A night’s rest made Sawada Tsunayoshi’s mental state much better.

It’s just that yesterday was like a dream, opening my eyes to a whole new world and feeling the sound of time.

“Sure enough, I wasn’t dreaming yesterday.”

I don’t know why, I feel that my spirit is even more exhausted.

Not a life as ordinary as in a previous life, but a more exciting life.

It’s just that the channel is suddenly turned up too high, but too exciting.

All of a sudden, I came directly to a world that I didn’t dare to imagine at all, and now I still need to consider whether this exciting world will bring trouble to this family.

“Well, I’m really a fearful person.”

Although there is a bit of a suspicion of finding a reason, after all, Sawada Tsunayoshi was a person who had never done anything bad in his previous life, and his life of more than thirty years inevitably made him develop the habit of being cautious and choosing to avoid some problems at the first time.

After all, his ability in the past was limited, and instead of letting people kick away, it was better to be a little more sensible and act by himself.

Even find reasons for themselves, ordinary people will associate with ordinary people.

Like ordinary people, they are jealous of those who are talented and capable, and they are envious in their hearts, but they do not have the courage to jump out of their own decadent zone, which can be said to be their comfort zone.

But people like him were favored by fate, and as successfully opened a new story as they are now.

Shaking his head, Sawada Tsunayoshi sat up directly from the bed.

It’s time to get up now, and I have to go to school today.

The weekend needs to be set aside for a day to meet with Arya, and the rest of the time is vacant for the time being, and then make an action plan when there is a clear plan.

“Yamamoto Takeshi and Sasakawa have taken peace, and I don’t know if they will agree.”

For this answer, Sawada Tsunayoshi himself is not very sure.

With a lifetime of experience, he actually avoids this kind of thing, after all, his thoughts are still ordinary people.

But no way, he was targeted by a group of guys from the assassination unit, and if he didn’t face it, maybe a steady stream of assassinations would follow.

To put it bluntly, he really is not afraid of those assassinations who can see the action from time in advance, but if the target is aimed at his mother, then he will make mistakes.

Time only reminds him of the actions of one person against him, and time does not remind him that his mother is facing assassination.

This reason was enough for him to take the initiative to stand up and face Valia.

But for others, there is no need to think about this aspect.

To face Valia is to put it bluntly, to face danger.

Then, except for people who voluntarily walk in, he has no way to stalk people who don’t want to participate.

I got dressed and went downstairs.

“Oh!!! Mom’s breakfast hadn’t been eaten for a long time. ”

“Since I haven’t eaten it for a long time, then Dad will eat more today.”

Early in the morning, I heard this stupid couple handing out dog food, obviously getting up with a very complicated mood, but at this moment Sawada Tsunayoshi felt that his mouth was full of sweet and greasy taste.

I didn’t eat breakfast, but I already felt full.

What should I say about this mood?

It’s complicated.

“Good morning.”

Today, Sawada Tsunayoshi was a little weak when he said hello.

After confirming that yesterday was not a dream, there is more psychological preparation to be made today.

After sighing slightly, Sawada Tsunayoshi decided on his past position.

Looking at Azuna’s weak appearance, Nana Sawada flashed a little worry.

“Ah Gang, why are you so unenergetic today?”

“…… Well, it’s just that the room is a little hot, and I feel a little chest tightness when I get up in the morning. ”

Nana Sawada blinked, not quite understanding the meaning of Azun’s words.

“It’s spring now, Ah Gang.”

“The maximum temperature outside is only 10 degrees Celsius.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi, who was poked, paused slightly, although getting up in the morning was just an excuse to get up and feel stuffy chest tightness, but he did feel that the temperature was quite high recently, and the body temperature should exceed 10 degrees from the outside world.

“Probably because I’ve been a little hot lately, and the room feels a little hot.”

“Is it fever?”

Nana Sawada came to Azuna’s side and took her temperature with the back of her hand.

“The body temperature is a bit high. Ah Gang, do you want to take a leave of absence today to rest at home? ”

This proposal made Sawada Tsunayoshi feel a little moved, but he still shook his head slightly.

His body is only slightly warm, not a cold problem.

And there’s really nothing extra to do at home.

In that case, instead of staying at home and resting, it is better to go to school and ask Yamamoto Takeshi and Sasakawa what they think.

Although it is not a class with Sasakawa Yuhei, it is not difficult to find it in the same grade.

“No need, my body should not be feverish, and there is no big problem in going to school.”


Nana Sawada was still a little worried.

“Mom, it’s okay, since the boy has already said it’s okay, then go according to the boy’s ideas.”

“Isn’t it good that Ah Gang wants to go to school now?”

This is also reasonable, seeing that Azun does not look like he is being bullied, Nana Sawada put down the worry just now.

Then he looked at the little baby sitting on the other side.

“Mr. Ribaun, what do you think of breakfast at our house?”

“Madame’s craftsmanship is really good.”

This is not a one-sided compliment, Ribaun has also tasted a lot of mountain and sea delicacies, and his ability to taste food is also quite high. The breakfast in front of him was just a very ordinary breakfast, but he ate some other tastes.

“No wonder, Iemitsu has been saying all day that he wants to come back.”

Ribaun knew that this was a dining atmosphere, a home atmosphere, completely different from his usual meals, which directly affected the deliciousness of the breakfast in his mouth.

Sawada Tsunayoshi, who was sitting on the side, thought for a while, still wanting to prepare in advance.

“Teacher, is the place where those three people live close?”

“It’s not very close, and all three families should be able to walk through it in a day.”

“Then, trouble the teacher to help me book a meeting time, and I also need to meet on weekends.”

Considering the uncertainty of Yamamoto Takeshi and Sasakawa Yuhei, plus Kyoya the lark, who was actively denied by him, Sawada Tsunayoshi felt that he still had to meet with the three guardians.

Whether those three people agreed or not was one thing, but whether he took the initiative to meet them was another.

Ribaun, who was holding the rice bowl, smiled slightly, he didn’t expect to make a decision so quickly.

One night, not very long.

“I’ll help you book a time to meet.”

PS: New book asking for data!

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