In reality, I am submissive, but in the space of consciousness, I strike hard!

Fortunately, he chose to ascend to spiritual power for convenience and convenience, otherwise he might have been pinched to death by Huan Wu.

Huanlu was still enjoying the joy of succeeding in his plan, but suddenly he saw the palace-like decoration around him fading little by little, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the invisible spiritual energy surged up again, and the sluggish consciousness space took on a new look again. The self-confidence of controlling the whole scene gradually faded. Huanhuang frowned and said in a cold tone: "I recite the sentiment of the string of candied haws, and shout again. Lord benefactor, do you not want to cooperate with me?"

"Haha, before you say anything harsh, take a look at what you have in your hand."

At the same time as the laughter rang out, a shadow slowly appeared in front of Huan Lu. Its appearance and figure... were none other than Chen Lin himself.

At this time, he was looking at Huanlong with a joking smile: "Let's see if you can get out of here!"


Huan Wu was shocked to find that the special effects of the consciousness he thought he had in front of him disappeared. It was just a mass of empty consciousness composed of high concentration of spiritual energy, which had no connection with Chen Lin himself.

The problem is that she really saw a lot of Chen Lin's memories about the empire in it, and even knew that he was still a member of the imperial family. It was clear what he had seen and learned in the empire since he was a child, and what he had experienced when he grew up. .

How could it be fake? !

Her expression changed, and she was no longer interested in maintaining her image. Her charming appearance suddenly turned into a soul fire, trying to get out of the star core the same way she came in.


Huanlong hit the star core and was bounced back.

If you don’t believe it, try again!


There was another crisp sound, and Huanhuren was immediately stunned.

She thought she was a hunter who had caught her prey, but it turned out that the prey was actually pretending to be stupid and deceived her!

It made her always feel that she was winning, and she revealed everything she should and shouldn't say, including some of her private thoughts about her destiny.

"what have you done……?"

The illusory voice was trembling. As the Lord of Extermination, she was unable to break through the blockade of this consciousness space even with all her strength. The advantage of her most proud life form was actually crushed by organic life without any dignity. It can be said.

Moreover, several rays of spiritual energy had just passed by her. Huanhuang could feel that her power was suppressed by something. Many things that could have been easily obtained now required exponentially more effort to use.

"It's nothing." Chen Lin walked towards her slowly, "I just asked the guests to come in and close the doors and windows. This is not a toilet. Where can I come and leave whenever I want?"

At this moment, Chen Lin could no longer hide himself.

In his consciousness space, he himself is a god. As long as he has enough spiritual energy, he can do whatever he wants here. Chen Lin had thought about what he could do if he dragged other people's consciousness into his own consciousness space. No matter what he did, theoretically he couldn't bring the enemy here.

It just so happens that Huanwu, as a spiritual creature, can easily enter and exit other people's consciousness space, destroy and modify other people's consciousness to achieve the purpose of occupying their physical body, and he is also the first other person to enter here.

To put it more vividly, there is no doubt that Huanhu and the guinea pig are the same.

Realistic psychic powers don't have more buffs than in the game. Just a few more functions and it's done. There are really a lot of things that can be developed with this thing. As for what flowers can be developed, it depends on Chen Lin himself.

Chapter 185 I said, no matter whether you can beat me or not, you must not be able to beat me!

Another early morning, when she woke up from bed, she saw the familiar ceiling. The scent of snacks in the air seemed to be just like the real thing, which made her feel hungry.

The sense of reassurance that surrounded her made her realize that this was all just the calm before the storm.Huanwu didn't know exactly how long had passed, but she had died and restarted several times here, so Huanwu knew it.

She raised her head and looked at the seven figures floating in the air, her eyes glazed over.

The eternal voice of young people echoed in my ears.

"Welcome to i wanna live on. After surviving this day, you can talk to me calmly. Of course, you can also admit defeat."

After dying for more than a million times, his voice still had the same tone as before, without any unnecessary changes. It was like recording a sentence with a tape recorder and playing it every time she restarted the archive.

The pride of being the Lord of Extermination prevented her from lowering her arrogant head and begging for mercy. She had to rely on her ability to tell Chen Lin that such little tricks could not trap her at all!

Although her hazy mental state began to have problems, her long-term muscle memory allowed her to count the seconds silently.

21, 22, 23... 45.


Huanhuang immediately jumped up from the bed, squatting on the bed and staring at the big bed he was lying on just now. In the next second, hundreds of sharp thorns stabbed out from under the mattress, and the cloth strips and wooden boards were easily torn into pieces. , if she was still lying on it, it would have been reopened by this time.

When the spikes appeared, Huanwu jumped on the floor tiles at an extremely weird pace. If you observe carefully, you can find that every time she jumps, there are always two floor tiles away. After Huanwu jumps out, the floor behind her It will be immediately pierced by the spikes.

The rules were figured out after Huanlong was reopened hundreds of times.

The rental house could be left in just a dozen steps. Huanlong jumped around as if on a task. He went to the bathroom to wash up, and then went to the living room to pick up the to-do list on the coffee table. It took him more than ten minutes to escape. Rental house.

However, behind this ten-minute process was the answer that Huanlong spent tens of thousands of lives trying and erroring out.

She didn't want to die, but Chen Lin made her experience death crazily.

From the annihilation of the body to the collapse of the spirit, the fear of death even gave rise to the illusion that "death doesn't seem to be that scary".

At first, she felt that every step of the way could not be deduced according to common sense, and she was always guessing how Chen Lin wanted her to die. In the end, she did fall into the trap set by my prediction of your prediction again and again.

When she stepped into this anti-prejudgment trap, Huanlong thought she had guessed Chen Lin's thoughts correctly, and fell into the joy of being able to avoid dying dozens of times. As a result, she soon discovered that she was locked in a certain space. Among them, there was a poisonous spike in the space, forcing her to kill herself.

It took more than half an hour to get out of the high-rise building. This was just a very short task on the task list. Below was a dense arrangement of where she should go next.

Many things here refer to the background design of Xianzhou. The streets and alleys full of Xianzhou style are densely packed with passers-by.

Huanhu cannot be touched by these passers-by who are walking according to the programmed settings, otherwise he will return to that cold bed.

Therefore, she once again went to the 'Fairy Food Alley' on her to-do list to buy something...

After finishing the shopping, Huanlong hurriedly went to a restaurant in the city and used extremely complicated methods to hand over the purchased ingredients to the restaurant chef...

After choosing the only correct dish among dozens of dishes and eating it, a red light in the sky fell on the street.

It was a monster with a human body and a fish head. After Huanhuang tried his best to kill it, the third task on the task list was finally completed.

However, there are still more than 40 tasks left on the list...

The last time Huanwu only lived here, after she killed the monster with a body and a fish head, hundreds of treasure boxes appeared in front of her. Huanwu randomly picked one and opened it. As a result, the time of the world was suspended, and the thought of being opened was A pair of withered arms shot out and pierced her body.

The game starts again...

Not long after, Huanhuang came here again, opened the treasure box, and died again...

She gritted her teeth and kept trying.

Huanlong felt that hundreds of years had passed, but in fact, in Chen Lin's opinion, not even a minute had passed.

In the space of consciousness, there was a hollow golden ball floating in the palm of Chen Lin's palm. Its size fluctuated from big to small. Various data about the illusive death and death were constantly transmitted to Chen Lin. He thought that this great lord of annihilation really had something. will.

"I didn't expect this place to be more of a prison than a prison cell."

"If you can extract other people's mental energy and put it here for torture, there shouldn't be anything you can't find out, right?"

"As a spiritual creature, the Lord of Extinction is helpless. It seems that spiritual ascension has strengthened the spiritual power to a certain extreme. Unless I allow others to infiltrate the spiritual power, this space will be harder than a rock..."

"Nanook shouldn't know what Huanhuang is going through, right?"

Through constant attempts, Chen Lin spent a full ten seconds designing an i wanna series of games designed to torture people, and successfully threw Huanlong into it and forced her to play.

Huanwu is known for his powerful mental power, and he is also a majestic messenger of destruction, but he has no power to fight back within the space of his consciousness.

If one's mental power is really strong to the point of being invulnerable to all poisons, then to what extent will one's physical body reach after genetic ascension?

Chen Lin didn't even dare to think about it.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Chen Lin found that his monitoring device had received news that Huanhui had given up struggling after dying 4182673 times. Every time he was resurrected, he lay motionless on the bed, letting the spikes under the bed kill him. She kills.

This kind of mess has added 10,000+ deaths to the Huanhu disciples. Chen Lin felt that the time was almost there, so with a thought, Huanhu escaped from the game and entered the consciousness space.

She has no body here, her body is just a fierce burning flame, but this time Chen Lin found that the flames on her body were much dimmed, and her state was lifeless and lifeless.

Could this be... a bad joke?

Chen Lin poked Huanlong worriedly: "Are you still alive?"


"I just asked you to try out a game, why are you still autistic?"


Chen Lin snorted impatiently: "If you don't answer again, go in and continue playing."


The flame leaves on Huanhuang's body shook twice, and he made a feeble voice, "Just say whatever you want to talk to me about, whatever you want, you can kill me, just do whatever you want, it doesn't matter..."

I have to say that when it comes to showing off and knowing how to give up, Huanlong is really skilled from the bottom of his heart. After all, he has died millions of times. Working hard is also dying, and not working hard is also dying. It is better to just die to yourself without working hard. Save some effort.

This kind of talent is second only to some geniuses who are naturally easy to show off.

"Since you are willing to talk to me, why don't you just say it out loud?" Chen Lin couldn't help asking.

It's not like he hasn't reminded Huan Wu that if she chooses to admit defeat at the right time, she won't have to go through this torture again.

Huanhu disdains.

"So what if I die? This is just a small part of my clone. Even if it is completely destroyed by you, so what? Just a small part of the power I pulled out will almost make you die. If I take action with all my strength, , you will never be able to cope with it so easily."


Chen Lin took a deep breath, how could he be as tough-mouthed as Sister Fu, or even vaguely better?

"Killing you will do me no good, so not only will I not kill you, I will also let you go."

"Words of deception have no effect on me. You don't have to go to such trouble to deceive me." Huanwu said scornfully: "Let me go? Then catch me immediately and give me to General Xianzhou as a favor, right? I didn't expect you. He hid it so deeply and used his weak strength to trick me into taking action, so I'm in trouble. If you want to kill or hack him, just do it."

She has seen Chen Lin do things before. Sometimes this young man has a dark heart, and he can fall out of favor faster than flipping through a book.

"Xianzhou owes me enough, and sending you up there won't be of much use, so I won't do it. Besides, you told me what you wanted to do in Xianzhou, what else can I do? What are you lying to?"

Chen Lin shook his head, turned around and said, "Don't you want to build an immortal body with wood? I can help you with this. Even if you want me to use spiritual energy to strengthen your body, I can also help you."

In fact, Huanlong understood that as long as Chen Lin didn't have some quirks, there was no need for him to deceive himself with such words at this time. What she wanted to do in Xianzhou had already been said by herself. In addition, the two She didn't have much interest in her, so it was natural that Chen Lin didn't want to talk to her.

Therefore, when he said that he would help him build a physical body, he was most likely not lying.

So what does he want?

Huanwu said in confusion: "Aren't you afraid that Xianzhou will fall out with you if you do this?"

"Le, do you think everyone believes in an imperial governor with an excellent reputation, or in an extermination king who is more notorious than a star core hunter?"


Huanlu was silenced by this sentence. She did have the ability to record the conversation between the two. The problem was that in this conscious space, Chen Lin was definitely the first to know what she had done.

Not to mention that Chen Lin suppressed her power so hard that it was as if her whole body was sealed by some strange prop, and she could no longer use any power.

"Why are you helping me?" Huanlong's tone became calmer, and he no longer acted like a bitch like before, just pointing at Chen Lin's nose and scolding the bastard.

"It's very simple." Chen Lin smiled, "If you come back with a big defeat, the next time Xianzhou will face it may not be such a gentle 'destruction', right? Xianzhou and I have a small business, and there are a few people in it. My friend, I really don’t want you to block my way of making money.”

"I think the company is suitable for you..."

"Of course I will contact the company if I have the opportunity, but definitely not now." Chen Lin waved his hand and continued: "I will not only help you build a physical body, but I will even help you build two physical bodies with exactly the same strength. As long as you use one of them Hide it and use the other one to follow your plan. Hit when you need to, kill when you need to, it’s no big deal.”

If Huanlong had a physical body now, a lot of abacus beads would probably jump right into her face.

"Then you said that Xianzhou owes you enough favors!"

Chen Lin spread his hands, his expression should be as natural as possible, and he said very naturally:

"Yes, there are indeed enough small and medium-sized favors, so a big favor is needed to break through the shackles."

As he spoke, Chen Lin narrowed his eyes and said, "Besides, I don't think you have a very good relationship with the other princes..."


Huanlu was silent. She couldn't say anything about this, even if Chen Lin really touched her heart.

Chen Lin continued to think about himself: "I may not be able to control other things, but the empire's territory cannot allow any mistakes. I need you to promise me two things, and the above deal can be completed."

"Which two things?" Huanlu still couldn't help but asked.

The physical body made of wood and psychic energy is more attractive to her than other dangers.

Now that her plan has come to an end, Chen Lin knows too much. If he is willing, it is absolutely impossible for him to use Jianmu to fabricate his favorite body.

At most, you can abandon most of the clones and escape with serious injuries.

If that were the case, wouldn't it make her look useless?

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