Chapter 77: The Awakening of the Sisters!!

“In light of this, the next thing that needs to be done is to help you forcibly awaken the flames that belong to you.”

This is the necessary path to the future.

Although Yaye and Zhenye both have some special abilities of their own, those special abilities are not powers that can be used for a long time, so they also need to master the power of other systems.

“True night, Yaye, do you think there is a problem?”

“No problem.”

Zao Zhenye shook his head slightly, it was a matter of course to increase his strength and awaken new power.

Even now, she won’t continue the old traditions of the past.

“I’m okay with that.”

Zao Yaye is also no big problem for awakening new powers.

As long as Zhenye and Yaye do not object, then they can help awaken the corresponding flame.

Tian Tsunayoshi, who had experienced it once, did not have so much worry here.

“Since you have made your decision, then, Zhenye, Yaye, you can spread your hands evenly, relax your spirits, and leave the next thing to me.”

Speaking in as calm a tone as possible, Tatsunayoshi was also worried that Mahaya and Yaya had this concern.

It’s just that Tsunayoshi’s worries are undoubtedly superfluous.

Zao Zhenye and Zao Yaye did not have any hesitation, and even spread their hands without even making mental preparations.

Tatsunayoshi stood up and came to Maaya and Yaye.


“Ah, it’s already ready.”

“Well, it’s ready.”

“So, here I go.”

Crouching down, Tsunayoshi dragged his hand around the back of the two girls’ hands.

The slight heat in the palm burned Zao Zhenye and Zao Yaye, and before they could get used to it, the heat in the palm became even more amazing, and even flowed into their bodies very quickly through the back of the hand.

After the heat flowed into the bodies of the two, it was like paying attention to a pool of clear water in a pond without stagnant water in the two bodies, which instantly filled the bodies of the two.

But this state of fullness did not last long, and the excessive drowsiness swept in an instant.

The whole person’s energy seems to be completely depressed, and after the body is filled for a while, they feel that their eyelids are extremely heavy, and even those who can sleep at any time may sleep.

“Don’t sleep over. At this time, there was no way to awaken that kind of power after sleeping, and the two sisters quickly beat their spirits and persevered after hearing this. ”

This mental weakness will be like torture.

If not letting people sleep is also a form of torture, then Zao Zhenye and Zao Ya Ye are undergoing extraordinary torture.

Wu Jialouluo, who was quietly watching next to him, tilted his head, and then looked at the time, and the doubts in his heart were even greater.

“Has the power of our awakening flames been useful for so long?”

“It didn’t take long, it should only be five minutes.”

Wu Jia Louluo looked at the two sisters Zao Zhenye and Zao Ya Ye even more strangely.

“Then they have all been fifteen minutes, why haven’t they awakened yet?”

Poison Island Yako pondered for a moment before getting the answer.

“Perhaps because they have special powers, the starting point is higher than ours, so it takes longer to awaken the power of flame.”

Indeed, the higher the level of oneself, the higher the standard of power for awakening another system.

If it is an autonomous awakening, it may not take such a long time, but Zao Zhenye and Zaoya Ye are forcibly awakened, then the time and strength required are even greater.

Tian Gangji, who continued to inject flames into the bodies of the two people, felt a little out of breath, his flames were not as powerful as he thought, and it was a bit difficult to awaken for two people at the same time.

“Inhale ~ exhale~”

The slight breath steadied his state, not allowing the flame to stop supplying, but to squeeze more of the flame of his body, channeling more flame out of his body.

As Chida Tsunayoshi continued to increase the output of flames, the flames accumulated in the bodies of the two sisters, Zao Zhenye and Zao Yaye, finally began to catalyze their bodies.

The spirit is even more depleted, and the power of fire is born at the meeting place of body and soul, which is the product of the fusion of spirit and will.

Ordinary people’s words have already given birth to their own flames under the stimulation and quotation marks of Tatsunayoshi’s flames. However, Zao Zhenye and Zao Yaye are completely different from ordinary people, and their spirit and will are far beyond the boundaries of ordinary people, so they also need more care.

At this moment, the two sisters Zao Zhenye and Zao Yaye finally appeared a flame.

What my sister Zhenye burned in her hand was a light blue flame, and when the flame was burning, you could even see that there was some water vapor around the flame, which would not make people feel hot, but would make people feel cold.

What ignited in her sister Yaye’s hand was a purple flame. Unlike her sister’s chilling flame, her flame is constantly growing in the air, and in the blink of an eye, the flame that was as big as her sister just now has become larger than her sister’s flame, and it also emits amazing heat.

Namada Tsunayoshi, who first noticed this, was a little surprised.

“The one who is enthusiastic is the younger sister, but the calm one is the older sister? Isn’t that the other way around? ”

While surprised, Ta Tsunayoshi also knew what special flame the sisters awakened.

True Night awakens the Flame of Rain, a calming flame that can also extinguish other flames.

Yaye awakens the flame of the clouds, a flame with a multiplicative effect, and can even devour other flames to strengthen itself.

It’s just that the sister’s side is a more calm characteristic, and the sister’s side is a more fiery characteristic, which is really a bit unexpected.

“It worked.”

Although the attribute of the flame is slightly surprising, it can be regarded as a successful awakening.

Zao Zhenye barely opened her eyes and looked at the flame floating in her palm, she clearly felt that there was a very special power in the flame, and even this light blue flame had a great connection with herself.


It’s just that this time, the eyelids are heavier, even to the point that Zao Zhenye is about to be unable to hold on.

“Awakening… So tired? ”

If it was other reactions, Zao Zhenye was not very uncomfortable, but it made people endure mental exhaustion, and it was really too ghostly to awaken the flame in this situation. Even if she has exercised herself to the extreme through kendo, she can’t hold on, but you can imagine how exaggerated this awakening is.

“It’s all the same, it’s not the first time that a person who awakens on his own will need to greatly suppress his mental state. Carolus and Yako are in the same situation as you, except that you and Aye are in a more special situation and the awakening lasts longer. ”

“I can’t do it anymore… I’m going to sleep for a while…”

As soon as he finished speaking, before he could stick to it, Zao Zhenye had already slept.

But compared to her sister, she is in much better shape.

Zao Yaye glanced at the flame in his hand and fell asleep directly, and he didn’t even have the spirit to speak.

PS; New book on shelves for data!

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