Building a ship out of thin air is shocking enough, but to be able to build a ship out of thin air is somewhat extreme idealism...

No, as a psychic user, I am quite idealistic in my thoughts.

In fact, Chen Lin feels that the ideological trend is not very reliable. After all, spiritual energy can be proved to exist. In theory, it should be materialism. At best, materialism can be regarded as stubbornly moving in this direction before finding any evidence of the existence of spiritual energy. action.

No matter what, Chen Lin had no intention of leaving the train. He still hoped to find clues to return home by using the train.

Nowadays, the technology is not complete, and the technology tree after the expansion of Origin has become denser and denser. Originally, if I followed my own experience in tree planting, and with the cohesion blessing of the Black Tower Space Station, climbing the tree should be easy.

It's a pity that it doesn't work now. He has never seen many technologies before, and he doesn't know how many branches will pop up below. What Chen Lin does is to open as few things in different fields as possible to avoid contaminating the technology pool.

"As long as he is here..." Chen Lin, who was sitting on the steps, looked around repeatedly and said, "It should be able to be solved. Xi'er has also passed by. If there is a problem, she will definitely come back and notify me."

Xing tugged on Chen Lin's sleeve, pressed it against him and asked, "What did they do?"

"That's right, Ah Lin, you haven't told us yet." Yue Yue agreed.


Chen Lin wondered: "I was still asleep in the morning, and Xi'er came to me and told me that the scouts had detected more than forty strange soldiers near the danger zone outside Forging Hammer Town. They were dressed similarly to the Silver Mane Iron Guards. The team is fighting against world-splitting creatures. The team is surrounded by layers and it is difficult to break out. If no one rescues them, they will die there sooner or later. The blame is that Bronya didn't tell me that they would send someone down... and the signal changed again. It's a lot worse, and now there's no way to contact them even though there are hundreds of meters of dirt and stone walls."

"So Alin is worried that one of his people sent by Miss Bronya is in danger?" March rarely moved his little head, which was so rusty that it kept creaking.

"You really know how to use your brain in March!?"

Chen Lin felt surprised. He put his elbows on his knees and leaned forward to look at her carefully.

By coincidence, the star next to him also looked at March [-]th as if he had discovered a new world. Their movements and even their eyes were in agreement.

March became angry with embarrassment: "I'm not stupid, I can definitely think of such a simple thing!"

"Don't make it difficult for yourself." Xing comforted.

“It’s not difficult!!”

After waiting for more than half an hour, just when Chen Lin was considering whether to use psychic energy to check the situation about twenty kilometers away, he suddenly smelled a familiar energy wave.


Looking in the direction of the waves, Chen Lin saw Xi'er rushing towards several people.

"Miss Xi'er!" Yue Yue shouted enthusiastically: " Where are Dan Heng and the others?"

"Uh..." Xi'er paused and said concisely: "They are on their way here."

After saying that, she looked at Chen Lin with a strange expression on her face, which made Chen Lin a little confused.

"what happened?"

Xi'er pursed her lips and shook her head, saying: "I can't say, the situation may be a bit complicated. You will know later when you see for yourself. They are probably arriving soon."

Chen Lin: "?"

How could a situation be so complicated?So that Xi'er can't even say it?

After asking for a glass of water from the hotel, Xier took out a piece of cake wrapped in oil paper from her pocket. She broke off a piece and handed it to Chen Lin, trying to ask: "Nata baked it for me, can you eat it?" Eat? If you want to eat, I'll heat it up for you. It's a bit cold and you can't bear to eat it."

She has been busy since early in the morning, with a huge amount of work and exercise. She hasn't eaten half a mouthful of food, and her stomach is already growling with hunger.

No, as soon as she stopped and was out of breath, Xi'er planned to replenish her body with some energy and eat something after work. This was a habit she had developed over the years to prevent important things from suddenly coming and leaving her unable to do anything. live.

"Have you enough to eat?" Chen Lin asked, looking at the palm-sized sesame cake in his hand.

In the past, the food in the lower area lacked fat and meat, and it was often necessary to eat a large amount of carbohydrates to ensure the normal operation of the body's functions. After following Xi'er for so long, he naturally knew how much Xi'er ate.

Life is much better now. With sufficient fat intake, Xi'er's appetite is much smaller, but it is still not comparable to Chen Lin.

"I have enough to eat." Xi'er pointed to the other two large sesame cakes inside the oil paper, "The boss lady is warming up inside, I'll take them to help you heat them up."

It only takes a few minutes for the flatbread to become hot by placing it on the earth marrow heating rack. After saying that, Xi'er stopped stuffing things into her mouth and prepared to take the broken off sesame seed cake to the hotel to help him. heating.

Chen Lin took it over without saying a word and took a bite. He said cheerfully, "No, I'll eat whatever you want."


Xi'er opened her mouth, turned her head and continued eating, and replied: "Whatever you want."

The large force sent for support came back not long after. Dan Heng walked at the front of the team with an expressionless face. At the end of the large force was a group of soldiers wearing armor and holding standard weapons.

Chen Lin could tell at a glance that the other party was the Silver-maned Iron Guard. It was through the badge on the Iron Guard's chest that he could tell that these people were not from Bronya, but from Klipper Palace!

They have a well-known name, the Palace Guards!

The Palace Guard is a general term, and there are many branches below it, such as the Praetorian Guards who specialize in serving and protecting the Great Guardian and the Great Guardian's heirs, and the soldiers who are specifically responsible for relying on them, etc.

This group of people are basically born within the Silver Mane Iron Guard army. They go through strict screening every year. Only those with high scores who pass the loyalty test, force test and various high-standard indicators will have the opportunity to be selected into the Clipper Palace to serve as palace guards. guard.

The treatment is far better than that of ordinary silver-maned iron guards who risk their lives. The only thing is that the workload is relatively heavy. Basically, whatever the city builders need them to do, they must follow orders.

It is the so-called forbidden army that belongs exclusively to the Clipper Palace. It belongs to the elite talents among the elites of Beloberg. If you pick someone individually and put him in the Silver Mane Iron Guard, he must be at least a squad leader.

He had been to Klipper Palace many times, and Bronya was often accompanied by a large group of similar people in the past, so Chen Lin knew how to distinguish the Iron Guards of different formations and the areas they were responsible for.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Xi'er, who continued to eat the pie with a nonchalant expression. Chen Lin's mouth inadvertently twitched Ying Xi'er, as if he had roughly guessed what might be going on...

"I'm back." Dan Heng stopped and closed his eyes.

"Thank you, no one suffered any casualties, right?" Chen Lin immediately came forward to greet them.

"The ground fire has two minor injuries. I don't know about the others, so I didn't ask."

Dan Heng shook his head and pointed at the 'regular army' at the back of the team. After telling Chen Lin to take care of it, he just found a place to sit down and rest.

Calling out the several people in charge of the underground fire who were in charge of leading the team, Chen Lin ordered them to take the injured for treatment first and take three days of paid leave to rest, and then walked to the back of the team.

Each of these palace guards was tall and tall, and many of them were injured. Chen Lin even saw a few people hanging their hands, bleeding constantly from the gaps in their arm armor, but their bodies were still upright, and their walking pace was different from their standing postures. His posture was not affected at all, and no one groaned in pain.

It’s hard to imagine how they walked nearly 20 kilometers to Panyan Town in such a state.

The leader's military rank was the highest in the team, and Chen Lin determined that he was the leader of the team at a glance.

The other party had obviously seen him, and his hands were shaking with excitement. He quickly took a two-meter-wide wooden board covered with red cloth from several soldiers on the side, walked tremblingly to Chen Lin, and knelt down with a thud.

"You are..."

"Mr. Chen! We can't help you, we have caused you trouble...!"

The captain of the Iron Guard said in a trembling voice: "Kokolia ordered us to come to the lower area to arrest you, and even asked close relatives such as the eldest son of Rockfield, the third in command of the MacMillan family, and the heir of the Shamarov family who came up with this plan. Supervise our execution of the order. After the team set off, there was a conflict. The Macmillan family and the Rockfield family ordered us to only take your body up. Naturally, we did not obey, so the Shamarov family wanted to go back and file a complaint!

We definitely can't let them go, so we just don't stop doing anything... We are also tired of the corrupt palace. However, after Lady Bronya left, Creeper Palace was closely guarded, personnel were changed frequently, and key roads were blocked by several It is really difficult for us to defect to the emerging family guard.Now we hope to take this opportunity to present our certificate of nomination to you and Lady Bronya! "

Chen Lin's brows jumped suddenly, and he lifted up the cloak covering the wooden board.

There were seven heads piled on the wooden board, and judging from the decorations on their heads, they all belonged to people who were either rich or noble.

One of them, Chen Lin, even knew him as a politician from the MacMillan family. When Cocolia was unconscious and Bronya controlled the political situation to develop the hydroponic farm, he often hindered her, causing the entire project to be delayed for several days.

At Chen Lin's suggestion, Bronya also severely fined the family members, but in the end the other party chose to pay the money.

It turns out that this guy is a close confidant of Cocolia, no wonder...

They probably hate themselves more than Bronya for constantly snitching.

After all, it is delaying their efforts to make money and play political tricks.

Chen Lin, a member of several other families, knew that when Bronya contacted him, she had communicated that several big Beloberg families were being artificially replaced in terms of wealth and power, and that the Landao family's behavior of controlling the army and sticking to one side had been Cocolia was classified as treason, so someone naturally needed to replace the Landau family's original status and power. This is how the MacMillan family appeared.

Not only did they arrest ministers and generals who were friendly with the Landau family, but they even heard that some of the distant relatives of the Landau family were responsible for capturing Clipper Palace as hostages. Several people were also tortured to death during the process.

Mudd, my manpower!

Thinking of this, Chen Lin finally understood why Xi'er didn't reveal anything after she came back. She probably didn't have much contact with Chen Lin's interpersonal relationships and deeds in the upper-class area, and was afraid of conveying the wrong news, so she simply didn't say anything. .

However, Chen Lin has seen the corruption and chaos in the Clipper Palace. Even the strictly selected palace guards have turned out so many people who have abandoned the secrets and turned to the bright side. Bronya also took away a large group of people, and now he is here again Dozens of people with certificates came running over, and there were probably not even a few left in the Palace Guards at Clipper Palace.

There are not many left...

Oh yes!

"You guys should get up first and heal your injuries. Are you hungry? Fill your stomach before we talk."

"Mr. Chen..."

Chen Lin had a good idea. When the captain was about to kneel on the ground, he helped the captain up, then called a doctor to treat the injured iron guard, and also brought a lot of food to distribute to them.

After some greetings, the Iron Guards were moved to tears. They originally thought that Chen Lin would not accept the surrender of themselves and others, but who knew that they would receive such good treatment...

In the early days, Chen Lin vaguely felt that he had made a good breakthrough in his spiritual power. He had the power to detect other people's thoughts, although the perception was very weak and required the other party's cooperation.

After Xi'er's cooperation many times, Chen Lin finally confirmed that he could indeed judge whether a person was lying, or at least roughly judge whether part of a sentence was true or not.

After Chen Lin's ideological questioning, these iron guards found that they were too committed to Bronya and himself. Their surrender was so pure that even Chen Lin was a little embarrassed.

He comforted the surrendered Iron Guards and gave them a mission order. Then he called Dan Heng. After quietly explaining some things to Dan Heng, he waved his hand and led the remaining few people towards the predetermined Advance in the upper zone.

Dan Heng stayed, and Chen Lin asked him for other things, so Dan Heng needed to retrace his steps with the iron guards and head to Klipper Palace!

Chapter 1 I'm waiting for the battleship, what are you waiting for?

In just a few months, Beloberg has changed as much as in a century.

It took more than a month for Bronya to go under house arrest and later make up her mind to escape from Clipper Palace.

Under the snow-white clouds, the thin mist was like rippling ripples. Bronya was wearing formal clothes and took people to the agreed entrance to wait early in the morning.

This was originally the occupied area of ​​Split World. At that time, the Silver Mane Iron Guard's defense line was still more than ten miles behind everyone. The buildings around this place were old and dilapidated. Just looking outside can make people think of "disrepair" word.

The streets are full of potholes. The blood of countless Belloberg people once flowed here, and countless Silver-maned Iron Guard warriors came to rescue and break up their rear.

After many years, the Silver Mane Iron Guard once again included this place in their defense zone. All these miracles came from that handsome young man who looked frail in appearance.

The weapons he supports can easily kill a large number of world-splitting monsters. The lethality is huge and the numbers are endless. Most of the soldiers in the defense area now went to the battlefield with that adult more than two months ago and defeated them. The invincible rift mentioned in the book!

The silver-maned iron guards on both sides straightened their backs, and the resolute faces under their helmets were determined to use the highest etiquette available to welcome the return of the adult they thought about day and night.

Hunger, cold... the fatigue of maintaining a motionless posture are all difficulties that can be overcome. For example, as long as I can see him, all this suffering will be worth it.

Jeppard stood at the front of the honor guard, and his sister Sylva was following him. Although Sylva was a prostitute, she usually wandered around like a streetwalker without opening a shop. In fact, she also did not open a shop for a period of time. Despite his short military career, he still retains many connections in the army and has always been respected by the vast majority of people in the army.

Many garrison captains would also willingly call out "Sister" when seeing Shiluwa.

Bronya stood in the middle of the two long lines, and Pera followed her expressionlessly. The special operations troops trained by Pera were hidden around and on guard to ensure that they could deal with any emergencies.

Time passed by, and no one present spoke or moved. They all stared intently at the hole dug hundreds of years ago.

There is indeed something strange about the land recovered from the area occupied by the Split World. The temperature is much colder than the area that has never been eroded. The closer it is to the outside of the city, the protective effect of the protection becomes less and less obvious. This causes the people present to His body was stiffened by the biting cold wind blowing from all around.

Bronya's little face was a little pale from the cold.

Finally, there seemed to be movement in the cave, and everyone held their breath to listen to what the sound inside was coming from.


After so many days of nerve-wracking life, a rare smile appeared on Bronya's lips, and her heart that had been so high was put down.

It's been a long, long time... I haven't seen my mentor.

Since the day before yesterday, the instructor's mobile phone has also lost connection signal, and messages can only be sent to each other within a short distance...

Naturally, Bronya couldn't communicate with Chen Lin. She felt much more relaxed at this moment.

Figures emerged from the old caves, and the leader was an adult they knew well.

"Attention to all!!"

Under Jeppard's solemn expression, he raised his right hand and shouted loudly: "Fire the gun - salute! Fire!"

Beloberg's original firearm was a rifle that had degraded over generations and could only be fired manually. However, during the time when Cocolia was in a coma, Chen Lin helped improve it and upgraded it to a semi-automatic rifle. The bullets it fired were also Under Chen Lin's design, it becomes more lethal and the materials are more economical.

It can be said that the young man he brought back to the city helped strengthen the national defense of the Silver-maned Iron Guard and also made great contributions to Beloberg's agriculture and commerce.

Therefore, Jeppard presided over a seven-gun firing ceremony that symbolized the highest standard of Beloberg, symbolizing the seven great guardians of Beloberg who had made great contributions and whose achievements were recorded in the history books.

During the Great Guardian's succession celebration, the newly appointed Great Guardian could only enjoy the three-ring congratulatory gift of the Silver Mane Iron Guard. It can be said that this was the first time in the entire history that the highest ceremony recorded in the Beloberg Kingdom's etiquette had appeared. Standard gun salute.

It is enough to prove that after the Belloberg Rebellion, Jeppard realized the tragic fate of his country, his own powerlessness, and at the same time...

The person who can save Beloberg must be him!

After the ceremony, Bronya came up to him quickly. She had prepared a lot of things to say, and even stayed up all night to memorize them. However, after meeting the person, she couldn't hold back a few words for a long time.


"Well, I'm back. I've been lucky to you during this time." Chen Lin saw Bronya's anxiety, but there were many soldiers nearby, so he didn't say much.

Pera noticed the details and suggested: "Miss Bronya, sir, the conference room has been cleared. You can move there after lunch. It is cold outside, and there is a power furnace in the military camp, which will make it much warmer."

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