It was as if there was a looming full moon in the sky, which was gradually being eaten away when she waved her sword, as if she was trying to pluck the bright moon and let the star fall here.

Total lunar eclipse, the sword is out.

More than ten sword shadows reflecting the moonlight appeared in an instant, and the pupils of her eyes under the black gauze shrank.

"Let this round of moonlight... shine all over the rivers!"

When Chen Lin heard why he was shouting out lines when making moves, he quickly asked Zeluo Xujing to help compile a bunch of them, and he quickly chose one that was pretty handsome.

Immediately afterwards, the finger formulas in his hands suddenly took shape and were placed on his chest. Above the clouds in the sky, there was nothing in the air... In all directions, huge doors opened in the Zero Void Realm, and several purple weapons were opened that were more than a hundred feet long. The big sword suddenly emerged from the whirlpool. Because Chen Lin lacked knowledge of the structure of the sword, these giant swords were copied according to Su Chang's big sword.

In an instant, the giant swords around him flew at lightning speed.

At the same time, Chen Lin blurted out.

"Use your heart as a sheath to protect your sword!"

Chapter 212 Taixu

It looks like there is a big hole in the sky. Who knows about the fairy boat? Is this just another space that has been opened up on top of the original space?

If a hole can be broken here, it will not be too far away from the immortal boat being in trouble.

Therefore, whether it is a hundred-foot giant sword or a surging sword energy, it is nothing more than a means for Zero Void Realm to realize non-existent things into existence according to the master's will by consuming the energy stored inside.

In the realm of Zeluoxu, he may really be comparable to the God of Creation!

Nothing ran through Li Sushang's mind. When the two were calmly confronting each other, she turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Even though they were far apart, the invisible pressure made her feel short of breath, and she kept gasping in a low voice. How long would it take if she didn't run now?

However, before they could run very far, the giant sword appeared and its shadows were everywhere. At the moment of the collision, the entire cargo terminal was almost turned upside down by the unprecedented airflow.

Li Sushang was hit by the roaring airflow and staggered a few steps. Her ankle sprained. If her lower body had not been stable and the foundation was solid, she would have fallen down and looked ugly.

Using her strength to spin around in mid-air, she quickly reached out and grabbed a giant container full of goods, and then managed to steady herself.

I can't raise my head and can't see the sky.Li Sushang reluctantly lowered her head and opened her eyes. The thick shadow on the soles of her feet told her that two extremely ferocious energies collided at this moment. Then she twisted her eyebrows and screamed.

"There's sand in my eyes! Ahhh... I shouldn't have opened my eyes if I had known better!"

His feet were sprained, and his eyes were filled with sand. As expected, curiosity brought nothing but bad luck to him!

I thought I would have to endure the strangeness in my eyes for a long time, and I would have to desperately think of ways to stabilize my body to prevent it from flying out and being injured by the messy debris. At the same time, I would also be terrified that I would be affected by Chi Yu and die here.

My mother was right. The chivalrous scenes in those novels only bring fear in reality...

The only thing that echoed in her mind was the words "I don't know any martial arts" when the two of them were riding on the Xingcha.

What do you call this?Sir is a big liar!

"Hey, stopped?"

The roaring hurricane suddenly stopped, as if the devastating explosion just now was just a false illusion. The debris thrown around fell to the ground with a clang, and Li Sushang could finally relax for a while.


Li Sushang rubbed her eyes, spit out the sand in her mouth, touched her intact body everywhere, and asked in surprise: "Is the dispute over there, sir, over?"

Several giant swords from the sky fell, but the port was not destroyed?It's unbelievable.

And those swords always look familiar...

At the center of the battle, the surrounding area had already become a mess. However, except for some wooden ladders being damaged and most of the ground being lifted off, the place was not destroyed by the confrontation between the two.

After the fight was over, neither of them had the idea of ​​destroying the cargo port. Jingliu controlled his strength, and Chen Lin took back several giant swords that had been transformed by Ze Luochen at the end of the confrontation. Luo Xu Realm is convenient for secondary use when necessary in the future.

Jingliu sheathed his sword and turned around, exhaling a long breath and saying: "The sword left a mark, but you can still have the sword without leaving a trace. If you could have appeared in Xianzhou as a person of Xianzhou a hundred years ago, I am afraid that the position of the sword head will not be with me. "

"Hasn't the Immortal Boat Sword Chief been vacant for hundreds of years?" Chen Lin was stunned, "You are the last Sword Chief!"

After staying in Xianzhou for so long, Jing Yuan would call Chen Lin to visit Shence Mansion whenever he had something to do. The most common person he saw in that place was not the guards or Qing Bao, but Jing Yuan's bodyguard and apprentice Yan Qing. .

Yanqing often practiced swordplay outside Shence Mansion, and over time he came to know Yanqing's ambition to win the title of Swordsman.

"Jianshou" is not a simple title in Xianzhou. Just throwing the two words "Jianshou" on the battlefield is enough to inspire a large number of cloud knights to increase their morale. This shows how deep the gold content under this title is.

Because he was not interested in these things about the Immortal Boat, Chen Lin only knew that the position of the sword head had been vacant for a hundred years. As for the reason... Jing Yuan found it difficult to explain, so he did not ask any more questions.

As time went by, Chen Lin threw these so-called 'common sense' of Xianzhou warriors out of the window and never picked them up again.

At this time, Jingliu suddenly said such a sentence, and Chen Lin looked so surprised.

"A false name is not enough to boast... For some reason, I have always been the sinner of Xianzhou. This trip has no intention of harming Xianzhou. I promise not to interfere with the construction of the wood from now on, so you can rest assured. In addition... "

Jingliu paused for a moment, then turned around and asked, "Have you ever practiced a technique? Or something else? There was no sign of the connection between the sky-piercing giant sword and the finger technique just now. Can you tell me how it was done? If it’s inconvenient, don’t force it.”

She faced Chen Lin upright, with a very serious expression on her face, as if such skills were beyond the understanding of this former swordsman.

The giant sword drawn from the strange void did not have any energy fluctuations. Even how the void opened, Jingliu himself did not notice it.

Chen Lin didn't know what to say for a moment. Could it be that he had learned Fu Xuan and pinched it randomly to boost his momentum and show off?It's actually useless?

After all, he is not an enemy. There is a high probability that he has some relationship with Jing Yuan, and may even have some friendly elements. After the misunderstanding is explained clearly, he is still willing to cooperate with me in training, and even intentionally points out the mistakes he made...

If it was really a skill that he discovered accidentally, Chen Lin had a lot of cards in his hand, and he wouldn't be pretentious about hiding it, but it didn't happen like this, and that would be very embarrassing...

If he said yes, then he couldn't explain the reason at all from the perspective of sword heart and sword intention; if he said no, he could be considered a master of swordsmanship now, would he still want this face?

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, but the force cannot be lowered.

Finally, after being silent for a while, he spoke: "Based on the empire's unique spiritual energy, supplemented by the techniques I learned in the Immortal Boat. The Taixu is very small, the foundation is transformed into the element, all things begin, and the five fortunes end. I named it the Way of Taixu.”

Anyway, everyone likes to do this in martial arts novels and fairy tale novels. When encountering something that cannot be explained or is too high-level, it is too fictitious or illusory. Now you can also add a spirit that the outside world cannot understand at all. If you can, explain it as something you have realized in a special way under a special situation. It is normal that others cannot do it.

At least he won't delay others with his nonsense.

"The way of Taixu...?" Jingliu froze on the spot, bowed his head in deep thought, and suddenly said for a long time: "So that's it, I understand, thank you for clarifying my doubts. Brother Governor, I have a feeling that we will meet again, and we will be destined in the future. Goodbye and farewell."

"Ah haha, see you later."

The person is gone, and it is not a threat that can disrupt his plan. Although he cannot control all trends, it is not much different. There is no need to worry too much about whether he can control the mirror flow. It is nothing to think too much. Good thing.

He didn't care what Jingliu understood from his words. He was an out-and-out former Senzhou Swordsman, and he was a psionic user with a master-level swordsmanship but no sword heart. , the names of the two sound very similar, but in fact the concepts are completely different. If you can really get any inspiration, that's up to you.

Chen Lin looked at the mess around him, sighed, and thought about how to explain all this to Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan afterwards...

Fortunately, the entire port was not completely destroyed. At most, the infrastructure above was a little damaged, and it would not take much time to repair it. Compared with other areas affected by the star core, it was only a drop in the bucket.

In the future, his and Luofu's business will all pass through here. Chen Lin is not stupid enough to cut off his own money, so no matter how bad it is, it must be repaired afterwards to ensure smooth navigation.

He doesn't need money, but Yaliluo does.

Chen Lin held his hand in the air, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. He played with it twice in a stylish way and muttered: "No wonder there are so many swordsmen in those Xianxia online games. With special effects, they are really cool."

He finally understood the role of the Zero Void Realm. Since the Void Realm could be used as a treasure for the Zero Clan to become the chief of the universe in ancient times, the effect would certainly not be limited to this. The only bad thing might be the consumption of the Zero Void Realm. OK...

Simply learning a swordsmanship for self-protection according to his will almost consumed all the remaining Ze Luochen in Ze Luoxu. How many Ze Luochen did the last Evangelical senior absorb before he opened two A divine war between factions...

Even if it costs thousands of tons, it won’t be able to start a war that can freeze time, right?Chen Lin felt it was exaggerated just thinking about it.

All in all, with Jingliu's cooperation, he gained a lot from this trip, and he could barely count himself as owed her a favor. They didn't try to attack him fiercely, but on the contrary, they kept their hands.

If you have the opportunity in the future, you can go and find out what the former sword leader committed in Xianzhou. If you can help, please help. If you can't, we can discuss it later.

With his new skill, he no longer had to worry about running away when someone approached him. Chen Lin was in a pretty good mood, but when he walked to the dock, he saw an empty Xingcha moored and leaning out of the dock. The midair was crumbling, and in human terms... Chen Lin didn't see it anyway.

So what about people?Could it be that he fell?

Chen Lin was shocked when he saw this. He trotted to the railing and looked at the sea of ​​clouds below, but there was still no trace of Li Sushang.

A moment later, a dirty figure limped out of the cargo port. He saw Chen Lin lying on the railing and sweeping down. Li Sushang had a bitter face, with gravel on the corner of her mouth, and said aggrievedly: "Sir... …”

"Didn't I tell you to retreat first when the situation was bad? Why are you inside?" Chen Lin asked as the little girl walked up to him crookedly.


Li Sushang looked away, scratched her head and pursed her lips in response. After a while, she pouted and muttered: "I just want to see if I can help. After all, the superiors are in front, and the Yunqi Army has always been If you are not greedy for life and afraid of death, I am definitely less afraid than them!"

Just half a sentence is enough to reveal her inner yearning for success, and she says without hesitation that Li Sushang's goal is to become a well-known member of the Yunqi Army.

It is not an exaggeration to say that I want to leave my name in history.

"The problem is that when you were in the Engineering and Manufacturing Department, you could swing your sword to open and close, and you dared to go to the battlefield to look at people like this. You are indeed much more courageous than other colleagues." Chen Lin couldn't help but complain.

He is now more or less accomplished in swordsmanship. Swinging the sword to open and close is just a vague way of saying it. The real meaning is that Su Chang is not suitable for using this sword yet.

Li Sushang's face was filled with disappointment: "I don't want to either! But my mother said this is a family heirloom sword. Obviously I think she can use it with one hand, but I have a hard time swinging it with both hands."

"You can give me your heirloom sword, and I'll give you a lighter one." Chen Lin took out a straight sword and said jokingly: "How about the after-sales service of unconditionally replacing it with a new one within 50 years if it is damaged?"

"No, no! Absolutely not! If I really lose it, my mother will beat me to death when I go back."

"That's alright, just make do with it. Maybe one day you'll be able to swing it." Chen Lin straightened the crooked star in the distance, dragged it back to the port, jumped on it and found a comfortable position. He sat down and said, "Let's go to Xingcha. Don't you want to go back to the team to regroup? Now let's go to Dandingsi."

Li Sushang did not go to open Xingcha, but stared at him for a while. Just when Chen Lin was wondering what the little Yunqi girl wanted to do, she hesitated for a moment and said: "Sir, you can teach me That kind of swordsmanship?"


She plucked up the courage and said, "I saw the scene of you fighting that woman just now."

Li Sushang used an extremely limited vocabulary to describe what she saw and heard, such as the swords flying into the air and fighting, the swords flying gracefully, the sword shadows flying in the air, and all kinds of killing moves that were mysterious and unpredictable.

Finally, a hundred-foot giant sword broke through the space to judge the enemy...

If she could have a few less mispronounced words in her sentence and use more gorgeous vocabulary to describe it, maybe Chen Lin would be even happier than she is now, but unfortunately not.

Most of Li Sushang's descriptions were words such as "swish", "this", "that" and "bang" accompanied by gestures, which made Chen Lin's forehead appear with black lines.

It is rare that a few idioms that occasionally appear can still say that outstanding people are outstanding, and those who are the best in skills are said to be the best in the world...

Are you scolding me or praising me?

"Stop, stop, stop, you are wrong about eight out of ten words you use to praise others. Who did you learn from that?"

"When I was a child, my mother would grab me to practice swordplay before dawn. I was basically sleeping when I was studying with my husband... However, the gentlemen all kindly called me Li Dazhen."

Do you think this title is a compliment?


These days, it is not easy to find a person who has slipped through the compulsory education net in Xianzhou. Should I say it is good luck or bad luck?

Chen Lin's eyes were filled with pity. No wonder this girl's eyes were so clear. It turned out that she was not polluted by knowledge, just like Xi'er when he met him. After a long time, neither of them had read a few books, and they couldn't even recognize all the words. .

At that time, Xi'er dared to teach everything she knew, but at this time, Chen Lin could not be so magnanimous.

It's not that he's playing some bad job like family secrets, trying to bring a certain skill to the sky, but that even he doesn't understand this thing of psionic energy, so how can he teach it?

Li Sushang's behavior along the way was a bit interesting. He dared to think of helping even though he was in danger. Such enthusiasm could not be deceived by him if it was just a pretense.

Although he is not a righteous person, it does not prevent him from respecting other people with such pure hearts.

Seeing the little girl's lustful eyes, Chen Lin finally sighed.

"I can't teach you."

"Is it because I'm not talented enough?"

"That's right. The Immortal Boat people are missing something crucial and cannot be as good as me."

"Okay." Li Sushang was happy, and her disappointment was quickly replaced by determination: "I will practice martial arts well in the future. My mother said that if I lack talent, I can make up for it with sweat!"

Chen Lin looked slightly sideways, this girl was quite persistent.

Xingcha opens and opens...

Li Sushang heard a voice coming from behind.

"If it's just a technical issue, I can help you take a look if I have time."

Li Suchang, who was at the front of Xingcha, was startled and overjoyed. She turned around and knelt down without saying a word under Chen Lin's confused gaze.

"Master, please bow to me, disciple!!"

"Hey, I didn't say take it..."

Li Sushang fiddled with her pocket, took out a bottle of water, drank most of it, and passed it up.

"Master drinks tea!"

Chen Lin: "..."

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