Chapter 71 Happy Mother!!

I took two more girls home to meet my mother.

Although there is a slight ambiguity in the statement, at least the superficial meaning is in place.


When Sawada Tsunayoshi came to his mother with Zao Maye and Zao Yaye, and said that these two people were going to live next door, Sawada Tsunayoshi felt an “ambiguity” in his mother’s eyes.

But Sawada Tsunayoshi is not unable to understand, whose mother knows that her son brought the girl home is not this expression? And Sawada Tsunayoshi didn’t just bring the girls home, but he managed to live next door from today.

In such a situation, any mother will have some superfluous thoughts. However, Sawada Tsunayoshi still needs to struggle to explain.

“It’s classmates and seniors.”

“Aren’t they friends?”

Classmates and seniors inside school, aren’t they friends outside school? Nana Sawada still understands this very well.

“It’s the same as. Well, it’s friends. ”

Sawada Tsunayoshi really didn’t want to admit such a misleading statement, but when he wanted to continue struggling, both hands next to him pulled his clothes at the same time.

This made Sawada Tsunayoshi clear about his situation, looked at his mother’s smiling eyes, sighed silently, and gave up continuing to struggle.

Nana Sawada’s eyes were still very good, and naturally she saw the small movements of Zao Zhenye and Zao Yaye behind their backs. It is because I saw it in my heart that I was more sure that these two girls and Ah Gang had an unusual relationship between men and women.

“Before Little Carolus was his fiancée, and now Ah Gang continues to bring girls to the house, such behavior is not worth advocating.”

It’s just that she doesn’t hate these two girls who have just met, so she put away the idea of preaching to Ah Gang.

“Let’s wait and see. It’s really junior high school, and Ah Gang won’t decide who to marry so quickly. ”

Because of excessive entanglement and not knowing which girl is the true daughter of her son, Nana Sawada temporarily converged her preaching thoughts.

Not to mention the problem that Ah Gang’s mind is too flower, it is not a bad thing to say that Ah Gang has two more female friends.

As for whether it will develop to the point where he needs to teach Azuna a lesson in the future, Nana Sawada is happy to see how Azun’s relationship with these girls changes later.

“Hey……… Mom, me and Zhenye, Yaye they passed first. ”

Where did Sawada Tsunayoshi not know what his mother thought? But the problem is that they really are not the kind of relationship between men and women that can’t be made clear.

At least with Makoya.

Yaye unilaterally fell in love with him at first sight, what can he do? It has been a day, and the normal suspension bridge reaction has survived, but this phenomenon is still there. Is he to blame for this situation? Blame him for being too attractive?

Sawada Tsunayoshi knew that the power of the Time Gem had transformed his body structure and saved him a lot of time for exercising, but the power of the Time Gem did not make much adjustment to his appearance.

Although the appearance of this life belongs to the level of handsome and attractive, it will definitely not reach the level of meeting people who will fall in love at first sight.

Therefore, this love at first sight is a special situation caused by special circumstances. Sawada Tsunayoshi didn’t know how special it was, but he also understood that this functional condition was irreversible.

So, do what you want. I’ll talk about it later.

Anyway, there is no way to do it now.

Nana Sawada looked at the two new girls with a smile on her face.

“Well, Xiao Zhenye, Xiao Yaye, I’ll come over with Xiao Yanzi when I eat later.”

Zao Zhenye is naturally not polite.

“Aunt, I will definitely come over with Yaye later.”

Although the two sisters would cook for themselves, the aunt’s invitation in front of them was naturally accepted. What’s more, this is an invitation from the elders, and there is no reason for the juniors not to accept it.

Only Sawada Tsunayoshi felt a trace of uneasiness in this scene.

But before he had time to let Sawada Tsunayoshi think about it, Jujube Zhenye directly clamped his head by his arm as if it were morning.

“Aunt, let’s go first.”

“Well, remember to have a good chat.”

Seeing Azuna being taken away by Xiao Zhenye like this, Nana Sawada just smiled happily.

“Don’t hold my head, it’s hard to walk.”

“Don’t care, don’t care, if someone else wants me to clamp, I won’t do it, you’re very special.”

“I don’t want this special, let me go first!”

Listening to the noisy voice, the smile on Nana Sawada’s face became stronger, and the depth of her eyes was a little more gratified.

“Ah Gang, you’ve made friends…”

Since the day her son was bullied, Nana Sawada has hoped that her son can stand up on his own.

Make friends in school, and if you can’t handle something, you have to try to stand up.

“Dad is right, don’t worry about boys crying. One day, boys will learn to stand up on their own. ”

In the past, Nana Sawada was still a little worried, but now she really doesn’t worry.

Ah Gang has stood up and will make friends in school, which is a good change.

“Then prepare a big meal today to celebrate.”


Sawada Tsunayoshi walked out of the house with his head between his head by Jujube. This uncomfortable walking posture made Sawada Tsunayoshi very uncomfortable. Of course, what is more uncomfortable is the facial cleanser that fits the face.

This person really doesn’t care at all that his behavior will make the boy react a lot.

No, Sawada Tsunayoshi was sure that Maaya definitely knew.

But she did this when she knew it, which can only say that this person’s personality is somewhat malicious.

“Zhenye, believe it or not, if you come a few more times, my white eyes can directly poke you to death.”

With these words, Zao Zhenye absolutely believed that she could feel that her lord was mainly evasive in this regard. If he comes a few more times, it is estimated that he will face the white eyes of his own lord every day in the future.

“I believe. But my lord, you should be happier at your age, how can I say that your reaction hurts me a lot. ”

“You’re still hurt? You’re trying to play me to death.” ”

Sawada Tsunayoshi directly rolled his eyes.

If you want to say that the person who has the biggest headache for him right now must be calculating him and backstabbing him Ribaun.

But now there is one more person who backstabbed him, and this person is Zao Zhenye, one of the guardians he personally went to recruit.

“O my lord, you, you are too much like a child.”

Zao Zhenye shook his head helplessly.

She could see that her lord was a very mature person, and his mental age was much older than his biological age.

But that’s why it’s not good.

Sawada Tsunayoshi glanced up at Mayaki and let out a breath from his nose.

“Not like a child, it doesn’t mean that I have to tease me like this in front of you every day, right?”

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