
[When I saw King coming, I came down from the console and trotted towards King, Director of SHIELD. After all, every minute and every second is precious now. 】


Outside the light curtain, Iga Sakiyuki squirted out a mouthful of water without holding it back. At first, Iga Sageyuki saw his name appear on the light screen and never thought it could be him, but someone with the same name as himself. people.

After all, Iga Naiyuki felt that he was an ordinary student with better grades at most. How could he be recruited by SHIELD and still conduct such an important experiment?

In the end, I didn’t expect that it would really be me.


["What do we know now?"]

[King, the director of SHIELD, asked again, and Dr. Nariyuki Yuga also answered. 】

["The Cosmic Cube is in an abnormal state."]

["Is it a false alarm?"]

[SHIELD Director King asked. 】

["No, it won't, and it looks very bad now. The Cosmic Cube is not only actively activating, it is also reacting, as if it is responding to something."]

[Dr. Yuiga Nariyuki shook his head and said, he also hoped that this was just a false alarm, but unfortunately it was not. 】

["Have you tried cutting off the power to him?"]

["Tried it, but the Cosmic Cube is an energy source, so we tried to cut off the power, but it would supply itself and then restart again."]

[Dr. Nariyuki Yuiga said helplessly that they also wanted to cut off the power to try to quiet the Cosmic Cube. 】

[Question: As mentioned on the Internet, what should you do if Sadako crawls towards you? 】

[Answer: Pull out the plug and let Sadako get stuck in the TV. 】

[Of course, this is obviously not possible. 】

["If the energy is saturated..."]

["Isn't this exactly what we need, Doctor, to control the energy of the universe?"]

[Dr. Yuiga Nariyuki was interrupted by King, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., before he finished speaking. 】

[When SHIELD Director King said this, there was a trace of imperceptible memories and expectations in his eyes. This abnormality was obviously not noticed by the solitary Dr. Naiyuki in front of him. 】

"Does this king know something about the uses of the Cosmic Cube? Do you remember the poster of Captain Marvel?"

L said to Yagami Yue.

"Remember, in addition to Captain Marvel Saitama himself, the poster of Captain Marvel also has King and Nishikata. What do you mean..."

Although Yagami Yue did not say everything, the meaning was expressed. L nodded to Yagami Yue in affirmation.

Gordon on the side looked at Ya Shenyue and L with a blank expression, nodding at each other as if they were playing riddles.

Ya Shenyue and L looked at Gordon, and Ya Shenyue also opened his mouth to explain.

"The idea that L and I have is that Saitama's transformation into Captain Marvel Saitama may have been influenced by the Cosmic Cube."

"That's why King, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has thoughts about the Cosmic Cube, and shows such an unnoticeable expression."

Gordon also looked enlightened after listening to Ye Shenyue's explanation. He also understood after hearing Ye Shenyue's explanation.

[Otherwise, Dr. Naiyuki Iga would be surprised that his superior, the King, would still show such an expression. 】

["But we can't master him yet, and my calculations are far from complete."]

[Weiga Nariyuki said that he also wanted the energy of the Universe Rubik's Cube to be saturated as it is now instead of acting like our squad leader. 】

["It is still emitting interference waves, radiation, and low-intensity gamma rays. This is nothing serious."]

[Dr. Nariyuki Weiga said while operating the computer. King, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., looked at the device that controlled the Cosmic Cube. It was almost exactly the same as the model on the chest of Iron Man Zhuge Cong's Iron Man suit. 】

[King, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., turned his head and said this after hearing what Dr. Nariyuki said about gamma rays. 】

["This could be a big deal."]

[After all, SHIELD Director King knows someone who was affected by gamma rays and turned into a nearly invincible green guy. 】

[If it hadn't finally settled down, King, the director of SHIELD, would have had a headache. After all, Iron Man Zhuge Cong and War Machine Hikigaya Hachiman were both admitted to the hospital. 】


Hikigaya Hachiman looked at Zhuge Cong and said.

"Are you trying to say that my enemy, who has never been beaten by himself, asked you to come, and then we both lay in the hospital."

Although Hikigaya Hachiman didn't finish what he said, Zhuge Cong could guess what this guy wanted to say by looking at Hikigaya Hachiman's eyes.

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself."

Hikigaya Hachiman turned his face and said.

Zhuge Cong looked at Hikigaya Hachiman, what did he call his enemy? Zhuge Cong thought about the green giant who was all green, and suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the Skrulls.

Zhuge Cong didn't know if Hikigaya Hachiman would be replaced by a Skrull in the light curtain.

217: Shirou Emiya: The Cube is just a door, and the door can be opened on both sides.

After all, Zhuge Cong remembered that the war machine in the movie universe version was replaced by the Skrulls during the Civil War.

"What's your look?"

Hikigaya Hachiman looked at Zhuge Cong's eyes that were looking at him very strangely, and he felt a strange sense of malice.

"It's nothing."

Zhuge Cong kicked the idea of ​​war machine Hikigaya Hachiman being replaced by a Skrull out of his mind.

["Where is Agent Emiya Shirou?"]

[SHIELD Director King asked, as one of his right-hand men, Agent Emiya Shirou, may also need him now. 】

["Are you Agent Emiya Shirou? Just stay in your nest as usual."]

[After hearing the king's inquiry, Dr. Yuiga Nariyuki pointed his thumb to the back and upward and said. 】

[At this time, he has white hair and white eyebrows. The ends of the two white eyebrows are shaped like lightning bolts. The strong muscles can be seen from the intensity of daily exercise, and his skin color is relatively dark. 】

[A pair of sharp eyes can see thousands of miles away, and the lifted bangs make Shirou Emiya look particularly handsome. At this time, agent Shirou Emiya is leaning on the railing and staring down. 】

["Call Agent Hawkeye."]

[Dr. Nariyuki Yuiga helped Director King call Agent Emiya Shirou down. Hawkeye is the code name of Agent Emiya Shirou, and it can also be called a hero’s name. 】

[Agent Emiya Shirou also immediately slid down the rope from upstairs after hearing what Dr. Nariyuki Yuigai said. 】

"Shirou, why have you become so dark?"

Matou Shinji looked at the changed image of Emiya Shirou inside the light curtain and said, I have to say that there is still a big gap between the dark-skinned Emiya Shirou and the current Emiya Shirou who didn't know why his hair turned white on the light curtain. .

"It must be tanned."

Emiya Shirou felt that if he became an agent, his skin would become dark because he was exposed to the sun during training.

But I have to say that Emiya Shirou himself felt that his image in the light curtain was still very handsome.


"Senior, you are so handsome."

Tohsaka Kiri looked at Agent Emiya Shirou in the light screen and thought that although Emiya-senpai had turned a lot darker, Tohsaka Kiri felt that this senior looked more masculine.

And Tohsaka Rin wanted to say something, but Agent Emiya Shirou still looked handsome. Tohsaka Rin originally wanted to say something arrogantly, but it felt like anything he said was forced, and Emiya Shirou The appearance of an agent is indeed okay.

["I brought you here so that you could get a closer look."]

[SHIELD Director King said to Hawkeye Shirou Emiya who came down from upstairs. 】

["Then I really appreciate your kindness, sir, but I can see it more clearly from a distance."]

[Hawkeye Emiya Shirou said, the king raised his eyebrows after hearing what Hawkeye Emiya Shirou said. 】

["Are you farsighted? Have you seen clearly how that thing is activated?"]

["First like this, then like that, finally like that, and then it starts."]

[Hawkeye Emiya Shirou is also a piece of nonsense literature. 】

["Doctor, the energy has begun to increase."]

[The female assistant on the side looked at the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube displayed on the screen in front of her and started to increase again. Dr. Shigeyuki also immediately came over. 】

["No one came in or out, and no one came to touch him. Dr. Nariyuki did not do anything, there was no external contact, and there was no instant communication."]

[Eagle Eye Shirou Emiya told SHIELD Director King what he saw. He had been monitoring here for a long time, but he did not see anyone suspicious. 】

["If someone is really doing it, then it definitely won't be in our area."]

[SHIELD Director King and Hawkeye Emiya Shirou also walked to the Cosmic Cube device, and then Hawkeye Emiya Shirou said with his hands on his hips. 】

[SHIELD Director King listened to Hawkeye Emiya Shirou and turned his head to look at Hawkeye Emiya Shirou and said. 】

【"This paragraph?"】

["This Cosmic Rubik's Cube is the door to another part of the universe, am I right?"]

["And both sections of the door can be opened."]

["So, it's not that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube we have here started to activate on its own, then someone in another section is trying to open the door."]

[While Hawkeye Shirou Emiya was talking, the Cosmic Cube was also constantly shining, and the middle part was still showing a faint blue texture. 】

"It looks like the alien who was given the scepter is coming."

"This agent codenamed Hawkeye seems to know a lot, and he also has a certain mind and high observation skills."

Yukimura Shinye said while holding her eyes.

From the beginning of the light screen to the content released now, the happiest people are not the social animals who go to work and the students who go to school.

It’s them, the scholars who study the universe and science.

The aliens at the beginning and the dark energy that kept popping up were all things that made them ecstatic.

"That's right, and judging from the appearance of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, it should be the guys in the other section who are constantly twisting the "door handle" trying to open the door."

"I just don't know if one person is coming, or if a large number of troops are coming?"

Airiam Himuro said, after all, no one knows what a real alien invasion looks like, and can only rely on guesses and speculations.

【"Not yet."】

[Dr. Nariyuki Weiga is constantly trying to "pacify" the state of the Cosmic Cube, but it doesn't work very well. 】


[The Cosmic Cube suddenly erupted slightly, causing the closest S.H.I.E.L.D. director King and Hawkeye Shirou Emiya to take a few steps back. 】

[Then the riot of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube continued. It was obvious that this time the guy on the other side of the "door" twisted the handle to the limit of the door. 】

[The Cosmic Cube continued to emit blue flames, and the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. base began to shake violently. You must know that judging from the earthquake resistance level of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, unless it is a huge earthquake, there will be no It caused such a big shock. 】

[At this time, in the laboratory of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, everyone present looked at the rioting Cosmic Rubik's Cube in a prepared manner. 】


[With the violent sound, the energy erupted from the Cosmic Cube began to gather rapidly, and then turned into a blue aurora and shot out, hitting another section of the equipment. 】

218: I can’t get there anyway, it doesn’t matter, I’m tired, just destroy it

[The blue energy laser emitted by the Cosmic Cube quickly condensed to form a huge blue portal after hitting it. 】

[And through the blue portal, you can see that the other section of the door is an endless universe, with stars or planets in it. 】

[This scene also made everyone present in the Cosmic Cube Laboratory stunned, looking at the shocking scene in front of them. 】

"This this……"

Cai Yueang looked at this gorgeous scene in the light curtain and didn't know how to describe his good mood.


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