Chapter 58 Despicable? That’s just a necessary means!!

Wu Jia Lou Luo, Poison Island Ji Zi, Zao Zhen Ye and Zao Ya Ye, plus a superpower person recommended by Arya who can control electricity, so that there are five guardians, and now it is only one position away from being full.

Just now Arya only mentioned five people, that is, there is also a guardian to choose from.

“So, what about the other one?”

“Kulom Calvary, she’s a very special girl, but it shouldn’t be the girl you go to meet directly now.”

Girls again?

“Arya, the guardian you recommended just now should also be a girl, right?”

Arya glanced at the two girls beside Tsunayoshi, and suddenly had a lot of interest in the family Tsunayoshi had formed.

“Yes. If you count that child and Kulom, the family you have formed is all girls except you, are normal boys excited about this? ”

You really know normal boys.

In his heart, he fiercely complained about Arya’s fun-watching mentality, but to say that Sawada Tsunayoshi was really unhappy? That’s really nice.

After all, girls are very eye-catching.

And I don’t know why, I always feel that the guardians that Ribaun chose for him will make up for the eye-catching.

Although the talent and ability are all strong, you don’t need to hit girls so accurately, right?

Did this make him start a family?

It always felt as if he was building a harem family.

“It’s just a coincidence.”

The conscience of heaven and earth, Sawada Tsunayoshi can swear to heaven, he really does not have the naïve thoughts of a traverser.

Even if he had such thoughts before crossing, this strange thought was converged as he grew older.

The harem is just a longing for the life of the former emperor, where in the real world is there to build a harem? That’s how strong a kidney can support.


Arya of course also knew that this was a coincidence, because the past time had been interfered with, and the world had not made any corrections, which was much different from the future seen before.

“Then take it as a coincidence.”

“By the way, it’s a coincidence, but I also suggest that you can pull that girl into the ranks of the guardians. Her strength is not as strong as the two girls next to you, but her qualifications are not worse than theirs, but she needs a teacher who will lead her on the right path. ”

Teacher, this problem is still quite serious.

Sawada Tsunayoshi didn’t know what the girl named Kulom was good at, and he didn’t know what kind of teacher he should find for that girl.

“You don’t have to worry about which teacher to find for that girl, we have such a suitable teacher in Alquebareno.” Wait until you find the girl, then contact me, and I will help you contact the right teacher. ”

“Well, I’ll contact you then.”

Very comfortable to accept Arya’s help, Sawada Tsunayoshi did not have any excuses.

“Kulom Calvary, is it a foreigner? How could you come up with such a strange name? ”

“That’s her name after becoming your guardian, her original name is Rin, her body is delicate, she has not done any sports, and she is even very inferior and gloomy.”


Listening to this introduction, Sawada Tsunayoshi raised his hand to signal that he could stop.

“Arya, are you sure that such an ordinary girl joining my family will not die in the battle with Valia?”

The battle is very cruel, and the weak ones may really be trapped in it and can’t get out.

“Just cheat.”

This sentence made Sawada Tsunayoshi a little in a mental trance, but his spirit quickly stabilized him.

“You mean, let the other party release water?”

The act of letting Valia release water really made Sawada Tsunayoshi a little stunned, he and Valia are on opposite sides, so is it possible that they release water to the guardians on his side?

At this moment, Sawada Tsunayoshi’s first reaction was

“Did someone in Valia’s team get caught by you?”

“Handle? That’s not an easy way to say. I just have an intelligence that he wants, which we all want for Alquebarno, and an outcome that the past reveals in our favor of the future. ”

“You’re really ruthless enough to fool around with that outdated future.”

“You don’t?”

“No, I mean, you can play his value a little more thoroughly. It is better to send all the information about Valia, and by the way, even their plan of action and all the guidelines. By the way, record all his actions, and then you can find a way to use them again. ”

Those who can use it, the intelligence that can be used naturally cannot be too polite.

This kind of handle must be grasped absolutely, especially since he knows that Valia is their opponent, why should he use means that follow the rules against those people? Isn’t this a self-inflicted trouble?

Knowing the means of those guys in advance can put himself in an advantageous position when facing Valia, which is what Sawada Tsunayoshi wants to see the most.

After all, the old man named IX had given himself all in, then it was doomed that Valia would not be able to keep to himself.

In that case, does he need to confront those restless guys seriously?

Oh, the only people who have this kind of thinking are the two stunned knights. Those who obeyed chivalry in the Middle Ages probably did.

But he was a young man born in the twenty-first century, and he was not educated in the spirit of a knight.

Competition is the winner is the jade, the means or something, but it is just a way to win.

What’s more, as a newly established family, it is really not suitable to confront the assassination organization that has been established for a long time.

That’s not Gang, that’s stupid!

Arya looked at Tsunayoshi with a little relief, and she began to worry a little that Tsunayoshi would not dare to use these methods.

Facing Arya’s gaze, Sawada Tsunayoshi glanced at the past angrily.

“Arya, you don’t think I’m really the kind of kid who doesn’t dare to use means, do you?”

“Well, that’s what I think there is.”

In fact, Arya was really a little worried that Tsunayoshi would have such naïve thoughts when facing Valia.

“Prudence and caution are the mottos in the face of trouble.”

“In the face of a large enough gap between the enemy and us, even Zhuge Liang needs to use strategies to try to level the gap between the enemy and us. I just used some necessary means, and it is not mean, just as I would not have said anything about them if Valia used such means. ”

“The winner is king, even if it is a victory obtained by some means.”

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