After the soldier listened quietly to what Chen Lin said, he felt a little depressed and said with a wry smile: "So that's it... I just said how could I, a person who washes dishes in a teahouse, wear this Yunqi Army equipment? I can still recall some memories of joining the army on and off.”

After explaining, Chen Lin did not let go of the soldier, but used another 'Demon Yin Body' to delete the memory step by step.

This time he learned the lesson and stopped deleting random things. Instead, he focused on deleting negative emotions.

The workload is a bit larger, but practical exercises are also a way to develop new abilities. Chen Lin doesn't mind spending a little more time on it.

During this period, Chen Lin developed some new uses of his abilities. He seemed to be able to copy some simple memories in the other person's mind and merge them into his own.

His body and spirit have been developed by the Origin. Most people would probably go crazy if they did not die, but Chen Lin did not suffer much loss except having a headache for a few seconds.

A few minutes later, under the curious gaze of the soldier, the extra organs on the body of another soldier in the form of Demon Yin began to disappear, and he actually returned to normal again!

In this way, he completely believed that the somewhat... plainly dressed young man in front of him saved him.

"Thank you... thank you... you are my great benefactor!"

After completing the memory deletion work, Chen Lin frowned and copied the simple Xianzhou language in his mind, which was some basic pronunciation and meaning of the seal script, and then restored the gravity that imprisoned the two.

"No need to thank me, just help me show the way. I was originally here for a trip, who knew I would encounter such things."

"My great benefactor, please wait, I will show you the way behind his back!" Soldier No. [-] vowed.

But soon he fell silent.

"I'm sorry, my dear benefactor, I..."

Seeing the troubled look on his face, Chen Lin seemed to understand something.

"Can't you remember the way out of here?"

"Uh-huh..." Soldier No. [-], carrying another unconscious soldier on his back, said very apologetically: "And as far as I know, you have to take the Xingcha to leave the dock. If there are as many demonic ghosts here as you said, If you are pregnant, it has most likely been suspended.”

"Then what should we do?" Chen Lin's mouth twitched sharply.

"Don't worry, I remember my family's contact information. Just contact them to report to the official. The emergency contact is at the Xingcha port of all docks. Just use that one. The Yunqi Army will not give up on any Xianzhou people. Yes, absolutely!”

When he said this, Soldier No. [-]'s tone was full of pride and pride. Chen Lin nodded, acquiescing to the route he suggested.

On the way, Chen Lin was able to predict where the demonic body was nearby, and the three of them were able to completely avoid the dangerous path, which made the soldier admire him to the extreme.

In his impression, this skill was only known by the adults of Taibusi, and Chen Lin's facial features, hair color, and eye color were very similar to theirs, which subconsciously gave him a sense of security as a compatriot.

Anyway, there is a Xianzhou person in front of me. Even though I have deleted a lot of memories randomly, he is still a local.

Chen Lin was too lazy to look through the thick information on Luofu Immortal Boat. He simply asked while walking and learned a lot.

The area closest to the dock is Xingchahai. There is a management organization called 'Tianship Division', which is mainly responsible for managing transportation and other matters.

Although it is just a transportation department, this is the Luofu Immortal Boat where merchant ships come and go frequently. The Tianship Department's responsibilities can be said to control one of the economic lifelines of the Immortal Boat. It is also the department that is at the helm of the Immortal Boat's navigation, and its authority is not insignificant.

Among them, the Luofu Immortal Boat also includes the Yunqi Army, which is responsible for public security and national defense, and the Taibu Si, whose methods are mysterious and unpredictable.

Speaking of Taibu Si, the soldier kept talking for a long time. The general idea was that he was praising Chen Lin for his superb immortal skills, and judging from his appearance, he was probably a descendant of Xianzhou. If he went to Taibu Si to serve, he would definitely get those big shots. Appreciate this.

Chen Lin smiled and nodded.

This fairy boat looks prosperous and rich, but the Yaliluo-VI in my hand may not be completely inferior to the fairy boat.

Yaliluo has countless hard work that he has put into it, as well as the real 'magic' that this soldier doesn't know about.

Not to mention other people, even he, a veteran player of the Stars MOD, had to pay incense and bow twice after seeing the correction effect.

If Yaliluo, who has such blessings, cannot develop into other planets, he, the nominal governor of the star field, the secret leader of the empire, and his actual imperial consciousness can be put to sleep.

I can't even put food in my mouth, it's shameful!

However, Chen Lin knew how to deal with people well, and he praised Xianzhou calmly, which greatly won the recognition of the soldiers.

Little did he know, what was left in his heart was only a fleeting sense of loss.

Like home, but not home.

"Mr. Chen, step through the door here and you will see the emergency communicator across two bridges." The soldier carrying the man pointed forward.

"Thank you. If you're tired, just let me carry you."

"No hard work, no hard work! How can a powerful man like you do such a thing? I'll do it, haha."

Before he had time to express his appreciation for the soldier's understanding, Chen Lin suddenly stopped in his tracks, frowned, and turned around and asked, "Are all the people dressed in the same uniform as you are Yunqi Army?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

"Oh." Chen Lin raised his finger and pointed in front of him, and said calmly: "40 meters away, several Yunqi soldiers were protecting a little girl and they were fighting with the Demon Yin Shen."

Chapter 125 Then shout again

Spiritual energy is Chen Lin's other pair of eyes. In the past, if he wanted to see the area covered by spiritual energy, he had to place his consciousness on spiritual energy, and his body would become defenseless.

It's okay if the location is safe, but if you encounter someone with evil intentions, you'll probably be beaten hard.

At this stage, he can detect nearby situations without entering an unconscious state. In the extreme state, a 50-meter radius centered on him can be seen in his eyes, and any disturbance within the range can be clearly observed.

"If this is the case, it means there must be a starship parked nearby. Mr. Chen, we can hope to go back!!" the soldier said excitedly, and then looked straight at Chen Lin.

From effortlessly suppressing the Demon Yin incarnation of himself and this colleague whose name he forgot, to relieving their Demon Yin body illness, there is no doubt that the adult in front of him is absolutely capable of helping his colleagues who are entangled in the Demon Yin body. Get out of trouble.

Moreover, it was not just the other Cloud Cavalry troops who escaped from trouble, but also them.

There are people in the form of demon yin everywhere here, and all kinds of weird organs look scary. People in the form of demon yin are also very aggressive.

If you were trapped here, you would most likely not be able to sleep well at night, for fear of being discovered and killed by the demon body as soon as you closed your eyes.

"Let's go."

Chen Lin certainly understands what the other party is thinking. As long as he can leave here as soon as possible, he doesn't mind spending more spiritual energy to speed up.

Anyway, the star core in his body that has been completely transformed into a spiritual energy generator will continuously deliver spiritual energy to him. He has already recovered the cost of saving people before. Such a small amount is not enough to refresh his proficiency in his new ability. question.

The [Communication] interface lights up with the words 'Luofu Xianzhou', but the [Communication] button is gray. According to Belloberg's experience, it should be possible to unlock it after some high-ranking people contact him.

It just so happens that if you can save some people in Luofu Xianzhou, it will be easier to send out a friendly signal, and it will be much easier to move.

He has not forgotten how he abducted Bronya's extremely commanding border guards.

Xianzhou rarely saw a little bit of the feeling of his hometown from the soldier's memory, and building a good relationship was actually in line with his wishes.

Relying on the guidance of his psychic perspective, Chen Lin quickly arrived at the location of the conflict.

Several cloud cavalry soldiers were desperately fighting against the incoming demons. Their weapons looked like long-handled knives, but in fact they were more like some kind of laser weapons with the appearance made into the shape of a long-handled knife. They had both long-range and short-range offensive and defensive capabilities.

The combat level of the Cloud Cavalry Army is completely different from that of Beloberg's Silver Mane Guards. They cooperate closely and have trust, and the division of labor is also very clear.Even though there were only three of them, even if they had to protect the fox girl with her back against the container, they still fought back and forth with the demonic form.

I believe that if they were given two more people, they might be able to turn from a back-and-forth battle into a one-sided crushing defeat.

"Sir, please help!" the soldier who was carrying his comrades on his back urged, because he saw a famous cloud cavalryman cut his armor with the sharp blade of the demon's elbow due to lack of physical strength, and his arm guard was dyed red with blood.

His voice was a bit loud, and even though they were still some distance away from the battlefield, the fox girl who was huddled behind still found the additional sound through the clang of the swords clashing.

When she heard the sound, her eyes met Chen Lin's.

This girl is dressed in bright clothes, and the silk sleeves are very decorative. The short heels on her feet are not matching at all, and they only show off her luxurious temperament.

Her identity is anything but ordinary.

Chen Lin understood the instability and danger of being alone, and at the same time, he was well aware of the principle of a fox pretending to be a tiger. Along the way, he was thinking about how he would avoid being treated as a bad guy by Xianzhou.

Especially when the dock with a huge throughput has turned into a paradise for demons, and after the train is let in by unknown persons, his identity will only become more suspicious.

No, Chen Lin has a solution.

The first step is to shock them with your own power that does not rely on the body!

Boom! !

Chen Lin took a step forward. Although he had almost never killed anyone with his own hands, Belloberg had ordered the execution of as many as [-] to [-] dangerous people. His gentle eyes suddenly changed, and the surrounding atmosphere also changed.

The chill of the killing spread quickly, and the rescued soldier closest to him couldn't help but shudder.


The feeling of oppression from the superior! !

In a dimension invisible to everyone, countless psychic threads surged toward the demonic bodies that were constantly attacking, and the air made a dull explosion after being squeezed by the abnormally huge gravity.


boom! ! !

All the demonic bodies seemed to be struck by a pair of huge palms falling from the sky. At a speed that no one could see clearly, the demonic bodies twisted and fell to the ground in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the limbs and torso of the demonic body were completely deformed, the bluestone was smashed into powder, and the sound of cracking, whether it was armor or bones, was heard.

The ground seemed to tremble.

The sudden change caused all the Yunqi troops who were fighting a second ago to retreat in shock. Some even dropped their weapons to the ground in fright. Some of the long-handled knives pierced into Mo Yin's body. These weapons The gravitational space that Chen Lin deliberately distorted and squeezed was completely broken into about ten sections, and was completely declared scrapped.


Chen Lin snapped his fingers, and the demonic body, which had been completely unconscious by the twisted gravity space, slowly floated up, hanging in the air with nothing in such a miserable appearance.

At this time, everyone noticed Chen Lin not far away with his normal expression. His calm expression and handsome appearance made it difficult to imagine that the unconscious and twisted demonic bodies in front of him would interact with each other. related.

We all work in the same place, and we know each other's abilities very well.

It was definitely not their doing anyway.

In this case, the answer points to that young man!

Chen Lin endured the pain of his spiritual energy being depleted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and stepped forward with a smile: "I wonder if my rash action will cause you any trouble."

Hearing this standard Xianzhou talk, the soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then shook their heads.

"The little girl is Tingyun, the ferry envoy from the Luofu Tianbo Division. May I ask which fairy boat of the alliance my benefactor is from?" The fox girl behind the team hurriedly stepped forward and asked very respectfully.

It's not surprising that she misunderstood. Chen Lin had been practicing speaking with the soldier he rescued on the way here. Now he is extremely talented and has been blessed by the local people's language memory. His Xianzhou dialect is a standard.

In addition, Chen Lin's appearance did basically match the facial features and skin color of the Xianzhou people, and his methods were so sophisticated and mysterious that Tingyun thought it was some big shot who had come to Luofu.

"Miss Tingyun is joking, I am Chen Lin, the governor of the Yaliluo Star Territory of the Star Sea Empire, not from the Immortal Boat Alliance." Chen Lin shook his head with a smile.

The second step is to pull off the tiger fur coat.

Pointing out what happened after the Great Awakening of Psychic Power, Chen Lin already knew roughly that all forces with aerospace communication technology in the interstellar world had received reports on the Great Awakening of Psychic Power that broke out in the Star Sea Empire...

It's a bit inappropriate to say that the report is a report. It should be called a notice. I heard that it caused panic among some small forces, thinking that some ancient empire had awakened, and they all tried to find news about the Star Sea Empire. However, no matter what kind of methods they used, In the end, the only one who could be found was Yalilo-VI, who had just merged into the empire.

Luofu Immortal Boat, as one of the six immortal boats in the Immortal Boat Alliance, would not miss this kind of news, so it could just give itself a little more sense of security by pulling the tiger's skin.

Sometimes mystery is the most intimidating thing.

No, Tingyun was startled when he heard the words 'Star Sea Empire'. His emerald green eyes did not reveal doubts, but quickly restored his expression and said with a smile:

"Chen Lin, what a name with the characteristics of Xianzhou."

After finishing speaking, Tingyun continued: "A few days ago, both the Taibo Division and the Tianbo Division received information signals about the Star Sea Empire. The Immortal Boat is in the stage of slow sailing and recuperation, and its understanding of the outside world may not be comprehensive. .I wonder why the Governor came to Xianzhou..."

"I came here as a private person. My other identity is a member of the Star Train. I am here to harass you because I was entrusted by someone to find some friends."

Tingyun blinked and asked, "Are they the three Star Dome Train passengers?"

"Miss Tingyun knows?"

"Of course." Tingyun smiled, "But I don't know where your friends have gone, Mr. Governor. There is a high probability that they will stay in Luofu temporarily and cannot leave here. It is not convenient for me to disclose the specific reasons to you, but I can tell you what I heard..."

It turns out that Walter, March [-] and Xing went to the Xingchahai Center yesterday and met the helmsman of the Tianbo Division. However, the Tianbo Division suspected that their motives were impure, and the gate to the outside of Luofu had been opened many days ago. Closed, no one can get in or out of here.

Tingyun didn't know the specific content. He only knew that the three people disappeared after leaving Tianbo Division.

"The little girl received the order from Master Yukong and came here to check whether there are any surviving Cloud Cavalry troops near the dock, or people from other places, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. The Governor is a member of the Star Dome Train, Then it makes sense here." Tingyun explained softly.

"Oh, that's right." Chen Lin raised his eyebrows, and suddenly remembered the two Yunqi soldiers he had rescued, so he turned sideways and stepped forward, "These two are your people, I saved them on the way here. Sorry, could Miss Tingyun please confirm her identity?"

Tingyun had already noticed the two Yunqijun who were fainting and waking up. The reason why he never asked was because he had to follow Chen Lin's words.

After all, this benefactor has helped them a lot, and if the identity he said is true, then his political status is really higher than everyone here combined.

Tingyun covered his small mouth and said softly: "Thank you so much, Governor. On behalf of the Yunqi Army, I would like to thank you for your rescue and saving the lives of two of our colleagues."

The two were quickly taken over by other cloud cavalry troops. It seemed that they had special means to confirm the identities of each soldier.

After a while, a Yunqi army hurriedly came to Tingyun and whispered in Tingyun's ear. Tingyun's eyes suddenly widened before he heard a few words.

"My benefactor has helped us so much, and he is also a person involved. There is no need to be so open-minded and let the benefactor see the joke. Just say it directly."

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