If it weren't for the other guards who appeared from time to time, he would have definitely drawn his sword towards Artolis by now.

[You think seriously about what you should do. 】

[You got your answer quickly. 】

[If you can't do it here, then do it somewhere else. 】

[You suggest to Artolis that you want to help her enter the city. 】

[The other party was surprised, but still very moved to accept your help. 】

[In this way, you took the wooden cart filled with apples from Artolis's hand, and you walked towards the royal capital. 】

[In the eyes of the guards, you have gained a good reputation for being helpful. 】

[But only you know that these apples will sleep underground together with Artolis. 】

"you are a good person."

Artolis clasped his hands and said to Ian beside him.

"By the way, can you tell me your name? I want to know what a name would be for someone like you."



"Ian." Artolis nodded thoughtfully, "Looking at them, you are a knight, right?"


"Then if that's the case——!" Artolis's voice was a little louder.


Artolis touched his belly sheepishly.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten anything this morning."

"Then let me treat you to dinner."

"Eh?" Artolis blinked his green eyes as deep as the sea of ​​trees, "Is this okay?"


Ian nodded and said with a smile.

"After all, there won't be such an opportunity again."

25. Eating may not be all due to hunger

[You brought Artolis to the tavern. 】

[He asked a question cautiously. 】

【"How much can I eat?"】

[This is the first time you have heard such a question, but out of politeness, you answered that you can eat as much as you want. 】

[So, you saw Artolis sweeping away everything that was served with extremely fastidious techniques. 】

[That is a miracle comparable to magic. 】

"Can I have another plate?"

Artolis asked with a serious look on his face while holding an empty plate.

"Yes, yes."

As he said this, Ian glanced at the mountain of plates piled on the table next to him.

"But, can you really still eat it?"

"This set... should be fine!"

"But that's what you said when you had your last plate."

"Eh, is it?"

Artolis suddenly turned into beady eyes and looked quite embarrassed.

"Forget it." Ian took Artolis' empty plate and put it aside.

"As a human being, you can't keep your word and eat whatever you say you want."

Artolis's eyes shone with gratitude.

"Thank you so much!"

"After I finish processing the apples, I will definitely pay back all the gold coins I spent!"

"It's not necessary."

"No! This is necessary." Artolis shook his head, "As you just said, you can't keep your word!"

[You are touched by Artolis' determination. 】

[But this does not seem to reduce her appetite. 】

[It’s hard to imagine how such a petite body can eat so much. 】

[You even doubt whether Artolis's weight can match the food he eats. 】

[Doubt is doubtful, you have not forgotten your intention to kill Artolis. 】

[You will not allow anyone to destroy the beautiful status quo that belongs to Morgan. 】

[It’s just that before that, you feel you need to ask more clearly. 】



Hearing Ian call his name, Artolis stopped in a very educated manner even though he couldn't put down the food in front of him.

"Excuse me, what is it? Mr. Ian."

Well, even the title has been replaced with honorifics.

Ian quite appreciates this.

"Where are you from?" he asked,

"A small village," Artolis replied quickly, "some distance from here."

"That's it." Ian nodded, "No wonder I think you are a little strange."

[You and Artolis started chatting. 】

[As a favor, he answered every question of yours very seriously. 】

[You learned about his family background and knew that he was not the only son in the family. Above him, there was a young man named Kai. 】

[In addition, you also learned that he made a promise to return within three days. 】

[You realize that his situation is completely different from those of the knights, and you cannot kill him now. 】

[After all, if Artolis fails to go back as agreed, the situation will be more complicated. 】

[You start to think about a more appropriate method. 】

"That, Mr. Ian."

Artolis's throat moved slightly.

"Can I continue to enjoy these things?"

"Oh..." Ian nodded when he came back to his senses, "Of course it's no problem."

With Ian's permission, Artolis once again feasted in style.

This made Ian couldn't help but ask: "Artolis, I always feel that you are very hungry."

"Not exactly hunger."

"It's necessary to store more in the body." Artolis emptied the plate.

"The output of the land is getting less and less. If we are not always prepared like this, when the enemy comes one day, we may not have the strength to take up arms to resist."

This answer surprised Ian a little.

He didn't expect that Artolis, who looked so young, would actually think about such a question.

"According to what you say, do you want to become a knight?"

"Not necessarily a knight." Artolis responded to Ian in front of him, "But at least I hope to be able to do what I can for Britain like you, Mr. Ian."


Ian felt something touched his heart.

He smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and touched Artolis' head.

As expected, his golden hair was smoother than expected, like a fine woolen rug.

The only flaw may be that stupid hair that can't be pressed no matter how hard it is pressed, right?

"Then eat your fill."

"Over there, give me a few more plates."

[Finally, Artolis didn’t stop until there was another hill stacked with plates on the table. 】

[Looking at him who is so satisfied, you don’t know if you are doing the right thing. 】

[But you can at least confirm one thing. 】

[That means Artolis trusts you very much now. 】

[You realize this might help kill him. 】

[You threw down two heavy bags of gold coins and left the tavern with him. 】

[You bought all his apples and arranged for him the best hotel in the capital. 】

[Of course, you don’t have good intentions. 】

[You asked the innkeeper to keep an eye on Artolis at all times and report to you as soon as possible if there is any trouble. 】

[Although you vaguely feel that this may not be of any use. 】

"Mr. Ian."

Artolis's voice came.

Ian looked back.

I saw Artolis tidying up his clothes and washing away the dust he had incurred while on the road with clean water.

That delicate face made it hard for Ian to think that he was a boy.

That ridiculous illusion bloomed before my eyes again.

But now that I have personally verified it, even if I still don’t believe it, I can only admit this fact.

"Artolis, what's wrong?"

"I want to express my gratitude to you." Artolis bowed deeply towards Ian.

"Thank you for your generosity. I am grateful beyond words."

"Artolis, you are too polite." Ian disguised himself with a smile.

"Since you need to sell the apple and I need the apple, we're just skipping some of the process."

"From this perspective, I should be grateful to you."

“But the blessings of food and shelter are still given by you.”

Artolis's hands were clasped together in front of him.

He is petite and looks a bit girly at the moment.

"if possible--"

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