She came with a mission, and also brought a slightly yellowed map.

"Sir, the above-ground area and the underground area have been sealed off for several years, and the relationship between the two parties may be tense. Lady Bronya asked me to ask you if you need to bring the Iron Guard with you?"

Belloberg is divided into upper and lower districts, which Chen Lin knows very well.

There are a large number of people living in the lower area, but Cocolia issued an order many years ago that completely cut off the communication between people in the upper and lower areas. Only the exchange of materials continues.

Chen Lin couldn't understand this operation, but he was shocked because Cocolia not only prohibited the residents of the underground area from communicating with each other, but also withdrew all the silver-maned iron guards who maintained order in the lower areas, making Clipper Palace completely The loss of control over the lower areas has also made it difficult for the Silver Mane Iron Guard to expand in size.

In addition, the lack of intelligence on the underground area is also a major problem plaguing the Belloberg government.

After so many years, a 'provisional government' with considerable power must have spawned in the lower-class areas, right?

The exhausted mineral veins they traveled to did not go deep into the lower layer, but were at the junction of the upper layer and the lower layer. Usually there were a large number of silver-maned iron guards guarding many important roads there, and ordinary people could not get up or down.

The problem is that places like the mineral veins are not under the jurisdiction of the upper-level areas, and the lower-level areas are too lazy to rummage in those mines after the veins are exhausted. However, they may still encounter some radical lower-level people wandering nearby.

Because of this, Bronya sent Pella over to ask Chen Lin for his opinion on whether he needed to bring escorts.

In this regard, Chen Lin believed that the wonders of the 'Empire' mining station needed more people to witness it, so he smiled:

"Then please take care of Miss Pera."

great person! .jpg

Chapter 44 Awaken your mind, arm your mind!

Space mining stations actually fall into two categories.

A mining station will enter the gravitational orbit of the asteroid belt, using the energy generated by the stars in the galaxy to ensure that the mining station can move relatively slowly. After exploring the meteorites with mineral storage in the asteroid belt, it will use many space mining methods Develop and collect the minerals contained within it.

This is a common mining station, mostly built in the asteroid belt. The minerals that can be collected are endless, and the efficiency is even more amazing!

Another type of mining station is built above the planet, using far-sighted survey technology to determine areas densely populated with minerals. Then the mining station will extend a huge pipeline from top to bottom, and the pipeline will be equipped with automated mining and collection equipment. , which can effectively excavate minerals deep inside the planet.

As Chen Lin realized a long time ago, the visual experience in the game is far less intuitive and shocking than the display. Often, buildings and tools that are tens or hundreds of meters long cannot even be responded to in the game. Visual representation, otherwise it will easily lead to the problem of uncoordinated proportions in the model.

After much thought, it became a good choice to simply delete the less obvious parts of the model.

The obvious structural difference between the mining stations was discovered by Chen Lin when he was studying the UI in the field of view not long ago, because the model display in the thumbnails has certain differences, and these differences also limit the specific situations in which they can be used.

In the [Policy] column, Chen Lin searched carefully and even found a relatively good policy called [Module Construction Preparation] policy.

Enabling this policy will consume the corresponding resources at one time and generate a large number of building modules in a certain place in advance. It is quite similar to directly generating the ghost of a building in a certain place when playing a survival game, while the required materials have already been piled aside. déjà vu.

At that time, players do not need to search for resources and transport resources again, they only need to put the things that have been prepared according to the shadow.

[Module Construction Preparation] This is the case. It only consumes more than twice the resources originally required, but the construction speed can be almost completed in a few hours!

In order to show the powerful building capabilities of the 'empire' to everyone in Belloberg, and also to give Belloberg a little technological shock.

Before heading to the exhausted mineral vein, Chen Lin reluctantly spent up to 160 mineral points to prepare the materials for the mining station in advance and started construction.

3 hours is enough!

At noon, more than twenty fully armed iron guards surrounded Bronya, her secretary and adjutant Pella, and Chen Lin, who had become famous recently, and set out from the central administrative area.

The entrance to the underground train was just below the administrative area. The iron guards guarding this place had already received the order. After a brief negotiation with Bronya, the team walked down the stairs in a mighty manner.

The underground train, which had been in disrepair for a long time, needed to be inspected. Fortunately, Bronya had the foresight to bring many staff from the research department to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the train.

Old parts were replaced, and the underground power furnace was renovated and started up. As the track inspection safety notification came, the train, which had been out of service for a long time, officially set off!

The exhausted mineral veins on this trip are not too far away. They are still a long way from the real lower area. It only takes more than ten minutes to drive there.

In the car, Chen Lin and Pera, who were in the front compartment, both saw that Bronya was not in high spirits at this time. Chen Lin had already heard the relevant reasons from Pera.

To this day, after the upper and lower districts have been blocked for so many years, Bronya is still a staunch opener and still disagrees with her mother's blockade order. Mother and daughter have often quarreled over this matter. .

"Teacher, you said that Mother's approach of sealing off the upper and lower areas was really right?"

In the dull air, Bronya first broke the calm. She stared at the fleeting concrete wall outside the window, her eyes filled with confusion.

"We are all citizens of Belloberg, and we are all working hard for the survival of Belloberg. However, we have taken away their sharp blade of survival and made everyone live in the lower areas to survive on their own..."

Chen Lin didn't speak, just looked at Bronya quietly.

At such a young age, she has to bear unimaginable pressure. No one can fully communicate with her the active thoughts in her heart. Before Chen Lin came, she could only continue to accept all the knowledge and acting style transmitted by her mother.

Like a puppet, its owner fills in its contents.

"Mother said that the ground is the line of defense that Beloberg must defend. Only in this way can we ensure that Beloberg can continue to operate in danger. But I also thought about it a few days ago, from the dual perspective you taught me. , if there were no people in the lower area to transport earth marrow upwards, would the upper area really be a necessary line of defense? Is there really any merit in the necessary sacrifice that mother said..."

After realizing something, Perla stood up from her seat and went to stand alone at the door of the carriage link. She knew a lot of things, which was okay if people close to her knew about them, but they must not be known to outsiders, otherwise it would very likely be brought to light. Come to danger.

She is a bit petite and does not look like an adult, but these external characteristics do not mean that she is really a child.

On the contrary, Pella naturally has her own advantages in becoming Bronya's confidant.

Chen Lin was a little surprised. Bronya seemed to have begun to learn to independently judge the appropriateness of some things under his guidance, instead of looking at problems with the purest and simplest moral values ​​as in the past.

She is truly worthy of being chosen as the next Great Guardian. Her ability to accept new things and understand them is unparalleled.

So he asked, "Do you think it's wrong?"

"I don't know if it's right...but it's not appropriate to do this. It's not conducive to uniting everyone to face the world and the monsters in it."

The adult world never talks about right or wrong, and fighting naturally does not talk about right or wrong.

Belloberg was already struggling desperately on the line of survival. Every step he took had no previous reference, and every approach was a brand new test.

If there is a road ahead, it means you are lucky. If there is no road ahead, you can only retreat and start over.

It can be seen that Bronya is not dominated by the subjective thoughts of first denying and then arguing. She obviously came to the conclusion after a series of considerations and found that Cocolia's approach did more harm than good.

She never stopped learning from Chen Lin. When she was ignorant, she would consider many things to be reasonable, and would even blame many absurd things on "their own ideas from above" to get rid of thinking.

Because of this, after painstaking research, Bronya deciphered what her mother might be hiding behind her actions.

——Divide the people and weaken the power!

Chapter 45 A surprise from outside!

This raises the question, why did the mother, as the Great Guardian, choose to cut off one of her arms?Is it possible to split the boundary and erode the upper and lower areas at a faster rate?

When she realized this last night, Bronya was shocked and thought that she had made a wrong inference in some step that caused the conclusion to be deviated.

But after reorganizing the context of all events, Bronya discovered to her dismay that she seemed to have arrived at the current conclusion.

This led Bronya to find a gap where she could get along quietly now, and asked Chen Lin all her doubts.

There was no way, Pella didn't know much about many things, and others were afraid of her identity. The only person she could really have a heart-to-heart conversation with was the mentor she had just met for less than two weeks.

He is not a resident of Beloberg and does not care about his own identity, nor does he care about his status as a superior alien civilized person.

The two have no intertwined interests, and their conversation is natural and cordial.

Chen Lin nodded and said: "I can't understand the benefit of doing this to Beloberg. When people from the same camp and the same force face powerful foreign enemies, not only do they not choose to unite, but they intensify the estrangement and cause inexplicable confusion. It’s a contradiction. As you can imagine, I also think the approach is lacking, even to the point of being unbelievable.”

He has his own abilities, and he knew there was something wrong with Cocolia one step earlier, which is what is called gaining a certain degree of God's perspective.

This is not reasonable in the eyes of others, and they may even think that his knowledge of Cocolia is inexplicable. Therefore, Chen Lin cannot tell Bronya everything.

Everything has a 'measure', neither too much nor too little, to prevent the situation of going too far or not doing enough.

After pondering for a while, Chen Lin's voice sounded.

"The Great Guardian system is the fundamental political system of Belloberg. Even though it is not elected by the people but through abdication, its identity is fully sacred and responsible! The Great Guardian emerged from the civilization that survives Belloberg. Our responsibility is to persevere in the struggle against the rift and protect the people. Remember what I said before? Beloberg’s various national systems and institutions are rather strange, but they are in line with reality. Now that I have become the Great Guardian, then It must fulfill its responsibilities, otherwise its sacred identity will no longer be sacred.”

"So you think so too..."

Bronya breathed a sigh of relief, but soon the expression on her face became hesitant, and there was a vague temptation in her eyes, which was caught by Chen Lin.

"Anything else to ask?"

"Teacher...if one day I do something wrong because of impulse, will you help me?"


Chen Lin was startled. She always felt that there was something in Bronya's words.

"That depends on where you went wrong."

After thinking for a few seconds, Chen Lin patted her on the shoulder, "If it is to help the vulnerable people, it is an ideologically just thing and a simple ethical act. Then, as you As an enlightening teacher in politics and culture, I will certainly help any student who needs help."

He looked up at the ceiling of the train. The top of the ceiling was a deep concrete stone wall. Above it was the suburb of Belloberg. Above the suburb was the endless starry sky.

"Bronya, you have to know that the wheel of history is rolling forward. When the time comes, everyone can become a hero to push history forward. Times, policies and specific situations are like floods. By then, someone will definitely stand up and push the process of history."

"Everyone's ability is not enough to change history, but if history needs to move forward, human power will become infinite."

"I don't know much about human history on Yalilo-VI, but in any human history I have seen, human beings have never compromised on the disasters they faced, even if it was caused by people's greed for life and fear of death. In the face of righteousness, there is no shortage of people who radiate the light of humanity to stand up. They fight against crises in order to survive; they blame others and others, leading to the annihilation of their ethnic groups."

Guarding the door to prevent anyone from intruding, Perla was stunned for a moment when she heard the conversation between Chen Lin and Bronya. Both she and Bronya had heard about the development history of many alien civilizations, and had heard about many civilizations before they were unified. historical process.

Although she was born in Beloberg and served as a member of the Silver Mane Iron Guard when she grew up, she had seen many people's fearless sacrifice and protection, and she deeply agreed with what Chen Lin said.

You can't get peace by simply lowering your attitude. Peace depends on yourself!

In an instant, the respect and admiration that had long been hidden in Pera's heart reached its peak, thinking that her husband's motherland once faced the same life-and-death crisis as Beloberg, but it was able to survive the struggle.

Belloberg can do it too, because Belloberg never compromises with Split World and Fengxue!

How many Silver-maned Iron Guards were originally just ordinary residents who went deep into the rift to fight monsters... From the moment they put on their uniforms, everyone shouldered the heavy responsibility of guarding their homeland, which they could not retreat from. It was their voluntary choice. Take responsibility!

Maybe...this is the glory of humanity that Mr. said.


The train stopped. This was a space carved out hundreds of meters beneath the surface. It was also the destination of their trip, a giant mineral vein that had been mined to pieces by manpower!

Dark mines can be seen everywhere, and the marrow mining lamps hanging at the entrances have long since stopped working due to lack of energy.

But this does not affect the pale yellow radiance and warm light emitted by the sporadic earth marrow surrounding the hard rammed wall.

The iron guards took out the lighting tools that had been prepared from the train, and soon the mine was illuminated brightly.

Chen Lin casually picked up a piece of earth marrow that contained many impurities. The transparent crystalline raw ore was warm and comfortable in the palm of his hand. It was indeed a good source of energy for development, and even in depleted mineral veins, sporadic raw earth marrow ore could still be seen everywhere.

It is a pity that Belloberg mostly uses manual mining. After the main marrow in the giant vein is mined, it is obviously difficult to obtain the corresponding marrow minerals by investing a lot of human resources into it. On the contrary, it is easy to increase the work of the miners. The cost is high, so a large number of relatively scattered marrow loses its mining value and is left to be embedded deep in the soil and ignored.

Everyone jumped up and down with Chen Lin, and Chen Lin naturally performed the whole set, and the survey and sampling steps were carried out equally well.

More than two hours had passed, and the time he left at the [Mining Station] was about to reach zero, so he turned back and asked:

"Bronya, since the Great Guardian gave this mine to me, can I give it to the scientific research ship where I am located for exploration and collection?"


"That's good."

Chen Lin smiled and said, "Then I'll contact the scientific research ship in orbit first and set up a research station to study this mineral vein."


"Well, maybe we can artificially synthesize earth marrow."

Chen Lin put his phone away, "Let's get back to the car. The superiors said there is no problem and a research pipeline will be established to lead here immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, the people in Belloberg City saw a strange spectacle from the sky, and they all went out to look into the distance.

A huge metal pipe slowly descended from the sky. The pipe landed on a mountain far outside Belloberg City. It easily penetrated the solid ground and drilled into it...

Cocolia, who was originally resting in the palace, was attracted by the movement from the outside world. She immediately climbed to the top of the palace and saw the strange scene in the distance, with a shocked expression.

"This... what is this?"

Chapter 46 He is real, I cried to death

The one closest to the people of the supreme Great Guardian sitting in the Clipper Palace.

The thing farthest away from the people of Beloberg... is the Star God who they have never glimpsed, but their city is still protected by it.

Beyond the sky is a wider space. Viewed from the other side, the huge planet is so small that its existence cannot be observed with the naked eye. It is as small as an ant colony and will be ignored if you are not paying attention.

Many people were petrified by the shocking scene in front of them. They thought that the foreign enemies from 700 years ago had invaded again, and that the gods would no longer favor the miserable Beloberg.Many young residents were lying on the ground and crying bitterly, as if complaining to the gods who were above them but did not continue to use their strength to help them.

A blast of dull air crashed into the only remaining city on the planet...

"Lord Star God!! Belloberg really can't bear any more damage. Please help us..."

"Will more monsters appear? Mom, I...I'm afraid."

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