["I think you need to go to the hospital for a good rehabilitation treatment. I will arrange for you to enter the best hospital."]

["Um...is this your temptation to drag me into your organization?"]

[Nohara Shinnosuke raised his head and looked at Zhuge Cong and said, after all, he really knew that Iron Man wanted to invite him, but he had already joined the Defenders Alliance. 】

["Hahaha, no, no, no, you are a hero, and you are also a team member of my old classmate Kiritani Kazuto. You are reasonable, and I will not treat you badly. Okay, I have already called the ambulance, let Orochi Maru, let’s carry you down.”]

[Zhuge Cong smiled and patted Nohara Shinnosuke's shoulder gently and said. 】

["Come on, Spider-Man, the boss doesn't like hugging men."]

[Orochimaru walked to Nohara Shinnosuke and hugged Nohara Shinnosuke in a very suitable posture, so that he would not hurt Nohara Shinnosuke a second time. 】

["Yeah, yeah, I know, by the way, it's rare to tell me, uncle, do you like to hug men."]

["No, I not only like to hug men, I also like to hug women, the elderly, children, dead people, animals, plants, if possible, as long as it is useful, I don't mind."]

[Orochimaru has always been fully resistant to Nohara Shinnosuke's words. 】

86: Spider-Man Chapter Ended

["You recovered in one day and you are as good as that big lizard. I plan to visit you."]

["Don't worry, I'm taking a little vacation for myself. Although my recovery ability is not as good as that of you and that Dr. Lizard, it's still very powerful."]

[Nohara Shinnosuke looked at Kiritani Kazuto who was sitting in a wheelchair. 】

["You should have also read the news in the hospital. Kohei Imamura is in jail, and the sentence is for life. Oh, what a pity."]

[Kiritani Kazuto took an orange and threw it to Nohara Shinnosuke. 】

["Look, it is indeed a pity that the lizard serum affected Dr. Kohei Imamura's expression. If it had no effect, maybe Kohei Imamura would have become a great person instead of a harmful lizard."]

["Moreover, the influence of the lizard has not been completely eliminated from Imamura Kohei."]

["Iron Man and his teammate may not have seen it because Imamura Kohei lowered his head, but I saw it."]

[Nohara Shinnosuke peeled the orange in his hand and said. At the last moment, Nohara Shinnosuke saw a green light and a vicious look in Imamura Kohei's eyes. Although it flashed by, he still saw it. 】

["Don't worry, Imamura Kohei has been imprisoned in the most severe prison, and without the ability to transform into a lizard, he cannot escape."]

["Really? It seems that Kingpin's activities can only slow down recently."]

["That's right, just think of it as a holiday. Go be your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Now you are famous."]

[Kiritani Kazuto is like looking at a proud apprentice, although he can't see it. 】

["I will continue to protect this city. Leave as soon as you say. I will come to see you again, Mr. Kazuto."]

[Nohara Shinnosuke also jumped out after speaking. 】

["Hey, have you left already? I'm so impatient."]

[Yuki Asuna, who came in with snacks, did not see Nohara Shinnosuke, and guessed that the other party was probably gone. 】

["He, he went to defend justice."]

[Kiritani Kazuto looked at the direction in which Nohara Shinnosuke jumped out, an invisible light shining in his cloudy eyes. 】

[In the city at night, Nohara Shinnosuke, wearing a Spider-Man suit, looked at the bustling traffic below, and the scene was full of prosperity. The final scene was fixed on Nohara Shinnosuke shooting spider silk, and then the screen went black like last time without disappearing. 】


Looking at this scene, people who have experienced it earlier also know that the easter egg or preview scene is coming.

Last time Zhuge Cong Iron Man revealed the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D., so what kind of scenes will Spider-Man Nohara Shinnosuke reveal this time.

"It's coming. Compared to the previous content, there is a lot of information that can be revealed in this last scene."

Ye Shenyue looked at the black screen, and the pen in his hand trembled with the excitement in his heart.


"President, what do you think the content will be this time?"

Chika Fujiwara looked at the blacked out screen and approached Shirogane Miyako and asked.

"Who can guess this?"

"I think it's a preview of the next villain, such as Dr. Iori Kitahara, a good friend of Dr. Kohei Imamura. Maybe he looked at Kohei Imamura in prison and became malicious in his heart to rob the prison or kill Spider-Man."

Compared to Shirogane Goyuki, who watches fewer movies, Ishigami Yu watches a lot of movies and anime, so he directly applied the formula to guess it.

"That makes sense, so what kind of content do Ishigami-san think the next video will contain?"

Fujiwara Chika turned her head and looked at Ishigami Yu and said.

“I don’t know, it’s either a new superhero, or we can keep Iron Man and Spider-Man.”

"Isn't it the same as what you said and what you didn't say?"


"I didn't expect that you would still be on the road of no return, even though I had already thought that you would go in."

"But this day comes so suddenly. I...I will visit you often."

Compared to the subsequent easter egg revelations, Kitahara Iori cares more about Imamura Kohei going to jail.

"I will wait for you inside and save a place for you. After all, you don't look like a good person."

Imamura Kohei said with a tic-tac-toe popping up on his forehead.



Looking at the screen that turned back on, L's expression instantly became focused. He would not miss any detail.

[In the laboratory, Orochimaru, who was wearing a white lab coat, looked at the green reagent in front of him with a fanatical look in his eyes. 】

[At this time, he had drawn the blood before Imamura Kohei encountered the antidote. 】

[After these days of hard work, it has been successfully optimized and improved. 】

["Come on, the 28th."]

[Orochimaru watched through the screen as the robotic arm injected lizard serum into a death row prisoner who was tied to a chair. 】


[Looking at the approaching needle, prisoner No. 28 kept whimpering and struggling. He had seen the fate of those people, but unfortunately his efforts were in vain. 】

[Then the muscles of the death row prisoner who was tied to the chair began to swell, and then dark green scales grew, which looked exactly like Dr. Lizard. 】

[The prisoner on death row looked at the changes in his body, felt the strength growing in it, and clenched his fists. 】

["How about the 28th."]

[Orochimaru asked. 】

["Very good, I've never felt better, but you're going to be bad soon."]

[The Lizard Death Prisoner said as he suddenly rushed towards Orochimaru and punched the glass barrier in front of Orochimaru, but there was not even a crack. 】

["Very good, very good. It looks like it's almost successful. Can you turn into a human? Do you have any feelings after becoming a human? If you answer it seriously, I will give you your freedom."]

["It's better, I will execute you directly."]

[Listening to Orochimaru's cold and hoarse voice, the fear inside the death row prisoner was awakened. Orochimaru often killed chickens to scare monkeys. 】

["Much weaker than the lizard state, but still very strong. At least he could kill dozens of me before with one punch."]

[Then with a burst of squirming, the death row prisoner changed from a lizard man to a normal person, and then expressed his feelings. 】

["Really? Then, I will give you freedom."]

[Hearing this, the death row prisoner also showed a happy look. With such power, he didn't just do whatever he wanted when he got out, he first killed the guy in front of him. 】

[While the death row prisoner was having sex, white gas began to emit from the surrounding walls. 】

[The death row prisoner also felt something was wrong, but it was too late. He was soon frozen into an ice sculpture, and then shattered into ice shards on the ground with a snap. 】

["I will be next, and this will be the first step in my evolution, the first step towards immortality."]

[With Orochimaru's enthusiastic words and the back figure of the lizard serum being injected into his body, the light curtain also dimmed. 】

87:Wisteria Koichi:Long live Hydra

"Orochimaru, who was under Zhuge Cong, optimized the lizard potion and developed it."

Looking at Orochimaru's research results in the light curtain, not only does it seem that it will not affect people's sanity, but it can also transform between lizard form and human form.

L looked at the shocked expression on the guy next to him and added.

"Orochimaru was able to research and optimize a better lizard serum so quickly. I think it has something to do with his long-term research."

After hearing L's words, the staff member immediately came over.

"Although Kohei Imamura studies biology, his main focus is on reptiles, so he does very little research on the human body."

"As for Orochimaru, although I don't know how in-depth his research on reptiles is, he has conducted so many human experiments, so his research on humans must be very advanced."

"So relying on the knowledge and experience accumulated previously, Orochimaru will naturally be much better at optimizing and improving this aspect than Imamura Kohei, who has little research on the human body."

L expressed his opinion, and upon hearing L's words, the staff member also suddenly understood.


"I didn't expect that what Imamura Kohei devoted himself to research would be further studied in the hands of Orochimaru. If Imamura Kohei had cooperated with Orochimaru from the beginning, would the outcome have been different?"

Hikigaya Hachiman felt that things were uncertain when he looked at Imamura Kohei who was imprisoned in the light curtain and the achievements of Orochimaru that were subsequently displayed.

"So this is all Zhuge Cong's fault."

"Why do you blame me?"

Zhuge Cong, who was looking good, suddenly heard a guy named Sato slandering him.

"Blame you...blame you for showing up late."

Sato Kazuma casually thought of an excuse and said, directly giving Zhuge Cong a hard fist.


"It's on again."

Just as Zhuge Cong was about to say something, he heard Sato Kazuma say that the screen turned on, and he also put away his fists.


"Is there any more? It's better to have more, so you can see more content."

Ya Shenyue was just about to put away her notebook when she saw the black screen light up again.

["Prisoner No. 58, come to the warden's office immediately."]

[Imamura Kohei, who was staying in his cell, was looking at the mold spots on his quilt boredly, wondering if he could wash it. After all, it would not be good to keep the moldy quilt covered all the time. 】

[After hearing the sound of the radio in the cell, I was a little confused. Even if someone came to visit me, I shouldn't go to the warden's office but to the interview room. 】

[With curiosity in mind, Imamura Kohei walked out of the cell door opened by the prison guard, followed by two heavily armed prison guards. Along the way, Imamura Kohei also looked around carefully. 】

[This prison is extremely strict. There is only one prisoner in each cell, and there is no watch period. Food is also stuffed through the small opening at the door. 】

[Taking baths and other things depends on the schedule, once a month, sometimes there may not be anything yet. 】

"So why was Imamura Kohei called to the warden's office? Could it be because the warden wanted Imamura Kohei's lizard serum?"

Sato Kazuma looked at Imamura Kohei who was heading to the warden's office and said curiously.

"I don't know. I'm curious about this prison. The level of tightness and security of each cell is simply set up to detain these super criminals. There are separate rooms with no ventilation. Even bathing and other things are not allowed. Prison is completely different."

Compared to Imamura Kohei, Nishikata cares more about the setting of this prison.

"I think there may be some villain organization that wants to recruit Dr. Kohei Imamura. After all, the lizard serum is quite good."

Zhuge Cong said that Zhuge Cong felt that it was most likely Hydra, a villain organization that could turn SHIELD into Snake Shield, to recruit Imamura Kohei.

[Then Imamura Kohei, who was turning left and right, was led by two prison guards and walked to an office that looked gorgeous to the guard. 】

[One of the prison guards knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside to please come in. Then the prison guard opened the door, and then pushed Imamura Kohei in. 】

[After being pushed so hard by the prison guard, Imamura Kohei almost fell to the ground. 】

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