[Then there are three clanking sounds. 】

[Zhuge Cong looked over and found that it was Shi Shen Qiankong and three others who had arrived as late as possible. 】

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["This is not how you rush to the set."]

["You can come a little later. If you come a little later, I will have already left with Shiho."]

["Leave you here to enjoy the cold wind."]

[Zhuge Cong said to Shi Shen Qiankong and others, after all, the three of them came after everything had been resolved. 】

["Isn't this a disguised way of showing that you are very powerful, boss? You can solve it yourself."]

[Deidara immediately spoke. 】

["So, are we here in vain?"]

["It seems that the damage caused this time was much higher than the damage caused by the last fight with Zhuge Stein."]

[Xiao said as he looked at the Zhuge Exhibition below, which was full of flames. 】

[Just judging from the area of ​​the Zhuge Exhibition, it can be roughly seen that the damage was much more serious than that of Zhuge Stein. 】

[The most important thing is that a parking lot was blown up. You must know that there are many luxury cars parked in the parking lot. 】

["Who told you that your trip was in vain."]

["You are probably thinking about letting us help you clean up the battlefield."]

[Ishigami Senku said as if he realized something. After all, it seems that the only thing to do now is cleaning the battlefield. 】

["You guessed it, I came late to the fight. I just happened to help clean up the battlefield and put out the fire for me. As for the scrap metal and other things, professional people will collect them."]

["Okay, let's go, let's go."]

[After Zhuge Cong finished speaking, he waved his hand and told the three of them to leave here quickly and not to disturb him. 】

["Hey, cleaning up the battlefield is so troublesome. Isn't there a fire brigade for putting out fires?"]

[Ishigami Qianku and Xie both guessed that what Zhuge Cong said about cleaning the battlefield was actually to tell them to go away quickly and not to disturb him and Miyano Shiho. Of course, putting out the fire was also true. 】

["Go if you are told, and don't bother others if you can. If you don't leave, I will reduce your funding."]

["Hey, hey, boss, I'm leaving now, don't deduct money."]

[Deidara immediately put on his mask when he heard that Zhuge Cong was going to reduce his funds, then flew down to put out the fire. 】

[Seeing this, Stone God Senku and Scorpion also put on their masks and followed Deidara before flying down. 】

"The finale, the finale."

"Act [-], the ending of Zhuge Cong's second chapter."

In the student union room, Fujiwara Chika got a small salute from somewhere. After Senku Ishigami and others flew away, she fired the salute and said.

"Isn't this not close yet? Even the Easter eggs haven't been released yet."

Ishigami Yu was frightened by Fujiwara Chika's salute, and then turned his head and said to Fujiwara Chika with a black line.

"Humph, you really don't understand anything."

"In a sense, the main content is over, and the content that will be released later is almost the same as the easter eggs, even if it is not an easter egg."

"After all, judging from the final ending, if it were a normal movie or TV series, it could already be said to be the ending."

"So, there is no problem with my salute."

"Even if it's wrong, just treat it as early as possible."

Listening to Chika Fujiwara's words, the other people in the student union room actually felt that what Chika Fujiwara said seemed to be true.

"It seems right."

"Wait, that's not right. How can this be compared with ordinary movies and TV series?"

Ishigami Yu suddenly woke up and said.

"Okay, okay, Ishigami-san and Fujiwara-san, let's wait until the end to finish the fight. It's about to be the highlight of the whole story."

As the president of the student union, Shirogane Miyuki coughed and said.

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki had said, Fujiwara Chika and Ishigami Yu also became quiet.

[In an extremely ordinary-looking warehouse, Zhuge Cong is sitting in front of a table. 】

[There are four or five virtual projectors placed around. One of the projectors projects the logo of SHIELD, a falcon icon. 】

[Zhuge Cong looked at a document on the table and took it over curiously. He saw that the document said "Avengers Preliminary Report". 】

[Zhuge Cong looked at the document with some curiosity, but did not open it. After all, it would not be okay to peek at such a document rashly. 】

[And Zhuge Cong is still wondering why King invited him here, and whether King put these documents on purpose. If he opens them and reads them, King will blackmail him. 】

[While Zhuge Cong was staring at the document in a daze, a hand reached out and pressed the document down. 】

[Zhuge Cong raised his head and saw that the person coming was the king who invited him. 】

["I don't want you to see this, after all, I'm not sure whether you are related to this."]

[King said to Zhuge Cong, and then he picked up a document next to the "Avengers Preliminary Report" and said. 】

["This document is Agent Belmode's evaluation of you. Read it yourself."]

[After King finished speaking, he handed the document to Zhuge Cong. 】

["Personality summary, Mr. Zhuge Cong has a tendency to self-destruct."]

[Zhuge Cong couldn't hold himself any longer after seeing the first sentence and said to the king. 】

["If I have self-destructive tendencies, I was going to die at that time. Now look at whether I still have so-called self-destructive tendencies."]

[After Zhuge Cong finished speaking, he continued to read. 】

["Standard narcissist."]

【"That's right."】

["Avengers assessment, Iron Man, suitable."]

["I have no plans to join your Avengers."]

[Zhuge Cong saw that he was qualified and said to King, although King saved his life in disguise and told him a lot of things he didn't know. 】

[However, Zhuge Cong still does not plan to join the Avengers, but he can consider alliance cooperation with the Avengers. 】

【"Keep watching."】

[King just said lightly. 】

["Zhuge Cong, don't recommend it?!"]

[Zhuge Cong was a little surprised when he saw that it was not recommended. Why, Iron Man can do it, but Zhuge Cong can’t, right? 】

[Then from now on when others come to trouble him, can he say that it has nothing to do with Zhuge Cong if you come to Iron Man? 】

["What does this mean? It is both qualified and not recommended."]

[Zhuge Cong looked at the king and said. 】

["Didn't you yourself refuse to join the Avengers? We also thought about it and planned to ask you to be a consultant so that you can better manage your Iron Alliance."]

["How about asking you to be a consultant as a return of favor?"]

[King walked to Zhuge Cong and sat on the table and said. 】

["You can't afford to hire me as a consultant, but for the sake of favor, I agree. Of course the salary cannot be less."]

[Zhuge Cong stretched out his hand and shook it with King and said, then turned and left. 】

[When he was halfway through, Zhuge Cong suddenly turned around and said. 】

["Actually, you can propose an alliance with my Steel Alliance, but your favor has been used and you can't go back on it."]

["One more thing, I am willing to give up my salary as a consultant to ask you to do me a small favor."]

[The king nodded to indicate that he agreed to Zhuge Cong's request. 】

["Hikigaya Hachiman and I are going to the L District Center to receive commendations. We need an award presenter."]

["I guess you don't want to invite me to the stage. Let me explain in advance that I will not participate."]

[King looked at Zhuge Cong and said. 】

["It's not you, it's another guy, you know."]

[Zhuge Cong didn’t say who it was, but King, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., had already guessed who Zhuge Cong was referring to. 】

["This may be a little difficult."]

[“I’m not talking about one or two months’ consultant salary, but the entire salary.”]

【"I will find a way."】

[After King said this, he turned around and left one step ahead of Zhuge Cong. 】

[Looking at King Zhuge Cong leaving, he smiled. Zhuge Cong was not short of money and looked down upon the little money he could get from being a consultant to SHIELD. 】

[So Zhuge Cong directly gave up all his salary as a consultant to SHIELD and asked King to do him a favor. As for who the candidate was, Zhuge Cong knew that King knew it. 】

"You still hold a grudge?"

Lupine III looked at the transaction between Zhuge Cong and the king and said.

"Why do you say that?"

Daisuke Jigen asked on the side.

Daisuke Jigen didn't know why Lupine III said that Zhuge Cong was quite vindictive.

After all, the whole conversation between Zhuge Cong and King sounded like they were playing riddles. You really wouldn’t know what they were talking about unless you read the answers.

"How about making a bet on whether what I said is right or not."

Lupine III did not tell Daisuke Jigen directly but wanted to make a bet with Daisuke Jigen.

"If you don't want to bet, you can go to Hyakuka King Academy to bet."

But obviously Jigen Daisuke didn't like Lupine III's tactics and directly chose to refuse.

"Forget it, there's no point in going to that place to gamble."

"Let me tell you, Zhuge Cong wants the king to invite the senator who opposed him at the beginning and who repeatedly smeared him on TV later to present the award."

"Of course, you may not have noticed that every time Miyano Shiho appears on the stage, there is almost a TV behind him, and the TV also shows the interview with the senator. The senator is also trying to blackmail Zhuge Cong every time."

"That's why Zhuge Cong wants King to help him get the senator to present awards to him and Hikigaya Hachiman."

"But the senator is still a senator after all. So, Zhuge Cong is not short of money, so he simply gave up his salary as a consultant to SHIELD and asked the director of SHIELD to get the senator."

Lupine III explained to Daisuke Jigen that Daisuke Jigen was not a stupid person and he understood after listening to Lupine III's explanation.

"I understand."

"By the way, have you ever thought about stealing Zhuge Cong's steel armor?"

Daisuke Jigen suddenly asked Lupine III on a whim.

"You can go on your own. I'm not very interested in steel armor."

Lupine the Third waved his hand and refused.

Not to mention whether he is really not interested in the Iron Man suit.

Let’s just talk about the security system of Zhuge Cong’s house, where the artificial intelligence Jarvis is placed.

To be honest, Lupine III really has no idea about that artificial intelligence.

Let's talk about being strong. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. said to go in, so he went in.

To put it bluntly, only the director of SHIELD got in.

And what can you steal when you go to Zhuge Cong's house now? Can you steal the youth training manual that Zhuge Cong, who is still a teenager, keeps under the bed?

["Here today, I am honored to award this honor to Lieutenant Colonel Hikigaya Hachiman and Mr. Zhuge Cong."]

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