However, Chen Lin did not agree directly, and just said: "I will discuss this matter with them when I get back..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Lin, who was climbing up and around the perimeter of the mine, drilled in and out again, suddenly heard movement from ahead, which seemed to be hurried footsteps.

A few seconds later, a large number of people wearing Earth Fire badges appeared in front of Chen Lin, and he also saw a familiar face in the crowd.

The girl with a poker face, tears in the corners of her eyes, and her eyes were slightly red.

Chen Lin, who was carrying Clara on his back, was startled for a moment, raised his hand towards Xi'er, and said hello: "Hey, hello, you're pretty fast."

The girl in front of her gritted her teeth.

"You are so tall!!"

No.80 Bronya, you are a bit extreme

at dusk.

The lower area is separated from the sky by dirt. Many young children have never really seen what the sky looks like. Everything depends on the oral descriptions of the previous generation who have experienced the unblocked period.

The lights inside and outside Panyan Town are intertwined, and even those thousands of meters away from the town can be reflected brightly by the lights.

In the suburbs, in the workshop that had already been set up, everyone looked nervously at Chen Lin, who was tinkering under the shed in the distance. No one dared to make a sound, and no one dared to come forward to disturb his work.

According to him, this work needs to be done carefully and without interruption, otherwise this simple workshop is likely to burn to the ground in an instant.

No one thought he was joking, because another workshop not far away collapsed like this not long ago...

The explosion was a bit powerful, and Chen Lin had to rest for about an hour and a half before he recovered.

Suddenly, an excited voice came.

"It's done! It's done!" Chen Lin picked up the cup in his hand and walked quickly towards everyone. "The specific optimal ratio requires clinical testing, but it is fully ready for use now."

Xi'er hurriedly took a few steps back and said warily: "It won't explode, right?"

"I've already diluted it, it's impossible to explode." Chen Lin was very confident.

As a researcher who developed drugs in his early years, he can guarantee that the medicine he makes will definitely have good results even in such a harsh place. But if he wants to achieve the minimum dosage and the best effect of treatment and prevention, if Belloberg He could easily reset the technology tree, but it was obviously not possible now.

After hearing Chen Lin's vow, Xi'er led the nervous Clara over and saw clearly that the cup in Chen Lin's hand was full of strange paste.

"Go and talk outside." Chen Lin pushed the girl's back and urged: "When I took paracetamol and aspirin just now, I got a little bit of poisonous gas coming out. Don't stand here, be careful of direct poisoning." Fainted."

Arriving outside the workshop, Chen Lin sealed the ointment and transparent liquid in the container he brought and handed it to the confused Clara, and then explained the detailed production method to Natasha.

The main ingredients of the ointment are diluted nitroglycerin, salicylic acid, glycerin and Bairun petrolatum. The most dangerous of these four key substances is the preparation of nitroglycerin. The other two are not too difficult.

Seeing Natasha recording the process described by Chen Lin bit by bit, the others could only stand on the side in confusion.

There was no way, among the few people present, Natasha was the only one who was a truly advanced intellectual, so she could barely understand Chen Lin's explanation.Even if others heard it, they would not be able to understand what it was if a few words were combined into one word or sentence.

Clara looked at the prosperous Panyan Town behind her, then looked at the ointment in her hand, and whispered: "Then Clara will go back first...Mr. Swallow will be worried if Clara stays out for too long. .”

She carefully put away the medicine in her hand and said, "Thank you everyone, thank you Brother Chen Lin."

"Apply the ointment to the frostbite area once in the morning and evening. If the frostbite wound is unbearably painful, the amount of aspirin to be used..." Chen Lin told Clara the use of the medicine in detail.

Medication is a very serious matter. In order to prevent Clara from remembering it incorrectly, he even asked someone to bring a pen and paper to write down the usage method and the maximum and minimum dosage.

I heard that the robot named Swaro is very powerful. I believe it will make a judgment for Clara on whether her medicine can be used.

After sending the little girl away, Chen Lin started his own pharmaceutical factory plan. He first made frostbite ointment on a large scale. He personally prepared and diluted the nitroglycerine. Natasha had already trained the other three main substances to be skilled in preparing them. employees, and a large amount of basic raw materials were collected and purchased, which can fully meet the needs of the lower-level areas.

As Chen Lin's personal bodyguard, Xi'er must not be idle even when Chen Lin is busy, so she was assigned by Chen Lin to move raw materials.

Occasionally, under Natasha's command, I can simply make some of the required materials, which can be regarded as an extra manpower that is not lazy.


Ten days later, in a guest room on the third floor of the Goethe Hotel.

The furnishings of the cabin are simple, and the positions of various simple furniture have not been touched. There are several thick books spread on the table, with bookmarks inserted among them as reading marks.

Everything was spotless, and there was no garbage or food crumbs on the floor. It seemed that someone was cleaning it carefully every day.

Chen Lin lay motionless on the bed, his chest rising and falling slowly, as if he was asleep.

In fact, his brain was very clear at this time, and he could clearly perceive everything happening in the outside world.

As for his method of spiritual energy training, which was more robbing than training, after absorbing the huge flaming monster, the spiritual energy in Chen Lin's body had grown a lot, and now the micro-universe in his mind had become clearer and richer.

In the center of the Yaliluo galaxy, the huge border outpost has been expanding at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye. Only a week ago, the trend of enlargement stopped. Instead, something is being done in full swing below the outpost...

Maybe Jizi and the others who were far away in the Yaliluo-VI orbit couldn't understand it, but Chen Lin understood very well why his outpost seemed to be busy making something.

- Destroyer!

As the latest ship he developed, Chen Lin reluctantly chose to build a destroyer warship by spending all his 700-plus alloys because of the large number of slots.

In addition, Chen Lin also spent almost all his energy coins. He went to the 'P Club Mysterious Universe Market' to buy a large amount of alloys and made money. After designing the general frame, weapons and protection of the frigate, he burst into tears again. 8 ships were built.

The frigates are now queuing up behind the destroyers, waiting to be built as soon as the docks become idle.

The reason why Chen Lin was still staring at the outpost dock in the galaxy late at night was because the destroyer was about to be built, and he wanted to see what his first battleship of his own would look like when it was built.

Even if it looks like a small black dot from his current perspective, it is still a battleship that he invested resources into, designed and built himself.

Even if it’s a destroyer that doesn’t even have a presence as a frigate when playing games on weekdays… that’s still an achievement!

Just like oviparous animals in nature, as a parent, he wants to watch with his own eyes how his children break out of the egg (chuan) shell (wu).

"It's coming, it's coming! The big one is coming!!"

Chen Lin shouted excitedly in his heart, desperately trying to zoom in to see the details of his new ship.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do it. He just saw the dock door at the bottom of his outpost slowly opening, and a small black dot slowly floated out from it.

How about installing some defense yourself?have no idea.

How about the missiles you installed yourself?have no idea.

Is the laser cannon you installed cool?Still don't know.

Chen Lin: "..."

He who was originally in high spirits suddenly became paralyzed.

He has not yet developed modules to reduce costs and speed up assembly of his own destroyers. Building a destroyer will completely wipe out his wealth, and it will also take a huge amount of time.

Fortunately it wasn't in a game, otherwise he would probably have to vomit it out after spending hundreds of days building a ship.

With a long sigh, Chen Lin issued his own instructions to the destroyer, requiring it to sail into the predetermined orbit of Yalilo-VI at the fastest speed and stand by.

Chen Lin may not be able to see what his ship looks like for the time being.

But one thing he could confirm was that there seemed to be a lot of staff on the destroyer.

Because he heard the reply from the destroyer.


After finishing all this, Chen Lin should have started practicing his daily spiritual skills. However, when he opened his eyes, he found that his mobile phone screen flashed on and off, showing unread messages.

After looking at it, he discovered that it was Pella who had sent him many messages while he was looking at his boat.

Pera: "Sir, there was another large-scale protest in the upper district today. Some civil organizations even came to the Clipper Palace to stage a sit-in demonstration, but they were all driven away by the Great Guardian who sent personal guards. 】

Pera: "The fact that the eldest lady was under house arrest somehow became known to the public, triggering a large-scale discussion, and civil organizations who love the eldest lady are holding demonstrations every day. Now it is almost a mess. A large number of shops have closed down. , other businessmen also chose to go on strike to protest, and bloodshed occurred every day."

Pella: "The operation of the farm has been completely suspended. This month, it has almost relied on the grain stored in the warehouse of the Grain Storage Department. Grain prices have reached unprecedented levels. Several new ministers supported by the Great Guardian have taken advantage of the huge price difference. A lot of money has been made, but now the residents are in danger, and the riot and crime rates have increased significantly."

Pera: "I have been deprived of the position of Chief of Intelligence. Now it is difficult for me to interfere in the affairs of the palace. Guardsman Jeppard asked me to temporarily work in his military camp, but today I saw that the palace sent Many people took summonses and asked the Iron Guards who guarded dangerous areas to enter the city to maintain order and arrest the troublemakers. However, these orders were rejected by the Jeppard guards one by one, and several officials who came to deliver the orders were directly detained. Several uncooperative officials were killed on the spot by angry soldiers, and the relationship between the army and Clipper Palace is now very tense."

Pera: "I'm worried that if this continues, the Upper Zone will completely get out of control. Every time I'm responsible for training the Iron Guard, in my spare time, I can hear everyone talking about how prosperous and wealthy the Upper Zone was when you were still there. Yes. They have eaten the cheapest and most delicious food in their lives. Sir, when will you come back? Everyone misses you very much. Although the Jeppard guard did not say it explicitly, he did not stop the people below from talking about you. It means he must also..."


Chen Lin scanned the messages on his phone. He glanced at his espionage activities and found that the espionage sabotage operation had not even finished reading. Why was the upper level area already in such a mess?

If by the time his 'destruction of facilities' espionage progress bar runs out, problems arise with various infrastructure and important facilities, wouldn't the upper area have to be shut down on the spot?

Cocolia, you are a thin dog, can you do it...

Chen Lin sat up from the bed and clicked around on his phone.

Chen Lin: "We may not be able to go back for the time being. After all, we are still wanted at the highest level. If we appear in the upper area, we will inevitably have a conflict with the Iron Guard. This is inappropriate."

I thought it was already late at night, more than half an hour had passed since Pera sent the text message, and the other party might have taken a rest.

Chen Lin planned to go to the hotel's bathhouse to take a bath and then come back to practice psychic abilities, but the news about Pella had already arrived.

Pella: "I can bring people to pick you up! Don't worry, everyone in the military camp is our own people and the news will not be leaked."

Chen Lin: "That won't work. If the news is accidentally leaked, the Silver-Maned Iron Guard will be accused of treason. Then you will all be purged and accused, and the loss outweighs the gain. What's more, even if I go up, it will be of no use. Everything It’s difficult to improve everyone’s situation if their movements are restricted.”

Of course he will go up, but now is not the time.

As one of the few internal agents who can communicate with him... Bah, as a source of information, their existence is very necessary. Not only can they stabilize the morale of the Silver Mane Iron Guard's frontline army, but they can also correct the team's thinking. They must not Problems arise at such times.

As a great guardian, I believe that if Cocolia knew that she had infiltrated other people's armies into a sieve, she would definitely eliminate all the leading people at all costs. By then, Chen Lin would be short of help. This must not be done. occur.

Chen Lin sent a message to comfort: "The development of the lower-class district is very slow. I am building this place. The people of the lower-class district are also the people of Belloberg. The construction of the lower-class district is also the construction of the upper-class district..."

He told the frustrated Pella about all the conditions in the lower district, and also sent many photos of the past and present of Panyan Town, and inadvertently revealed some other information.

Chen Lin: "I encountered a strange world-splitting monster in the lower area. After destroying it, I got a bead. After analyzing it, I saw in the bead the memory of the current Great Guardian when he was young in the lower area, and Part of the memory of the upper district. From the memory, I also saw Sister Siluwa and the current head of the scientific research department. The director of the upper district research institute at the time. Pella, do you have any clue about this? (Photo of beads) "

Chen Lin added: "They seem to be talking about star cores and the like."

Perla: "?!!! (Shocked)"

When Pera saw the message on her cell phone in the military dormitory, she was so frightened that she jumped out of bed.

The memory of the current Great Guardian Cocolia?Is there anything about Sylva in your memory?

Also, what is a star core?

Pella vaguely sensed that something was very wrong. As a former intelligence officer, she knew that some world-splitting monsters had partial memories of the deceased they transformed into, but that had to be based on the premise that the person they transformed into died.

Before Belloberg's scientific research technology was in decline, some genius scientists had discovered this characteristic using relevant equipment. The relevant documents and papers were still intact in the research department's data room, and she had read through them. content, know these things.

The question is, Cocolia is still issuing various orders in the Creeper Palace, so how does the world-splitting monster possess its memory?

Perla's attitude towards Chen Lin can be described as unconditional trust and admiration. Even if she didn't know how Chen Lin learned the contents of this bead, she still firmly believed that Chen Lin would not fabricate such lies out of thin air to deceive her.

Sir, even though he was wanted and persecuted by the upper-class district, he was still very enthusiastic and selfless in helping the construction of the lower-class district of Belloberg!

How could he lie to her?

Even if it was really a lie, sir, he must have had his own plans, and he definitely did it for the good of Beloberg.

Pella: "When daybreak, I will send someone to call Engineer Shiluva. She must know something. Sir, thank you very much for the information you provided. This is very important to us!"

Pera: "I won't disturb your rest, but I want to ask you one thing. If you are free, you can chat with the eldest lady. The eldest lady can only move around the palace almost every day. I am very worried about the eldest lady. My mental condition, the eldest lady was probably depressed a while ago, and she even sent me messages asking me a lot of very extreme questions..."

Chen Lin: "How extreme is it?"

Pera: "The eldest lady asked me for a detailed map of the entire Clipper Palace, and also asked me if there was a way to transport a large amount of armor and weapons and equipment there without others knowing..."

Chen Lin: "It does seem a bit extreme for her..."

It was a bit unexpected for Chen Lin to push the always well-behaved and gentle Bronya to this point.

You little girl is so itchy that you have to start wearing yellow robes, right?

Chapter 90 Did you take any medicine today?

In the early morning, in the deepest part of the mechanical settlement, there stood a small building with faint lights flickering in the building.

Clara leaned in a corner on the first floor, with a fire burning in front of her. After working for a long time, she closed her eyes and took a nap. Her peaceful sleeping face was extremely relaxed. In this place, she no longer had to worry about danger.

Not far away from her, stood a tall and mighty robot. The transparent hole on its head emitted a bobbing blue light, carefully scanning the half-used bottle of white paste on hand.

"Ingredients retrieval... Comparing the content of substances stored in the database... The comparison proximity of substances has decreased. There are some new substances that have not been loaded into the database. Data analysis and storage of A5 new substances are being carried out..."

From the day Clara came back, Swaro would check the two drugs she brought back every once in a while and try to deconstruct the never-before-seen substances in them.

It is not human, and there is very little data related to drugs in its core. Fortunately, its body capabilities are very comprehensive, and it can barely separate and retrieve the drugs in the ointment. It can also determine that these substances have undergone complex conversion and synthesis. Will it cause irreversible harm to the human body?

After realizing that the medicines in his hand could indeed help treat and prevent frostbite, and that another clear liquid medicine could relieve pain, Swaro agreed to let Clara use it.

After only a few days of use, the wounds on Clara's body are already showing signs of healing. The areas where the ointment has been applied no longer have chilblains even if they go out. It has effectively protected the human body's blood vessels from shrinking due to cold at low temperatures, causing red blood cells to shrink. A condition that oozes blood vessels and causes chilblains.

Swaro turned to look at Clara who was resting in the distance. Clara was very busy these days.

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