
Chapter 216

The news that Dongwang Group had changed hands quickly spread. Thanks to the tax evasion incident some time ago, almost everyone in Shanhai City now knew that the president of Dongwang Group was named Sun Jian, and that the Sun family was the largest shareholder of Dongwang Group. Sun Jian’s stepping down meant that Dongwang Group was likely to change hands.

For a time, all the newspapers and media scrambled to report this news. Many people were asking who the person was that pulled the Sun Jian father and son off of their horse, but they only knew that person's surname was Zhou, and didn't know specific information about this mysterious character surnamed Zhou. What was even more shocking was that when Sun Jian was pulled off his horse, the police had approached him. Now, he had been taken away by the police for investigation. The reason was related to the bar he had opened.

The bar incident involved not only drugs, but also human lives. According to the grapevine, the reason why the New Territories could be opened in such a good location was because Sun Jian forcedly bought the original two old bars.

The two old bars had different bosses. One of them was pressured and finally sold their bar to Sun Jian at a low price. The owners of the other bar were a couple. Because of their reluctance to sell the bar, Sun Jian's plan was forced to be put on hold. Only a few days later, a neighbor discovered that the couple were dead at home, and the cause of their death was said to be a gas leak.

This incident did not make much noise. Because Sun Jian had a backing, and the couple had no loved ones, the issue was stopped in the end.

However, Sun Jian’s ethical affairs had recently been revealed, and this incident had not been missed. The police suspected that though the couple died from the leak, it was most likely planned murder. Before their deaths, Sun Jian had a dispute with them. Having been entangled, there was a motive for murder.

The stock of Dongwang Group was affected because of Sun Jian's affairs, but not by much.

As the news of the change of ownership of the Dongwang Group spread, some people also released the news that the largest shareholder of the Dongwang Group was now the Eimer Group.

The name of the Eimer Group was not unfamiliar to most businessmen. Their net worth was definitely incomparable to the small Dongwang Group’s. Therefore, some people questioned the truth of the news. A multinational group would even come to Shanhai City to invest in a small company? Those with a high IQ felt that Dongwang Group was fooling them.

The next day, the newspaper published a photo of Fang He's signed contract with Dongwang Group, and pointed out that Fang He was the chief lawyer of Eimer Group. As long as one searched Fang He's name online, they could basically know if this message was true or not.

After the news spread, the shares of Dongwang Group ushered in the spring. The Eimer Group shifted the shareholders’ wind, and the company that was originally at risk had become the envy of everyone.

At this point, the Zhang Wu father and son were meeting Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng had arranged to meet the Zhang Wu father and son in the name of Mr. Zhou. The two were surprised that the newly-appointed major shareholder of the Dongwang Group wanted to see them, until they saw Wang Cheng. Zhang Wu was stunned.

"We meet again, Zhang Wu." Wang Cheng raised his hand and gestured towards Zhang Wu.

Zhang Wu finally reacted. He looked at Chu Yifeng, who was sitting next to Wang Cheng, and understood a little bit in his heart. He felt that it was strange when he first heard that Eimer was joining Dongwang Group. He knew of the relationship between Chu Yifeng and Eimer. At first, he thought this had something to do with Wang Cheng, but in the end, the special holder of the shares was surnamed Zhou. "It turns out to be you."

Zhang Zhongming wanted to ask his son what was going on, but now was obviously not the time to ask. After sitting down, he introduced himself: "Hello Mr. Zhou, I am the general manager of Jinding Hotel, Zhang Zhongming." He did not look down on Wang Cheng because he was young. The Dongwang Group was the best example of his ability.

"General Manager Zhang, you’ve long been a big name. Let me introduce myself first. My original name was Wang Cheng, and I was a classmate of your son's ex-girlfriend. I’m now called Zhou Cheng." Wang Cheng pointed out the reason why he and Zhang Wu knew each other in one sentence.

When Zhang Zhongming heard this, his expression cleared up a little. However, in the end, the words 'Zhou Cheng' caused him to feel like he had been struck by lightning, and his face became stunned.

"Zhou, Zhou Cheng? Are you the grandson of the chairman of the Zhou Group?"

Wang Cheng nodded with a smile. "General Manager Zhang has good eyesight."

Zhang Zhongming heard him admit it, and immediately realized why Wang Cheng found them this time. It was definitely not simply meeting them father and son. If they could grasp this opportunity, they might have a chance to leave Shanhai City to go to a bigger stage. Even if he couldn’t, he hoped that Zhang Wu could get out of Shanhai City.

After all, Shanhai City was just a medium-sized city. Zhang Zhongming had hoped to go further a long time ago. Originally, he had wanted to rely on performance. As a result, he was always suppressed by the Dongwang Group. The revenue of the Jinding Hotel under his management was tepid. He thought it was necessary to consume it like this [?].


After sitting in the car, Wang Cheng stretched out lazily without any care for his image. The problem in Shanhai City was finally resolved, so his person was more relaxed. "Is it time to visit some of Dongwang Group's more powerful shareholders next?"

Chu Yifeng said: "This is not a matter of urgency, just leave it to Liu Tan to do it. Liu Tan is closer to those shareholders. With him as an intermediary, and with Eimer as backing, those people know which side to choose to support. To focus on your own interests, you should put your strength on the Imperial Capital side; I believe your grandfather will know about this soon."

"Speaking of which, it will be up to you to get things going smoothly." Wang Cheng leaned on his side, and stared affectionately at his side profile, ignoring the faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Chu Yifeng laughed, "So how can you repay me?"

Wang Cheng stretched his neck and kissed him on the side of his face, sitting upright. "Okay."

"That's it?" Chu Yifeng raised an eyebrow, obviously not satisfied.

"Otherwise, what do you want? I, your uncle’s, kiss is worth a thousand dollars. Even if others kneel down to ask me, I will not give it." Wang Cheng's tone seemed to be saying that he got the cheaper end of the deal.

Chu Yifeng suddenly grabbed Wang Cheng's arm, pressed him sideways on the back of the chair, and lowered his head to kiss his mouth. As long as someone came in front of the front of the car, they could see this picture. In the narrow car, a tall man pressed down on the person seated in the passenger seat and seemed to kiss them intensely. After a long time, the man let go of the other person.

Wang Cheng lay limp on the passenger seat, his mouth red and swollen. The clothes had long surrendered since Chu Yifeng put his hands on him. At the moment, he had felt a little bit of pain, and the bastard just licked harder a few times. What a joke. Not a cell in his body thought that was humorous!

Chu Yifeng was able to successfully win over the Dongwang Group, he was indeed indispensable. Chu Yifeng had contributed both money and power. Wang Cheng felt embarrassed. If he wasn’t relying on the Dongwang Group to enter the Zhou Group, it wouldn’t have mattered if he actually returned the Dongwang Group to Chu Yifeng.

In the afternoon, good news came from Liu Tan.

Several directors who had a good relationship with him had agreed, and not because of the Eimer Group.

Wang Cheng stated at the meeting that day that he was not representing the Eimer Group. Later, they heard that Sun Jian and Wang Cheng had grudges and speculated that this was likely to be a revenge incident. As a result, the chips in Wang Cheng's hands were reduced in their hearts a bit. However, Liu Tan told them that Wang Cheng was actually the grandson of the chairman of Zhou Group.

They were also in the hotel industry, and, of course, the Zhou Group was like a thunderbolt to them. Whatever hesitation they had was gone now, and one after another they surrendered.

They did not know if Sun Degang had heard anything, or if it was because Sun Jian was taken away by the police and was facing a crisis of imprisonment, but he did not appear in the company the next day.

Wang Cheng thought he was going to give up, but later realized that he was fearless. The Sun family had held the Dongwang Group for more than ten years. The company was full of their people. It would be easy for Wang Cheng to stumble. If Wang Cheng was alone, they might have succeeded. However, not only had Zhang Wu been added, but Chu Yifeng occasionally mentioned some help. Wang Cheng became more and more familiar with Dongwang Group.

Dongwang Group was now mainly in real estate and hotels. Real estate was a piece of cake. However, because Dongwang Group had started relatively late, there were not many projects under its name. Only the garden project currently being done was the main one in the hotel industry.

After the sale of the two hotels, Dongwang Group's revenue had dropped significantly. Based on the current situation in Shanhai City, it was impossible to restore its previous high yield unless they found another way. Zhang Wu had a good understanding of the Dongwang Group's hotel industry, and in one night, handed the analyzed data to Wang Cheng.

Although Dongwang Group was one of the leading companies in Shanhai City, because they had been timid in their external development, the company was limited and it was difficult for them to go further. So, the only way was to truly get out of Shanhai City.

Why had the Zhou Group not paid attention to the market in Shanhai City? Because they stood tall and had a long-term vision. Since there was a broader and more valuable market outside of Shanhai City, why did they spend time and money on it? They thought that investing this time and money into a better market would not yield higher returns.

This decision was opposed by people, mainly the Sun family, as they did not approve of the development of the Dongwang Group towards large-scale external development. However, due to the relatively high support rate, this decision was finally passed. Wang Cheng handed the responsibility over to Zhang Wu, and hired him as the president of Dongwang Group.

After Sun Degang learned of this news, his face grew dark. Zhang Wu’s name was not particularly unfamiliar to them. Placing an opponent in an important position of the company, and even letting the other party take charge of this matter? Was that not tantamount to letting the opponent peep directly into confidential information?

The Sun family intended to use this incident to spur other shareholders and pull the chairman Wang Cheng down, but it had no effect. Liu Tan's group of people had long known the truth. If Wang Cheng intended to destroy the Dongwang Group, how could he have acquired Dongwang's share. Dongwang’s shares were still meant to support him, they thought he had too much money.

At this time, Wang Cheng was already on the plane back to the Imperial Capital.

Chu Yifeng had flown abroad the day before yesterday. It was said that Eimer's CEO was on vacation. All the burdens were placed on the CEO and the CEO couldn't make decisions on some major issues, so Chu Yifeng's grandfather, Locke, asked him to go back to sit in town.

After getting off the plane, Wang Cheng went directly to the headquarters of Zhou Group to find his grandfather. It was his grandfather Zhou Shichang who had called him back this time.

The headquarters of Zhou Group was located in the commercial center of the Imperial Capital. It was the most prosperous place in the Imperial Capital. The Imperial Capital Building was an iconic building with a height of more than 400 meters and a total of 89 floors. It was the tallest building in the Imperial Capital with nearly 50 elevators. The Zhou Group headquarters were in the Imperial Capital Building.

Wang Cheng had come here for the first time. The towering building was completely different from the buildings seen in Shanhai City, and the towering feeling it gave was even more shocking.

Wang Cheng found the nearest elevator. This time, it was within work hours, but there were not many people going up and down. The Zhou Group headquarters were on the 67th to 70th floors of the building. It took him nearly ten minutes to reach the 67th floor. After asking, he learned that the chairman's office was on the 70th floor. Wang Cheng climbed two more sets of stairs.

"Hello sir, who are you looking for?" The staff lady at the front desk was very professional. When she saw Wang Cheng, her eyes lit up and she gave a diplomatic smile.

The size of the Zhou Group headquarters could be seen from the front desk. There were six employees at the front desk, five women and one man. The female employees were all beautiful women. The male employee was not bad, and did not make a difference in the customer’s first impression.

Wang Cheng said, "I'm looking for your chairman."

As soon as his words were spoken, the beautiful lady at the front desk froze and reacted after two seconds. "Do you have an appointment?"

Wang Cheng thought that his grandfather should have called him over and greeted him in advance, and nodded, "Yes."

"Okay, please wait." The pretty front desk lady dialed the inside line immediately.

Not long after, a woman in her thirties walked towards them on high heels, her eyes narrowing when she saw Wang Cheng, "Zhou Shao, I'm Li Min, the secretary of the chairman. The chairman is already waiting for you, please follow me."

After Wang Cheng followed Li Min, the front desk staff immediately began whispering. Although the Zhou Group belonged to the Zhou family, there was no one who could be called Zhou Shao, except for the one who was admitted to the Zhou family before the new year.



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