Chapter 1: Forced into the Palace

Early in the morning, the sound of firecrackers continued, and the sound of gongs and drums was like rumbling thunder, spreading throughout the countryside.

The mighty dark clouds seemed to have dispersed in an instant, and the clear sky was getting a little brighter, prompting residents to open their doors or climb onto their balconies to cast curious glances at the street.

"The Great Guardian, Lord Cocolia Rand, is wise and decisive. Chen Lin, a visitor from the outside world, has entered the palace to rest and recuperate. The national crisis has been lifted. The citizens of Beloberg are ordered to participate in the grand event! All restrictions and bans are lifted, and the whole country will revel for three days!"


The celebration team from Klipper Palace walked through the streets, announcing that the foreign imperial threat that was about to endanger Belloberg was completely eliminated.

The people all remembered the doomsday scene played on the strange device. While they breathed a sigh of relief, they felt sad in their hearts.

Thinking back to when that gentleman and Lady Bronya ruled Belloberg together, everyone bought countless things that were almost unbelievably cheap, many of which could only be afforded by big families, wealthy businessmen or high-ranking officials. Luxury goods can be bought by everyone with just a few days' salary.

During those 20 days, everyone lived like a fairy, with no worries about food, drink, or entertainment.

Their income was set to a minimum amount by that gentleman, and those who did not have a job would be arranged to work by Bronya. Every family had food in stock, and everyone had something to do. Many people who have lived in Beloberg for 5 to 60 years The old people called this a miracle and preached over and over again that the gentleman was a messenger sent by God and could help Beloberg overcome the difficulties.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. One day, rumors spread on the streets that the gentleman who was so kind to all the people of Beloberg had actually become a terrorist who attempted to overthrow the Beloberg regime, and became a homeless man who could only live on the streets. Lady Bronya, who arranged the work, became the target of being deceived and brainwashed by terrorists and was placed under house arrest.

Although the literacy rate of the Beloberg people is less than 60%, it does not mean that everyone is a fool. It does not mean that you must believe whatever the Clipper Palace says.

They only saw that their lives had become better after the two adults jointly ruled Belloberg, and Belloberg's crime rate reached an all-time low!

According to the original notice released by the Clipper Palace Statistics Department, the lowest crime rate in Beloberg was during the reign of the second Grand Guardian Svetlana Rand. Beloberg's crime rate dropped from the original 47 % dropped sharply to 6%, creating the beginning of a stable Beloberg order.

The problem is that during the month when the two adults managed Belloberg, Belloberg’s crime rate was an astonishing 0.9%, and almost all of them punished corrupt officials who were notorious among the people!

How can this not make people applaud?

When the gentleman was wanted and lost contact, Beloberg's situation took a turn for the worse. He could only buy five kilograms of grain with the money that used to buy him a hundred kilograms of grain, and the price was so low that it was hard to buy it for a thousand dollars. a grain of rice……

Various inexplicable disasters also broke out in the city. First, various heating pipes were damaged, then the farms collapsed inexplicably and no harvest was harvested. Finally, the expansion of the rift accelerated rapidly, and part of the commercial street that had been recaptured fell into the rift again. under control.

The students who were marching were arrested and beaten by the reactionary iron guards. The bloody incidents and the atmosphere of terror made everyone in Belloberg feel in danger. Even businessmen who accused various families of atrocities were beaten or even killed.

Whenever a disaster occurs, everyone will invariably think of that wonderful time, think of the young man who often went around the streets to solicit everyone's needs and then immediately started to make improvements, and thought of the young man who opened a report box and strictly checked anonymous reports. Official girl.

Apart from the grand celebrations, they had never seen the Great Guardian at all. Some of them could not even remember what the Great Guardian looked like, but they all remembered the pair of people who were willing to listen to their complaints and even help them solve their difficulties. Young men and women.

We are not fools. Who treats us well and who only talks empty words and then cooperates with the group of superior bandits to take away their food and money. They can distinguish right from wrong.

Therefore, some people who saw the evacuation of Chen Lin and others remained silent despite threats and questioning from the reactionary Iron Guards.

Everyone knows better than anyone who is the terrorist and the person who should be wanted!

"What? What happened?" Some people who were woken up and did not have time to hear what was going on outside asked people who were taking to the streets.

"Something bad has happened! That gentleman was captured by their lackeys, and now he orders us to celebrate them for three whole days!"

Another citizen who was going out wondered: "Why did I just hear that it seems that we need to bring our own rations, and we are required to provide all kinds of food for the celebration!"

"Why did I hear that you still have to pay?"

"Eh? Are you talking about the celebration? I heard from the neighbor next door that a large tax will be levied after the celebration. It seems that Lady Bronya and the others are going to attack. Let's pool money to buy equipment and food."

"I celebrated the birth of a (beep) chop suey (beep). I could hardly afford to eat and even held a celebration for him (beep). I really (beep) a (beep). I really thought Will everything be fine if we catch that gentleman? Sooner or later, Lady Bronya will demolish that dilapidated house!"

"Shh, please keep your voice down, are you dying? Don't say your name, use a code word. Last time, the son of Fianna's family next door was heard because he said such words too loudly without using a code word. He is still in jail now. !" Someone immediately covered the angry man's mouth and reminded anxiously.

"whispering sound……"

Many people who heard the ins and outs of the incident were very happy, especially some families who had relatively little food reserves at the beginning. They had not had enough to eat for a long time. After hearing the reason and content of the celebration, they immediately cursed.

But after scolding for a while, the private soldiers of the family who maintained order arrived, and no one dared to speak loudly anymore, for fear of being beaten to death by the bandits or being charged with some crime and confiscating the family property.

"Oh, I really miss the time when the two adults joined forces... I only had a good life once in my life, and it ended within a month."

"It's good that the gentleman who was accidentally caught did this. He saved himself any danger and left here. It's a good result. It's a pity that we couldn't repay that gentleman's kindness."

"You said that the arrested adult will not be in danger... I remember that several of the corrupt officials that the adult dealt with back then were members of those same families. They won't take revenge on that adult, right?"

"They dare?! If they dare, I will directly...directly...directly take my luggage and go to another adult! Even with my almost 50-year-old bones, I will give them a tooth mark!"

"No, don't forget that there are forces behind that adult above us. How dare they do this if they don't have convulsions?"


While the people were complaining due to various rumors, Clipper Palace was very busy. Coolies recruited from various large hotels to serve as free chefs were preparing meals for the official banquet in the evening in the kitchen of Clipper Palace. The food in the Clipper Palace granary was almost completely consumed, which made the chefs sigh.

Now they can only eat half full of white rice, but they have to make luxurious staple food and dessert meals for others to enjoy, but they can only be responsible for making them, and they don't even have a chance to taste them.

Just like a shoemaker has no shoes to wear, a house builder has no house to live in, and a clothes maker can only wear tattered patchwork clothes.

They chefs go hungry and prepare extravagant dishes for those annoying dignitaries...

But no one dared to disobey, because there were more than a dozen strong men holding gun blades standing at the door of the kitchen. In the end, they could only sigh and continue to immerse themselves in cooking with their growling stomachs.

A few hundred meters away from the kitchen, a small palace surrounded by high walls was surrounded by palace guards.

Inside the house, an iron guard wearing the same clothes as the other guards made a dull sound under his helmet.

"I caught you while celebrating outside. A three-day celebration will be held outside the palace, and a celebration banquet will be held inside the palace."

"I know." Chen Lin, who was sitting on the bed, nodded lightly, "This is what I arranged."

"Are you really going to do this... In fact, if you want, I can directly capture Cocolia and ask about the whereabouts of the star core." Dan Heng, who was wearing Iron Guard clothes, didn't understand why Chen Lin wanted to carry such a big bag. circle.

Rather than going around and around, he felt that simply overturning Cocolia's position was the fastest way.

Chen Lin shook his head: "To be honest, there are two different forces in Cocolia. I can feel that one or two of us alone may not be able to defeat him."

"Different powers?"

"Yes." Chen Lin said: "I am familiar with one of them now. I can basically determine that it is the energy fluctuation of the star core, which is also the force that occupies the majority. As for the other one... I am not sure yet, but it is definitely weak. Not going anywhere.”

"Then there's no need for you to pretend like you did in the script you gave me..."

"The key point is that it's so boring to just look for star cores like a mission. Why not have some fun? Killing people is easy, but killing people and killing their hearts is more interesting." Chen Lin showed a sunny smile to Dan Heng and looked at it. Dan Heng had goosebumps all over his body.

This guy's character is much worse than I thought...

The surface and the heart are completely opposite. Fortunately, Danheng knows that Chen Lin also wants the future journey to be smoother.

He heard Chen Lin say that his current power requires the help of many, many people. In layman's terms, it means becoming a belief in a certain sense, and his power will slowly appear, including being disguised as a ship of a powerful empire. Is it some embodiment of his power...?

Danheng didn't quite understand.

But what we can know is that Yaliluo is his current goal, and according to what he said, his ultimate goal is that he has forgotten where his home is, and he really wants to go home, that's all.

Every unknown passenger on the train may be just a passerby who met by chance. Chen Lin's willingness to tell himself his purpose shows that he believes he can understand.

In fact, after being deceived by Chen Lin, Dan Heng did feel that there were many more interesting things on this journey to find the star core, and he also met many interesting people.

For example, Shiluwa, who was politically persecuted and demoted to a commoner, but actually has great influence in the army, such as the order maintainers who always love to generate electricity in the lower district, such as He Shui, who had pure eyes when they first met. The same Bronya...

very many.

The overall feeling is indeed more colorful than the previous adventures between him and March [-].

After all, he and March [-] were both wanted by the local country before, so how could they organize rebels to overthrow their rule?

"It might actually be interesting."

Dan Heng nodded, reluctantly agreeing with Chen Lin's view.

Chen Lin smiled with a smile on his face, spread his hands and said: "Right? When traveling, it doesn't mean you have to see the scenery created by others. It's actually very good to experience some scenery by yourself. Think about it. If you continue to follow what I said, the whole Bellobo What will happen to Ge? Think of what those who look here might do..."


Dan Heng opened his mouth slightly and followed Chen Lin's guidance and began to imagine what might happen next.

The whole of Belloberg will be in chaos.


He seems to understand Chen Lin a little bit!

"So, isn't the big one coming soon? Just wait and see my performance!" Chen Lin patted his shoulder meaningfully.

"The question is, are you sure there won't be any problems? Especially yourself..."

"I haven't done it seriously, but I should be able to do it after a little trial." Chen Lin spread his hands with an indifferent expression, and then sat back on the bed carelessly, "During the drill, you can also hear me using my spiritual body to follow Are you talking? Oh, I believe that my knowledge reserve as a psychic expert can solve the problem. Anyway, I will leave it to you to deal with the three-dimensional matter. I will go to Two-dimensional to see if I can help you in any way."

"Don't really cause problems for yourself..."

"This will never happen, don't worry!"

Time passed by, and Klipper Palace was decorated with lanterns and lanterns everywhere. The lights illuminated the sky above Klipper Palace.

The banquet was held on time, and all kinds of food and desserts were brought up by the servants. The Clipper Palace was unprecedentedly lively.

Everyone who was invited to the banquet knew what happened to Beloberg yesterday, that is, Beloberg no longer has to face the fate of being destroyed by those war weapons in the future. Their glory and wealth are still firmly in the palm of their hands, and everything is in their hands. All the efforts are worth it.

The families that had not suffered any losses looked at the family patriarchs gathered near Cocolia as if they were watching a play. Everyone knew that these families had suffered huge losses in finding Chen Lin, and there was even an heir to the family. Now their whereabouts are unknown, and no one knows whether they are dead or alive.

Of course, all losses must be compensated. While watching the show, there was some envy in their eyes, because this means that the City Builder Group will use other means to compensate for their losses. As for whether the compensation can make up for what they have lost, Only these clan leaders themselves know.

In the corner of the banquet, Dr. Peter had been drinking silently from the beginning until now, glancing towards the center of the banquet to observe the situation from time to time, until he saw Cocolia leaving the banquet, and the patriarchs finally returned to their seats with unwillingness in their eyes... …

He knew his chance was coming!

So he glanced at the person arranged aside, and that person picked up the wine glass and drank it diligently...

"Are you guys worried about the family heir?'s normal for Lady Cocolia to be worried, but time is urgent. If Mr. Zibek and others are not rescued from danger as soon as possible, it will be difficult to reassure... There is a saying If you call it late, it will change."

"Haha, I have a way to help you. Do you want to hear it? All you need to do is help me say a few good words in front of Master Cocolia after the matter is completed. I have not changed my position for many years... "

"You see, the criminal Chen Lin has such great influence in the lower-level area that those unscrupulous people are willing to work for him. If he is coerced and lured before he is sent away, he will contact the unscrupulous people in the lower-level area to release him. I believe those unscrupulous people are willing to work for him. If Diao Min will definitely not disobey him, don't you guys have to worry about your missing family members? At least your safety is guaranteed!"

"Lord Cocolia won't allow it? Hahaha... If you go secretly and seize the time to complete the matter, who will know? Now that the palace is full of your people, wouldn't it be easy to handle such a small thing... ...So what if she finds out in the end? Could it be that Lady Cocolia can still blame a few famous people in the court for this matter after it is accomplished? You must know that except for you adults, no one can hold important positions in the palace. If you are competent, Master Cocolia will naturally not blame everyone who is eager to save people."

"My lords, the advantage is on our side!"

Chapter 1 Mr. Chen Lin is dead! !

"Everyone, I guess you don't want Master Cocolia to know about this, right?"

"A quick decision, no matter what means are used, my good grandson must be rescued."

"Stop yelling. My nephew is also missing. I am more anxious than any of you! That kid is very capable. I was planning to pass the next position to him. Who knew that he would be so unlucky to meet the rightful owner..."

Outside the banquet hall, several men between the ages of 40 and 60 were talking about something. While talking, they asked the guards called to open the way to take them to the deep palace.

They didn't dare to make any noise, and the new palace guards who just occupied the Clipper Palace were basically their own private soldiers, sneaking in quietly.

Cocolia only promised verbally that after the matter was completed, she would go to the lower district to clean up the case and kidnap and imprison the minister's family. Although she promised to distribute the mining rights of the existing mineral veins in the lower district and the mineral veins that may be discovered in the future to several families, But everyone knew it was just a blank check.

Let’s not talk about whether it is appropriate to go to the lower-level district to clean up the matter. Secondly, the external threat has been solved, but the border guards are still eyeing the entire city. When she really solves everything, there is no telling whether they will have good grandsons and nephews at home. Or whether a member in an important position is dead or not.

If Cocolia suffers a coup, the conditions she agreed to will definitely not count. Several families were suppressed by the descendants of those who built the city. Now they finally get the opportunity to take off. Of course they want to try their luck. The great guardian, the iron-clad big family is an experience that makes people feel comfortable just thinking about it.

If someone they like or who is important to the family really dies in the lower district, the vacant position will be uncertain, and may even be occupied by other families who don't like it, thus overturning their century-old family business.

At least!At least they want to know whether their people are still alive.

Anyway, after listening to the advice of the old official from the Ministry of Transportation, after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was just that. It was worth going across Cocolia to coerce and lure the young man who was being imprisoned, and use a rescue strategy of killing him first and then telling him off.

A prisoner!He is going to leave here eventually, so he might as well agree to these requests so that he can live a good life in the last few days and no one loses. It's a win-win situation.

"We're almost there. Pay attention, old Mikhail. The pile of soldiers behind us was thrown in by your family. Don't let the news slip at key positions."

"Absolutely not. They are all people I carefully selected and trained. Without my instructions, she, Cocolia, can't even command her!" The old man with a cane snorted coldly, "Here, our family has the final say. If you have any conflicts, put them aside for now, saving people is more important."

"That's the big picture."


Wherever these people walked, the iron guards dispersed automatically, and these middle-aged and elderly people could come and go freely in the huge Clipper Palace.

Soon they arrived at the palace where Chen Lin was detained and stepped inside. Within a few seconds after entering, an unsmiling middle-aged man frowned.

"Whose family are those from?"

"I don't know him. He is probably someone who originally worked here."

"Ha." The middle-aged man motioned to the Iron Guards he called to come forward to negotiate, "Go and tell them to get away. You are their deputy commander."

"Understood, leave this little thing to me, sir."

The iron guard who took the order walked up with a straight face and chatted with the iron guard guarding near the palace for a while. Not long after, a sturdy iron guard trotted over and faced the iron guard sent by the middle-aged man. Wei nodded and bowed.

I don’t know what they said. The deputy commander of the Iron Guard who went to negotiate angrily scolded them. The captain of the Iron Guard guarding the palace showed a very embarrassed expression. Finally, he sighed and led a dozen of his people towards the palace. Retreat outside.

"My lords, you can go in." Deputy Commander Iron Guard said diligently.

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