"Is it coming? Spider-Man's first battle."

Fanma Renya looked at Nohara Shinnosuke's situation in the light screen and knew that Nohara Shinnosuke could not escape this battle.

Ever since he saw the content of his father's defeat in the light curtain last time, he has become extremely interested in the light curtain.

Originally, he wanted to use those three people as imaginary enemies to train and simulate, but unfortunately he knew too little to simulate it, so he wanted to try if he could simulate it by looking at Spider-Man in the light screen.

["I'll let you go if I keep the money to buy the road." The big fat man grinned, showing his big yellow teeth that were yellowed by the words. 】

"Oops, Xiaoxin, you are going to be beaten up by the gangsters."

Sato Masao looked at the light screen and said anxiously to Nohara Shinnosuke on the side.

"Oh, Masao, this is from the light screen, not me now, and the me in the light screen has already become Spider-Man, a few gangsters are nothing."

"And these black men don't look as scary as the bosses."

Nohara Shinnosuke looked at Masao Sato and said angrily.

[Nohara Shinnosuke will naturally not be scared. After all, these guys are not as scary as the principal of his kindergarten. 】

["You may not know where I am from, but if you touch me, I will be in bad luck." Nohara Shinnosuke looked at several people and said. 】

["Boss, does this kid really have a big background?" The three guys on the opposite side winked and sent this encrypted communication to the big fat man. 】

["It doesn't matter what he does. He can't beat the fake gangster name we reported at that time. Even if he finds someone, he won't be able to find us." The big fat man's face kept showing exaggerated expressions. 】

["You four can just flirt around here, I won't disturb you, I'm leaving first." Nohara Shinnosuke said and wanted to walk past the big fat man. 】

["You can't leave." The fat man stopped Nohara Shinnosuke who was trying to run away. 】

["Hey, hey, haha, this, isn't this right? The four of you are flirting with each other, am I not disturbing you here?"]

["Today, you either pay or..."]

【"What else?"】

["Either I force you to pay." The big fat man said and gestured with his big fist. 】

["I..." Nohara Shinnosuke was about to say something, but suddenly he seemed to notice something. His body moved involuntarily and dodged to the side. The little gangster who was trying to hit the sap with a stick also swung it away and hit the big fat man. Call. 】

39: Where Rhino and Spider-Man meet

["Ah!" The steel pipe hit the big fat man's body firmly, and instantly the big fat man let out a miserable roar. 】

["Why are you hitting me, bastard, go hit him." The big fat man grabbed the little bastard and pushed the little bastard towards Nohara Shinnosuke. 】

[The two gangsters behind also hit Nohara Shinnosuke with their dicks. 】

[The steel pipe and baseball bat hitting Nohara Shinnosuke seemed to be in slow motion in Nohara Shinnosuke's eyes. 】

[Nohara Shinnosuke can clearly see their movements and the expressions on the faces of the two gangsters. He can even observe many details that he cannot usually see. 】

[Nohara Shinnosuke leaned slightly to the side and escaped the sneak attack of the two gangsters. 】

["I don't want to fight with you. To be honest, I'm not afraid of you." Nohara Shinnosuke said after jumping to the side. 】

[He is not a weak person, he is a very powerful boxer, but he once swore not to use boxing as a fighting tool, otherwise these four guys would be just four in his eyes. Little Karami. 】

["You guys, why are you still talking so hard here? If you really have the ability, just take action." The big fat man rushed forward with an angry look. This is his usual tactic. When dealing with people who don't have any weapons in their hands, just do it directly. Relying on his own tonnage to suppress, this trick can be said to have been tried and tested. Unfortunately, he used the wrong target today. 】

[Nohara Shinnosuke just glanced lightly, then dodged to the side like a loach, and then stretched out one foot, tripping the big fat man directly to the ground. 】

[Then the conditioned reflex was to add another kick. Having practiced boxing, Nohara Shinnosuke knew where to kick without causing too much damage and making the person unable to move for a short time. 】

[But he ignored the specific intensity of his sudden increase in strength, so this kick was a bit difficult for the big fat man. However, the big fat man did not cry out, but fell to the ground and pretended to be dead, because the kick just now made the big fat man feel uncomfortable. He knew the difference between the two sides. 】

["I didn't move my hands." Nohara Shinnosuke also stretched out his hands to indicate that he didn't move his hands, but moved his feet. After all, moving his feet would not violate his oath. 】

["Huh." Nohara Shinnosuke felt the strange feeling from before, and he squatted down, and the steel pipe happened to pass over his head. 】

[Nohara Shinnosuke directly swept the sneak attack gangster to the ground with a spinning kick, and then kicked the gangster in the hand. 】

[The little gangster let go of the steel pipe in his hand in pain, and Nohara Shinnosuke also took the opportunity to kick the steel pipe out. 】

[The sudden change in the body also made it difficult for Nohara Shinnosuke to control his strength. The gangster's hands were obviously deformed, and the steel pipe that he kicked out also cut through the air and was inserted into the wall. , most of the one-meter-long steel pipe was directly submerged. 】

[Now that I saw the remaining two gangsters, they didn’t dare to act rashly anymore. They kicked the steel pipe and inserted it into the wall. Can they provoke the ruthless man? They then pushed the guy in his hand to the ground. Squat directly to the side. 】

[At this time, Nohara Shinnosuke looked at his masterpiece and was a little stunned. He did not expect that he would have such an effect this time. 】

["Well, you can continue to play your game. Then, I will leave first. By the way, you, that little brother, lend me a little taxi fare." Nohara Shinnosuke also planned to leave directly, but suddenly remembered He lost his cell phone and had no cash, so he immediately found a lucky spectator to sponsor him as a poor man. 】

[The two young gangsters who were still able to move naturally did not dare to neglect Nohara Shinnosuke and directly took out everything they could from their pockets. 】

["Oh, are you so nice to me, but all I need is the taxi fare. Also, don't do such things again in the future, otherwise, you might meet someone more terrifying than you. For example, my former boss." Nohara Shinnosuke only took the taxi fare he needed and left. 】

[As Nohara Shinnosuke walked away, the fat man who had been lying on the ground pretending to be dead immediately stood up and said. 】

["Don't tell anyone what happened today, you know, otherwise my rhino man Hirano Toda's reputation will be ruined."]

["Originally I just came out to take a breath and see if I could make some extra money, but I didn't expect to encounter a tough situation."]

"Am I going to be a gangster in the future?"

Looking at himself in the light screen, Hirano Toda could never imagine how he would join the underworld in the future. Although he had received military training for a period of time, he didn't know what his character was.


"Will this kid still be a gangster in the future?"

Sato Kazuma looked at Nohara Shinnosuke in the light curtain and said.

"I think the boss he calls is just a nickname."

Zhuge Cong said that the boss Nohara Shinnosuke mentioned was not the real boss involved in gangs, but a kindergarten principal with the face of a gangster.

["You're back." After getting the money, Nohara Shinnosuke immediately took the car back home. 】

["Brother, why did you come back so late today? Did you go on a date?" Nohara Himawari, who was lying on the tatami, looked at Nohara Shinnosuke who came back and said. 】

["It's a lot worse, a lot worse." Nohara Shinnosuke sat next to Nohara Himawari, and skillfully stuffed the potato chips in front of her with his hands. 】

"If you want to eat it, take it yourself. Why are you eating mine?" Nohara Himawari said, looking at the restless hands in her bag of potato chips. 】

["Oh, you eat your food, don't worry about these details."]

["Well, what is this?" Nohara Himawari caught a glimpse of some white silk thread floating around Nohara Shinnosuke's neck, and then reached out to pull it. 】

["Hiss, eh, eh, eh, don't move, don't move." The white spider silk was pulled, which made Nohara Shinnosuke gasp in pain, and Nohara Himawari also let go. 】

[After Nohara Shinnosuke touched it himself, he endured the pain and pulled off the spider silk. 】

["Hey, spider." Nohara Himawari found a spider hanging from one end of the spider silk, but it seemed to be dead. 】

[Nohara Shinnosuke looked at the spider in his hand, and then remembered that he was bitten by a spider at Suzuki Biotechnology Group this morning, and the changes in his body when he faced the gangster today. 】

40:Family brother position

["By the way, Xiaokui, where are my parents? Why didn't I see them?" Nohara Shinnosuke discovered that his parents were not at home at all. 】

"The two of them went out for something, and they will probably be back in... half an hour." Nohara Himawari took out her phone and checked the time and said. 】

[Nohara Shinnosuke looked at the cell phone of his sister Nohara Himawari and then remembered that his cell phone seemed to have fallen off. Nohara Shinnosuke felt bad when he thought of this. 】

["Huh? Brother, is there something bad going on with you?" Nohara Himawari saw Nohara Shinnosuke's sudden change in expression. Having been brothers and sisters for so many years, Nohara Himawari was naturally familiar with what this meant. 】

["It doesn't matter if I sue you, I'm getting married." Nohara Shinnosuke said seriously. 】

["Oh, is that right? It turns out you are getting married, brother. Then I will be the bridesmaid." Anyone else might have been frightened by Nohara Shinnosuke's serious expression, but who is she? Nohara Shinnosuke's There were few tricks that could scare her. 】

["This is an invitation." Nohara Shinnosuke took out a red card from his pocket, but Nohara Himawari couldn't deal with it this time. 】

["Brother, you can't really go and get the certificate from that woman secretly, right?" Nohara Himawari looked at the card that looked very much like a wedding invitation, feeling a little confused but not completely convinced. 】

["No formalities, low interest, low..." As soon as he saw a little bit of Nohara sunflowers, he tore up the red cardboard. It turned out that Nohara Shinnosuke picked up a small advertisement on the roadside. 】

["Oh, Xiaokui, even if you don't like your future sister-in-law, you can't tear up the wedding invitation. The relationship between your future sister-in-law can't be so rigid." Nohara Shinnosuke looked at the paper being torn into pieces. Said by someone who is also a drama queen. 】

["Okay, okay, don't tell me if you don't want to. Tell me, what's the weird reason why you want to get married." Nohara Himawari gave Nohara Shinnosuke a white look and said. 】

"Oh, that's great. If only my sister could be like this."

Kousaka Kyosuke looked at the scene of Nohara Shinnosuke and Nohara Himawari's playful conversation in the light screen and said with some envy.

He used to have a very good relationship with his sister, but for some reason it suddenly became very bad.

【"My mobile phone fell off."】

【"How careless."】

["Hey, how come you believe this as soon as I say it? Do you have no doubts?"]

["No need to doubt it, because this is more like it will happen, rather than saying anything about getting married tomorrow, but I think you should think about how to tell your parents. Telling me is of no use." Nohara Himawari Once you are ready, you should be your parents. 】

["Hey, why is this like this, Xiaokui, we have been brothers and sisters for more than ten years, can you bear to watch my brother and I suffer like this and don't help me, so can you lend your brother a little bit of Mane. "Nohara Shinnosuke said and kept rubbing it with two fingers. 】

["Hey, don't, I can't do anything about this. You still have to find a way to solve it yourself."]

["We're coming back." As soon as Nohara Himawari finished speaking, she heard the sound of opening the door, followed by the voices of Nohara Mizu and Nohara Hiroshi. 】

["Mom, I have something to tell you." Nohara Himawari, who was not too embarrassed to watch the excitement, shouted directly to the door through the loudspeaker, looking like he was not making me feel uncomfortable. 】

"If you dropped your phone, would your sister do this?"

Zhuge Cong looked at Hikigaya Hachiman and asked.

When asked this question, Hikigaya Hachiman pondered for a while and said.

"Well, maybe I won't shout like this, but I guess I will if I watch the excitement, and I can say that if my phone falls off, then it's really no big deal. I'm not like Komachi, I can still buy my phone after it falls off."

"If I'm gone, I'm really gone."

After all, in the status of Hikigaya Hachiman's family, Hikigaya Mom > Hikigaya Komachi > Hikigaya Dad > Kamakura > Hikigaya Hachiman.

So Hikigaya Hachiman didn’t think he could get a replacement if he lost his phone.

["Xiaoxin, what's the matter?" Nohara Miya put down the things in her hands and looked at Nohara Shinnosuke and said. 】

["Well, I accidentally dropped my phone, so, can you?" Nohara Shinnosuke didn't finish his words, but the meaning he wanted to express was already expressed, that is, can he buy another one. 】

["It's a coincidence that you dropped your phone." Nohara Hiroshi took out a white box from the bag and handed it to Nohara Shinnosuke. 】

["There was a lottery in the mall today, and your mother and I happened to be lucky enough to get a mobile phone. We were thinking about how to deal with it. If you lost your mobile phone, I will give it to you. Just go and get a new phone card tomorrow. ." Nohara Hiroshi said after taking a sip of beer. 】

["Hey, hey, that's great. I've wanted to change my phone for a long time. What a double happiness, double happiness?" Nohara Shinnosuke said happily, holding the white box containing the mobile phone. 】

["It's a blessing in disguise."]

["Oh, it's almost done. Let me take a good look at you, little baby." Nohara Shinnosuke couldn't wait to open the package and took out a brand new mobile phone. 】

["Oh, oh, this feels, this configuration, this appearance." Nohara Shinnosuke couldn't put it down and touched the new phone and said. 】

["Hahaha, as long as you like it." Nohara Hiroshi looked at Nohara Shinnosuke and said. 】

[On the other side, Kohei Imamura is still conducting his own experiments in the Suzuki Biotechnology Group laboratory. 】

["No, no, it's still a little bit behind." Looking at the data displayed on the screen, Imamura Kohei felt a little annoyed. He looked at his broken arm and how much he wanted to have his healthy arms again. 】

[After all, the strange looks from others when walking outside are still so dazzling. Although Imamura Kohei knows that it is partly psychological, he still feels very uncomfortable. 】

["Beep, ring, snap." As soon as the alarm clock beside Nohara Shinnosuke's bed went off, Nohara Shinnosuke slapped it into pieces. 】

[I yawned without realizing it, got up and walked downstairs, and walked straight to the bathroom. 】

["Huh?" Nohara Shinnosuke picked up the toothpaste and squeezed it a little. The toothpaste instantly sprayed out and smeared on the mirror. This also woke up Nohara Shinnosuke. 】

[Nohara Shinnosuke wanted to open the faucet to get the toothpaste off the mirror, but with just a slight force, he directly removed the faucet. Water spurted out from the fracture of the faucet, making Nohara Shinnosuke wet all over Rin. 】

41:36 Strategy, walking is the best strategy

[Nohara Shinnosuke wanted to open the faucet to get the toothpaste off the mirror, but with just a slight force, he directly removed the faucet. Water spurted out from the fracture of the faucet, making Nohara Shinnosuke wet all over Rin. 】

[Nohara Shinnosuke, who was still a little sleepy, was also shocked by the cold water. 】

[Nohara Shinnosuke subconsciously held a towel with his hand and blocked it hard. 】

["Crack." Nohara Shinnosuke's unrestrained force also made the miserable situation of the sink even worse. 】

["Water gate." Nohara Shinnosuke also hurriedly thought of closing the water gate. Fortunately, the water gate was in the bathroom, otherwise the tragic situation of being flooded would have been even more terrifying. 】

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