After half a day of first aid, the girl who played with the fall from height has stabilized.

Most of the injuries on his body have been brought under control, but it takes nearly two months of rest to fully recover.

Arya was sitting next to the girl’s hospital bed.

“So, how is the situation now?”

The girl who was wrapped up like a mummy only had one face still exposed, but the girl didn’t know much Italian, so she still used English.

“Well, at least you can talk.”

Arya couldn’t help but smile when she looked at the girl.

Carefully observed that this girl does not look like a Westerner, but has an Eastern face, there is no doubt that this girl is not a Westerner, but an Oriental.

There is also an accent, a proper accent of island English.

Arya speaks Japanese directly.

“Playing such an exciting game in Italy, you almost paralyzed yourself, how playful are you?”

“Isn’t it!? I myself don’t know why it suddenly came from heaven …”

But when she said this, the girl’s voice suddenly stopped.


Interesting information was obtained, and a treacherous smile appeared on Arya’s face.

“I don’t know why it fell from the sky?”

“It seems that you are indeed not a resident of this neighborhood, you should be born in an island country, right? Who threw you out of the air? ”

A trace of bad foreboding flashed on the girl’s face, and she quickly closed her mouth tightly.

“It seems to be true, but you don’t know who threw you out of the air.”

“Well, from your reaction, it seems that you really don’t know anything.”

The girl’s face changed slightly, even if she was stupid, she could see that the situation here was a little wrong.

“It’s dangerous to expose your intelligence at will.”

Arya smiled toothyly.

The girl was frightened enough by this smile.

“You, you won’t be from the Anti-Superpower Organization, will you?”

“Superpowers, ah, that’s what I said, but we’re not that kind of organization.”

Before the girl could breathe a sigh of relief, Arya’s words were so frightened by her that she almost reacted.

“But we’re also a pretty dangerous organization.”

As soon as the girl was about to make a move, Arya’s head slowly came to the girl’s ear.

“Your ability should be able to control the power of magnetism. So, do you think the equipment in the ward will be damaged by your ability? Now that your health is terrible, how long will you live once the treatment stops? ”

These words frightened the girl, her eyes swept over the surrounding electrical equipment, and she dared not use her superpowers casually.

Once the medical equipment here is completely out of control because of her superpowers, she doesn’t know how this big sister in front of her is, but she will definitely not be happy.

“Well, it seems that it is really an ability to control magnetism and the like?”

It was not difficult for Arya to confirm that her judgment was correct.

“I used to control the iron sand dragging my body when we met, and I didn’t dare to use my abilities at will in this ward full of instruments.”

The girl’s eyes widened, and it only took a moment to guess how part of her superpowers were used.

“Then I guessed correctly, but I guessed only part of it, right?”

The girl’s pupils shrank.

Once again, Arya got the answer she wanted.

“So, your ability is not magnetism, but electricity that can affect magnetism?”

Through the girl’s eyes, Arya once again caught a trace of fluctuations in her heart.

“It seems that this is the real answer.”

The girl’s heart is very heavy now, she has already felt the difference in the world, obviously not any superpower, but she can confirm some things from her reaction.

Now it’s good, the ability is seen through.

The feeling of being seen through at a glance is even stronger than facing the star eye that you hate the most.

The eyes of the stars are to see people’s hearts with their ability, but the big sister in front of her is using observation to see through her thoughts.

“So, now we can have a good talk, shall we?”

The dominance was taken away, and even if the girl was unwilling, she had nothing to do.

Having gained the initiative, Arya returned to her position next to the hospital bed.

“My name is Arya, Boss of Kylionero. Well, you should not know this identity. ”

“Kirionairo… Arya…”

The girl carefully recalled the memory, but she really did not remember such a name.

“Don’t think about the name, I don’t think even if you want to break your head, you won’t know my name and the definition of Kyrioneiro.”

The girl did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

Arya could see that the child was a very naïve child, and she wasn’t even more careful than Sawada Tsunayoshi.

“Haven’t you seen it yet?”

“You don’t think you’re in the original world, do you?”


A thunder slashed fiercely on the girl’s heavenly spirit cover, directly causing her soul to come out in an instant.

“I… Not in the original world anymore?”

“For you, this should be a very cruel truth.”

“Wait, wait!? Why were you able to determine this? ”

“Still don’t understand?”

Arya was just about to leave and sat down again.

“Superpowers, there are many people with special abilities in this world, but people with extraordinary abilities in this world are not as unscrupulous as you. Everyone knows that they hide their abilities, especially those with strong abilities, and generally do not show in front of outsiders. ”

“But you’re different.”

“You have shown your ability very bluntly, and just said something like “anti-super ability”, doesn’t that mean that the ability people in the world you were in in the past are completely flooded?”

“Because it has been flooded, there is no need to deliberately hide.”

From the girl’s reaction just now, Arya can see a lot, and she also determines what kind of place the girl is in.

“I don’t know what kind of situation you came to this world, but I can tell you that maybe you don’t have to think about going back.”

“What do you mean?”

The bad premonition in the girl’s heart is gradually amplified.

“We don’t know why you came into this world, not even yourself. I judge that this is a fortuitous phenomenon, and you are the unlucky one who is involved in the trouble. ”

“So, do you know how to go back?”


The girl was speechless when asked, and at the same time, the whole person’s consciousness was completely shattered by the cruel fact.

No way to go back.

This means that she is only an orphan from today on, especially to this completely alien world.

It’s just that the girl bites her lip.

“I don’t believe it! I don’t believe such a thing would happen! ”

PS: New book asking for data!

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