chapter 459: I really didn’t expect Brother Shangguan to know about July 7th?And you know it so well?

Just when Chu Liuxiang and Li Xunhuan were feeling annoyed.

Chen Changsheng said calmly.

"Maybe the thread wasn't completely broken."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused curiosity.

They all turned to look at Chen Changsheng.

"Why did Brother Chen say this? Do you have other discoveries?"

I saw Chen Changsheng standing up slowly, then holding a small bag in his hand.

"This thing is on this person. I wonder if you can see anything special about it?"

Everyone passed by and looked carefully.

Li Xunhuan didn't seem to care too much about this.

"This is just a small bag with relatively exquisite workmanship, with a number 15 embroidered on it, but what does this mean?"

"Does it mean that this guy 21 is ranked 15th in his family? Or maybe there is something 15th in his name?"

But after seeing this small bag, Chu Liuxiang's expression changed slightly.

"Brother Chen, do you mean..."

"It's not impossible. Of course, this is just my guess, because I don't know if they still exist."

Chen Changsheng said expressionlessly.

When everyone heard that the two men were playing riddles, everyone had puzzled looks on their faces.

"What on earth are you muttering about?"

"Do you still want to guess riddles with us at this difficult time?"

"If you know anything, just tell me quickly, okay? Everyone is looking for the same group of people now."

Everyone was a little anxious.

Li Xunhuan really wanted to know what the two were discussing. After all, this matter was related to the truth about the death of his confidante Lin Shiyin.

Although Lin Shiyin is now married a long time ago, she still has a place in Li Xunhuan's heart.

But he also knew that Lin Shiyin was married to someone else, so he kept this feeling silently in his heart and never bothered her.

But now that Lin Shiyin is dead, the situation is different.

Li Xunhuan must seek justice for him no matter what.

The murderer must be brought to justice.

Avenged this bloody revenge.

"This person is most likely the killer on July 7."

"June 7?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"What is July 7th? Is it his birthday? Or is it someone's mysterious code name?"

But I have never seen anyone in the world give such a nickname.

"July 7th is a killer organization, and this organization is extremely secretive."

Chu Liuxiang said meaningfully.

There was solemnity in his eyes.

To be honest, he didn't expect that he would be involved in July 7th.

"Yes, the organization July 7 has always existed in the world, and no one knows who this organization is working for."

"It is said that there is a group of extremely powerful killers in 0577 July 15, and anyone who pays them to kill will never be able to escape!"

Shangguan Haitang also said.

When Chu Liuxiang saw this, there was a look of surprise in her eyes.

"I really didn't expect that Brother Shangguan also knew about July 7th? And he knew it so well?"

Shangguan Haitang smiled softly when he heard this.

"Brother Chu Liuxiang, have you forgotten that Hulong Villa is really famous in the world for its intelligence system?"

"Although I am no longer from Hulong Villa now, I still know a lot about the information I collected back then."

Chapter 460 I have never heard of this force in the world.

When Li Xunhuan heard this, he felt as if he had found hope, and he couldn't wait to ask.

"Then have you found out where they are on July 7th? Who is in charge of them? Where do these guys live now?"

Shangguan Haitang had an embarrassed look in his eyes.

"Brother Li, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that the things done on July 7th are extremely secretive, and generally few people can find them."

"And it is said that July 7th is just a branch. The real name of the killer organization behind it is still unknown."

"What? After working for a long time, you only know that it is July 7th? But you don't know anything else?"

Li Xunhuan's eyes showed a bit of annoyance.

And these words seemed to make Guihai Yida and others feel a little unhappy.

"Shangguan Haitang is the best at gathering intelligence among the four of us. Basically nothing big or small in the world can escape his eyes. If he doesn't know something, very few people know about it."

"Just like you have never heard of July 7th before this, it's enough to see how cautious they are in doing things"!

When Li Xunhuan heard this, he stopped talking.

Obviously he knew that he had made a mistake before, but he couldn't bow his head and apologize because of his face.

When Chen Changsheng saw this, he took the initiative to calm down.

"Actually, July 7th is the branch of a killer organization. They act secretly and have many masters. But as far as I know, the real organization behind them is actually called Qinglong Society."

"Blue Dragon Club?"

"I have never heard of this force in the world."

Everyone's eyes flashed with curiosity.

There was even some difference in Chu Liuxiang's eyes.

He has been traveling around the world for so many years and has only heard of July 7th.

But even he didn't know who was behind everything on July 7th.

Unexpectedly, Chen Changsheng and Shangguan Haitang could not only know the origin of July 7th, but also know the name of the organization behind July 15th.

It is enough to show that these young people have extraordinary strength.

At least their eyes and ears are very smart, and they have their own ways of understanding many things in the world.

To put it bluntly, Jianghu is not only about fighting and killing, but more importantly, it is about people and being well-informed.

Just for example.

Suppose an enemy comes to seek revenge.

But if the news can be known in advance, we can respond accordingly.

It can also avoid unnecessary losses.

That's the beauty of messaging.

If the opponent is extremely powerful.

Then there is absolutely time to escape.

It's not impossible to go back after the limelight has passed.

A real man can stretch and bend, and the iron-headed boy in the world who fights all the way to the end will naturally have terrible consequences.

Very few people get a good death.

Because it is easy to hide a sharp spear, but it is difficult to guard against a hidden arrow.

What's more, some people can't even dodge a bow with an open spear.

But this undoubtedly increased Chu Liuxiang's (the king's) confidence.

With the help of this group of people, maybe he can really find the murderer behind the scenes and avenge his confidante.

He also knew that Li Hongxiu's death was already doomed and there was no way to change it.

Even if all the enemies are killed, it is impossible to revive Li Hongxiu.

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