Realizing that Gawain had experienced yet another failed attempt to draw his sword, and felt ashamed of it, Ian reached out and patted his shoulder tenderly.

"it does not matter."

"Although you didn't succeed, it was still a good attempt."

"I'm proud of your efforts, Gawain."


Gawain was very grateful in his heart - although his father was usually extremely strict, at times like this, he also had the tenderness of a tough man.

However, this did not allow him to forget the doubts that had been brewing in his heart for a long time.

"Father, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, my child."

"that is--"

Gawain looked at the sword blade embedded in the rock in front of him.

"Didn't you say last time that Red Dragon would become the enemy of you and your mother in the future?"

"Then if that's the case, why do you and your mother still support this kind of thing?"

He is indeed the most outstanding eldest son among all his brothers and sisters.

Gawain noticed the inconsistency.

But Ian is not afraid of these questions - he has already thought about them all.

"Gawain, you are right."

"The red dragon may indeed become the enemy of your mother and I in the future, but before that, what we need to consider is the current safety of the entire Britain."

"Is your safety now?"

"Yes." Ian nodded, "Compared with all the difficulties that have not yet occurred in the future, the present is something that absolutely cannot be ignored."

"The White Dragon is still raging in Britain, and we need someone who can solve these problems."

[Your words seem to have had a big impact on Gawain. 】

【He fell into deep thought. 】

[You didn’t say much about it. 】

[Because you know Gawain will understand it all in his own way. 】

[And the purpose of your trip is not to teach him as a father. 】

Ian secretly observed the sword blade inserted into the rock.

He couldn't forget Morgan's sleeping face, which was relieved because no one could pull out the sword.

He didn't want to ruin her good mood, so he finally chose to come here alone.

Ian didn't believe that Artoris could pull out the sword, but he was also worried about the slim possibility.


She really pulled out the sword. What will be the outcome of her and Morgan's future?

Ian was completely unpredictable.

[What is supposed to come will always come. 】

[The figure of Artolis appears not far away. 】

[Different from the girlish appearance in front of you, she looks much more resolute at this moment. 】

[Although the delicate feeling has not faded, it is still enough to give people a heroic first impression. 】

[However, the moment she saw you, she still showed the unique youthful atmosphere of a girl. 】

[She smiles at you. 】

[And you responded with a hypocritical response. 】

[But what you don’t know is that this meeting will change the future for all of you. 】

[The painful and thorny fruit has now sprouted small sprouts. 】

Ian is here.

Artolis felt his heart pounding.

In fact, after saying those words yesterday, she couldn't feel at ease at all.

It's great that Ian can come and witness his attempt.

But what if he doesn't come?

If he didn't care about the invitation he extended to him, how could he accept this situation?

To be honest -

Artolis found that he had not thought about all this at all.

She just stumbled into action like a squirrel encountering an acorn or a deer finding buds.

Fortunately, the result was what we wanted.

Artolis felt like he had a little more strength all over his body.

Her eyes returned to the sword blade standing in the rock in front of her, and her eyes as green as the sea of ​​trees were filled with its figure.

Artolis actually has another name.

That's her real name -


That was the true name that the voice that trained me in my dreams had been calling for a long time.

She didn't quite understand why she needed to hide the name at first.

Until a few days ago, when Ector revealed the secret that he was not her biological father, but was entrusted to take care of her.

Artoris, or should he be called Artoria, realized that the fate he was carrying might not be as simple as he imagined.

So, she went to town and expressed her thoughts to Ian.

The girl walked towards the sword and discovered something that shocked her even more.

I saw that the sword blade was exactly the same as the one I saw in my dream, and even the pattern had not changed at all.

She knew the feel of holding it and what the part hidden in the stone looked like.

She felt the sword shouting her name in a silent cry, and even the ground beneath her feet danced with it.

Then there's the expectation on Nijian's body - that gaze is hotter than shouting.

The girl realized that this was the sword she must draw.

She calmed down and stretched out her hand towards the sword blade.

Just before touching the hilt of the sword.

The voice that had been admonishing him in his dreams all day long sounded again.


"Have you really made up your mind?"

"Once you pull it out of the rock, your life will take a different path."

“You have a lot to gain and a lot to lose.”

"What awaits you at the end of your life may be endless regrets, or countless curses."

"Even so, do you still want to pull it out?"

"If you had said these words earlier, I might have given up."

"But not anymore."

Many smiling faces she saw along the way flashed through the girl's mind.

"Everyone is smiling...that can't be wrong."


There was some wavering in the girl's firm eyes.

"If I can get anything, please let me keep my heartbeat for Mr. Ian."


The voice was panicked - this seemed to be something he had not expected.

But it was too late to stop this from happening.

Stone opens.

The sword appears.

The girl pulled out a sword that no one had ever pulled out before and pointed it at the sky above her head.

61. The Unacceptable King Selection Scam ([-] words chapter)



It was midday, and the British sun was shining over Camelot.

The porcelain white ground in the city was a little hot due to the light, but no one cared about this.


Everyone's eyes were focused on the young man in front of them.

At the soles of his feet was a broken rock, its broken lines silently swearing that it was once unbreakable.

In his hand he held a sword blade high.

The British sun fell on the sword, giving it an afterglow of glory.

Silence, then din.

"Did you see it? He pulled out that sword!"

"How is that possible?! He obviously doesn't look very strong! He doesn't look like someone who can pull it out, does he?"

"Something's wrong! There's something wrong! There's something inside!"

The crowd was full of people.

The people watching expressed their doubts in various ways.

But there are exceptions.

Take Gawain for example.

He stared and looked at the young man in front of him who had drawn the sword. The blue eyes inherited from Morgan were full of incredible emotions.

of course.

That so-called feeling is not the same suspicion as the people around you, but a sigh of fantasy turned into reality.

Gawain is the one who has tried the Sword of the King's Choice the most times.

He knew how difficult it was to pull out the blade—and now someone had done it.

This is real?

Or a dream?

Gawain covered his head, unable to distinguish the boundaries for a moment.

He had no choice but to vent his unreal feeling to Ian who was standing aside.

"Father, what should we do?"


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