"Just do what you tell me, instructor. I have never dealt with this kind of thing, so I'll leave you to worry about it."

Jeppard also had to take charge of the civil referendum. He explained the situation and then left.

The situation in Belloberg is still stable for the time being. It is expected that the voting results will be collected and tallied in one morning plus one noon. As the person in charge of this matter, he still has a lot to do.

Xi'er was different. She was the only one in the newly established department. Originally, this temporary position was set up to give her the power to participate in administrative affairs. She was even more free than when she was in the lower district.

The farm built by Chen Lin in the lower district continuously delivers food to the upper district. After decades, the responsibilities of the upper and lower districts have actually been reversed. Fortunately, under the operation of Chen Lin, the 'earth fire' Willing to merge into Clipper Palace, give up part of the administrative and financial powers of the lower district, and become only a functional department for maintaining public security.

Generally speaking, all members of the underground fire department have now become members of the newly established lower-level district police department or members of the medical department, and various functions are being continuously handed over to the Klipper Palace government.

"Let's go, eat first, and we'll talk about the follow-up matters after the statistical results are out." Chen Lin stretched his body, feeling very happy as he took a small revenge against a big thing in his heart.

"What are you going to eat today?" Xi'er asked curiously.

"Did you not eat?"

Xi'er blinked and said doubtfully: "Of course I didn't eat. I'm waiting to eat with you."

"Then punch me first."



During the meal, Xier sat next to Chen Lin as always, while Bronya sat opposite them.

Xi'er asked about what happened in the morning, causing Bronya to lower her head lower and lower, almost to the plate. Chen Lin couldn't help but give her a headache.

"How about sleeping with you next time?" Chen Lin asked angrily.

Xi'er's eyes lit up, and then she shook her head: "No, I haven't fulfilled my promise yet."

"You are so trustworthy."

"That is!"

In the early morning, Xi'er and Jeppard led a team to catch all the fish that slipped through the net, that is, the people who were ordered to be executed by Chen Lin. However, they did not see Bronya or Chen Lin, so they directly Found Bronya's residence.

She had been visiting Bronya's bedroom recently, so she pushed the door open and walked in very skillfully. Unexpectedly, she saw two people sleeping next to each other on the sofa!

If the smell hadn't been normal and both of them were fully clothed, she would have cried in anger.

Obviously it was me first!

Fortunately, it was known that the two of them were too tired from work and had just rested unknowingly, so the misunderstanding was completely resolved. However, Bronya was obviously much thinner-skinned and did not dare to talk too much about this matter with them.

Just when Chen Lin was happily eating grilled fish and sesame seed cakes, a huge event box appeared in front of his eyes.

【Our Home: Yaliluo-VI】

[From the crumbling ruins to the bustling capital, we have sacrificed everything to find our home.After untold hardships, our efforts have finally paid off. After the core crisis of Yalilo-VI is resolved, the indigenous people living above are willing to coexist harmoniously with us.

This will be our new home from now on. We will thoroughly civilize the indigenous people here and thank them for their dedication of land and resources. The empire will treat this newborn as its own and treat each other with the same roots.

When the wandering empire finds its foothold, the wheel of history will be pushed forward by us!With a fleet that covers the sky, countless wealth, and technology that catches up with and leads the entire universe, the empire will become the brightest star in the entire universe!

Use all the efforts of the whole country to build a perfect home and become the center of the universe at all costs!

Wait!Although the universe is expanding day by day, we are getting closer and closer.

The empire, humanity—the glory lasts forever! 】


[2. Exploring the unknown requires more labor, and the slave market is a good choice! (-3000 minerals, -1500 energy coins; Yalilo-VI becomes the home planet; adds 8 people to Yalilo-VI) (end of event chain)]

【3. Great! (Yalilo-VI becomes the home planet; add 1 population to Yalilo-VI) (End of event chain)]


The sesame seed cake in Chen Lin's hand fell to the ground, his hands trembled, and his mouth opened wide.

The sesame cakes and grilled fish that were so fragrant just a few seconds ago were not fragrant at all now. He looked at the event box in his field of vision, and his heartbeat obviously accelerated a lot.

He was not so excited when he fought with Xinghe, but now he can't control his facial expression.

Soon, he took a look at the resources he had on hand. In addition to sufficient minerals, he only had less than 4000 energy coins, and only a meager 600 alloys.

How to do?

You must choose the first one!

You have to choose this even if it’s a loan! ! !

The Gaia planet was just a trivial matter, it was a bit of a bonus but not worthy of his excitement. What made him most excited was the subsequent permanent BUFF 'Empire Capital' added to the planet, which can be destroyed with a single ball. How many countries?

Chen Lin had only heard of the construction of giant structures in the star field, and had never thought that the planet was comparable to, or even far superior to, giant structures.

This is a loan, even if you have to borrow it despite the debuff of resource shortage, Oli will give it to you!

The worst case scenario would be to sell resources to the P Society market to repay the loan. Yaliluo would have nothing. The mine would definitely take care of it, and there would be no need to worry about being exploited.

As long as there are people who can work, they can harvest it forever!

Chapter 116 The sky appears auspicious, this is a good omen!

Everyone was immersed in sleep, and the fatigue after a busy day turned rest into the most beautiful moment.

The light of the night sky shines on Belloberg, and the silver-gray light illuminates the frozen rivers and seas as beautifully as a fairy tale.

Sunrise is approaching, but some people are still awake.

On the towering observation deck of Clipper Palace, behind Chen Lin stood Bronya and Xier. They stood quietly in the night, as if waiting for a miracle to come.

"Huh..." Xi'er rubbed her eyes and yawned: "Brother Lin, how long are we going to stay here?"

As a representative of healthy living, Xi'er had maintained an extremely standardized sleep rhythm before meeting Chen Lin. Unless there was the danger of a world-splitting monster invading the town, she would definitely sleep after that.

Xi'er has also been busy with a lot of things in recent days, so it's somewhat difficult for her to stay up late here.

After looking at the countdown in the UI, Chen Lin said slowly: "It's almost here."

"Then I'll take a nap..."

After saying that, Xi'er leaned back on the chair and immediately fell into a baby-like sleep. The speed was so fast that the other two people didn't even have time to react, and the sound of gentle breathing came out.

Thinking of the vast amount of minerals in his warehouse that could not be used up, now only less than 3000 are left, and the rest of the various resources are in deficit, Chen Lin feels bitter in his heart.

Never would he have thought that one day he would be so rich that he would be in debt. It was really unpredictable. If the things he was given were not worth the money, he would never want to be as poor as he is now.

"Well, for Yaliluo-VI, this will be a day that goes down in history." Chen Lin said slowly, and then changed the subject, "Bronya, I won't have money to eat in the future, how will I live my life? "


Bronya was stunned for a moment. She thought that the mentor seemed to have been using her private money, but then she thought about it. A person like the mentor who has a little bit of status in the empire should be very rich. Yes, you shouldn’t have no money.

"Cripper Palace can still afford your rations, so you don't have to worry. If necessary, I...I still have some money."

"Then you can support me from now on, I don't want to work hard anymore."

"You're joking again." Bronya's voice paused for a few seconds, "That's fine if you don't mind."

"Uuuuuuuuah... You are indeed my precious student. I really saw you right!"

Bronya's face turned red when she said this. She had never had a member of the opposite sex dare to joke with her like this in her whole life, not to mention...it didn't seem like a joke.

"Teacher, why did you say you have no money?" Bronya then remembered the confusion in Chen Lin's words and asked.

Chen Lin said with a smile: "I knew that Belloberg would definitely merge in, so I contacted some acquaintances before that, and accidentally spent all my savings and invested them all in Yalilo-VI. After all, here Construction requires a lot of resources, and improving the environment is not a small amount. If you just rely on assistance, it will definitely not be enough, haha..."

"How...how much did you vote...?"

"About a few hundred destroyers." Chen Lin pointed to the sky and looked away, "I'm actually just waiting for the construction unit to carry out construction and renovation. I don't think you have seen this scene, so I just asked you to come and see it together."


Bronya looked at the young man in front of her in shock. The destroyer in the sky alone was beyond the reach of Beloberg. With the efforts of the whole country, let alone build it, it couldn't even build one percent of the parts. angle.

The mentor actually invested so much wealth in order for Beloberg to develop and build faster.


"I just don't want the people here to continue to suffer like this." Chen Lin sighed, "The frozen permafrost will take at least half a year and as many as several years. Even if the star core is solved, the internal adjustment of the climate will still take a long time. It takes a long time to recover, let alone vegetation and other plants and animals. I am also helpless about this result, but I know a few friends who are willing to help transform the environment and promote the birth of various animals and plants as long as I can provide enough resources. Grow and let Yaliluo-VI return to normal as quickly as possible. It is useful to Beloberg and you, that is enough."

"Money is an external thing, and it is more than enough for self-enjoyment, but if it can help Beloberg save decades or hundreds of years, then the money is well spent and well worth it!"

"What's more, this will reduce the workload of you, Xi'er and others, and there will be a lot less things to consider. The key is that it can greatly alleviate the hidden social contradictions in Belloberg and draw the public's attention to a broader perspective. The outside world is transferred. For you, it’s worth it for me to live a hard life.”

His eyes were looking towards the sky, as if he was really looking at the boundless universe.

A planet is actually insignificant to the mentor and even the empire, but the mentor is willing to spend so much thought and even spend all his money to revitalize Beloberg.

It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no fluctuation in Bronya's heart.

She even dared to say that calling Chen Lin the founding father of Beloberg in the new era was justified. Looking at this kind of situation, can anyone in the world except a mentor really have it?

Bronya pursed her lips and her eyes were a little moist. She secretly made up her mind to never let down Chen Lin's expectations and develop Beloberg at a speed that the world could not imagine.

Xi'er, who was leaning on the chair, quietly opened her eyes, looked at the back in front of her, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Brother Lin is awesome!


Another ten minutes passed, and Beloberg... no, the sky above Yaliluo changed drastically. The dark night sky was surrounded by a colorful halo, and clouds of various colors exploded in the sky.

Countless beams of light fell from the sky and fell on every corner of Yalilo-VI in the blink of an eye.

The ice and snow melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the water flow was led by an invisible force to form rivers and lakes.The hard frozen soil became soft, and buds sprouted from the lifeless land, and lush green sprouts sprouted and grew at an extremely fast speed.

All kinds of creatures that they had never seen appeared out of thin air in the water. Some of them could only be seen in the ancient animal atlas in the Belloberg Museum. Various herbivores, carnivores and omnivores quietly appeared in the forest. Appear.

Even before the cold wave came, the terrain and environment unsuitable for human survival in Yaliluo-VI had undergone tremendous changes.

The originally silent city of Belloberg suddenly became noisy. Countless people rushed out of their houses and witnessed a scene that could be called a miracle.

The old historians of Clipper Palace were wearing pajamas, and with trembling hands, they wrote down records in notebooks that would be passed down to future generations.

The first year of 'New Beloberg': New Beloberg merged with the Star Sea Empire. An auspicious omen appeared in the sky that night, the divine light shone on the earth, the ice melted, and the green fields were endless and full of vitality!

On the high observation deck, Xi'er is on the left and Bronya is on the right, witnessing the 'miracle' together with the plain-faced Chen Lin.

They know that the price of the miracle is to drain away all Chen Lin's resources and money. From now on, everyone on this planet will drink every drop of water, eat every grain of wheat, and wear every piece of clothing. , will all worship him.

In just 10 minutes of brilliance, magical power turned an icy planet with a harsh environment and in the recovery period into the planet Gaia!

This wasn't over yet. Belloberg's city wall suddenly expanded for dozens of miles, the mountains were flattened, and houses appeared inexplicably in the city. The planning was perfect, even a few months earlier than Belloberg. The inner city planned and built together with the famous guardians is even more beautiful.

Chen Lin was stunned immediately. He was sure that this was not his fault, so while the two girls beside him were stunned, he hurriedly fumbled around in the UI.

Because he is an old player, he is very familiar with the specific locations of various UIs. It didn't take long for him to figure out the home planet 'Yalilo-VI', and found that the capital building there was not the original 'planetary capital', but a place called The buildings of 'Heart of the Empire - Belloberg' are placed on dozens of isolated building columns.

While looking at the buildable buildings, Chen Lin's brain suddenly shut down.

There were only a few buildings he knew!

Forget it, just pretend that you made it yourself.

Faced with so many buildings, Chen Lin simply went ahead and selected a few agricultural and mining areas. He also selected an industrial area.

Don’t ask how these changes came about, I did it!

[Finding a livable planet event chain is completed, the home planet 'Yalilo-Ⅵ' is obtained, the permanent non-erasable modification 'Empire Capital' is added, and the population of the planet Yalilo-Ⅵ is +10.

We are extremely lucky, this will be our starting point, but it is by no means our end! 】

【Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! 】

After clicking on the option that would pop up when the game started, Chen Lin found that there were many more UI interfaces in his field of vision. Resources were no longer limited to minerals, energy coins and alloys, but also consumer goods and food and even all kinds of unexplored resources. Rare resources have appeared.

'Policies' that were originally gray and unclickable, as well as 'engineering ships' and 'scientific research ships' that cannot be built in the dock have also become clickable. There are many similar places.

The Intelligence Log has also been updated with a new message.

【Empire Homecoming】

[Countless years have passed since our ancestors left the earth and the solar system, but the foundation of the empire is still the earth. Our leaders and people miss their true hometown all the time, and look forward to stepping into the land that their ancestors have stepped on.Every leader's wish before his death is to find his hometown and bury his bones there.

Even though the unknowns and crises that the empire faces today are still countless, and death and sacrifice happen all the time, our return is definitely not something that young people can stop.

Destroy all the enemies that stand in our way, and consign those ancient empires that stand in our way to the dustbin of history.

History belongs to us! 】

【Looking for the Solar System 0/1】

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