As the other person in charge of the project, she naturally knew what kind of power Clara could unleash if an accident happened to the fusion energy generated by using the frigate engine.

Even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, the pictures on paper and Shivaro's calculations can prove that the explosion can easily affect nearby spaceships. If the distance is too close, it may even affect the stability of the hull structure. Although Clara is here, the affected spacecraft can be immediately affected. Repair the damaged ship, but we must also try to avoid danger, right?


Clara came back to her senses and hurriedly began to contact Xi'er who was in the leading flagship.

The next second, there was a cold girl on the communication projector with a piece of grass in her mouth and an expressionless face, walking around with her arms folded, her clothes fluttering, and her whole body gave people a vague feeling just by walking. present illusion.

Somehow cool.

After being stunned for a moment, Clara hurriedly said:

"Sister Xi'er, our side is ready and we can withdraw to a safe distance."

Xi'er nodded and spat out the grass root she pulled from nowhere in her mouth: "No problem, tell all units to be prepared and enter the phase space in one minute to continue observation! long will it take?"

"Two hours will do!"

"Two hours? No problem. I originally thought it would take several days."

Xi'er breathed a sigh of relief. This was the ability she gained after her second awakening. She could drag ships within a certain range into the quantum phase space to avoid the influence of reality. In addition to being able to move forward normally, she could also pass through a briefly opened space. Launch a one-way attack on the outside.

In other words, when Xi'er is at full power, the fleet she commands can attack the enemy unilaterally for several days, and the enemy has no way to deal with her.

Only passively beaten.

One minute later, all the ships in front of the L-Star Gate suddenly disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a scanner embedded in the L-Star Gate.


Chapter 178 She looked at her

Big things are happening in the Yaliluo system, and the initiator of a certain reform-through-labor proposal is sitting at the dining table and eating a big meal.

Everyone ordered a lot of spicy things on the table, and the hot air blower in the store made him feel a little stuffy. He pulled his collar and kept breathing out. Occasionally he would look at his phone to reply to a few messages.

"The food is so hot."

It's rare to be able to eat so many chili peppers in Xianzhou, and Chen Lin feels like eating at home.

Qingque chuckled: "How about Lao Chen, isn't the place I'm looking for great? What's hidden in this small alley is the real Xianzhou delicacy!"

"Who knew this place would be a restaurant..." Xing Man's mouth was full of red and hissed, "I thought it was a private house at first glance."

The shadow of the spoon was flying, and everyone had an extra portion of Chen Po Tofu in their bowls.

March Qi's pink eyes narrowed and she said with great enjoyment:

"These things are really delicious, everyone, please eat more! To be honest, we all want to collect some fairy boat recipes and get back on the train. I believe Pam can definitely make them!"

“What to do with the ingredients?”

Xing was very confused. She had never seen many of the ingredients here before. She couldn't substitute them with other things, right?

If some key ingredients are replaced, it may be difficult to achieve the same taste.

March [-]th said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, Pam will find a way! Pam is very powerful."

"Can Pam even find a way to do this?" Xing looked surprised.

"Of course, the train conductor should not be underestimated."

"The problem is that Pam is very cute." Xing couldn't understand how the cute Pam couldn't be underestimated.

March [-] looked serious.

"When she encountered a lot of danger in the past, Pam would become very scary and scary!"

Walter also interjected at the right time: "In short, don't make Pam angry on the train, he is...very strong."

Xing covered her mouth. No one had ever told her about this before, but reliable Uncle Yang would never lie, so this must be true.

"Humph, that's why I say Pam is very powerful. He will always be able to figure out a solution if he encounters any trouble."

"Then I'm curious..."


The two girls talked to each other for a long time, and then Chen Lin's slightly unbearable voice sounded faintly, breaking the argument between the two.

"In March, I remember that your six-phase ice will not melt on its own. In that case, why don't you just freeze the food by controlling the temperature to a level that will not freeze it, and then move it to an empty carriage at the back of the train to store it? "

Sometimes he didn't quite understand why such a simple question had to be left to Pam to think about later. Chen Lin had long wanted to complain about these two guys with slow brain circuits.

After being reminded, March [-]th clapped her hands belatedly: "It seems so!"


Qingque felt that the people on the train were really interesting, or should it be said that it was because everyone had good personalities?

Mr. Yang has a solemn face and always gives people the image of a patriarch, but he is actually surprisingly open-minded. He understands many jokes and knows how to make them. Even when he gets along with his juniors, he does not make anyone feel restrained.

Miss March [-]th and Miss Star each have their own ways of getting along, but they both tend to liven up the atmosphere and can easily make everyone think of many topics to talk about.

Lao Chen’s words...

He seems to be more casual than anyone else on weekdays. Except for sometimes having a bad taste that makes people black out, he is very reliable when doing business.

Before this, Qingque had never seen a young man with such a delicate mind, and he had quite a sense of confidence in having a plan for everything.

Old Chen is so handsome. If he were dressed in some elegant clothes, he would look like a great strategist from a gossip book.

"Here, it's ready for you."

Chen Lin handed the cup filled with liquor to Qing Que.

This was Chen Lin's first attempt to use spiritual power to improve the substances in his hands. He adjusted the various data in these ordinary high-quality liquors according to the drinker's preferences. While covering up or even removing the shortcomings, he continued to improve their Advantages are magnified.

Qingque nodded and said, "Thank you, Old Chen."

Lifting the glass and taking a sip of wine, Qingque was a little tipsy and confused. The wine was silky and soft in the mouth, and a rich mellow aroma penetrated straight into the heart. The alcohol content was much lower, but the simple charm was quietly diffused in it. Although we are obviously in the streets, Qingque feels like we are in a green forest, with clear springs flowing, which is even more refreshing.

Chen Lin had tried this several times earlier, and after constant adjustments, Qingque decided that this drink was the most suitable for him!

Qingque stared at the wine in the glass, and then said in surprise: "Wow, Lao Chen, this is the taste! It tastes so good!"

Chen Lin remembered the various data for modifying the liquor and nodded: "Call me if you still want to drink after drinking."

She felt that after drinking this glass of wine, any good wine she drank would be insignificant. Even if it tasted good, it would never be so well-balanced, just like it was tailor-made for her.

Qingque held the wine in the cup and thought: "Let's recover the air route soon. If the aged rice wine in the cellar at home can be handled by Lao Chen, it will definitely taste better than the current white wine that costs a hundred credits." I really don’t know what you want to do with so much wine in the cellar..."

I remember the last time I went there, more than ten years ago, the lids on those wine jars were about to turn into powder when touched.

It’s such a waste to store good wine like this!

After a successful experience, Chen Lin became more proficient in psychic bartending and became more comfortable in using it.

Everyone had a satisfying dinner, and Walter even experienced an authentic Xianzhou delicacy. Qingque didn’t know what treasure bag he had brought, but he actually took out several bags of fruit-flavored mouthwash, which was well-known. Rinse your mouth after eating to protect your teeth.

Xianzhou people actually have the habit of protecting their teeth...

Shouldn't it break and grow back again?

When everyone left the hidden alley, it was already quite dark. The lights on the roadside gradually turned on with the brightness, ensuring that things could be easily seen on the street at all times.

Qingque was obviously still worried about inviting Chen Lin to drink next time, so he approached Chen Lin and waved: "Old Chen, come here and tell you something."


Chen Lin subconsciously squatted down and leaned his head, Qingque leaned over and wanted to say something.

As soon as she got closer, Qingque smelled the unique and attractive scent of Chen Lin. She suddenly found that there seemed to be some electric current crackling around her body, her heartbeat became very fast, and a heat radiated from nowhere. When I came out, my cheeks burned all of a sudden.

The white and translucent little earlobes began to turn pink under the street lamp. In the blink of an eye, they turned pink, and then spread to the face and then to the neck.

How could there be such a clean, good-looking, stable and interesting boy in the world...

Chen Lin waited for a long time but did not see Qingque speak. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, he heard Qingque swallow his saliva.


Chen Lin: "?!"

This voice was undoubtedly the worst response for Chen Lin. Most of it came from the instinct that was tempered by March Seven and Star on the train.

The air between the two seemed still. The people walking in front were all chatting about buying tea, without paying any attention to what was happening behind them.

This shit trait is so annoying, especially when someone is too close to you, it will always attract you to food. Even though no one has actually eaten your own meat, it is still a bit scary. Panic.

After the gene ascends, hurry up and give this thing away!

With a plan in mind, Chen Lin leisurely spoke.


Chen Lin also wanted to distract Qingque, lest she, who was slightly smoked, would really think of herself as some kind of delicious food. It would be funny if she bit herself in the street.

There were many passers-by coming and going on the street, and the two people had been too close to each other for too long. Some passers-by noticed that this tall man and one short man were standing motionless on the roadside, and they would touch each other from time to time. He glanced over, curious as to what the two men were doing.

As a result, Qingque immediately came out of her trance and realized that her heart was beating extremely fast, and she just wanted to say a word to her best friend, as if she was doing something ulterior.

"We'll talk about it when we get back tonight. We're far behind, so hurry up and catch up."

The blush on his face didn't fade away, but he pretended that nothing happened, grabbed Chen Lin's clothes and caught up with the people who were walking away.

Finally, the group of people returned to the Tianshui Pavilion, a teahouse they had passed by before. The waiters responsible for welcoming guests had changed a few times, but the fox-man waiter was still there.

This teahouse is not located directly on the street, but there are quite a few customers coming in and out, both men and women.

Seeing a few people stopping in front of the building, she immediately greeted them with a smile on her face.

"Two gentlemen and three ladies, are you here? The reserved seats have been reserved. Please come in."

"I can't wait!" Xing clenched his fist and said, "I want to drink the most expensive one, and I want to drink it on the third floor!"

"Girl, there are only female tea sommeliers on the third floor and above of our teahouse, and we don't accept female guests. Even if you don't mind, our tea sommeliers probably don't have any experience in this area." The fox waiter responded with some embarrassment.

Xing pointed dissatisfiedly at several women walking upstairs in pairs and questioned: "What about them!?"

The fox waiter said quietly: "Those guests all brought their own like-minded tea masters..."

"Okay, okay, please stop talking. Let's just have a cup of tea." Chen Lin dragged Xing back and said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "I'm sorry, my companion has caused trouble for you."

Just because Xing has no common sense, it doesn't mean that she's not smart. Don't look at her all day long for being smart. In fact, in most cases, she's relatively smart.

At this point, if you can't react anymore, it's no longer a question of whether your brain is working well...

Xing's eyes widened: "It turns out that this place actually sells..."

"It's the Tianshui Pavilion of the teahouse. They sell all kinds of tea." The fox waiter smiled slightly and answered first.

While talking, everyone walked into the teahouse lobby under the guidance of the fox waiter.

Looking around, there are bamboo pavilions built all around, with different sizes, ranging from as few as two people to as many as six people. The decoration is not gorgeous, but it has a sense of antique tranquility.

Waiters dressed in cool and soft clothes walked around carrying trays. The teapots on the trays were emitting wisps of smoke. When they passed by the guests, they would say hello softly.

This tea house actually has a serious business!

Chen Lin was a little surprised. He originally planned to buy some tea and leave if something went wrong. It seems that Tianshui Pavilion is really doing everything, and it has more unique business than other teahouses.

Soon, everyone was led into a bamboo pavilion on the first floor. Everyone ordered a pot of tea according to their interests, so as to experience the elegant style of this fairy boat.

Walter was deep in thought after he came in. He said nothing except ordering tea, as if he was thinking about something.

After a long while, he asked angrily: "Xiao Chen, are you experienced in tea?"

Uncle Yang said this as if I was teasing...

Chen Lin decisively ignored the ambiguity in Walter's words, shook his head and nodded again.

"I can't speak of experience. It's just that my hometown also has the habit of drinking tea. I drink tea or drink alcohol for big and small things. I can only understand it."

"Exactly." Walter agreed, "Although I have heard about tea before, I have never come into contact with it. Jizi's habit of drinking coffee... is hard to change, but buying more tea on the train can save everyone's daily life. Order more drinks instead of drinking coffee every day…”

March [-]th stuck out his tongue: "Uncle Yang, aren't you the one who drinks coffee every day?"

Walter sighed: "So I prefer to have other choices."

Drink coffee for breakfast, coffee for lunch, and coffee for dinner.

If he had a choice, he would prefer to drink cold boiled water rather than drinks that can sharpen his will.

"In that case, leave the tea selection to Xiao Chen and Miss Qingque. One of you has been in contact with me, and the other was born in Xianzhou. You have some understanding of these things, but we all know nothing about it." Walter He smiled bitterly.

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