The world in the moon begins with becoming Morgan’s husband!Author: Zhenjun, who knows nothing


As a Master who traveled through time, Ian is not that familiar with Chaldea.

But it doesn't matter, he has a special ability that other masters don't have--that is, a simulator.

This allowed him to leave his own mark on history.

——Although it’s not normal.

[You became the husband of a demon concubine, but at the same time you cheated on the Holy Knight King disguised as a man. Britain was in trouble because of you. 】

[You took control of Tamamo Mae, and as a master, you allowed Minamoto Yorimitsu to witness what it means to physically subdue demons. The ghosts of the Heian era all avoided you. 】

[You left Medusa haunted, and the whole of Greece echoed that she would take off her blindfold the moment she reunited with you. 】

[You are Jeanne d'Arc's soul mate. Only you know how to make this usually very reserved saint achieve relief and relaxation in every sense. 】

Ian has to say that this understanding simulator is really suitable for him.

Solving all problems in his favorite way.

everything is fine.

Until one day, the moment they came to him as servants.

Only then did Ian realize that he had incurred a lot of romantic debts.

1. Travel through time and start the simulation! 【Ask for collection】

In the Chaldean corridor, a reasonably good-looking man was covering his forehead, thinking about something.

The man's name is Ian, and he is a time traveler.

To be honest, he didn't really want to travel through time.

After all, he was very satisfied with his life before time travel. He had everything he needed and basically lacked nothing.

But the dump truck that was supposed to come would still come, and the thunder that was supposed to strike would still fall, and unfortunately, Ian was hit by them all.

Before he died, he had just deleted the pornographic pictures on his phone, and lost consciousness as soon as his eyes darkened. When he woke up again, he came to Chaldea, and then inexplicably became the 49th Master Adapter.

The so-called inexplicable is what he learned after being told that he had become a Master Adapter.



Heroic Spirit——?

What are these things?

Ian has a feeling of "you have learned how much 1+1 equals, go and try to solve this high number".

What's even more terrible is that he found that the eyes of the people around him looked at him with an undisguised expectation - they all felt that they should know this.

But fortunately, even though he didn't understand any terms, among the 49 Masters, his ability seemed to be above average, and he was assigned to Group A.

Faintly, you can even hear adjectives such as "uncarved jade".

This should be considered a compliment, right?

Ian was thinking this and accidentally bumped into a girl.

It was a girl with short pink hair and a pair of glasses. She was also wearing Chaldea's uniform white overalls and a signature red tie.

What is slightly different is her black dress.

A pair of white thighs emerged from it, which made her look more energetic.

"Sorry for my question."

Ian apologized subconsciously, and then took a few steps back, keeping a distance from the girl in front of him.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have been so reckless."

"Hey, wait, looking at you like this, could it be that-"

Before the girl finished speaking, she glanced at the aisle, and something seemed to flash past.

Then she raised her hand and said casually to Ian:

"Ah, I have something else to do, let's talk about it later——!"

An encounter passed by so lightly, like dust blown by the breeze slowly falling back to where it should be.

Ian lowered his head and looked at his hand, which still had some residual warmth from the girl.

He did touch a place he shouldn't have touched just now. According to his daily life experience, he would probably be tortured for a long time, and he might even be called a "pervert".

But the girl didn't seem to care that much.

Or in Chaldea, everyone is busy, right?

Speaking of which, the feeling was really wonderful - this was the first time he had encountered something so soft.

If there was another chance in the future, Ian felt that he might not miss enjoying this kind of touch more.

He was the only one left in the corridor.

Ian decided to go back to the room to rest for a while. After all, he couldn't do anything well in a state of confusion.

However, the moment he touched the door of the room,

A strange tingling sensation came from the door handle, making his whole body tingle, as if he had been electrocuted.

This pain seemed to remind him that once he stepped through this door, something unexpected would happen.

But I have traveled through time, can anything more unexpected happen than this?

Is this all just an illusion caused by static electricity?

Ian thought so, and finally pushed open the door that was trying to warn him.

The moment the door opened, a white light engulfed Ian, followed by a cold voice in his ears.

[Simulation state is cooling down—cooling is complete. 】

[Environmental component confirmation - Confirmation completed. 】

[This simulation is a formal historical simulation, please be careful. 】

A series of words made Ian realize that all this was not his imagination.

But what is really happening.

It seemed that the warning from the doorknob was not false - there was indeed a completely unexpected road behind the door, a road that he had not expected at all.

[It is confirmed that the user is simulating for the first time and is selecting talents. 】

[Corresponding talents have been generated based on the user's characteristics for use in this simulation. 】

[Energy: Your energy is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Even after high-intensity exercise, you can still ensure your body's mobility; if you want, you can go without eating or drinking for several days without feeling sluggish. 】

[The battle continues: In order to fulfill the promise with others, before arriving at the destination, even if you are seriously injured, you can stand up again; ]

[Affinity: What you say is more likely to be accepted by others; although it may not be completely correct, it may even be full of your personal desires. 】

Three very detailed characteristics were placed in front of Ian,

He began to realize what this simulation meant - carrying these extracted talents to different historical nodes.

This is much easier to understand than those magicians and heroic spirits just now.

The cold voice continued to ring in Ian's ears, as if it was just a ruthless machine.

[The simulation officially begins. 】

[You who traveled to Chaldea traveled through time again. 】

[This time, the place of travel is Britain. 】

[You appear in a family where your parents died young, and through your unremitting efforts, you became a reserve knight. 】

[Your efforts were noticed by your captain, and you were soon promoted to an official knight, becoming one of the many knights responsible for ensuring the safety of Princess Morgan. 】

[Privately, you like this powerful yet ruthless princess very much, and vow to fight for her. However, she seems unwilling to accept all this, and treats you with a cold eye, while keeping a considerable distance from you. . 】

[This makes you very uncomfortable, but out of love for her, you are still guarding her silently, but evil thoughts are gradually growing in this guarding, until they become the spark of desire. 】

[Soon, the whole kingdom entered the celebration moment. Everyone, including Morgan, was drunk, but you, who had your own thoughts, stayed awake. 】

[In this dark moment, as if you had received an apocalypse, you came to the door of Morgan's dormitory and found that the door was open, as if to welcome someone. 】

[At this moment, your destiny has reached a turning point. 】

2. My Lady, I can’t watch you feel sad.

[The princess's dormitory is wide open, and you can even peek into a corner of it from the outside. The smell of fine wine echoes in the room. 】

[With the birth of evil thoughts, you couldn't control your body, so you walked into Princess Morgan's bedroom. 】

[You see her flushed face lying drunkenly on the gold quilt sewn with aristocratic patterns, her pale pink lips still stained with some residual drops of wine. 】

[You are shocked because you have never seen Morgan like this before. In your memory, she has always been difficult to get along with. 】

[You reached out your hand and made a decision that changed your life. 】

Although the things that echoed in Ian's mind were just words.

But he could feel himself constantly receiving the memories brought about by these actions.

The luxurious wool carpet in the princess’s bedroom;

The smell of fine wine fills the air;

And the image of Morgan lying on the bed, panting for alcohol, with her breasts swaying, deeply attracted Ian's eyes.

And his hand did reach towards Morgan.

There is no greater creation than this.

Ian tried all the words in his mind to describe this softness, but he could not accurately describe the lingering feel.

If the girl I met in Chaldea is used as the baseline of sixty points;

Then the Morgan in front of him was [-]%. Ian didn't believe that any hand in the world could move away from this.

This simulator really knows itself.

After sighing like this, Ian continued his simulation.

[You touched Morgan's chest and lingered on it, even when Morgan was drunk on wine.I also feel your movements. 】

[Morgan woke up, but she didn’t ask you to remove your hands from her breasts immediately. Instead, she asked you an incredible question. 】


Along with the simulation came Morgan's voice.

When she woke up, she was looking at Ian dressed as a knight in front of her with her eyes as blue as the deep sea.

Just like what the simulation said, Morgan at this moment didn't care why Ian was here, and he didn't intend to question why he dared to do such a thing.

More than anything else, she seemed to be more eager to know the answer to that question.


Although it was an overstep, Ian still reported his thoughts very honestly.

"My Lady, my answer to your question is that I feel very comfortable."

"It's hard to find a gentle place like yours in all of Britain."

The simulation continues.

[Talent affinity is activated. 】

[Morgan firmly believes in your words, but she has fallen into deeper sadness. She seems to dislike the name Wenwen Township very much. 】

[Morgan pushed your hand away, hugged his legs, and curled up on the bed without saying a word. 】

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