Being stared at by a robot that was more than half his body taller than himself, Chen Lin felt a little chill down his spine, but when he thought that he could survive a fall of hundreds of meters, he suddenly had nothing to fear.

He asked Siluva a while ago if he knew there was a robot named 'Swaro' in the lower area. He originally thought that Siluva might have to work for a long time to get the information. Who would have thought that she already knew about it? !

Sylva told him that Svaro was a prehistoric war machine that built cities. Its full name was [Prototype Machine No. 3 - Supervision Machine]. It seemed that for some reason hundreds of years ago, it was left in the lower area. , as some kind of backup force to ensure the safety of the pioneering group in the lower area. Then as time passed, the members of the pioneering group became fewer and fewer, and this supervisory machine as their assistant had no record.Especially in the 20 years since the upper and lower districts were sealed off, a lot of information about the lower districts has been lost.

These were all materials that she had seen before when she was working in the Research Department, because not long after seeing this information, Siluva came into contact with the sealed information of the star core in the box containing this information, and participated in that During the "Taboo Research", she was later imprisoned and demoted to a commoner, and her life fell from the peak to the bottom, so she knew this memory very clearly.

Judging from the information recorded in Earth Fire, Shivaro suddenly appeared one day after the upper and lower areas were sealed off.None of the miners who used to work in the lower area knew its existence. What's more, when Schvalo appeared, all kinds of automatic robots popped up from everywhere like ants, and their behavior was unabashed and extremely high-profile. , it is impossible that none of the miners who have worked in the lower areas for most of their lives have seen him.

Based on these questions and Clara's words, she met Swaro after waking up in a garbage factory one day a long time ago.

Therefore, Chen Lin judged that Shivaro was probably in a standby state for some special reason, and Clara accidentally discovered and activated it at that time, which resulted in the addition of a very special force such as the Mechanical Settlement to the lower area.

Swaro never takes the initiative to harm anyone, and even provides shelter to homeless homeless people. Whenever there is a conflict between homeless people and miners, he will resolve the conflict in his own way. His purpose is very likely It is to protect existing human beings and prevent internal strife among human beings.

Chen Lin thought about this conclusion for a long time and analyzed countless situations. Finally, he felt that this was most likely the case.

As a robot that has existed for nearly a thousand years, Swallow has played an important role in Beloberg's historical documents, military materials, and technical research. Even after close contact now, Chen Lin feels that he is still Beloberg. Berg's only high-performance computer today is very important to the development of Belo Berg.

If possible, he wanted Swaro to join the team to unify Beloberg.

Xi'er told him more than once that Shivaro was full of "calculation results" and the like, and even calculated how long the upper and lower areas of Beloberg could exist respectively.

Chen Lin knew a little about calculations, and he didn't mind doing calculations with Shivaro.

Swaro's eyes lit up.

"Calling the connected network image, it was detected that there are 4152 recent image records in the key locations "Rivet Town" and "Forging Hammer Town". The records are being analyzed... I am confirming the authenticity of the incident, it will take some time. "

"It's okay, just take your time." Chen Lin found a place to sit down nonchalantly and started playing with his phone.

After Xi'er saw that the expected conflict and danger did not appear, she also sat next to Chen Lin and stared curiously at the luminous glass.

She could often see Chen Lin pressing this thing back and forth. It was very interesting, especially because text could be displayed with a simple press. Even if Xi'er had never seen text in this shape, the system would automatically convert it to Xi'er. Comprehensible Belloberg text.

If Xi'er wants to see it, just show it to her. Chen Lin is too lazy to hide it.

Originally, Chen Lin wanted to send a message to Bronya to ask how the situation was, but unexpectedly, as soon as he turned on his phone, he unexpectedly received a message from Esta, a rich young woman with whom he was chatting very speculatively. Others were One of my unlucky chief scientists, a black slave... Bah!Black Tower information.

Chen Lin sighed and clicked on the only 99+ chat box.

The stars are so beautiful: ""Interstellar Peace Company Tucker Wood Star Field Branch explains the construction of energy bridges and the structural principles of physical energy transmitters - how to make physical energy transmitters from entry to earth".PDF" (67 days ago)

"Lin! I bought you the thing you asked me about last time. I asked an acquaintance's research institute to write a paper on related issues. Let's see how it goes."

"Also, the space station has almost completely cleaned up the remnants of antimatter energy. Come back and take a look when you have time. I also bought a lot of things you haven't eaten from the Internet. Let's eat together and talk about my recent experience in astronomy. Interesting things I discovered."

"Are you busy with something? Remember to tell me when you're done."


"Lin, look what Peipei did today, he got so dirty, ahhh! I'm so angry!" (51 days ago"

"Hehehe, I cleaned Peppa Pig and restyled it."


"I asked Miss Himeko, you are currently looking for the star core that causes navigation interference... No wonder I can't see you online here, the signal is probably not very good. Please pay attention to your safety. Today's work is done, I Went to have dinner." (32 days ago)


"I heard that there are interstellar pirates in the star field near you. Lin, you should be careful. If the signal is good, tell me that you are safe. If you need help, you can call me and I will find a way. Good night." ( 7 hours ago)

How persistent is this little girl? She can insist on sending herself a message saying good night every day for more than two months in a row without getting any reply.

It can be seen that it is really difficult for her to find someone who is as interested in astronomy as she is and who is not greedy for her money...

Just when Chen Lin was thinking about what to return, the communication network between him and Esta was suddenly disconnected again.


Chen Lin couldn't help but cursed, and then heard Xi'er's confused voice.

"Brother Lin, is this a member of your family?"

"A friend is doing research in the field of astronomy. Because her hobbies and research fields are relatively niche, she seems to know me as someone who can understand her interests and family reasons. She is a rather stubborn girl in a sense."

"Female... girl...?"


Xi'er said oh, suddenly got up and ran not far away to let the wind blow.

Chapter 97 The CPU will be burned for you

There were no grand words or impassioned words. Chen Lin simply stated to Swaro what he could do now.

He will not lie to the robot with particularly outrageous lies, not to mention that the robot has nothing to lie to. Besides, Shivaro is not a simple technological product. He can distinguish which ones by using calculation methods that do not seem particularly advanced to Chen Lin. What words are trustworthy, and what words are not trustworthy.

Deception only complicates matters.

While Shivaro was left there to verify the situation, Chen Lin leisurely browsed through the unread messages on his phone.

As for what the Black Tower sent?Without even thinking about it, he must be urging for another update.

A few minutes later, Shiwaro suddenly moved. Chen Lin noticed this and raised his head to look at the 'giant' walking towards him.

"Screen content: Confirmed consistency. Inferred reason for the elimination of the rift: unknown. The scene is consistent with the final agreement to protect mankind. In view of your attitude and the evidence provided, I do not deny that the disappearance of the rift is related to you, outsider Chen Lin, I I am willing to give you a chance to explain the situation. If it is beneficial to the preservation of the human agreement, I can consider your request."

Robots are better at this and follow the protocols of earlier storage operations. This is probably the main reason why Earth Fire thinks Swaro is stubborn.

"It seems that we have the same purpose."

Chen Lin replied, looking up at the brightly lit Panyan Town in the distance, and said: "Yaliluo-VI is very special. I can't give up here and watch Belloberg turn into a dead city. There are I have invested countless efforts and resources. I hope to unite all humans in Beloberg to jointly face the harm caused by the rift and relieve the extreme cold wave that has enveloped the planet."

Shivaro's eyes lit up, and the dull mechanical sound sounded again.

"According to calculations, the possibility of eliminating all rifts is: 0."

"Don't worry about your calculations all day long, Swaro. Didn't I tell you that before I came here, could anyone in your records eliminate the Rift World?"

"The database search is in progress... The search has been completed. No one or method has been found in the database that can clear the rift."

"Isn't that right? You didn't even calculate it for me, so you are so sure that the rift cannot be eliminated?" Chen Lin said angrily: "Your calculation is just a reference value, and the calculation data that needs to be input will always lag behind the actual situation. , in the final analysis, it is a dead result.”

Chen Lin continued: "If you don't believe it, let me ask you a question. This question will break your calculation logic. Do you believe it?"

"With quantitative data, the probability of a calculation being wrong is less than one in ten million. I don't think so, outsider."

"Then let me ask you." Chen Lin smiled imperceptibly, "One day, I entrusted you to buy a fried rice for me, but I will tell you when you leave, if you see someone on the street If they sell salmon bread, buy two copies for me. Now, Mr. Schwaro, let me ask you, if you accepted my commission and saw the salmon bread seller while buying fried rice for me, what would you do? How to do it?"

Shivaro paused for two seconds and answered very seriously: "Based on the calculation, condition one 'I didn't see anyone selling salmon bread' was not met, and condition two 'I saw someone selling salmon bread' was met. Calculation result: I I’ll buy you two portions of fried rice.”

"Pfft... Hahahahaha!" Xi'er, who was showing off not far away, couldn't help laughing.

Chen Lin shook his head: "The calculation is wrong. What you should do is buy one portion of fried rice and two portions of salmon bread."


Shiwaro was stunned. He frantically input the contents of Chen Lin's questions into the core calculation, but no matter what he did, the final result was to buy two portions of fried rice.

"I know you have many ways to refute what I want to say, but this is the rigid nature of program calculations. You can only get the same result after considering it very comprehensively. If you don't believe that the conclusion I said is correct, Shi Varro, you can ask Clara, I believe she won’t lie to you.”

Chen Lin stretched out his hand in his pocket and said: "Similarly, the things I know are not in your original calculations, including my method to eliminate the world rift, the power called 'spiritual energy'. You can Aren’t you curious as to why I know you are here? Because my spirit can see where you are.”

"The sophistry of cunning human beings."

"No, no, no, this is not sophistry, but a fact. Let's put it this way, according to your calculations, what is the outcome of Panyan Town?"

Swaro said: "Based on the speed of the expansion of the rift and the average number of casualties of humans resisting the rift, Panyan Town will be completely swallowed up by the rift in 10 years, 4 months and 21 days."

"Then can Panyan Town get rid of its dependence on the upper-class areas and become self-sufficient in daily necessities and industrial products?"

"It's impossible."

"Let's see if this thing is included in your calculations."

Chen Lin snapped his fingers, designated a range not far ahead, and exchanged one mineral for iron ore.

Suddenly, iron ore began to fall far and wide in the originally peaceful space, and soon a pile of ore was piled up, which was slightly taller than Swaro.

Swaro's CPU was almost burned by the scene in front of him.

"Scanning space fluctuations: No abnormalities found... Calculate the possibility of generating "iron ore" out of thin air: 0%... Calculate the possibility of human operation: 0%... Conclusion: An error occurred, and it is impossible to determine whether "iron ore" is generated out of thin air. For reasons, a record database has been requested.Application result: passed. "

"So can you understand this?"

Chen Lin snapped his fingers again.

The next second, the mounds of soil next to the people began to shake, and then large areas floated into the air, as if they were being held up by something solid below.

"Energy fluctuations are found, and the energy is analyzed... Analysis results: The core is overloaded, the internal temperature rises to the dangerous threshold, the variable system calculation content is being cleared, and the variable system is restarting..."

"Variable one: the outsider's mysterious method; variable two: Clara's trust; variable three: the outsider's help to Beloberg. The calculation results are reloaded..."

Vaguely, Chen Lin seemed to smell a burning smell.

After a series of action-based replies, the error code in the core exploded. Now Shivaro finally looked squarely at the young man from the outside world in front of him. He asked: "How did you do it? This is not anything in the database. The power of being documented.”

Hearing this, Chen Lin knew that Shivaro believed in his ability to solve the world rift, and the calculation logic was already exposed in front of him, a star scientist, and it couldn't be easier to find bugs.

Chen Lin smiled and asked: "How is it? Has the calculation lost its effect?"

"I admit that you are a variable in the calculation. I cannot get the results of your existence and means through calculation. Question: Outsider Chen Lin, what do you want me to do?"

"I want Belloberg to survive with more people on the premise of eliminating the Rift World. I believe our ultimate goal is the same. Secondly, I need you to reconcile with Earth Fire. The separation between the upper and lower areas is already very serious. The district must not continue to be divided."

Chen Lin said eloquently, "I will use my own methods to provide corresponding jobs and technological development productivity, and you, Shivaro, you should essentially be regarded as a supercomputer, with a lot of data stored in it. In Bellobot After the grid is completely stabilized, the things in your database will be of great use!"

"Interpretation: Do you mean to ask me to provide materials and technology for the development of Beloberg?"

"It requires information, not much technology. Judging from the information I found in the upper area, Yalilo-VI's technology in its heyday only touched the threshold of aerospace, and it was achieved with the support of the Interstellar Peace Company. You don’t need to provide most of the technology, I have it myself.”

Chen Lin shook his head, "What you need to do now is to work with Dihuo to stabilize the situation in the lower area, and use your reputation and Dihuo's assistance to reunite the two groups that have been divided for a long time. That's all."


Shivaro didn't speak. It seemed that he was evaluating the feasibility and significance of Chen Lin's proposal, and whether listening to his words would help humans live longer.

Half a minute later, Swaro spoke.

"The calculation results are imported, and the human survival maintenance agreement is passed."

"That's right."

"The lie testing system is activated. Question: What is your motive for doing this?"


Chen Lin thought for a while and replied solemnly: "If Belloberg is gone, I may be so distressed that I can't sleep well for a few years. Belloberg has been regarded by me as an indispensable hometown."

"Physiological change test: passed; objective fact verification: passed; corrected variable result: 10% probability of occurrence; conclusion: no adverse effects. Outsider Chen Lin, I believe what you said. Prototype No. [-] - Supervision The machine 'Svaro' is willing to continue to implement the human survival maintenance agreement. I can agree to your request. If nothing happens, I will leave here."

Shivaro looked at the young man in front of him. The amount of information he had received today was too huge, and the core after overloading the calculation was still in a high temperature state. He continued to return to the mechanical settlement to wait for cooling, and then restarted the unfinished calculations.

"Okay, if you are curious about or don't understand me, and it's not convenient for you to come to the town to find me, you can ask Clara to send me a message."

Chen Lin waved his hand and said: "I have always sent people to protect Clara. You can rest assured that she is safe in the town. No one can hurt her while I am here."


After sending away Shivaro, who quietly came to the edge of the town to observe, Chen Lin took Xi'er back to Panyan Town.

On the way, Xi'er took the time to glance at Chen Lin, and she didn't speak until she entered the town.

"So you brought that rigid robot over now? Is he really that useful?" Xi'er was curious about this question.

"Yeah, if I didn't know what caused the world split, maybe I would have to ask him a lot of things, but unfortunately I know the real cause of the world split." Chen Lin answered slowly.

"The real reason for the division of the world..." Xi'er's eyes were fixed on Chen Lin, and she asked doubtfully: "Do you know such a mysterious thing?!"

"if not?"

Chen Lin asked back, paused and said: "From the day I came to this planet, I knew that the rift was produced by a substance called 'star core', but I didn't know where the star core was. place, I planned to leave here after the inspection, who would have thought that it would become like this..."

"If your trip goes well, will I not be able to see you?"

"If nothing else, it should be like this. You know, I never lie to people. Although you may not be happy when I say this, it is the truth."

"I'm not that stingy..."

Xi'er thought about it and didn't know where her inexplicable idea came from. She had never considered such things before, and her focus was on the present.

If it was like the other ending she thought, maybe one day she, Earth Fire, and even the lower area would be swallowed up by the Rift World. She would also be slowly devoured due to conflicts with the Rift World monsters and the lack of sustainable resource supply. He died in a corner and was dissolved by the rift.

For more than a month, I followed him almost every day from opening to closing my eyes.

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