["I'm afraid the Hulk won't be able to deal with the Kirita army when he comes out, so I'll deal with you first."]

[After Ishigami Senku finished speaking, he was silent and busy with his own affairs. 】

[Zhuge Cong saw this and said nothing more. What the Stone God Qiankong needs now is silence. 】

[Captain Rogers also successfully unlocked the lock outside SHIELD's secure warehouse in his own way, and reached in after making sure there was no one else. 】

[Captain Rogers looked around, then jumped to the railing on the second floor and then climbed to the second floor. 】

"I feel so deeply guilty for what I did after becoming the Hulk that I closed my heart."

"It takes partners to constantly integrate and pry open the door to his heart."

"In the end, when my friends were facing a critical enemy, because they were worried about their safety, they completely unlocked the heart lock and successfully completed the rescue."

"Good, really good."

"It's a pity that I can't use it at the moment."

Hajima Itsuki looked at Ishigami Senku who was in self-blame inside the light screen and began to fantasize about it, and then a rough model of a character appeared in his mind.

"You really can think of a character for you whenever you look at the light screen."

Fuwa Haruto looked at Hashima Itsuki and said.

"Actually, I don't think I came up with it all myself. It's better that I looked at the characters in the light screen and made some modifications."

Hashima Itsuki said, after all, this character was not [-]% imagined by him.


"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that Captain Rogers, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would do such a thing quietly when he looks so honest and obeys the rules."

Kitahara Iori said as he watched Captain Rogers open the door inside the light curtain and then slipped into SHIELD's safe warehouse.

"Did you pay attention to this? Didn't you see how Captain Rogers got in? He pried open such a heavy iron door with his bare hands."

The focus of Imamura Kohei and Kitahara Iori is obviously not on the same point.

"Yes, such a thick iron door cannot be opened by ordinary people. He is worthy of being sent to challenge Loki alone."

Kitahara Iori also looked at the big iron door inside the light curtain and said, he couldn't imagine how powerful Captain Rogers was.

Iori Kitahara felt that Captain Rogers could crush his octopus arm just like Zhuge Cong's steel armor.

[A large truck is speeding towards a destination on the highway, and the inside of the truck is a laboratory. 】

[There are many experimental equipments in the laboratory, the most conspicuous of which is the equipment that is almost exactly the same as the equipment used by Zhuge Cong when he invented the new element. 】

[In the truck, Dr. Naomi Naiyuki is busy non-stop. 】

[Dr. Shigeyuki Yuiga carefully picked up the iridium with a clip, and then accurately placed it into the center of the device that activated the portal. 】

[Looking at the results of the experiment, Dr. Naiyuki Kuaiga also smiled knowingly. 】

["In this way, Lord Loki's great plan can be implemented smoothly."]


Weiga Chengxing looked at himself in the light screen with a speechless face. This look of helping others invade the earth was very honorable. It was really uncomfortable and shameful for him to see.

["After Loki took away Dr. Nariyuki Weiga, we also immediately took away Dr. Nariyuki's girlfriend."]

["Yesterday, someone suddenly asked Dr. Nairoki Yui's girlfriend to pay her a considerable salary, a private jet, and a very remote place."]

[Agent Nishikata told Thor the information he learned. 】

["But don't worry, her position is safe now."]


[Thunder God Thor said that Dr. Nariyuki and his girlfriend were the only people he met who were the best to him when he was wandering on the earth. 】

[So after learning about Dr. Nariyuki’s accident, Thor wanted to find Dr. Nariyuki’s girlfriend to protect her safety. If he failed to protect Dr. Nariyuki’s girlfriend. 】

[If he fails to protect her safety, Thor will feel sorry for Dr. Yuiga Nariyuki. 】

["It's definitely not an accident that Loki caught Dr. Sora Sachi. I'm afraid Loki will silence him after he's done."]

["Dr. Naruki Yuga is a good person."]

["I know, I heard Dr. Naruki Yuga talk about you."]

[As a good old man of SHIELD, Nishikata is naturally very popular and knows many things about the personal affairs of SHIELD agents. 】

["Dr. Yuiga Nariyuki said that you changed his life, and you changed everything around you."]

["You can say they are very good."]

["We pretended to be superior in Asgard, but when we got here we fought like snipes."]

[Thor also started chatting with Nishikata. I have to say that Agent Nishikata is the third guy on Earth that Thor feels is easy to talk to besides Dr. Naruyuki Naiga and his girlfriend. 】

[For example, the two Tin Man Zhuge Cong and Hikigaya Hachiman Thor don't know how to fight each other as soon as they meet. 】

【"like what?"】

[Nishikata didn’t know what Thor was talking about when he heard the finger snipe. At least in Nishikata’s impression, there seems to be no animal on the earth called a finger snipe. 】


["You know, the huge scaly monster with antlers."]

[As Thor spoke, he compared his hands to horns, and then Thor seemed to realize that there seemed to be no such animal on the earth. 】

["There are no such things on earth?"]

["There is no such species as you mentioned."]

[Nishikata looked at Thor and said. 】

"Well, just know that they're disgusting."

["They do all kinds of evil and destroy everything."]

[Thor said, walking to the glass and looking out the window, recalling the scene when he first came to Earth. 】

["When I first came to Earth, Loki's wrath also came with me, and mankind paid the price for it."]

["And now it starts again, Loki wants to harm the earth again."]

250: Two hundred and fifty is worth commemorating

[“When I was young, I was brave and warlike, invincible in battles, and invincible in all attacks.”]

【"The war hasn't started yet."】

[King's voice came from behind, interrupting Thor's reminiscences. 】

["Can you force Loki to tell where the Cosmic Cube is?"]

[King asked Thor, the God of Thunder. 】

["I don't know. I can't force Loki to say it. I haven't figured out Loki's thoughts for so many years."]

[“Not only does he desire power, but he also wants to take revenge on me.”]

["No amount of hardship can make Loki lower his head and give up."]

[Thor also said this when he heard King trying to force him to force Loki to reveal the whereabouts of the Cosmic Cube. 】

[If Loki was really that simple, then there wouldn't be so many things happening, and he would feel that his younger brother was better behaved. 】

[“A lot of guys won’t think that way after being tortured.”]

[After listening to Thor's words, King said, as the former King of Agents and the current Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., King has seen all kinds of guys, even aliens. 】

["What do you want me to do?"]

[Thor looked at King and said, if Loki could be asked to reveal the whereabouts of the Cosmic Cube, he would do it. 】

[But the premise is that Loki cannot be hurt excessively. It is okay to be more moderate. After all, his brother also needs a beating. 】

"What a pair of brothers with complicated emotions."

Shiraishi Junta felt a little ashamed when he looked at Thor's words in the light screen and the brotherhood between Thor and Loki. Thinking about it, Shiraishi Junta also thought about his younger brother.

He and his brother probably wouldn't end up like Thor and Loki.

Probably not.

["No, it's not what I want to ask you to do, but what I want to ask is, what are you going to do?"]

[King's one eye is looking directly at Thor. I don't know why Thor feels that SHIELD Director King's one eye is particularly oppressive when looking at people. 】

["Loki is a prisoner."]

["Then why do I think he is the only person on this aircraft carrier who wants to stay?"]

[King felt from the beginning that Loki had no good intentions when he boarded the aircraft carrier. 】

[Thor also felt very strange when he heard King's words. Considering Loki's temperament, boarding S.H.I.E.L.D.'s aircraft carrier was definitely not a sneak attack but a part of the implementation plan. 】

[At this time, Loki, who was being talked about, was pacing back and forth in his small cell, and then suddenly showed a smile and spoke to the visitor. 】

["Hmph, there aren't many people who can sneak up on me without being discovered."]

["But you still thought that I would come."]

[Black Widow Belmod said standing in front of Loki's cell. 】

【"It's early."】

"Is it possible that Black Widow Belmod has been controlled by Loki with the mind scepter like Hawkeye Emiya Shirou's agent?"

Sakura Chiyo guessed that she suddenly became nervous while watching the mysterious conversation between Black Widow Belmod and Loki inside the light screen.

Umetaro Nozaki on the side felt that it might not be as simple as Sakura Chiyo said.

["After that guy King tried every means to torture me."]

["You will show up and comfort me with a pretense of affection, and then I will cooperate with you obediently."]

["I remember this is called on earth, one is a good guy and the other is a bad guy."]

[Loki said as he walked towards Black Widow Belmod as if I could guess your thoughts. 】

["No, I just want to know what you did to Agent Hawkeye Emiya Shirou."]

["This, haha."]

[Loki chuckled a few times after hearing Black Widow Belmod's words and then answered Black Widow Belmod's question. 】

[“I expanded his thinking and freed him from narrow and ignorant stupid thoughts.”]

["Once you win, once you become king on earth, what will happen to his mind?"]

[Black Widow Belmod will not believe what Loki said about expanding his mind. No matter how you look at Hawkeye Shirou Emiya, it looks like Loki has controlled his mind. 】

["Is it related to the safety of your teammates, Black Widow;"]

["It's just that I owe him a favor."]

[Black Widow Belmod said with her arms crossed. 】

【"Tell me about it."】

[Loki also acted like you won’t get any information from me unless you tell me. 】

[Belmod also knew better than to say anything. It is estimated that Loki would not be able to fart loudly. After taking a deep breath, Belmode slowly spoke. 】

["Before I joined S.H.I.E.L.D., I was already somewhat famous in a certain circle."]

[“I don’t care who or what organization I serve for.”]

["At that time, I was still serving another organization, an organization called the Winery. Of course, that organization has now been destroyed."]



After listening to Black Widow Bermod's words, Gin angrily crushed the wine glass in his hand to pieces. His guess and what he heard with his own ears were completely different.

Vodka on the side wanted to speak to comfort his elder brother, but the aura of Gin, who was currently furious, was too strong, making him unable to breathe.

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