"Hey, hey, thanks for understanding, eldest sister! Then I'll wait here. I have something to do for my clients later."

With that said, Sangbo winked at Chen Lin and motioned for them to follow him in. After doing this, Sangbo ran to the side to chat with the miners on the corner, no longer paying attention to the situation of Chen Lin and others.

Chen Lin originally wanted to arrest Sangbo and question him, but he just accompanied him here to hand over the so-called 'commission'. Why did you ask me to go in with this doctor?

It's a pity that everyone has invited them now, so they can't refuse and can only walk down the steps.

When he walked into the house, Chen Lin heard Sangbo's voice.

"Master Chen Lin, the eldest sister is very prestigious! You guys have a chat first, and I will do your entrustment later."

This is a room on the street, three stories high. When you go inside, the room is not very large. It mainly contains some hospital beds and the tables and chairs that Natasha usually uses to diagnose patients. There is a cabinet in the corner. It is filled with various medicine bottles, and there is a special fireplace embedded in the wall of the house, which is used to increase the temperature in the house to improve the patient's recovery environment.

In the lower-class area where conditions are relatively poor, Natasha's clinic is relatively well-equipped.

There were some patients lying on the bed inside. Natasha led a few people to the corner, dragged out some chairs, and gestured: "Please sit down."

The pioneering team didn't forget that Chen Lin needed to take the lead when doing business, so they didn't follow them and just stood guard outside the door.

"These are my friends and also my bodyguards." Chen Lin pointed to Dan Heng, Yue Yue and Xing outside the door. "We passed by this unrecorded planet on a scientific research ship two months ago. Planet, for the purpose of scientific research, our superiors sent us to land here for scientific research. In essence, we are a scientific research team."

"I have read about your deeds in the newspaper. I wonder why you come to the lower area when you are staying well on the ground? The contemporary Great Guardian should not allow this kind of thing to happen."

"The situation is more complicated, and I still don't quite understand why it is like this." Chen Lin sighed and said with a sad expression: "During the days I lived in Belloberg, I deeply felt the hardships of the people here, so I made an exception and asked my superiors to We have applied for many technologies there that will help Beloberg develop and survive. A while ago, the Great Guardian Cocolia was mysteriously comatose. During that time, Commander Bronya was responsible for contacting me and completing the preliminary construction of many projects. , who knows..."

Natasha looked at Chen Lin who shook his head and asked, "Who knows?"

"Unexpectedly, Cocolia insisted on going her own way after waking up. She thought that we helped Beloberg with some agenda. Not only did she put Bronya, the successor of the Great Guardian, under house arrest, she even called the entire city's iron guards to hunt us down and blockade us. She vowed It’s too strange to catch me and my companions in one fell swoop... I’m sorry I can’t understand.”

After listening to Chen Lin's story, Natasha paused and twitched the corner of her mouth.

"Belloberg...has a plan..."

If the young man in front of her didn't lie, she would be completely speechless now.

Belloberg wants people to have a boundary, mines to have a boundary, markets to have a boundary, and technology to have a boundary. He can have plans for such a place. Natasha thinks that unless the other party has some serious illness, otherwise the dog will Do not want any……

She was helpless about Cocolia's order to hunt down several people, but after thinking about the situation in the lower area, Natasha seemed to feel completely normal again.That woman could even block the lower area and make it a felony to trespass on the upper and lower areas. It seemed that it was not surprising that she would do any strange things.

In the Lower Zone, Cocolia and Tyrant have the same meaning.

Chapter 67 As a person, I hate the suffering of my compatriots the most!

Chen Lin said disappointedly: "Now I have lost contact with my superiors. It is estimated that my country will soon discover my disappearance. I am very worried about causing any serious diplomatic accident."

When he spoke earlier, Chen Lin had been observing the changes in the expression of the woman in front of him. If there was anything slightly wrong, he would not say this.

From this point of view, Dr. Natasha seemed to be very disappointed in Klipper Palace, and even the eyes she looked at him were full of sympathy.

As expected, Natasha thought for a while and then suggested: "I don't recommend that you reappear in the upper area. Everyone in the lower area of ​​Clipper Palace's tyranny is well known. If the Great Guardian of this generation comes with such a serious crime... If I arrest you, if you appear in the city above, there is a high probability that you will not end well."

"We are just passing through the lower area temporarily. When the time is up, we will find a way to leave here, otherwise it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble to the lower area." Chen Lin shook his head calmly and said own ideas.

Natasha looked a little surprised, and she had a deeper respect for the scientist in front of her who was famous and respected in the upper class area.

"There is no need to worry about this problem. The lower area is not a place that Clipper Palace can manage now. Naturally, no one will come to hunt you down. You can stay in the lower area... With the permission of the ground fire, you can live here temporarily. ,no problem."

"How can this be done? The great guardian is too strange and very extreme. If this brings any trouble here..." Chen Lin gritted his teeth and said: "To be honest, I would rather go up and be taken away by them than Let innocent people be implicated by me."

"You... understand the righteousness well. No wonder the people in the upper-class area like you so much." Natasha was stunned by the firm words of the young man in front of her, and then shook her head: "Don't worry about this. She doesn't dare to do such a thing. Wait. I’ll ask Sambo to take you to see the Earth Fire later, and they will definitely welcome you.”

In fact, Natasha also had corresponding private thoughts. The young talent in front of her was so capable that he might be able to help the lower class solve many long-standing problems.

Compared with these urgent and critical issues, whether there are wanted criminals hiding in the upper area is less important.

Helping to hide a person or something like that would do no harm to the lower-level district, not to mention that there are not many people in the lower-level district with wanted warrants on their bodies?

As for whether the Clipper Palace will use this as an excuse to sanction the lower area and prohibit material exchange and other things, it is completely impossible, otherwise everyone in the upper area will freeze to death if they don't live long!

Cocolia would never do such stupid things as long as she didn't want problems with the order in the upper area.

"Sigh... I didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing. It's really a good intention but no reward." Chen Lin shook his head and sighed, "Is Dr. Natasha familiar with Earth Fire?"

Natasha pondered for a while and said, "I'm fairly familiar with them. People from them often come to my place for treatment, and we've become familiar with them over time."

"I, a weak scholar, can't help the underground mining area. The only thing I can use is my brain."

After Chen Lin lamented softly, he asked what he had always wanted to ask, "Can I ask what Sangbo gave you to Dr. Natasha just now?"

"This..." Natasha took out the bottles and jars Sambo gave her, "They are all rare drugs, used for anesthesia and pain relief. These are the most scarce supplies in the lower-class areas, and many patients are in great need. .”

Miners often work in the mines, and they are inevitably prone to some lung diseases or bruises and falls. After the patient has received treatment, he or she will need to use analgesic drugs during the recovery period, or some simple minor surgeries will also need to be used. Anesthesia is given to relieve pain, otherwise the person may die from the pain before the injury heals.

Injuries such as bone fractures and fractures require enduring various pains during the recovery period. With these drugs, injured miners can recover faster and minimize the sequelae caused by the pain.

Natasha explained to Chen Lin the situation in the lower class area very thoughtfully. As a 'local' who has lived here for so many years, Natasha's understanding of the lower class area was very comprehensive, so comprehensive that Chen Lin could feel it in front of him. This big sister is very unusual.

She has received a very good education, and she can vaguely feel the charisma of a leader who leads others. Chen Lin thought of what Sangbo had said to him before, and estimated that Dr. Natasha's identity might be more than just a famous doctor.

"Can't the lower district make corresponding medicines? I remember when Sambo told me that the lower district has a very good industrial system, and the chemical industry should also be relatively developed, right?"

"Most of those areas were contaminated by the Rift." Natasha shook her head. "In addition, many workers died due to the erosion of the Rift. The production process is very complicated. No one knows how to make similar medicines now. Recently. Over the years, after research by several doctors and I, we discovered that a mushroom native to the lower class area can be used for pain relief and anesthesia. However, the side effects are so great that it is very likely that the patient will lose the ability to feel pain in the future and become more... Danger."

“Are there no other industrial facilities operating?”

"Yes, but we can only barely produce some things with raw materials that can be collected underground. At most, we can use the materials sent from the ground to brew some condiments."

When Natasha said this, her expression was a little hesitant, but she still said: "Mr. Chen Lin, I know you have made a lot of contributions to Belloberg, but I would like to ask for your help here. Can you also help the lower level people?" Everyone who is struggling to survive in the district should improve their living environment... The lower-class district is different from the tyrannical government on the ground. We will never do anything like them to repay kindness with enmity! I guarantee you with my personality! "

People who have experienced betrayal will be wary of others. Natasha believes that if she does not seize the opportunity, more miners may lose the chance of treatment because of their hesitation.

Rather than protecting the lives and health of people in lower-class areas, she doesn't mind asking someone younger than her to help her.

He has had similar achievements, and he has also achieved it in the upper zone, so there is a high probability that he can do it in the lower zone too!

Scientific knowledge is a very important but valuable asset that not everyone can master.

Natasha only knew from ancient books that there were other life forms outside the universe. Since these extraterrestrial life forms could travel through the mysterious sky, it proved that they had technical strength that was not comparable to that of Belloberg.

Cocolia will behave like a bastard of repaying kindness with revenge, but the Lower Zone will never do this, and Earthfire will never do this either!

As a defender of order, repaying kindness with hatred is undoubtedly damaging the trust of the people. If the people lose confidence in the organizations or individual groups that maintain order, where will power come from?

The newspaper said that Chen Lin and others came from beyond the sky. At first, Natasha was disappointed that the prosperity and opportunities in the upper-class area had nothing to do with the lower-class district. Now that the opportunity has come, why not seize it?

Natasha put her arms between her lower abdomen, stood up and bowed slightly towards Chen Lin, making a heartfelt request.

"If you find it inconvenient, we will not force it. This is your freedom. Whether you agree with my private request or not, it will never affect the attitude of the lower district towards you. I will also make the same decision. ensure!"

Originally, Chen Lin was still thinking about how to tell the people in the lower district that he could help them to gain favor. Before he could find a chance to speak, Natasha brought it up first.

Hey guys, give me a pillow if you feel sleepy!

Chen Lin hurriedly took hold of Natasha's hand and said righteously:

"Sister Nata, you don't need to be so polite. Before I became a researcher, I was also a doctor. I was engaged in the research and production of medicines. It is also my most sacred duty to save lives and heal the wounded! I have a bad habit, that is, I can't see Compatriots suffer!”

Chapter 68 This medicine will explode!


"The air underground is chilly, much colder than above."

March [-] held her hands open, kicking her legs as if walking on a balance beam and pacing back and forth unsteadily, her pretty little face glowing slightly red, giving the impression that she was inexplicably like a playful child.

None of them would bother Chen Lin while he was doing business. Everyone could tell whether something was important or not. And Yue Yue didn't like Sambo very much, so he naturally entertained himself at the door of the clinic.

Whenever she comes to a new place, March will be very excited. For many novel things that she has never seen before, March can usually squat on the side and look at them for a long time...

The geomarrow heaters that are different from those on the ground, the unprocessed marrow raw minerals, and the style of underground buildings all attract March's attention all the time.

Observation is a good habit she has always had.

There are quite a lot of pedestrians coming and going on the road. Occasionally, you can see some citizens from lower-level areas pushing stopped two-wheeled carts to sell snacks or underground specialty snacks. Everyone may be living a busy life, but they are still not full of hope for the future. Level of despair.

It's not as prosperous as the upper-class area, but like the upper-class area, everyone is working hard for life...

"Hey! Who are you? What are you doing sneaking around here?!"

Just as March was kicking Bai Huahua's calves and sorting out everything she saw in her mind, a vigilant cooing sound suddenly reached her ears, making her look sideways.

In front of a fork in the corner, a bright-looking girl with vigilant eyebrows was looking at a few very unfamiliar outsiders in front of her. She had her hands folded across her chest and looked a bit cool. She must have made the huh just now. of.

Sambo was still listening to the recent news in the lower area with the miners resting nearby. Suddenly seeing the scene happening in front of him, he immediately stood up from the ground, patted his pants, trotted and shouted: "Miss Xi'er! Miss Xi'er! ! These are my guests haha..."

"Sambo? What the hell are you doing again?"

Xi'er frowned slightly, "Aren't these people from the lower district? They are wearing strange clothes... They are so strangely dressed. No one in the lower district would dress themselves up like this. Sambo, don't break the rules of the earth fire."

She often patrols in residential areas and mining areas. She knows exactly who lives in which house on the street, what they look like, and even their names. Therefore, when she saw March and others, Xi'er thought An enemy broke in, and his tone was somewhat unfriendly.

This hostile tone also made Sanyue feel very unhappy, and her little mouth pouted.

"Nonsense!" March pointed at Xi'er's skirt with dissatisfaction and said, "It's weird for me to wear a skirt, but it's not weird for you to wear a skirt? It's as colorful as a flashbulb."

Xi'er's eyes widened: "You..."

"Ouch..." Seeing that the situation was not going well, Sangbo hurriedly rushed between the two of them and said with a forced smile: "Two aunts, if you have something to say, please talk to me. Don't let the smell of gunpowder be so strong. Can you give me some face? Once at a time!"

March was about to say something else, but Xing behind him stretched out his hand to pull her back and shook his head gently.


The door of the clinic was pushed open from inside, and Chen Lin and Natasha walked out side by side.

The two were still talking in the clinic. Chen Lin was also asking about the raw materials of the medicine in the lower area. Unexpectedly, he heard a quarrel coming from outside the door, so he and Natasha came out to check.

"What happened?"

Chen Lin and Natasha took their respective people aside to inquire. After hearing the situation, they both couldn't laugh or cry.

I thought I was having a conflict with someone, and there was a tense atmosphere. After a long time, it turned out to be the classic scenes of "What are you looking at" and "What are you looking at"...

Before Xi'er could speak, Chen Lin walked up first, stretched out his hand apologetically and said: "Miss Xi'er, right? I'm sorry that my companion has caused trouble to you. March is a bit outspoken. I hope you don't mind. I'll start here. Apologize to you on her behalf."

Xi'er pursed her lips. She had already heard Natasha explain the specific situation. The people in front of her were not enemies looking for trouble. Instead, they were good people who would devote themselves to building the lower district in the future.

Especially the young man in front of him with the most distinctive facial features and outstanding temperament, turned out to be a very rare scientist!

At first, after she heard Natasha say that this young man had made many contributions to the upper-class district, Xier was still a little hostile. After all, the upper-lower district now gradually had an atmosphere of hatred in it, and it was true that she felt unhappy about helping the upper-class district. normal.

Until she heard that the people in front of her came from far away from the starry sky. In the upper area, they only helped the troubled Beloberg as guests. They even provided weapons for free to help the upper area recover a large area. After losing a piece of ground, the weak hatred in Xi'er's heart completely dissipated.

It turns out that they are not lackeys of Clipper Palace, but friendly guests with great kindness!

"I was a little excited just now, thinking that there were enemies coming to cause trouble in the residential area..." Xi'er whispered, hesitating for a few seconds and then grasped the slender palm of the young man in front of her, "Sorry."

Natasha smiled and said, "It's good that the misunderstanding has been resolved."

Xi'er turned around, bowed her head slightly towards March and said, "I'm sorry. It's my fault that I have a bad attitude. I hope you don't take it to heart."

"Ah..." Sanqiyue scratched his head, "I should also talk nicely. It's all the fault of that great guardian that makes me feel bad."

"As long as it's okay."

Chen Lin patted Sanyue's shoulder and said with a smile: "Sister Nata, I haven't finished writing some of the materials just now!"

"Yes! I almost forgot the business."

Although the Beloberg plot of land is not large, most of the things that should be there are still there. In addition, the lower area used to be the heavy industry gathering area of ​​Beloberg. There used to be many scholars working in the pioneering group below. Even several research institutes have been built.

After learning from Natasha what kind of things could be obtained in the lower area, it didn't take long for Chen Lin to think of which drugs could be synthesized using ready-made raw materials. The two of them were discussing these things in the room before. If not Interrupted by this incident, Chen Lin estimated that he had roughly sorted out the preparation methods for the materials required for the medicine.

The most commonly used drugs in the lower area are first and foremost painkillers, followed by drugs to prevent frostbite. The drugs that Chen Lin thinks of here are from his hometown, which is the first synthetic analgesic on earth, paracetamol, and then the well-known paracetamol. aspirin.

There are corresponding materials in the lower area of ​​these two drugs that can be extracted and synthesized. The only disadvantage may be that highly toxic gases will be generated during synthesis, which can easily cause unnecessary casualties...

Then about the medicine for frostbite, Chen Lin thought about it and found a relatively simple thing - nitroglycerin!

Of course, this thing also has a not so good disadvantage, that is, if the operator does not operate it properly, it is very likely to...

Lose a few friends or lose yourself directly!

Chapter 69 The little girl with a sharp mouth (4k)

In the clinic, everyone formed a circle, and Chen Lin in the center handed Natasha sheets of paper filled with the required materials.

Many of the things commonly used in the chemical industry are readily available, and for a few things that Natasha had never heard of, Chen Lin also found a way to write down the preparation process, and the corners were full of notes.

The relevant education Natasha received actually included some chemical engineering knowledge, which saved Chen Lin the difficult explanation process.

After asking, I found out that Natasha used to be from an upper-class area, and her parents seemed to be high-level intellectuals, so that makes perfect sense...

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