Chapter 30 Change must start with thoughts

I saw Bronya trotting up to Chen Lin and bending down very solemnly.

"I'm sorry... I think you can see that this is the guardian's idea. If I have upset your mood, please allow me to apologize to you here!"

The tense atmosphere when she brought people here, the obvious request to find trouble, the consternation that her mother forgot to manage her facial expressions because of shock, and the fact that Chen Lin didn't even bother to look at her behavior when he left, made Bronya judge that Chen Lin Lin had most likely guessed the cause of the matter, and he felt angry because of the constant testing by himself and others.

In fact, Bronya thought too much. Chen Lin was observing the changes in the relationship between himself and Belloberg at that time. In addition, there were many people in the government affairs hall, and her mother was still in front of her. No. It was suitable to say hello to Bronya, so he chose to leave directly.

Being angry over this little expected thing, Chen Lin was not stingy enough yet.

There is a high probability that there is something wrong with Cocolia, but Bronya is still a quite innocent and upright person.

For this girl who can inherit the position of leader in the future, if he wants to use a relatively peaceful way to obtain resources and cohesion, he must do some ideological work with Bronya. It is best to deceive this girl first. Say it again.

He also wants to collect energy coins and minerals from other planets!Only fools have trouble with resources.

"It's okay, I can understand it. After all, as long as the misunderstanding is explained clearly, it will no longer be a misunderstanding."

Chen Lin smiled and said: "As uninvited guests, we are really not justified in terms of etiquette. I am very happy that this little effort can help you."

"That's good... I'm really worried that the misunderstanding will get worse. Now it seems that I was worrying too much. Chen Lin, you are quite generous."

"Hey, what kind of generosity is this? It's just a responsibility to pursue your own affairs in your position and the people under your command to eat the emperor's salary and be loyal to the emperor."

After hearing this, Bronya paused for a moment and whispered silently: "In his position, he will pursue his own affairs..."

Then he turned around and asked: "Chen Lin, do you still have research on politics?"

"It's not really research, just curiosity about history."

Chen Lin waved his hand and said: "Just like Belloberg's political system is inclined to the feudal system, don't you think the city builders are princes and nobles? I don't know much about the ideological trend, but the political system should be a concession system. that is it."

"Feudalism? Abdication? What is that?"

This call immediately confused Bronya. She always felt like her friend from an alien world was talking about one term after another. Could it be that this is the charm of an alien culture?

Bronya has carefully read through the history of her country. Yalilo-VI used to be a very prosperous planet, and her exchanges with outer planets have never stopped. She only encountered the war of the Antimatter Legion and the current cold wave attack. Too much information was lost, and she had been curious about how other alien civilizations operated.

No, a living expert is standing in front of him, and he is also his friend.

Thinking of this, Bronya pursed her lips.

" you have time?"

"Hey, Miss Bronya wants to treat me to dinner?" Chen Lin teased.

"Yes, I'll treat you to something to eat. If you're free, can you accompany me over there for a drink? I have some questions I'd like to ask you."

Discovering that Chen Lin was joking with her again, Bronya was relieved a lot and spoke more frankly. Before that, she had been cautious in speaking because of her guilt towards Chen Lin.

It's not easy to meet someone who has no concerns or barriers about her identity except her mother. She really doesn't want the relationship between the two to reach a deadlock.

As for what question Bronya wanted to ask, Chen Lin had roughly guessed it. Anyway, the news had been sent to Dan Heng and the others, so he probably would not continue to worry about the situation on his side.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin nodded.

"I don't have any money anyway. If Miss Bronya doesn't help me pay the bill, I'll probably have to wash dishes in the store to pay off the debt."

"Pfft... no way!"

Bronya laughed without restraint. Normally, she would keep a straight face no matter how funny things happened to her. This was an obligation that a qualified successor to a leader needs to fulfill.

But being with this young man who looked a few years older than herself really made Bronya feel relaxed, and she didn't feel any burden even when she smiled.

There was no gap between identities, no exchange of interests. This was the first time she had met such a person besides her mother.

Arriving at a cold drink shop near the square, Bronya directly asked for a small box. As the future leader of Beloberg, she really didn't lack extraneous things like money.

After waiting for the drinks and meals ordered to be served one by one, the waiter closed the door to the private room, and Bronya couldn't wait to ask:

"What are the feudal system and abdication system that I just mentioned?"

"I generally refer to these things collectively as "Political Science", and political system and political system are just one of its branches. In order to give you a better understanding, before that, I will tell you a little about the historical story of my hometown. ."

While Chen Lin was eating slowly, he began to tell Bronya a story.

"In ancient times, there were three emperors and five emperors. The tribes used the so-called 'Zen' recommendation and 'yield' to give up the throne to achieve the replacement of leaders, in order to recommend worthy people to succeed the leaders, just like the great guardian of Beloberg would select in advance The successors of the next great guardian will be the same, collectively known as the abdication system. At that time, there were three tribes that were the most powerful..."

"The Xia Dynasty was established. At this time, people had the concept of 'country'. There was a country and a king, and royal family members naturally appeared. The management of the country required specialized personnel, so the official system came into being..."

"After the Spring and Autumn Period, the territory was fragmented, and each ministry supported its own troops, ushering in the 254-year-long Warring States Period. The Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period became the focus of most attention. Let me tell you about the operating models of the political systems of these countries at that time..."

Bronya rarely heard these stories from aliens. She listened very seriously. When Chen Lin came to the Spring and Autumn Period, when culture blossomed, she was even more surprised. It turned out that politics had so many logical thoughts.

She constantly inquired about the views and theories of various schools of thought. Sometimes her critical thoughts were too radical, and sometimes she was particularly surprised by a certain trend of thought. She even took out a pen to record what Chen Lin said bit by bit.

Regardless of whether these things are right or wrong, they are very important treasures in a country like Belloberg with a huge historical and cultural gap!

In addition, Chen Lin is constantly climbing the sociological science and technology tree. With the support of many star theories, he can also analyze the advantages and disadvantages of many issues for Bronya, and even make suggestions for Bronya from a more futuristic perspective. to answer the questions.

As a guardian, you are a king, and your servants are ministers. Many ways of being a king are hidden in the stories told by Chen Lin.

Bronya originally thought that all the systems of Beloberg were perfect, but after hearing Chen Lin's various academic knowledge and the demise of various countries, she suddenly realized that Beloberg's system could continue. It's just because of insufficient productivity at this stage. If Beloberg expands outwards in the future, can the current Great Guardian system still adapt to such an environment?

Especially when she heard that the Qin Dynasty, which had swept through the six kingdoms, was overthrown by the people who said, "Princes, generals, Xiang Ning, etc.", she was completely shocked!

It turns out that leaders can still be overthrown by civilians? !

Facing Bronya's surprise, Chen Lin said with a smile: "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. When the king is incompetent and the people lose their living space, it will naturally become justice to rise up and overthrow the rule." thing, and don’t the so-called rebels and rebels also become teachers of justice?”

"But this...can't do it!"

"Of course, if a leader is bewitched by a traitor and wants to harm his country, those who have the power to intervene can mobilize an army to enter the palace and exterminate the traitor in the name of 'clearing the emperor'. If the leader is still deeply bewitched and unable to extricate himself, abdication is the last option. A good choice will also be the one with the least bloodshed.”

"Makes sense..."

Ever since she was a child, Bronya had never discussed various political issues with anyone like she does today, and her mother only taught her modesty, kindness to the people, and other moral qualities.

Just like Chen Lin said, she really should learn to think independently about the right and wrong of problems. Sooner or later, she will have to move forward in the position of Great Guardian alone, and then no one will be able to rely on her.

A king must have the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Therefore, before that, she needs to learn more things, understand more culture, and learn more principles of governing the country!

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be like a country governed by insects?How can we govern Beloberg well like that? !

Anyway, I have a knowledgeable friend in front of me. If I don’t understand something, wouldn’t I just ask him directly?

Chapter 31 The prosperity of the past is long gone

During this period, Chen Lin didn't go out much. Every day, he would either receive Bronya who came to discuss issues, or he would be alone in the house, looking up Belloberg's remaining historical books.

Only rarely did he have to face Cocolia asking for help again and again. In fact, it was more like looking for trouble.

By the way, the scientists at Clipper Palace are really efficient. Not long ago, Chen Lin gave them some design drawings for urban heating equipment. Now they have come up with the alloy for making steam drainage pipes. I heard that The project has been allocated to private factories in the city, and within the next six months, every home in Belloberg will be able to have cheap and durable coal heating.

Regarding weapons and equipment, in this world where almost everyone has weird abilities, Chen Lin is really helpless with their weapon production.

Depending on the behavior they engage in, everyone is very likely to suddenly embark on the so-called "destiny path" at a certain age. The blessings given by the destiny path basically establish their relevant abilities, even if they are different in strength, but if you rely on the blessings given by the destiny path, If Fu Lai is engaged in combat, the weapons are not suitable for mass production, but need to be customized for specific people.

There was no other way. Chen Lin could only use the information from the research department to carefully compare all the metal materials owned by Belloberg. Considering that Belloberg's technology was really limited, he simply provided him with a few special alloys. The production method and the proportion of related materials.

"There is indeed a problem..."

After reading through the thick "Chronology of Belloberg's Major Events" in his hand, Chen Lin closed the book and was about to go out to find Dan Heng to discuss something. Unexpectedly, the door had been knocked in advance.


"I am Dan Heng."

Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!

Chen Lin hurriedly opened the door and said, "I was planning to find you. Come on."

"Did you find any information?"

Outside the door, Dan Heng glanced around the corridor with his peripheral vision to make sure no one was following or eavesdropping before he entered the house.

These small details were all seen by Chen Lin, and if it were not for him, Dan Heng would probably have to be both a father and a mother during the trip to find the star core, taking care of two very nervous daughters, Yue Yue and Xing. , I feel tired just thinking about it.

Pulling up a chair and gesturing for the other party to sit down, Chen Lin pointed to a dozen thick Beloberg official history books on the desk.

"In the earliest records of major events, it is actually recorded that before the arrival of ice and snow, shortly before the antimatter army attacked Yalilo-VI, mysterious objects in space landed on the planet."

Dan Heng frowned.

"Well, there is a high probability that it is the star core. However, I have too little information, so I cannot be sure that it is the star core."

Chen Lin continued: "I asked Heita to help me check some information. More than 700 years ago, a large-scale immigration event occurred in Yalilo-VI. Many residents who originally lived on this planet passed through the The Interstellar Peace Corporation obtained full citizenship rights on other planets and left here.”

If there is large-scale immigration on the planet, not only will the planet's environment become harsh and no longer suitable for the living creatures on the planet to live in, it is more likely to lead to extremely tragic wars.

"Is it caused by the invasion of the Antimatter Legion?"

"The time doesn't match up. The timing of large-scale immigration is after the mysterious material lands on the planet and before the antimatter army invades."

Turning back and picking up the cell phone on the table, Chen Lin had already organized the entire timeline on Yalilo-VI in a chart, and also inserted some photos taken by spacecraft sent to other nearby habitable planets at that time.

At that time, Yaliluo-VI was full of green and the blue ocean was beautiful, which could completely rule out Dan Heng's conjecture.

"How's it going? Doesn't it feel weird?" Chen Lin put away his phone with a smile, while Dan Heng in front of him fell into deep thought.

"It's very strange. None of this follows conventional logic."

Dan Heng raised his head and asked, "Is there any other information that was missed?"

The two had discussed the division of labor and cooperation tasks before. Chen Lin was responsible for reviewing the materials to obtain useful information, while Dan Heng was responsible for classifying and recording the information, and marking those things that had sufficient evidence to prove to be true, and those things that were not. Too much certainty.

The faint dark circles near his eyes proved that Dan Heng did not have enough rest time during this period. Chen Lin was a little busier than him, but Chen Lin's body was obviously not normal. Even if he only slept 4 or 5 hours a day, he still felt Can keep energy high.

After hearing Dan Heng's words, Chen Lin returned to his desk, flipped through the pile of books, and took out several novels.

The people of Belloberg have an extremely strong desire to read. Whether in the streets or on the benches in the square, you can see many people holding books in their hands.

He bought these novels from a nearby bookstore. Of course, Chen Lin did not have the currency of this place. Bronya paid for the books for him.

After turning the novel upside down and marking the page numbers, Chen Lincai handed the book over and motioned for Dan Heng to read it himself.

While Dan Heng was reading, Chen Lin came to the window and looked at the city covered in ice and snow, feeling calm in his heart.

The icy wind and snow, the people who are constantly working hard for survival, Jeppard who leads the soldiers to protect their homeland, Bronya who has kind thoughts and longs for a bright future after the ice and snow ends...

Except for Cocolia, which Chen Lin judged to be problematic, he quite liked this orderly country.


Chen Lin suddenly narrowed his eyes. He seemed to see hundreds of silver-maned iron guards gathering quickly outside the square in the distance. In front of the iron guards was a very familiar figure to him - Bronya!

Behind Bronya stood Jeppard, who was also holding a large shield. The soldiers in the group showed their combat readiness. Everyone was wearing armor and holding weapons in their hands, and they were rapidly advancing towards the street in the distance.

What's going on here?

At this time, Dan Heng had finished reading the book.

"The stories in these books are all different, but the similarities are very obvious. First, the stories are all set in the once prosperous Yalilo-VI. Second, they are all based on urban suspense. Third, they all mention the theory of doomsday."

"The summary is very good. The authors of these books are all well-known in Belloberg. When I originally read these books, I really didn't intend to find any documentary information in them. At most, I just wanted to understand the literary culture of this city. "

Chen Lin came back and pointed to the passage in the book seriously.

"Yesterday, I was also wondering whether the massive immigration incident was a coincidence, but after reading these books, I suddenly had a guess, that is, whether the 'mysterious substance' would have caused the Yalilo-VI People think it’s a symbol of disaster!”


Hearing this, Dan Heng looked startled, lowered his head and was silent for more than ten seconds before looking at the young man in front of him and said: "At that time, Yaliluo-VI still had the star track created by "exploitation" and had close contact with many planets? "

Chapter 32 Just what you want!

"That's right!"

Chen Lin looked like you can understand, "I remember it was recorded in the book in the train that the star cores were scattered much earlier than the 'mysterious substance' descended on Yaliluo, right?"

"You are saying that many people with wide channels have learned about the destruction of other planets by star cores, so they believe that the material falling from the sky is also a star core, so..."

"So they all immigrated and left."

Chen Lin smiled and pointed to the Klipper Palace in the distance, "The position of the Great Guardian has been passed down since the snowfall. At the same time, the message of the times should also be conveyed. It is impossible for her not to know these things. Moreover, many of the books I read are missing several volumes. The reason given there is that they were lost due to war and time issues. Who believes it? Beloberg has officials who record historical events. They cannot just sit back and wait for death after the official books are lost. .”

"There is insufficient evidence, and even if the logical chain can be put together, it cannot be determined."

"Oh, look at this. This is Beloberg's newspaper from about ten years ago. The research department at that time was called the Scientific Research Department. There was a large-scale reorganization at that time, and... other interesting news."

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