“The strongest of the “Wu clan” has married the strongest for generations to give birth to heirs, and the heirs born will inevitably be one of the future powerhouses of the “Wu clan”, which is also the tradition of the “Wu clan”.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi was very grateful to Ribaun for the introduction, but what he needed now was a way to restrain the girl in front of him, not to know why the girl said such things.

In fact, Ribaun also knew what Sawada Tsunayoshi was thinking now, but he deliberately didn’t mention it.

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“If you inherit the position of Pengelle X, you also need to think about marriage. It’s a good thing for you to have such a suitable person now. ”

Is this a good thing?

Do second-year junior high school students need to think about getting married?

This is something I planned to start thinking about when I was twenty-seven or eight!

Tsunayoshi Sawada did not think about the issue of marriage, but it was really too early to think about marriage at the age of fourteen.

It’s just that at this point, even if Sawada Tsunayoshi is stupid, he knows why it has evolved like this.


It was calculated from the beginning.

At first, he was not told that the “Wu Yi clan” had such a custom and tradition, and he was guided to pull the poison island to see the differences in the world, and the result was that he was arranged for nothing.

This is not to let Poison Island see the differences in the world, but to let Sawada Tsunayoshi see the sinister of people’s hearts.

“Hey~ It turns out that you also have to think about getting married.” In that case, isn’t it just right for you to become my husband? ”

“…… Marriage is not something that can be decided simply by saying. ”

Now Sawada Tsunayoshi has plans to escape quickly.

This guardian is very problematic.

Although Sawada Tsunayoshi was sure that the girl in front of him had strong strength, perhaps worse than the guy just now, he was definitely the best candidate for the guardian.

But this girl is very problematic in nature.

Now Sawada Tsunayoshi began to miss Sasakawa with nostalgia.

If Sasakawa could be pulled in, there would never be such a situation.

It’s just that reality doesn’t give him the right to make such a choice.

Glancing behind the girl, he saw that the murderous aura on the old man’s body was about to distort the surrounding light, but Sawada Tsunayoshi’s eyes lit up.

“What did your grandfather say?”

Wu Jialou paused, looked back at her grandfather who still had the same kind smile, and a smile immediately bloomed on her face.

Yes, grandpa will definitely agree.

“No problem, because this is what grandpa said, it must be right.”

Wu Huiliyang finally controlled his murderous aura in front of his great-granddaughter, but he was directly hit by his great-granddaughter’s words.

From here he knew that Carolus was obedient, remembered everything he had said in the past, and really believed it.

Yes, Grandpa was right.

But the problem is that the situation in front of him really makes him sit on wax.

To be sure that what he said was correct, it meant marrying Carolus off.

To deny that what you said is true means that you have lost any trust on your great-granddaughter’s side.

Whether it is positive or negative, Wu Huiliyang does not want to choose.

“Right, Grandpa?”

Wu Huiliyang had no choice, and could only tremble and pull out a rather distorted smile.

“That’s right, what Grandpa said must be right.”

“Look, grandpa is completely fine.”

Receiving an affirmative answer, Wu Garulo turned his head with some blush and excitement.

It’s just that Sawada Tsunayoshi didn’t set his sights on Wu Garulo’s body, and he really felt that this girl’s grandfather was a little pitiful at this moment.

That distorted face is covered with the three words “unwilling”, right?

At the moment when the girl turned her head, the demon behind that old man was about to burst out, right?

It’s just that Sawada Tsunayoshi quickly came back to his senses, and now his problem is still relatively serious.

First of all, as a guardian, he categorically cannot push people out.

There are not many options to choose from, and it seems that it cannot be shirked for such reasons.

Moreover, today he had a fight on the side of others, and it is estimated that many people will know even if he does not want to. If the words “giving birth” get out, especially to the ears of the father who feels a little unreliable, he absolutely believes that the other party will really say things like “welcome to be our daughter-in-law”.

After all, this father can say such things as digging for oil in Antarctica, even if he is not reliable, it seems understandable.

Well, here things can only be solved by himself.

Therefore, the only way is to drag it on.

“Cough, even if the elders think it’s okay, it’s obviously a big problem to think about getting married and having children at the age of fourteen.”

“In addition, you also said just now, that is the task of the patriarch, are you the patriarch now?”

Wu Jialou paused and shook his head honestly.

“So, what you need to think about now is not about getting married.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi tried extra hard to turn the thoughts of the girl in front of him, and never mention the marriage file.

“Didn’t you ‘Wu clan’ want the strongest to have children with the strongest? Now I can say that I am the strongest, so are you the strongest? ”

“Hmm… I’m still close. ”

Wu Jia Louluo still knows her strength, and she can’t be called the strongest now.

“That means that as long as I reach the strongest, you will marry me and have children.”

“…… Right! That’s right, that’s what I said. ”

It had come to this point, and there was no way for Sawada Tsunayoshi not to say this.

A clear goal was immediately achieved, and a bright smile suddenly bloomed on Wu Jialouluo’s face.

“In that case, I will definitely become the strongest.”

Wu Jia Louluo has enough confidence in her talent, even if she knows that she is still a line away from Lei An, it is only a matter of time.

Now she is only fourteen years old, and in a few years, after reaching high school, Wu Jialouluo believes that her strength can definitely surpass Lei An.

His eyes swept over Wu Lei’an, who was lying on the ground.

Considering that her future husband already has the strength to defeat Wu Lei’an, it seems that she can’t set the standard too low.

The strongest and the strongest breed the strongest, and that’s the truth.

Wu Carolu also believed in this truth very much.

Therefore, the person who prevents her from getting married and having a baby now is actually herself.

Wu Huiliyang in the back was slightly relieved, no matter what kind of excuse it was, it could at least drag on for a while.

Even he looked at this bedbug who abducted his great-granddaughter, his face was much better.

PS: New book asking for data!

PS: There should be another one, but it will be a little later.

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