"Yes, yes, yes, Sister Fu is very clever and clever, and she is truly worthy of the name of Taifu."

"Humph! My dear brother, just watch me teach you such a lesson!"

Chapter 1 Sixty, I was poked

If the Luofu official could provide evidence proving that the Star Core Hunter was in the Xingxing Port, it would naturally not be something extremely obscure.

Chen Lin thought that the thing might be a video left behind from a certain period of time. After all, Xianzhou really had the ability to do this, not to mention that the expert Taibu Si Taibu, who was responsible for all kinds of jade omens, was right next to him. Even if No matter how bad it is, it may be highly identifiable evidence such as blood stains that can prove the key to identity.

The question is...is this evidence?

Looking at the note on the box and a few strands of purple hair that were deliberately cut off, Chen Lin felt as if countless horses were galloping past, and he really wanted to curse "qnmd" in an elegant and easy-going way.

It had just rained not long ago in Yuanxing Port, and the ground was still oozing with moisture, and the air was misty. Fu Xuan shuttled through it without being stained by even a drop of water. The mist splashed away, and paired with her cool and pretty face and the decorations around her body, it was quite a bit... The fairy feeling of soaring in the clouds and riding in the mist...

The question is not whether Taibu herself is a fairy, but what is the difference between the thing in front of her and a face-fluttering provocation?

Fu Xuan looked at Chen Lin with an abnormal expression in confusion, as if he didn't understand why his brother had such an expression when he saw the clues discovered by Yun Qijun.

"The handwriting was not dry when the evidence was discovered, and everyone in Star Harbor had already evacuated. There shouldn't be any living people here. In addition, these hair strands are consistent with the color of the star core hunter Kafka's hair, so I guessed that the star core The hunter is among them, and the words on this paper are her and her accomplices conveying information! What do you think, Brother Ai?"

Chen Lin twitched his lips and asked, "Has the text above been translated by Xianzhou?"

"That's not true. I read many texts with the help of Yu Zhao, but none of them match up. Maybe it's some kind of secret code among star core hunters." Fu Xuan came over seriously and found that he was not tall enough, so He stood on the shoulder of the road next to him, stood on tiptoe and could barely see the paper in Chen Lin's hand. He pointed out: "The signature position is marked 'kafka', which matches the hair color evidence and is in line with my conjecture. "

It's a good thing that you guys can't understand it. The words on it are completely Simplified Chinese!

Although the handwriting was crooked and had many typos, Chen Lin had no difficulty in reading the content above.

[You have many questions you want to know, and Elio also wants me to convey something to you, so you will come to see me with your companions on the Star Dome Train, right? ——kafka】

This teasing tone made Chen Lin think of an image like this: Kafka leaning against the door with arms folded like a fairy, shaking the paper in his hand with a half-smile, looking at him nonchalantly and saying, "This is it" Whatever you want, come and catch me if you want it, and I'll tell you when I catch it'.

Mad, this is inexplicably irritating!

But soon he realized that Silver Wolf didn't seem to be a normal person. Kafka's bounty was so much higher than Silver Wolf's, so no matter how abnormal he was, it didn't matter in his eyes.

The meaning of this letter is that he has walked into the future encountered by the star core hunter, and the star core hunter intends to open the skylight to speak openly to him, or something like that?

It just so happened that among all the Star Core Hunters, he was the only one who had ever been close to Silver Wolf, and he even teased the little girl who was obsessed with playing games, and despite having various achievements, she stubbornly named herself a 'game master'.

It's right to get in touch with more people. Maybe in this galaxy, star core hunters are extremely evil, but they don't have any conflicts of interest with him. On the contrary, they even gave me pain relief when they first met. Wu Qiu even had Sesame Da. of grace.

It would be a worthwhile trip if we could really get some clues.

Chen Lin's face slowly returned to normal. His head hurt when he thought that he was alone in a foreign land and had no hope of returning home.

Since the star core hunter intended to lure him there, he would go even if it was really a Hongmen Banquet.

not to mention……

Chen Lin glanced at Fu Xuan, who was analyzing it very clearly.

It's not like I don't have help now.

Even if the immortal boat is not good, he is not a helpless person.Psychic energy, technology, fleets, generals...these are the weapons he can rely on!

Chen Lin is an extremely adaptable person. No matter what environment he is in, he can easily integrate into it.

Before traveling, just be a researcher and climb up slowly, abide by the rules and laws, and intervene appropriately when you see injustices happening.Now that he has traveled through time, he can decide the lives and deaths of millions of people without any psychological burden. He does not have the negative mentality of killing people. Otherwise, he would not have killed several of Beloberg's people in order for Bronya to succeed to the throne. The old city-builder family was directly killed off.

This is almost telling other guys who want to seek benefits for themselves or their forces before the situation is stable, or are even ready to take action, if you dare to cause chaos, you will also have an heir!

In his opinion, the most direct way for a new king to succeed to the throne and stabilize people's hearts is to kill.

Kill until no one dares to think twice!

After this stick, give a date to tell everyone that we will live a good life in the future, and the huge psychological gap will dispel some people's evil intentions.

Chen Lin shook his head and shook away all his worries.

"How many people do you plan to bring in?"

"I...and you."

Fu Xuan sneered and said: "Although those tricks of the Star Core Hunter are nothing in my opinion, it is difficult for ordinary Yunqi to defeat them except to delay them for a while. Brother Ai, do you really think that I didn't think of these? General? Anything you can think of, I can also think of!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Chen Linxun thought, wasn't this what I mentioned to you?Why do you have the nerve to show this to me...

"Of course, you need to bring at least two people with you, otherwise I won't be willing to personally escort the felon, and the same goes for my dear brother."

Ignoring the fussy Fu Xuan, Chen Lin followed all the way inside.

It was here that Chen Lin saw for the first time the entire process of Xingcha's creation, from a larvae to a full form.

Fu Xuan also saw the curiosity in his eyes and never let go of any opportunity. As long as Chen Lin saw something, she would explain it in detail, fully demonstrating what Taibu Si is and that Taibu was well versed in the theory of ingenuity. .

The two Yunqi who were following suddenly felt like they were redundant, so they slowed down a little.

Male Yunqi poked his colleague: "How come I didn't realize Lord Taibu was so talkative before...? We usually don't say a few words when we meet him, but today it's like he opened up his chat box."

"Shhh... It's not a good idea for us to talk about leadership, although I think so too." Female Cloud Rider looked at him, her expression also a bit strange under her helmet.

As everyone knows, this is just because Fu Xuan has little experience and has been afraid of being beaten by Chen Lin once for ten years.

What a smart man. Not only is he extremely talented in divination, but he is also well versed in the mysteries of life. Now he has reached a trade cooperation with Luofu when the immortal boat is in danger. His excellent character can be highly recognized by General Jingyuan...

Where can I find such a brother?

You can't find it even with a lantern.

"Stop, there is movement." Chen Lin stopped suddenly. He had a 360-degree high-altitude vision and his hearing was also different from ordinary people.

A long way away, he saw the Yunqi Army lying on the ground not far away. Their armor was in tatters and they fell to the ground groaning. However, their injuries were not serious. They seemed to have lost the ability to move at most.

Fu Xuan didn't know what he was capable of, but he also discovered the scene outside the dozens of meters of wall. He didn't even have time to think about why Chen Lin discovered the abnormality faster than himself, and his face suddenly became disgusting.

Before the two Yunqi who were following the handymen realized anything, they saw Fu Xuan and Chen Lin running forward. They immediately thought that these two adults had discovered the suspect's traces, so they grabbed their weapons and followed them.

After passing through the dense cargo boxes and crossing the half-open door, the sight on the huge flat ground surprised the two cloud riders.

There were about 20 colleagues lying on the ground who were struggling to get up. The few who could still stand were waving their weapons at each other towards the friendly forces. It could be seen that each had their own plans.It looked very much like the scene after many contestants entered the arena during a martial arts competition.

It's just that there are no spectators here, no referees, just a large number of players fighting each other to the limit of their strength.

It's like being in a business building and setting up a stage to sing an opera.

"Star Core Hunters...bewitched the minds of the soldiers and killed each other. This trip is an unforgivable crime!" Fu Xuan gritted his teeth, and as he waved his palms, there seemed to be an unknown energy surging.

Under the ordinary ground, spots of light gradually lit up, and the spots were connected to form a complex magic circle.

Chen Lin was surprised that Fu Xuan could cause such a movement with a casual move. The energy that swept through him even made him feel as if he was caught off guard.Sometimes he is really easily deceived by the young Fu Xuan's appearance. This guy has never been a child, but a Taibu who has lived for hundreds of years!

Knowledge and strength are built up over time and can easily lead to qualitative changes when accumulated.

It can be seen that Fu Xuan is indeed unique in martial arts, and Jing Yuan's choice of her as his successor was not random.

"There is no wrong way to go, things and no wrong things..."

"Sister Fu, stop, stop, stop!!"

Chen Lin hurriedly stopped her plan to knock out all the Yunqi who were beating each other, and was worried about this group of Yunqi who were extremely weak physically and mentally.

Others couldn't understand the meaning of her formation, but he, Chen Lin, could.

The upper stem is the sky, and the lower earthquake is the thunder.

Of course, letting things take their own course and giving them a good beating can help you wake up, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this approach.

Facing these Yunqi whose minds were under control and whose bodies were constantly being tortured by internal friction, Fu Xuan's method of waking them up from their confusion might be a bit violent, but it still made sense.

The problem is that people's brains are already exhausted. If you beat them like this, who knows if they will be damaged by you.

Don't look at the cloud riders who stumbled and knocked down on the field. In fact, most of them just used up their strength and suffered some skin injuries. There was no serious injury that would threaten their lives.

Himeko reminded herself to be careful about Kafka's ability. It seemed to be a kind of mental control ability that could easily affect one's subjective judgment and action.

No matter how you look at the cloud cavalry in front of you, they are all controlled by Kafka. Kafka didn't want to kill the Xianzhou people, otherwise he and others would probably only see a lot of cannibalism left behind. corpse.

He could tell in his heart that the Star Core Hunter didn't want to kill the Xianzhou people to cause hatred. Otherwise, the people would not have died by then, but Fu Xuan knocked out the group of cloud riders and it was the last straw that broke the camel's back. The result was hilarious. .

Chen Lin also wanted to ask Kafka about the Star Core Hunter. Maybe he could even negotiate some business. If he could only choose one of Xianzhou and Star Core Hunter, he would be in big trouble.

With such a pull from Chen Lin, his energy flow was interrupted, and the dazzling Dharma Eyes on Fu Xuan's forehead gradually dimmed, and the surging energy of the Dharma Formation disappeared instantly like a broken string.

Just now, he was suddenly interrupted from his holy show. Fu Xuan glanced at Chen Lin dissatisfied: "I am saving people, why do you love me..."

"The soul is unstable, beware of external impact."

Seeing Fu Xuan give up, Chen Lin explained casually and quickly intervened.

Chen Lin, who has psychic vision, can easily see the reason why Kafka affects the minds of these soldiers, and he can even see it more thoroughly!

Almost every soldier has a silk thread wrapped around his joints, so that the caster can personally control their actions at all times. As for those who are unconscious and have cognitive errors, a thicker silk thread has penetrated these quilts. The position of the controller's Baihui point is also the extension and gathering area of ​​all the threads.

It was as if the Baihui Chu silk threads about half a foot above the heads of these controlled Yunqi were gathered into a stick, and other threads hung down from all over the stick to control their behavior, making people lose their ego like puppets on strings. control ability.

Chen Lin is currently cultivating spiritual power, so it would be easy for him to break this artificial puppet situation.

It looks terrifying but is actually fragile and can collapse at the first touch.

Fu Xuan looked at Chen Lin curiously. She could feel something emanating from Chen Lin's body, while he made a fist in vain.


In the blink of an eye, the weak psychic energy that only Chen Lin could see covered the threads. The psychic energies attached to the threads squeezed together, immediately completely disintegrating the control system constructed by Kafka.

Yun Qi, the only remaining few who were still standing there fighting each other, suddenly lightened up, and the confusion that seemed like a dream but not a dream suddenly disappeared.

Only one Yunqi wielded his weapon in mid-air and fell straight down. The comrade opposite him still had an expression of 'who am I, where am I, what am I doing'.

At this time, it is obviously impossible to sheath the knife. After all, the slasher has not yet understood what he was doing just now.

Upon seeing this, Fu Xuan was about to take action to save people, but Chen Lin next to him moved a step faster, turned his palm into a claw at the dazed Yunqi, and pulled back violently.

The dazed Yun Qi seemed to have been hit by something. He violated the law of conservation and rolled back several times. He fell to the ground in a daze, and his eyes were turned into mosquito coils.

clang clang!

The heavy steel knife fell to the ground, creating a crack in the hard floor. At this moment, Yun Qi, who almost lost his life and his companions, suddenly woke up from the crisp sound, covered in cold sweat.

Almost...almost died...

Then a young male voice was heard.

"Sister Fu Xuan is so resourceful that she can save her compatriots from fire and water so easily."

Yun Qi, who was sitting on the ground, thought to himself: Did it turn out to be Master Taibu who saved us?

As soon as he turned around, Yun Qi, who was almost struck to death by a knife, saw a petite, serious-looking figure half-raising his arms and looking at a tall young man standing with his hands behind his back in surprise.

This was the first time she saw Chen Lin take action.

He was so calm and composed that he could invisibly affect the entire battle situation with just a single movement. He seemed to have done nothing, but in fact he had done everything. He also gave all the credit to himself, leaving behind a posture that concealed his merit and fame.

I don’t know how this man looks so clean and good-looking, but somehow...



Chapter 161 What are you planning on...

While Fu Xuanwu was stunned, most of the Yunqijun who were still conscious had already woken up. They didn't know why they were clearly hunting down the provocative suspects, but now they appeared in the depths of Yuanxing Port.

After carefully questioning the two Yunqi who were watching the show, everyone found out that it was Taibu Fuxuan who saved them.

In many descriptions that were added to the story and became more and more outrageous, Fu Xuan was said to be a heavenly soldier and general, and he used various gorgeous tricks to wake them up from their lost state.

For a while, the cloud riders thanked Fu Xuandao one after another and explained the reason why they were manipulated.

It turned out that these more than 20 cloud riders were stationed at another port with the purpose of blocking the Yuxing Port. Just ten minutes ago, Kafka who was consistent with the portrait suddenly appeared and led them deeper. Go, of course the result is needless to say. Before they could pursue them very far, all the people in this team lost consciousness.

Based on what the two Yunqi who accompanied Fu Xuan and Chen Lin said, they were all under Kafka's control in an instant, but they didn't know why they ended up fighting each other several miles away from their blockade.

No, it should be said that they were performing martial arts on each other.

In the past, she would not have cared at all when Fu Xuan encountered this kind of thing, but since he got an adopted brother, he often chatted and laughed coolly with the general, making her feel like she was superfluous. The tool person responsible for doing things...

No, I can’t lag behind!

Only then did Fu Xuan start to use his brain and think more about some issues.

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