Since no consensus can be reached through words, fists have become the best way to determine victory and defeat, and the winner takes all.

In the end, this race was completely extinct, because Chen Lin only remembered this about the subsequent plot.


The soul made a surprised sound, and then his face was full of happiness, "Did you find all this information from the archives? Has today's various technologies developed at such a speed? Sure enough, the future is terrifying! The way of psychic energy can be so Strong...good, very good!"

Chen Lin struggled for a moment and asked, "Dare you ask me your senior's surname?"

"Your little guy's language is really interesting. In fact, you don't have to be afraid of us. We have no ill intentions towards you. If you want to name me, I believe that my name is in the archives. I am the last warrior of the Evangelicals. I destroyed this with my own hands. All sinners." Soul laughed loudly: "Those selfish guys never expected that we could hide such a trick! Their fearful expressions and horrifying curses at that time were just asking for trouble! Hey, It’s just our family playing with fire and burning ourselves…”


Chen Lin was stunned.

The soul regained its smile and said calmly: "What you said is not complete. Our destruction is actually the last choice of the Evangelicals, that is - the extinction of the Zero family or the destruction of the entire universe."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the scene from an unknown number of years ago reappeared in front of Chen Lin.

In the picture, neither of the two factions of the Zero Tribe finally won. The reason is that a certain fanatical scientist of the Evangelical Church has developed a chain reaction that can occur on its own in the body of psykers. Through this chain reaction, This type of reaction can burn the vitality of the psyker, thereby producing frequent and violent energy output. This method has a proper name in psionic theory called 'psychic overdraft'.

After the chain reaction of the overdrawn mind ends, a gelatin-like substance will be produced, which contains the psychic potential of the overdrawn psyker's life and can be directly absorbed and utilized by other psykers.

It was by using this method of injuring the enemy by one thousand and losing one by one that the Evangelicals gained the confidence to defeat the Upgrading Sect.

With the desires in the souls of countless comrades, the evangelicals started the final battle while all living beings were on their knees.

The Upgraded Sect was not at all helpless. They launched the 'End of Reincarnation' plan in a desperate struggle. By contacting all the limitations of the siphon and the psychic beacon, they began to seize the energy of the entire universe at an unprecedented speed. The black hole was also expanding. It is different from wanting to consume the life of the entire universe to run the energy as a war machine.

The Evangelicals naturally do not allow such a thing to happen, but the 'End of Reincarnation' plan has caused huge casualties to the Evangelicals. After discussions within the sect, the Evangelicals made the final decision to die for themselves and the Zero tribe. , let the whole universe survive.

At that time, the last evangelical warrior muttered: The only one who can defeat God is God Himself.

The planes of reality and energy fluctuate, swords and sword shadows wreak havoc on everything in the space, dark purple projections are everywhere in the starry sky, misty halos seem to come from hell, time tends to stand still, and singularities ruthlessly shatter all information.

The smooth and flat space became loose, small bubbles and cracks slowly opened, ebbing and flowing screams flooded into the minds of all living beings, the beacon standing in the deep space gradually dimmed, and the infinitesimal singularity almost collapsed... …

By sacrificing themselves, the Evangelicals are left with only one warrior absorbing the psychic dust they leave behind.

He carried his entire evangelical companions, his selfless long-cherished wish and his noble heart, step by step into the virtual realm.

Stars broke through the sky and fell, and the space was shattered by the shock. The desert was swept by the wind, the deep sea was surging, the black and endless ground was burning with raging fire, and the shocking huge waves, lightning and thunder became the main colors of all spaces.

A dark purple figure appeared, as did a gigantic creature that filled the deep curtain like a horizon. They brought everything to an abrupt halt, and the universe fell into absolute silence in an instant.

When time began to pass again, the dust had long since settled.

Almost all the existence of the Zeluo tribe was wiped out from the universe. The war between gods lasted for a long time, and as if in a blink of an eye, the raindrops fell, and the gods of the war fell everywhere. Time buried this war. Mark of.

After reading this, the screen flickered a few times and suddenly disappeared from sight.

However, Chen Lin could feel that the senior who mocked himself as a 'sinner' in front of him actually stuffed all the contents of that battle between gods into his mind.

"You wonder why you saw us, but we are lucky that it was us you saw..."

The Evangelical Warrior showed a sad smile, "Because your mind has not attracted the beasts of the Upgrade Sect. If they were attracted, they might trick you into fulfilling their so-called long-cherished wish, whether it be deception or intimidation... I know they will use any means to get it out, even if all they have left behind are some selfish evil thoughts!"

"Also...that means I can still see people from the 'Upgrading Sect'?" Chen Lin asked in a low voice.

The evangelical warrior shook his head: "It won't happen now, because this space has completely scattered them that its owner cannot accommodate! This is a bet, a big bet I made with them before I died."

At this point, the soul of the evangelical warrior sings loudly, and there is no need to hide the joy of the mood.

There is no doubt that this is the Zeluo people's unwillingness to play with fire and self-immolation, and their expectation to see if anyone can inherit their spiritual skills in the future.

Commonly known as - Master looking for a disciple!

After a long time, he stopped singing and faced Chen Lin seriously.

"The virtual realm that the Zero family spent a lot of time and energy to develop must be taken over by someone, and the heart of the person who takes over is more inclined to be evangelical, then we will appear. If the heart of the person who takes over is more inclined to be that crazy, then The ascendants will appear. Little one, I'm glad to see you here, otherwise all our efforts as evangelicals will be in vain..."

Chen Lin understands, he understands, he completely understands!

Why in the prophecy Kafka said, he suddenly started the natural disaster and ascended even though he had nothing? Could it be that the person he saw in the ending was not an evangelical person, but an ascendant person?

"Then why did I come here?" Chen Lin asked what he wanted to know most.

The evangelical warrior was startled, and his eyes became more loving when he looked at Chen Lin.

"Because your race has touched the mechanism on the psychic files we left behind. As for why you are the only one...I don't know. Logically speaking, your entire race should be here."

As he spoke, the evangelical warrior paused.

"There seems to be something different about you. Can you come closer? The psychic energy in your body seems strange."

"What you said made me feel a little panicked...but, it's okay."

Chen Lin complained in his heart, according to the routine of fantasy novels, the people who said such things were definitely not good people, they were all old monsters trying to take away the protagonist.

But he was not worried about this at all, because if the other party really wanted to seize him, he would have done it when he was closest before, and even if there was only residual psychic consciousness, Chen Lin would only be able to face his senior. A drop of water is compared to a vast river.

He actually couldn't resist what he wanted to do.

The Evangelical Warrior separated a ray of spiritual energy and covered Chen Lin's body. His whole body was now as shiny as if he had been coated with fluorescent powder.

As Chen Lin thought, the other party did not have any ill intentions. On the contrary, he was worried about the mutual repulsion of psychic powers. Every step was carried out carefully, for fear of hurting him at all.

"This is... a collection of consciousness?! No, it's not like that." The Evangelical Warrior said to himself and took back his psychic power. The gentle psychic power, like an elder in the family gently caressing a child's head, faded, and then he explained Said: "Child, I see in you the same collective energy of racial consciousness as mine, but I can also see your personal existence in it. This is really incredible. Sorry...I can't help you, but according to my experience , this should be harmless to you, and it also means that you are deeply trusted by the entire race."

"I can probably understand what the problem is."


“I grew most of the people in my current country from the ground.”


The Evangelical Warrior was full of doubts, but he did not necessarily need to understand the secrets of the younger generations. "We are very satisfied to see someone walking on the path we once took. The areas that the Zero family has not been able to enter, I hope you can continue to explore with humility. Cultivation in spiritual energy does not necessarily involve the destruction of others. This virtual realm contains various experiences we have left behind. I hope you can use our experiences as a Quit. We don’t have much time left to exist. Son, do you still have any questions about psychic powers?”

He really made me cry to death, even if he was about to disappear, he still wanted to answer his disciple's spiritual questions.

Chen Lin pondered for a while and asked: "Is there only one virtual realm?"

"There is more than one virtual realm, or in other words, all virtual realms are independent of each other and have connecting channels."

The Evangelical Warrior pointed to the nearby space, "For example, this virtual realm is a space opened up by our Zeluo tribe. Before this, the first time we entered was a more complete and vast virtual realm, which was upgraded The people sent to control it are the spaces that were accidentally opened up during the final battle."

Chen Lin was completely confused about the various settings of the virtual realm, so he asked about the role of the virtual realm.

"The virtual realm is connected to every space in the universe, which means that if you can completely control the power of the virtual realm, you can appear anywhere in the universe through the virtual realm. In addition..."

At this point, the evangelical warrior's face became serious: "This virtual world only accepts you, my child, your spiritual energy is not narrow. Here, as long as you let the virtual world have enough energy, you can become a god and create everything. , but I believe you will not abuse this power, let alone follow the path of those insects."

Chen Lin continued to ask various questions about spiritual energy, but within a few minutes, the evangelical warrior's answers suddenly stopped. He smiled apologetically at Chen Lin, and his soul began to dissipate like dust, leaving only A chorus of countless timbres descended.

"We have finished writing the world, and now it is time for the world to write us."

[Discovered Technology: Distilled Zelo (50%) (Psychic Theory)]

[Technology acquired: Zero generation reaction technology (psionic theory), harmless psyker transformation (psionic theory)]

[Obtained the treasure: the virtual realm of the Zeluo tribe]

[Governor Chen Lin obtains the trait: Psychic Root Toucher]

Chapter 2: Living people make Zero industrial chain

While the battle in Dandingsi was still in full swing, Fu Xuan was looking for Chen Lin.

My older brother, who was talking to me just now, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?Is it made by your King of Medicine Secrets? !

Fu Xuan, who had never made any key moves, suddenly intervened in the battle. The Yunqi Army wore Xianzhou's most advanced individual equipment and were well-trained on weekdays. It was very useful for these upstarts who gained power from various evil ways. It was difficult to deal with, and now another Fu Xuan came in, and the Yao Wang Secret and the Jianmu Monster who were guarding the gate were instantly defeated.

When Chen Lin returned from the Zeluo Void Realm, Fu Xuan's questions and the sound of many Yunqi soldiers sharpening their knives were ringing in his ears.

"Quickly tell me! Where did you get my beloved brother to?!"

"If you dare to take advantage of the chaos to kidnap Mr. Chen, I want to see if you, the wicked ones, can regenerate their limbs faster or if we can chop them off faster!"

"That's it, remove its limbs again!"

Many generals gathered in a large circle, and everyone was furious. They had all heard more or less how much the brother of Taibu took care of Xianzhou and how much he had contributed to getting Xianzhou out of crisis.

It can be said that without this master's planning, I don't know how many Yunqi troops would have died in the chaos.

Some people have even been saved by Chen Lin's telekinesis. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is his savior.Now that the benefactor suddenly disappeared, there was only one possibility that he was kidnapped by the King of Medicine!

After being pinned to the ground and captured alive, Yao Wang Mi Chuan burst into tears, as if a cauldron had unexpectedly hit him.

He defended loudly: "Who knows your bullshit adults... Oh oh oh oh!! I really don't know, I really don't know..."

"You're still so stubborn, let's cut him again!"

Without even having time to carefully examine the relics, traits and technologies he had just obtained, Chen Lin squeezed through the crowd, found Fu Xuan's position and shouted, "Sister Fu, I'm here!"


Hearing this familiar voice, Fu Xuan's heart suddenly dropped. After he hurriedly approached and confirmed that it was indeed Chen Lin, his expression calmed down and he said, "Do you need to give me an explanation?"

This sounded a bit reproachful, but Chen Lin's sudden disappearance really frightened Fu Xuan.

A good person disappears out of thin air in the blink of an eye. There is a high probability that he has encountered some danger, or that the nearby enemies have some unexpected tricks.

No matter what the situation is, it is difficult to avoid the friendly troops feeling worried. In severe cases, it will disrupt the morale of the troops, which is similar to the sense of oppression caused by one's own coming and being taken as the leader by thousands of people.

The King of Medicine, who was tortured half to death, was furious: "Look, what does this have to do with us? You hawks are telling lies with your eyes open!"

The generals looked at each other in confusion, and after conveying the meaning in their eyes, the most senior general sternly ordered: "Kill."


The members of the Secret Medicine King were so angry that smoke was burning in their nostrils. They didn't know why they were about to be killed suddenly, but they didn't know how to scold these lackeys who had been brainwashed by the Shence Mansion.

However, the knife would not stop just because he was thinking about something. In the blink of an eye, the secret member of the Medicine King who had taken the blame was killed with the knife in his hand. The bright red blood spurted to the ground, and his body and head were separated, and he died. The situation is miserable.

The reason why the Yunqi Army is an army is to act step by step, and this method of warfare has been agreed upon long before the war.

Therefore, after the ferry was captured, the Yunqi Army, in addition to building a defense line, also needed to clear out Dandingsi's medicinal material warehouse and other places near the ferry to ensure that there were only friendly forces behind them and no enemies would appear to cause damage.

After killing the captured members of the Secret Medicine King, the generals surrounding here led their people away one after another. Some took out the tools of the Construction Department to deal with the threatening Jianmu vines, and some surrounded a building with weapons in their hands. A warehouse, in short, everything is still going according to plan.

Here, facing the aggressive elder sister, Chen Lin didn't know how to answer for a while.

I can't simply say that I just commanded the colony to dig graves in the void before the march. As a result, the people there dug up the mechanism set up by the ancient pioneers, and were suddenly pulled to another dimension to meet the ancestors who practiced psychic abilities, right?


He let out a breath, looked at Fu Xuan seriously and said: "Sister, I'm sorry to cause you trouble. It's not that I don't want to say it, but the interests are too wide. I can only say that everyone who understands understands, and those who don't understand can't be said. I don’t understand it at all, the psychic involvement is very serious, and I only found out about many things after I went back and looked up the information.”


"Well, this is related to imperial secrets..." After a pause, Chen Lin glanced around, as if he was wary of others eavesdropping. After making sure it was safe, he stretched out his hand and clawed the air in front of him.

This grab made Fu Xuan see an extremely horrifying scene. The air in front of Chen Lin suddenly turned into a deep purple vortex, and when he took his hand out, there was a small amount of blue powder in the palm of his hand. These powders emit a faint blue flash, and they don't look like ordinary objects.

This is indeed the case. Even if Fu Xuan has not touched these powders with his own hands, he can still feel that the powders contain huge energy that wanders in an orderly manner. These energies are very similar to Chen Lin's spiritual energy, and can almost be judged as the energy inside. It is ownerless spiritual energy.

"This is……"

"Ze Luochen.

Chen Lin stuffed these Zeluo dust back into the Zeluo Void Realm and then said: "Just now, my spirit and body were pulled into a space, where I saw a race that only exists in the imperial archives. They are spiritual beings." The pioneers who can practice can be regarded as the predecessors of the empire's spiritual energy theory. From it, I learned the information about a war between gods hundreds of millions of years ago when the flesh became a god. It was a war that almost destroyed the world..."

Taking advantage of the time to explain to Fu Xuan, Chen Lin took the opportunity to check out the new things he had obtained.

[Zero Virtual Realm: A special relic, a new virtual realm opened up by the energy overflowing from the last battle of the Zeluo tribe. Governor Chen Lin holds the key to unlock it.We don’t know yet how this virtual realm came into being, but we know that the Zero Void Realm craves any energy from the universe to develop it.

(Passive effect: The holder takes -100% damage from energy weapons, allows ships in combat to execute jump commands, jump engines and psychic jump engines no longer require preparation time) (Active effect: consumes 8000 points of cohesion, cool down The time is 90 days, and the cooldown of the holder’s force’s jump engine and psychic jump engine is -100%, lasting 45 days]

[Psychic Root Toucher: This leader has witnessed the process of the divine war of the Zeluo tribe. After witnessing the baptism of the divine war, he can always learn knowledge and skills that have nothing to do with talent in various unexpected situations. (Leader experience gained: +333%, all mastered skills are automatically converted into traits)]

When he saw this special trait, Chen Lin noticed that there were all kinds of densely packed strange traits in the trait column above his character frame.

Like what...

Cooking Expert: This leader is good at cooking food and has a very high probability of making delicious food.

Eloquent: This leader has excellent eloquence and language and logic skills to gain the trust of others.

Qualified Politician: This leader's lies do not cause physiological changes.

Yun Yun.

It can be said that the skills mastered by Chen Lin are displayed in his trait column in a characteristic way, instead of judging whether he has mastered a certain skill through practice and experience.

In terms of technology, [Distillation of Zelo] is a method of extracting Zelo contained in other substances. It just so happens that there are a large number of Zelo-containing substances in the territory of Zelo, some of which are gravel, some of which are stones, and some of which are trees...

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