“I can understand how you feel Sasakawa very well, having a dead-faced person around you is often a big trouble.”

Although it is a completely different experience, Sawada Tsunayoshi is often visited by some punks in my memory.

Those gangsters in Hesheng Middle School don’t dare to do anything, after all, the invincible Wind Discipline Committee is playing with you?

As long as you dare to make a fuss in Hesheng Middle School, it doesn’t matter who you are, it’s their job to give you some physical guidance first.

Those who dare to be gangsters in Hesheng Middle School know a rule, no matter how they make trouble, don’t make trouble on the head of the wind discipline committee member of Hesheng Middle School, otherwise, the wind discipline committee member also has a time to go out of the campus for physical guidance.

Therefore, Sawada Tsunayoshi was chosen to be the target of bullying by those gangsters.

He also very much hopes that those gangsters outside the school will not stare at him after today, and he should not have time to play games with those gangsters after school today.

This made Kyoko Sasakawa not very easy to accept, not that she did not agree, but that she agreed too much.

It’s just that as a junior, it’s not good to say a senior so directly.

Sawada Tsunayoshi understood Kyoko Sasakawa and took the initiative to change the topic.

“Sasakawa , I think you can make it easier later. After this time, that person should keep a certain distance from you, and not be as enthusiastic as before. ”

“…… This is also the aspect that I want to thank you. ”

Kyoko Sasakawa was hit in the morning, even hit the ground, but if she could bump away from Takeda’s enthusiasm, she would really like to be bumped.

She didn’t understand what Sawada said at the school gate before, Shuda’s purpose was too obvious, wasn’t this purpose of inviting her to visit the kendo club this morning?

She actually has no interest in the Kendo Department, and if it is the Home Economics Department, she would like to visit, but Kendo really has no interest in her.

Sawada Tsunayoshi nodded slightly, he could fully understand why Sasakawa thanked him.

If he encounters the same problem, he will also thank the people who helped him.

“Don’t care, it happened to happen, and it’s also a problem I need to solve now.”

Kyoko Sasakawa silently wrote down this sentence.

“It’s almost time for class, Sasakawa you should hurry back to your position.”


Neither of them continued the topic, and stopped directly here.

After the first math class, the other classes did not have the baby making trouble, and Sawada Tsunayoshi could focus on listening to the class.

As for the problems in the family, and even the safety of his mother, as long as he can see his mother in front of him, then he has a way to rescue his mother, and those who are eyeing their mother and son will not know the power he has at his disposal, so this is his advantage.

As long as a plane is formed where dialogue can take place, then the advantage is him.

The time soon came to the end of school.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was not in a hurry, but quietly sorted out the books in his place, bringing back everything that needed to be brought back.

The content of this semester has been memorized in time, but only the second grade of junior high school is not enough, and the knowledge of the first and third grades of junior high school is also required, that is, you also need to spend a little time studying on weekends.

With this mood, Sawada Tsunayoshi kept a low profile and left Nagamori Middle School.

Walking out of the school, Tsunayoshi Sawada looked around.

“It seems that there is no need to worry today.”

“You don’t have to run into those punks today.”

“Now it’s my mother’s business.”

With a simple breath, he followed the crowd in the direction of his home.

Twenty minutes or so away, just a blink of an eye to see the doorstep.

But from a distance, Sawada Tsunayoshi’s face completely darkened.

A black sedan parked in front of the house like that, doesn’t this make it clear that there is a problem?

He unconsciously quickened his pace.

The door inside the house is not closed, and even the entrance can see the footprints.

In this case, we need to think about whether our identity has caused trouble, but how to deal with the trouble.

Feeling a little calmer, he put his bag in the entrance, and Sawada Tsunayoshi even took off his shoes before entering the house.

“Mom, I’m back.”

Without receiving any response, Sawada Tsunayoshi calmly walked into the house.

Coming to the living room, five people in black suits stood inside, all but one woman, all men, and the mother sat next to the woman.

Sawada Tsunayoshi keenly noticed that his mother’s body was trembling slightly.

He sat quietly on the sofa opposite.

“Mom, these people are your friends?”

Nana Sawada looked apprehensive, and her shoulders couldn’t stop shaking, as if she wanted to speak but was so afraid that she couldn’t speak.

Sawada Tsunayoshi’s face remained calm.

“It doesn’t look like someone my mother knows.”

“So, who are you? Shouldn’t you introduce yourself? ”

The woman in the suit opposite is very attractive and has a seductive smile on her face.

“Sawada Tsunayoshi, fourteen years old, attends the second year A class of Nagamori Middle School, and we all know your information. And this time we are not here for Madame, but for you. ”

The suit woman’s hand slowly rested on Nana Sawada’s shoulder.

Sawada Tsunayoshi’s face sank slightly, his eyes swept over that hand, his face became ugly, and at the same time, a strong malice surged in his heart.

“So that’s it, it’s for me.”

“But using my mother as bait, I have to say, you guys are really bold.”


Sawada Tsunayoshi’s face changed instantly, and the flow of time stopped at this moment.

He got up from the sofa and looked coldly at the woman in the suit opposite, he slowly walked over and grabbed the hand that was still on his mother’s shoulder with one hand.


The palm of the hand was slightly forced, and the whole hand made a cracking sound.

“I chose the wrong person.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi glanced at his mother sitting next to the woman in the suit, and he picked her up and gently placed her in the position where he had just sat.

Then he turned his head to look at the other four men in black.

Tsunayoshi Sawada walked up and casually touched it and found the real guy.


“It seems that it is indeed a bad person, which is really a pity.”

After confirming the situation of these people, then there is no need to be polite to these guys.

However, more information needs to be obtained from these guys, and they cannot be killed immediately.


Gunshots rang out in this world where time stood still.

Eight shots were fired in succession, hitting the legs of four men one after another.

There are not so many people who need to talk, others just need not to move.

PS: New book asking for data!

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