"I'll let you go today."

"Get up quickly, I want to take you to see something."

[Although you think Morgan is a bit mysterious, you still do as she says. 】

[You put on your casual clothes and wait for her naked body to change into the Yonghua robe in front of the mirror. 】

[She spun around in front of the mirror and asked if you look good. 】

[After getting your positive opinion, she was satisfied and ended it all. 】

[She took your hand and left the room where you sang every night. 】

[The happy look of you holding hands became an eye-catching scene in the entire royal court. 】

Ian didn't care if the looks were good or bad.

After all, even without these eyes, he knew that he would stand firmly by Morgan's side.

"My Lady, where are we going?"

Morgan did not answer this question directly, but asked other questions.

"Ian, before you went to bed last night, you told me that your father was completely defeated, right?"


Ian pays great attention to his tone.

He understood that Morgan really wanted to get this throne - so King Uther's abdication was what must happen before that.

But along with the abdication came the death of King Uther.

Whether Morgan has sadder thoughts about this, he cannot confirm.

One taste of the misery of crying in the lake is enough.

He didn't want to see it a second time.

[The situation is not as complicated as you think. 】

[Morgan is much more decisive than you think. 】

[After confirming the news, her expression seemed a little relaxed. 】

This is not something difficult to understand.

She is bent on seizing the throne, but she may not have much respect for King Uther in her heart.

not to mention--

Is this the king who drove her back to Camelot?

"Ian, then this means that we may gradually accept the defeated soldiers who come back from the front line, right?"


Ian looked around cautiously, then lowered his voice and replied.

"My Lady, I have killed a lot of people on the way."

"I know."

Morgan tightened Ian's hand, his expression still stern, as if the knight beside her was telling her just how beautiful the morning sun was.

"Your sword smells of blood."

"But Ian, you don't have to do anything like this again."

"I'll let magic correct their perceptions."

"Yes, I understand, my lady."

Ian knows one thing very clearly.

His destiny has been inextricably combined with Morgan's, like the intertwined bodies in the middle of the night.

This is an unalterable fact.

[Morgan did not stop after explaining all this. 】

[She holds your hand and walks towards the depths of the royal court. 】

[There are fewer and fewer people you can see, and the surrounding environment is getting cleaner and cleaner. 】

[The last time I felt like this was when I was doing blasphemous things on the throne with Morgan. 】

[You realize that the place you are going to next may have the same level of significance as the throne. 】


Morgan, who was walking in front, stopped temporarily.

She stretched out her hand and slightly changed the angle of a book on the bookshelf nearby.

The bookshelf immediately moved to both sides, and a dark passage illuminated by candlelight appeared in front of the two of them.

Morgan tightened his hold on Ian's hand and walked inside.

At the end of the secret passage, there is a room filled with all kinds of strange objects.


Morgan looked at all this with a rare expression of intoxication.

"Do you remember when I asked you what name you would like for a child?"

"Of course I remember, Your Majesty the Queen." Ian smiled slightly, "You said you liked a child named Gawain, and this is my favorite name too."


Morgan took Ian's hand and pressed it on his abdomen.

"Then do you still remember how many times you have released your desires here?"

"There are too many to count, my Lady. Your body fascinates me so much that I can no longer remember these things clearly."

"It doesn't matter." Morgan smiled lightly, "Because you will come again."

"You always satisfy me with your performance in things that make me happy."


Morgan looked at Ian.

"You will be controlled by me forever."

"We will soon have a child named Gawain."

"He calls you father and he calls me mother."

"He will gain great power under my magic blessing, and under your guidance of swordsmanship, he will show his elegance as a knight."

"His sword will be wielded for us until there is a new king in Britain."

"Ian, although I have never loved you, I command you to accept this unconditionally."

After hearing these words, Ian kissed Morgan's hand gently.

"It's an honor, my lady."

53. Joy will not change due to any new life

[The knights who fled from the front line were defeated and arrived in Camelot one after another. 】

[Just like what Morgan said, under the influence of their magic, they recognized your identity without any doubt. 】

[Like the residents in the royal capital, they call you King Lot, but they seem to prefer to call you the Old Knights than this name. 】

[You pieced together an even more surprising truth from the stories of these losers. 】

[That is, after Vortigern defeated King Uther, he did not pursue the victory - this is also the fundamental reason why the knights were able to escape. 】

[He seems to be looking for something more important in Britain. 】

[You know that may be inextricably linked to the decline of the Age of Gods that he mentioned earlier. 】

[But more than this, what you care about now is the positive side of this news for you and Morgan. 】

[After all, it would not be a happy thing to start a war with Vortigern again in this state. 】

[Morgan’s views are not much different from yours. 】

[Time passes slowly as the two of you walk on thin ice with worries. 】

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Ian stood on the city wall, looking at the vast expanse of golden color in the distance that extended to the end of his sight.

“It’s autumn harvest time again.”


Morgan nodded, looked at Ian aside, and moved his lips slightly.

"Ian, am I still as attractive to you as before?"

"of course."

"Do you still love me now?"

"of course."

"Too bad I still don't love you."

"It doesn't matter, My Lady, love is never something that needs to be responded to."

"Then kiss me once, knight, I want to hear if your heart beats as you say."

"It must be so."

The knight kissed the princess on the city wall. Under their feet was the declining land of Britain.

None of them knew how long the lies they had concocted together would last.

But cherishing the beauty in front of you is a unanimous consensus.

[What Morgan said before continues to become reality. 】

[Your child Gawain was born in Camelot. 】

[As Morgan said, Gawain was born with her magic blessing. 】

[You can clearly feel that his talent and growth rate are different from ordinary people. 】

[And this otherworldly performance will be disguised by Morgan with additional magic. 】

[However, under the intentional control of you and Morgan, Gawain's birth did not become a major event that alarmed Camelot - after all, now is not the time for a big feast. 】

[But this does not mean that you have treated Gawain badly. 】

[You have provided him with the best environment for growth. 】

[Morgan taught him the etiquette and knowledge he should have as a royal, and you taught him the swordsmanship and courage he should have as a knight. 】

[There is a specially organized place in the royal court. 】

[You and little Gawain are doing daily exercises here. 】

"Gawain, why did you stop?"

Morgan asked as he looked at little Gawain sitting next to him.

"I don't want to practice anymore."

Little Gawain turned away, looking a little angry.

Morgan is still more interested in Gawain.

"What's the matter?"

"Gawain, tell me."

"If it was your father's mistake, I will definitely let him correct it."

"Father, he..." Little Gawain turned around, his little face turned red from suppressing it.

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