Chapter 68 Become His Witch!!


All the students in the classroom were frightened by Wu Carol’s statement.

Originally, I thought that Sawada and the four transfer students had already eaten a lot of melons, but they ended up eating even bigger melons just after class.

Originally, it just felt that Sawada and the four transfer students had a very close relationship, and God knows if this level of intimacy was really intimate, and it was even time to discuss the relationship of having children.

However, the most surprising person was Zaoyaye.

It was really the first time she knew that someone had the same idea as her, she just felt that she and Tsunayoshi were a meeting of fate, just like her dragon eyes could not see Tsunayoshi’s past and future at all, which made her understand very well that this was the encounter of fate

“Carolus, you also believe in fate?”

For the statement of fate, Wu Jia Louluo squinted his eyes and smiled and said his answer.

“Believe it. When I saw Tsunayoshi appear in front of me, I confirmed that he was my future husband. ”

Zao Yaye looked at the serious Garulo, and a trace of admiration could not help but rise in her heart, and she dared to say blunt words, she thought that she had not done this in the beginning. But now she can do it too.

“I believe it too. Tsunayoshi is the only one in my dragon’s eye who cannot see the past and the future, and I believe it is the arrangement of fate. ”

However, Sawada Tsunayoshi, who is the center of the topic this time, has been in a state of confusion.

Did these two people say something terrible? Was he not only caught up in the problem of Carolus, but even directly into the problem of Aye?

“So strong! The relationship between Sawada and the four transfer students turned out to be so complicated! ”

“It’s directly the relationship of having children, and two transfer students have this idea? We’ve been in contact with Sawada for so long, how did we not know that he had such a charm? ”

“God knows. I used to know that Sawada guy could bully anyone, and God knows how he suddenly changed, like a different person.” ”

After returning to their senses, the classmates also began to discuss the topic of Sawada.

The previous Sawada was actually a punching bag, and anyone could bully the punching bag. The few people with bad tempers in school almost bullied Sawada, and the bullied Sawada was just bullied, and he didn’t even have the courage to fight back.

Such a cowardly character looks like a character that is not popular with girls in the class.

However, a week ago, Sawada’s personality suddenly underwent a 180-degree change, and he directly changed from the previous punching bag to the point where he could speak in the face of the third-grade Kendo Division, and even used the wind discipline committee to teach Shuda a lesson.

This evolution is so obvious that everyone can detect something strange from Sawada.

However, Sawada’s abnormality does not mean to bully people.

Since the third-grade Takeda was taught a lesson, the guys who used to treat Sawada as a punching bag have been completely settled, and it can be regarded as less noisy.

But who knows, this is only a week later, when the four transfer students of this year were welcomed, Sawada, who has not made much movement, directly had an extraordinary close connection with the four transfer students.

The surrounding talk made Sawada Tsunayoshi feel very big.

One Carolus is not enough, now even Aye is involved, and this person also makes it clear that it is not a drawbridge effect.

In fact, the drawbridge effect will not last such a day. If there is time to calm down, the symptoms of the drawbridge effect will be directly relieved. If this situation is maintained a day later, then it means that this may be a poisoning reaction of the drawbridge effect.

Commonly called, love at first sight.

“Carolus is because of the family’s education problem, so what is wrong with Aye? Random idea of falling in love at first sight with a drawbridge effect? Isn’t that too child’s play? ”

Anyway, Sawada Tsunayoshi felt that this situation was too child’s play. But to deny this kind of feeling, then it is really unnecessary.

Fourteen-year-olds, if it is really the suspension bridge effect, Sawada Tsunayoshi does not think that Yaye will not know the situation. It is estimated that he really believes that this is the encounter of fate, which will directly make the suspension bridge effect directly hit, and thus directly promoted to love at first sight.


As the saying goes, good things don’t go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

Before noon, the news of Sawada Tsunayoshi’s foot on two boats spread throughout Namimori Middle School, as well as to the ears of third-grade Poison Island Tsuneko and Zao Mamaye.

“Ah, it seems that Yaye still went to him and said ah. It’s still the same as before. ”

Zao Zhenye was the first person to know her sister’s thoughts, and she also noticed the people who also found that her sister had that thoughts.

“Since your sister has that mind, what about yourself?”

Sitting opposite Zao Zhenye, Poison Island Junzi looked straight at the person who was talking about his sister.

Zao Zhenye smiled slightly.

“I obey only my own will. He changed my destiny as an “Amaterasu”, so I will also become a member of his family and become his witch as he originally invited. ”

Since that power awakening, Zao Zhenye has a clearer understanding of his abilities, and also knows what fate he faces with this identity.

However, the gods have been cleared before they come, and the “true martial arts” will not have another day to come, no matter how much the twelve families pursue the “true martial arts”, the gods have become a thing of the past, and there will be no more people from the twelve families who can surpass the human realm and reach the height of the gods.

Although it is not in line with the modern situation, she has awakened the power of Amaterasu, and she has confirmed the existence of gods, but gods will no longer exist.

Her power itself exists to suppress the gods, but now that the gods have been destroyed before they come, her power no longer exists to suppress the gods.

As Amaterasu, she also knows where she is going.

Instead of suppressing the old gods, all that needs to be done now is to embrace the new gods.

Who is the god of the world, this Zao Zhenye is clear enough.

Now that he has unlocked her fate, does she still need to continue to make the necessary choice?

Poison Island Junzi stared at the jujube real night in front of him, and his heart was clear.

“You’re also looking for your own peace of mind. It seems that as he said, everyone is looking for a place to give themselves peace of mind, and it seems that you have found it. ”

Seeing the jujube real night, Poison Island Tsuko was even more convinced that his subconscious made the same choice.

She is actually the same as Zao Zhenye.

PS: The new book is on the shelves for data!

PS: The promised third more, a little late.

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