Chapter 26 Clipper Palace's 'Request'

The next morning, the sky was bright.

Under the leadership of Pella, Chen Lin and his party went to the city of Beloberg to have fun under the pretext of scientific research.

"Alin Alin! It's cold...Lengfengxi red fish is sour and sweet, so delicious!"

Dan Heng corrected: "It's Xihongyu eaten cold."

"No, sweet meat is heresy. I only eat salty and spicy meat."

Chen Lin avoided the piece of meat that March was stuffing into his mouth, looked at the petite girl beside him who exuded a literary atmosphere, changed the topic and asked: "Miss Pera, how do you obtain the supply of staple food in the city? Woolen cloth?"

"The temperature in the city is still barely enough to grow some food crops. As early as after Beloberg was founded, countless grain seeds were transported... Based on the continuous trial and error and improvement of predecessors, we have achieved the results that can be grown at such low temperatures. Crops grown under."

Pella explained to Chen Lin the origin of the food in the city very seriously. She was wearing the uniform of the silver-maned iron guard, but she did not have the martial virtues of the guards she had seen in the past. Instead, she often carried a thick book and wore a Wearing a pair of large round-rimmed glasses, he gives a rather knowledgeable impression.

Pella's full name is Pelagya Sergeyevna, and she is currently the intelligence officer of the Silver Mane Iron Guard. When he first heard her self-introduction in the hotel, Chen Lin thought why this girl smelled Slavic.

After a brief contact, Perla is very talented in art appreciation. When she led people to visit many landmark buildings in the city, the meaning of the architectural construction she described was very easy to understand, and her wording was also quite particular. She lived up to her Slavic name. .

"I remember, doesn't the earth's core have the function of generating heat? I heard from Miss Bronya that the walls of residents' houses in Belloberg all have thermal insulation materials. That means the thermal insulation methods are already available. Why not build a greenhouse? ?”

"Greenhouse? What is that?" Pella asked doubtfully.

Chen Lin explained the basic principles of the greenhouse to Pella, but Pella shook her head.

"The earth's marrow has now been mined to the limit. Less and less earth's marrow is transported from the underground layer, and the mineral veins are dried up one after another. This idea was proposed by scholars decades ago, but the earth's marrow is The amount of mining and insulation materials are too precious, and just repairing houses is too expensive to be practical."

"The mineral veins are exhausted..."

Chen Lin's mouth twitched twice, thinking that it was just the mineral veins at the bottom of the city that had dried up, right?

Beloberg is less than half the size of his hometown city. It's pretty good that such a big place can get you so much earth marrow.

Presumably in addition to Beloberg, there should be a large number of mineral deposits buried underground in other places on the planet, otherwise the amount of mineable minerals on this planet would never be as much as what he saw.

From Pera's mouth, Chen Lin also got some secret information, that is, Beloberg may be facing a mineral crisis!

Mineral marrow is the lifeline of the people of Beloberg, and its priority is even higher than food. After all, people can survive for 5-7 days without food, but at most they can only survive in the face of a severe cold wave. About 2 days.

Ever since he met Cocolia, he had the option of 'Belloberg' in his [Communication]. When he clicked on it, Cocolia's avatar was displayed. There was originally a question mark under the heir, but after talking to Broni After the meeting with Bronya, Bronya's avatar appeared in place of the question mark.

The more critical point is that Chen Lin found that he could click on the 'Build Mining Station' option!

It's just that this planet belongs to Beloberg's sphere of influence after all. When he established the mining station, he conveniently made a note of "ask for the consent of the affiliated forces".

By establishing a mining station on a planet, you can get a permanent income of 75 points of minerals and 85 points of energy. This is exactly the magic ball that he has never seen before playing MOD!

Therefore, Chen Lin has been thinking about how to obtain the mineral and energy mining rights on Beloberg without causing a stalemate in the relationship.

This thing about the stars is really annoying. They are obviously a group of natives who have difficulty flying into the sky, but you can't mine within their sphere of influence!

Fortunately, there is an additional reminder that mining can be done with permission, otherwise there is no guarantee that one day Chen Linqiong will go crazy and do something against humanity.

While Chen Lin was constantly learning about the operating conditions in Belloberg City from Pella, a silver-maned iron guard came over.

"Sir Sergeya..."

"First of all, my name is Pelagya Sergeyevna. You can call me by my first name instead of calling me by mistake."

Pella covered her head with a headache and corrected the other person's address, "Is something wrong?"

The guard nodded and said, "Sir Bronya is outside the restaurant and wants to see you if I need anything."

"Okay, I'll go out right now."

After seeing off the guards, Pera apologized: "Sorry, I'm going out for a while."

Then he looked at Chen Lin.

"Captain Chen Lin, I will come back to you later to explain the manufacturing situation of daily necessities in the city."

"It's okay, Miss Pera, please do your work first."

Chen Lin watched Pera leave the restaurant with a smile, when March suddenly came over and asked in a low voice.

"Alin, I think this city is quite friendly. Do you really want to explain our purpose to them?"

Last night, Chen Lin convened a brief meeting with everyone from the development team. He summarized all the confirmed and uncertain information, and made the decision to continue acting as a scientific research team.

"No, you must be on guard against others."

Dan Heng also responded: "Chen Lin is right. When I met the Great Guardian yesterday, I had an uncomfortable feeling. It was as if there were other people in that room. It was very uncomfortable."

"En!" Everyone nodded in response.

Xingye nodded and said, "Listen to Lin, I'm very full and can sleep when I'm sleepy. It's great."

Chen Lin, Dan Heng, March [-]: "..."

It's bad, right?

There were many people outside, and they had to consider the possibility that the walls had ears. The topic was immediately stopped by Chen Lin, and everyone started talking about the food on the table.

After a while, Pella walked in with slightly sad eyes.

"Captain Chen Lin, I may need to ask you for something..."


Chen Lin noticed that Pella was followed by Bronya, who had been alone in the same room with him last night, talking by candlelight and forgetting time.

Nodding towards the other party, Bronya responded with the same smile, which was regarded as a greeting.

He did not shirk, but asked: "What happened?"

"Our scientists have encountered some difficulties..."

"Let me tell you."

Bronya took over the conversation and explained: "This morning my mother received a report from the research department, saying that she encountered trouble in some instruments and energy research, and they were unable to solve it."

"So you thought of me?"

"Well, I hope Mr. Chen Lin... you can go take a look. The Guardian said that even if the fields are different, it's good to just give some advice, otherwise many projects may be delayed."

"No problem, I'll try to help."

Chen Lin stood up with a smile on his face. During this period, he greeted everyone and glanced at Bronya before leaving.

He felt guilty when he found that the girl's eyes were evasive and did not dare to look directly at him, as if she was hiding something from herself.


Chapter 27 You must correct your technology tree!

Bronya was surrounded by a large number of silver-maned iron guards. Apart from her sensitive identity, Chen Lin really couldn't think of any other possibility.

Many curious looks came from under the masks of the Iron Guards. They had only heard that several aliens had come to their city and were treated as honored guests by the guardian Lord Cocolia Rand, so they were very curious about these things. What are humans from the outside world really like?

But no matter how you look at it, the external characteristics of Chen Lin's body are the same as theirs. Except for the fact that his figure is a little thin in the eyes of these guards, he has the aura of a scholar who is on par with Commander Pella.

what the hell!It turns out that aliens also have one head and two eyes!

"You guys, protect Mr. Chen Lin and don't let unknown outsiders get close!"


Several iron guards took orders to stand in front of and behind Chen Lin, alert to the situation nearby.

Chen Lin did not give in too much. Instead, he smiled gently and said, "Thank you, comrades."

" hard!"

Seeing the smile of the handsome young man behind him, an iron guard felt his heart beating for no apparent reason, and he was so nervous that he could hardly speak clearly.

Such a noble scholar actually cares about me!It’s incredible!

Chen Lin glanced at the iron guards around him who were behaving differently, and suddenly remembered that Pera didn't seem to be very fond of the researchers at the Belloberg Research Institute.

Researchers who claim to have read a few books and have a unique understanding of science often have a condescending attitude towards these Silver-maned Iron Guards, who are mostly illiterate. Which Silver-maned Iron Guard dares to touch them privately? At worst, he would be scolded, or at worst, he would bring the matter to the weekly government affairs meeting through his superiors.

However, many soldiers were criticized for this. Naturally, many people in the Silver Mane Iron Guard chose to walk around after seeing the researcher, so that the other party could smell the smell of sweat on their bodies and be disliked.

I remember Pera said that this seemed to be inextricably related to a piece of history in Belloberg, but he did not ask about the specific piece of history at the time.

"Miss Bronya, what is the general situation of your research institute?" Chen Lin looked at Bronya and asked first.

He looked through the communication relationship table with Belloberg. The relationship between the two was much higher than yesterday, but it did not meet the expected increase value for improving the relationship. The reason was that there was such an extra piece of information in the relationship description.

——Threatening Suspicion-50

Threatening suspicion?When had you been considered a threat?Was he even being treated with suspicion?

After thinking briefly, the only thing Chen Lin could think of was the conversation between himself and Bronya last night. It seemed that the girl must have told her mother a lot of things.

In that case, it makes sense.

Bronya paused in her walking steps and explained calmly: "It's about energy research and the development of a new generation of Iron Guard equipment."

"Oh, physics stuff, right?"

"Probably...I don't understand these very well, I'm sorry."

Bronya pursed her lips and nodded, and the apology in her eyes became more obvious, which made Chen Lin even more sure that his guess was correct.

Follow Bronya all the way to the Klipper Palace where they went yesterday, but this time the destination is not the hall, but other buildings behind the hall.

Before coming, Pera said that he would continue to entertain them in March to visit the scenic spots and historic sites in Belloberg. He did not need to worry about safety, as they would just have fun anyway.

After walking for a long time, Bronya signaled the iron guards to stop, waved to Chen Lin and said: "Mr. Chen Lin, please come this way."

"it is good."

The two entered an ice-blue building and passed through the solid iron gates. Gradually, they saw more and more people. Many people coming and going in the aisles would take the initiative to look at Bronya. salute.

Only then did Bronya introduce: "This is Beloberg's research department, responsible for corresponding research work."

"Then our destination is..."

"There, the minister responsible for the management of the research department and several researchers are worrying inside."

Looking along the direction, Chen Lin confirmed at a glance where the research room Bronya pointed to was, because there were not many rooms nearby, and there was only one noisiest room.

Bronya said seriously: "If you can, please try to help them!"

When she said this, Bronya's expression changed a little. Chen Lin ignored it and walked into the research room swaggeringly.

Bronya sighed and watched Chen Lin enter the house and then turned around and left.

The research room was extremely clean, but there were a few old men arguing in front of a long table.

"This thing is not as good as the earth marrow at all. It can't possibly supply the energy consumption of the heater. What's the use of those guys from the underground sending this thing up? Is it just a burning stone?"

"How many times have I told you that the earth's marrow production is getting less and less. If we don't research something, the whole city will freeze to death!"

"The question is, is this thing useful other than making fire?"

A few old men were quarreling there, and Chen Lin curiously stepped forward to see what they were discussing around the table.

It turned out that it was okay not to look at it, but Chen Lin was stunned by this look.

coal mine?

One of the old men with a gray beard seemed to notice that there was an unfamiliar face in the crowd, and he immediately yelled: "Which department are you from? This is not the place for you, get out!"

Several other old men also turned their attention to Chen Lin, all of them frowning but unable to recognize Chen Lin's identity.

Seeing that someone on the other side finally paid attention to him, Chen Lin said humbly: "I was brought by Commander Bronya, a young researcher from an alien planet, and I was entrusted to come over and see what kind of trouble you have encountered."

"So you are the researcher?"

An old man with a mustache said in disbelief, "So young?"

Obviously, he doesn’t believe that Chen Lin, a little kid with no hair, can do anything to help them. Before he traveled through time, Chen Lin was really nothing. The problem is that he now has countless stars in his head, including sociology, Super genius in engineering and physics.

A bunch of natives know everything about hammers.

Chen Lin was not angry, but began to talk humbly: "On our home planet, the residents can live for thousands of years. I am indeed considered a young person there, but I may not be considered young in your country."

As soon as these words came out, several old men froze in place, looking at each other in different directions, as if they were all having their own brainstorming.

Anyway, they can't prove that aliens can't live for such a long time. If they really want to prove it, Chen Lin will directly start to use gene tailoring technology to explain. There are many genes that can make organisms live longer. These old men will definitely not be able to defeat him.

"It seems like some of you were discussing energy utilization just now?"

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