He couldn't help but ask: "If you don't see anything, if you come a little further, I'm afraid it will be..."

"It's dangerous, right?" Danshu thought of Chen Lin's words first, shook his head and said: "For people like us, this is just a small step in the millions of hardships in the future. Lin, do you know? Every time that child comes here, her body is covered with bruises and bruises. Among the medicines I grabbed for her, most of them are medicines for treating bruises and bruises, and a few are prescriptions for pain relief."

"So Danshu, you want me to help find someone?"

Chen Lin couldn't believe it. He thought about it and never thought of this possibility.

Danshu nodded: "Yes. That child has always kept his word and has a clear sense of time. I'm worried that I'm in trouble after not coming for so long. By the way, I also want to hear your voice. There's something I want to tell you, but Let’s talk about it after that.”

With doubts and pity, Chen Lin asked where the little girl Danshu said often came from. After all, Danshu had treated her for so many years and prescribed countless medicines, so he should know some information.

Sure enough, Danshu relayed everything she learned from the chat to Chen Lin, and at least she had a general direction.

After all, Danshu could not see the appearance of the blind girl and could not describe her specific appearance. He only told Chen Lin the child's hairstyle and the general style of the clothes she usually wore, such as the collar and cuffs.

The child was not favored by the adopter, so there were not many styles of clothes. According to Danshu's description, she could tell by touch that the child only had two pieces of clothes.

With these clues, it will be much easier to find the person.

In order to maximize the permanent vision of Xianzhou, Chen Lin inserted his psychic vision wherever he went.

A few minutes later, he found the suspected person based on Danshu's description.

"Found it, it's near the square a few hundred meters away from here." Chen Lin opened his eyes and said, "There is no danger, we just encountered some trouble."

"Really?" Danshu said unexpectedly: "He is indeed a governor of a country, and his abilities far exceed my knowledge. In this case, I can rest assured. Please go back quickly."

Carrying the medicine bag, Chen Lin said hello and walked towards Changletian Plaza. He had been observing everything happening there with his high-altitude vision. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart and quickened his pace.

He wants to beat children, even if these so-called 'children' may be dozens of years older than him...

Beside a pool, three little boys were taking turns provoking and ridiculing a crying little girl. When they discovered that the girl was trying to escape, they even surrounded her and pushed her.

"Little blind man, my brothers are talking to you. Why are you running? You're not afraid of falling headlong on a road pillar and dying."

"Can't you hear what I'm saying? Just cry, cry, cry, let me see if you can run away!"

As he spoke, one of the little boys pushed the little girl in front of him to the ground. The little girl got up with fear on her face and her whole body was shaking.

"Yes...I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

"Hey, now you know I'm sorry? Why were you so arrogant when we bumped into you?"

One of the little boys from the Fox tribe stretched out his hand and pulled her. She was already so weak that she couldn't resist such a pull. In addition, she couldn't see anything, so she fell down even if her body was slightly unbalanced.

"I...I apologized then..." The little girl said with tears in her eyes as she spoke like a mosquito.

Her clothes were covered in dust and dirt, and her skinny knees were covered with red blood.

Hearing this, the little boy they called boss was not happy and immediately grabbed her hair and started threatening her.

"I said you didn't apologize, so you didn't apologize! How can a blind man be so reasonable? I think you want to put your head in this pool and wake up!"

With that said, he grabbed the little girl's hair and dragged her to the edge of the pool. The pointing and pointing sounds sounded like praise to them.

Everyone around them knew them, and no one wanted to get into trouble, otherwise the windows of their homes would be smashed with rocks and feces and urine would be thrown on the door one night.

Not far away, there was a girl carrying a bag who had just walked out of an inn in despair, and happened to bump into this scene.

She took out the 'hidden weapon' named Emperor Yuan Qiongyu in her pocket, and was just about to step forward to stop the violence. Unexpectedly, the little boy beside the pool suddenly plunged into the water uncontrollably, and choked several times. It attracted exclamations of surprise from all around.

The girl was also startled when she saw this. She was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what was going on.

Chapter 171 Xiaoliang, go and give her the whole job!

This loud 'ouch' sound almost scared the two people outside the pool to death. They didn't know how to swim, so they couldn't save anyone if something happened.

Therefore, apart from anxiously shouting the name of the boy who fell into the water, there was nothing he could do.

"Who the hell kicked me? Cough cough cough..."

The boy who fell into the water choked half to death. The first thing he did when he crawled out wet was to question him.

"Boss, there's no one to kick you."

"Yes, yes, we didn't see anyone coming."

The two followers hurriedly shook their heads and expressed their thoughts.

"I saw you, boss, walking to the edge of the pool and throwing yourself in."

The wet boy frowned, his tone was extremely unkind, the veins near his fists bulged, and he denied embarrassing himself in front of his little brother.

"Fart! How could I fall in by myself? Someone obviously kicked me!"

"I know." The little boy from the Fox tribe pointed at the little girl sitting on the ground with a fearful face and said, "She must have done it! She was dragged behind by you, the boss, just now, and she is the only one who can kick you!"

The little girl who had inexplicably carried a big pot looked increasingly frightened and defended herself: "No, it's not me... I didn't hit anyone."

The voice of denial was trembling, because she knew that if she didn't say something, she might get beaten.

She sat helplessly on the ground, her hands already protecting the vital parts of her body, especially her head and neck. It seemed that her body was used to how to deal with such a frame-up.

"You blind man...!" The drowned boy gritted his teeth and walked towards the little girl, his fists clenching.

The truth at this moment is not important at all. What is important is that he must regain his face as soon as possible, otherwise he will easily be laughed at by his younger brother.

But before he could take two steps forward, he felt as if someone had kicked him in the crook of his leg. He knelt down in front of the little girl with a thud, banged his head on the ground, and kowtowed like never before.


Follower little boy: "?"

Onlookers: "..."

Qingque: "..."

"Boss, why are you kowtowing to this little blind man so aggressively?" Some stupid little boys from the Fox tribe turned around and muttered: "It's not like you were drowned..."

Although the voice of the second half of the sentence was low, it was still clearly audible in the short silence.

The little boy whose forehead was red and swollen was so angry that he reluctantly stood up and kicked the little boy from the Fox tribe on the thigh.

"You're looking for a fight, right? I accidentally lost my footing!"

"I'm sorry, boss, it's my fault."

After being punched a few more times, the little boy from the Fox tribe put on a smile and began to admit his mistake, but the dissatisfaction in his heart did not dissipate.

It was obviously you who walked over fiercely and kowtowed to someone suddenly. What else could it be if you weren't drowned and stupid...

This time he was smarter and just thought about it in his mind instead of saying it out loud.

When another little follower saw his companion being beaten, he immediately became silent and did not dare to take a breath.

The wet child king felt confused, pointed at the little brother who had not been beaten and ordered: "Come on!"

"Ah I?"

"I asked you to give her some color and see if you can't hear it?!" The child king's voice was a little more sulky.

Normally, the two younger brothers can't point east or west. Why is everything going wrong today? Why can't even orders be carried out immediately?

The follower who was ordered to arrive was startled. He remembered that his boss had just taught the rude companion a lesson. He didn't want to be beaten for nothing, so he swept away the timidity in his heart, clenched his fists and trotted up.

He's just a little blind man who can't see anything. The boss is kind-hearted and doesn't want to get his hands dirty. Let me replace this bad reputation!

Unexpectedly, just a few steps after running out, the sole of his foot suddenly slipped. He tried to stabilize his body in a hurry, but unexpectedly, his legs kicked up and his mouth and throat refused to move.


He immediately performed a backflip for everyone, then landed smoothly, and took off again with help. He flipped more than a dozen times in a row, almost throwing out the contents of his stomach, and finally clapped to himself.

The onlookers didn't understand what the little boy was doing, but apart from the street performers, not many people could do such a difficult move, so they also clapped.

Clap clap clap.


Veins popped up on the kid's forehead, "What the hell are you doing?!"

"I...I don't know, boss, vomit..." Before the little boy could finish his words, he immediately squatted on the ground and began to vomit violently, and a sour smell suddenly swept through the entire place.

Qingque in the crowd put away the Imperial Yuan Qiongyu in his hand and frowned slightly.

Forget it once or twice, she can treat it as an accident, but three accidents in a row are no longer an ordinary coincidence. Someone must be helping the little girl.

The issue is……

How can this be achieved?

"How damn evil." The child king said with disgust, "He is just a blind man anyway. Sooner or later I will take revenge for this! Let's go..."

"Boss, boss!!"

The little fox boy who had been beaten before suddenly howled in terror, "I can't see, I can't see!!"

"What can't you see? You are not the little blind man..."

Before he could finish his words, the little boy who was squatting on the ground and almost vomiting began to rush around in a panic, and fell to the ground after taking only a few steps.

"Why is it so dark... so dark, I... I'm blind!!!"

A series of weird things made the child king feel very unsure, and he took a few steps back with weak legs.

"Keep pretending! No...if you don't leave, I will leave by myself!"

The two little boys who suddenly lost their sight cried out: "Boss, I really can't see anything, please help me!"

He stumbled to his feet and tripped again, and the square was filled with shrill wails.

The little girl was still squatting on the ground. She really couldn't see the situation in front of her, but she seemed to be able to tell what happened just by listening to the sound.

Those guys bullied me, and they kept embarrassing themselves. They seemed to be...blind?

When the kid king saw that the two followers didn't look like they were pretending, his heart was suddenly haunted by unknown fear, and he couldn't care less about the little brothers squirming on the ground. He turned around and prepared to escape without saying a word.

As a result, before running a few steps, the colors in front of him suddenly dimmed, and the colorful world was replaced by black. He lost his sense of space and could not escape his fate. He fell to the ground and rolled several times while guessing the steps. lock up.

"Who is doing this?! Let this young master recover his eyesight quickly, otherwise we, Third Young Master Luofu, will not let you go! Someone will send me home, hurry up!! Otherwise, I will beat you kids every time I see you next time!" "

The frightened kid king immediately stood up and waved his fists around, as if this was the only way to bring him some peace of mind.

On weekdays, relying on the few pennies at home, even if they get into trouble when they go out, their parents will disdainfully compensate them according to the price. They have been accustomed to being arrogant over time, but they have never experienced such fear. They immediately shouted to passers-by to take them back, otherwise they would have to pay the price. Take revenge on these passers-by who refused to save them.

"If you do too many bad things, you will be punished, and you will die well!"

I don’t know which passerby spoke, and everyone onlookers laughed.

"The Third Young Master Luofu has become the Third Blind Luofu. The whole world is celebrating."

"You little brat, you still want to take revenge on us? Let's go back and cry to our parents first... Oh, then we have to find a way back."

"Do you think they will fall to death on their way back? If they fall to death, I will set off firecrackers to celebrate tomorrow."

"Then I'll pay for another firecracker."

"I'll also pay some money, just to celebrate the death of these kids who have been spoiled by their parents."

"You are too damaged, Lao Yun. I remember that they splashed feces on the door of your shop, right? Why don't you go to the toilet and get some, and now pour it next to them to see if they will fall and eat it."

"Ha ha ha ha!!"


These naughty children all have rich families, and they often do bad things under the pampering and pampering of their parents. Most of the people living near them don't want to make things worse, and most of them just accept the compensation and keep silent.

Nowadays, seeing these people lose their light inexplicably, there are many people who are gloating about their misfortune.

"You...you guys!!" The child king was so anxious that tears came out. He was angry and gritted his teeth and said sternly: "If something happens to me, you won't even think about it easy!"

"Ouch, you are still saying harsh words. Come on, come on, you win if you can walk to my side... Be careful, there are stairs on the left, yes, go to the right. Pfft!! Hahahaha stupid!"

The child king was tricked into running around in circles, stepping on things and falling down at every turn, grinning in pain and still yelling and cursing.

At this time, Qingque had already helped the little girl up and patted the dust on her dress. She felt happy when she saw the arrogant and domineering little kids behind her being teased around.

If you like to bully others, are you blind now?

She had also seen these children on her way to and from get off work. They usually hung out near the square. They would kick a dog a few times when they saw it passing by. When they were fighting, it was common for them to throw rocks into nearby stores and then run away. .

Once Qing Que was playing cards nearby, and the table was overturned by these little brats, causing her to lose all her big cards. If she hadn't had a good attitude, she would have beaten them up together with several other card friends.

It perfectly explains what it means to be disgusted by people and dogs.

"Are you okay? Do these wounds still hurt?" Qingque wiped the wounds on the little girl's chin with a wet tissue and asked.

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