
Chapter 221

After lunch, Wang Cheng wanted to go into his grandfather's study to write a report. However, Mother Zheng dragged him into the yard without saying a word, and asked him to accompany her and Old Man Zhou for a walk to digest. A combination of work and rest was very important.

"Chengcheng, don't worry about the report. It's not that there is still over half a day left, but it’s that young people should not always stay in the study; it is not good for your health. By the way, I discussed it with your grandpa in the morning and we decided to set up a study for you in the Zhou house. Do you have any requirements?"

Mother Zheng kept nagging.

Wang Cheng nodded when he heard her. "No, Mother, you can just figure it out."

"Well, your mother will arrange your study according to my own ideas. Don't regret it when that happens." Mother Zheng glanced at her son and smiled meaningfully.

"Uh..." Wang Cheng thought for a while, "As long as it is not girly, then."

Mother Zheng helplessly spread her hands, "Well, your mother knows you are a man."

"Of course."

Zhou Shichang looked at the interaction between the mother and son and smiled.

In the living room, although Zhao Chenlin was not interested in working at home, he thought it was not bad to have a study room of his own, like his own private domain. So he actively had many requirements, such as what kind of desk and curtains, which colors he preferred, the sofa and chair, the bookshelves had to be placed in a certain direction, he didn’t like wood, etc. Then he made a list of these requirements and gave them to Mother Zheng.

Mother Zheng looked at the densely populated words on the list, and the corner of her mouth ticked up slightly. "Unexpectedly, Chenlin has such ideas. It seems that you are looking forward to your study room, and even your sofa and chair have to be the best. You’re unlike my family’s Chengcheng. I asked him if he had any requests, but he didn’t have any requirements. He’s letting me make the decisions."

Zhou Lin didn't immediately comprehend her words, but when she saw the calm face of Old Man Zhou, her expression became a little ugly. Compared to the grandson who would be picky, the worry-free one was obviously more pleasant.

"It's a good thing to have ideas, thinking more causes one to be more ingenious. Sometimes it might not cause creativity, but it’s at least better than those who don't have any ideas," Zhou Lin said unwillingly.

"How come I heard that only those whose brains are not bright need to be more mentally active? Maybe I remembered it wrong," Mother Zheng chuckled, and took the initiative to end the topic.

Zhou Lin had to swallow her blood back down.

Wang Cheng, who returned to his study, continued to ‘speed his pen’ [T/N: write quickly]. The development direction of catering and hotels was only part of the report. Other industries involving the Zhou Group should also be mentioned. Fortunately, he had collected most of the information yesterday. Because some of it was involved, Wang Cheng roughly mentioned issues including Zhou Lin’s entertainment business, and Zhao Chenlin’s presently cost-draining Yazhi Media was also specifically mentioned by him.

Although the annual profit of the entertainment industry involved in the Zhou Group did not account for much of the total profit, in today's society, more and more people were pursuing pleasure. If this aspect could also be developed well, it might become a good source of income. Although Yazhi Media, which Zhao Chenlin was in charge of, was full of negative news, this kind of negative news could be washed away. Wang Cheng also felt that it had a foundation in the company after all, and it would be a loss if it went bankrupt.

After writing the report, Wang Cheng checked it again and printed it out only when there were no problems. There were only five pages in total, and it was in its condensed form: really only the essentials. He originally thought that more than ten pages would be needed.

At work the next day, Wang Cheng gave the report he had written to Xie Wenzhi. Xie Wenzhi took the report, a little surprised by the meager amount. Wang Cheng was not the first assistant he had brought with him. Before him, he had brought other employees prior to becoming President Feng’s assistant. However, every time he asked them to write a report, there was always a thick pile of nonsense inside. But he had also had a smart employee before.

The employee thought he had guessed his thoughts, and then wrote him a report that consisted of only two papers. As a result, the papers mentioned some problems that everyone knew, the problems they were facing at this stage, and how to solve them. No future development was mentioned.

If it was just a written report, who couldn’t do this? It was estimated that even the cleaning auntie could write it. There was no depth at all, and if they weren’t talking meaningfully, what use were they? In the end, the employee was fired.

Despite this precedent, Xie Wenzhi was still willing to believe that Wang Cheng was different from that employee. After sitting down, he began to read Wang Cheng's report.

At first, he was a little careless, but then, his expression became a little surprised. If someone who had received this knowledge made this report, Xie Wenzhi would not be so surprised, but Wang Cheng was different. He had never been in contact with it before. That he could do this report showed that he had talent.

Xie Wenzhi turned to look at Wang Cheng who was answering a phone call, and slowly smiled.

Wang Cheng hung up the phone and came to him. "Xie Dage, President Feng asked you to go to his office, and to bring the materials from yesterday's meeting on the way."

"Got it." Xie Wenzhi found yesterday’s meeting materials. Before leaving, he said to Wang Cheng: "Ah, right, your report is good." Wang Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and muttered in his heart: ‘it took seven or eight hours for me to make this report, and I also consulted Chu Yifeng. If it is not good, doesn't it mean that I have no talent in this area?’ It might have been too shocking, but he was very confident in his report.

In the office, Xie Wenzhi put Wang Cheng's report in front of Feng Yifan after talking about official duties. "President Feng, this is Zhou Cheng's report. I think you can take a look."

Feng Yifan was a little surprised for a moment that Xie Wenzhi would make an exception and show him a report from a young assistant. This report must have satisfied him.

"Got it."

"Then I will go out first." Xie Wenzhi quit the office calmly.

Zhao Chenlin, who was a little absent-minded as soon as he went to work, was called by Zhou Lin to her office. There were no outsiders, so Zhao Chenlin laid down on the sofa without a care for his image. His whole person looked very lazy, and he did not look like he was at work. If he was seen, the goodwill he had worked so hard to brush up during this period would definitely have bottomed out.

As the saying went, a situation was easy to change, but nature was hard to.

As soon as Zhou Lin saw the appearance of her son, she thought of the report she had just seen, and suddenly became angry. "You, come here. I didn’t call you to the office to let you be lazy."

"Mom, just let me rest," Zhao Chenlin didn't move, and said this weakly.

"Take a rest, then. Do you really want to wait for the Zhou Group to fall into the hands of Zhou Cheng to be happy?" Zhou Lin grabbed the information from her desk, walked over, and threw it on him. "Look at what you have done. I put Yazhi Media in your hands because I wanted you to do a good job and let your grandpa see it. As a result, the company and celebrities are surrounded by negative news, and the income is decreasing. I will start to lose money this year. Now, do you want to piss me off?"

Zhao Chenlin picked up a piece of paper and looked at it indifferently, saying casually: "Isn’t it just a small entertainment company? Even if it is a loss, it will be nothing but a drop to the Zhou Group. You said it would be for grandpa? I think that no matter how well I do, my grandfather will not notice. He only has Zhou Cheng in his eyes as his grandson. I now doubt whether you were picked up."

When it came to this matter, Zhou Lin's complexion was also unreconciled. She had suspected this before, but she knew that based on her father's character, if she was really not his biological daughter, her father would never take her into the Zhou house. Thus, she said calmly: "You can tell me about this kind of thing in the future, but you must never say it outside."

"Got it." Zhao Chenlin threw away the paper in his hand.

"Although your grandfather might not notice Yazhi, we still have to be careful. If you let your grandfather find out, he might think that you have no talent for management. Now that you have an extra Zhou Cheng to compete with, Yazhi can’t go bankrupt. Your mother will look for public relations to find a way to wash out the negative impact of the company. During this time, you can be honest with me and stop thinking about being a star in the company."

"I see. Since Zhou Cheng moved to the Zhou house, I have been low-key for a while." Because he wanted to make a good impression on his grandfather, Zhao Chenlin would go home no later than ten o'clock. His friends laughed at him; some thought that he was trying to clean himself up, while some guessed that it was because Zhou Cheng made him very uncomfortable.

In the afternoon, President Feng showed Wang Cheng's report to Zhou Shichang.

"Although this report is not the best, for an inexperienced person, its quality has exceeded my expectations. I have to say that Zhou Shao's learning ability is very strong." Feng Yifan initially knew that Wang Cheng only had a high school education, and was worried about whether he could keep up with them.

"Yesterday he kept shutting himself up in the study, and I thought that he was too impatient to get this report done. It seems that I didn’t need to worry," Zhou Shichang said with a smile.

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Chairman, I think we can give Zhou Shao a chance to practice."

Zhou Shichang’s gaze fell on the report in his hand, which he had just turned to the last page. It was the entertainment business that Wang Cheng mentioned at the end. "You are right. This theoretical knowledge can also be learned in practice. Let Xiao Xie call up the information here, I want to check it out."

Feng Yifan understood immediately.



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