Chapter Eighty-Nine Void and Snake!!

It is clear that the height of the poisonous island is more than one meter seven, but the feeling to Sawada Tsunayoshi is that he weighs less than 100.

I went to the bathroom with Poison Island Rinko, and sent her to the bathroom to work in the bathroom, so that I could do it myself, even if I had physical exhaustion, lack of water, and symptoms of low blood sugar, it was not even necessary to let people help me take a bath.

“Tsuko, be careful inside yourself, I’ll call Mahaya and Yaye.”

Leaving Poison Island Tsuneko alone in the bathroom, Sawada Tsunayoshi left the bathroom directly.

Sitting inside, Poison Island Junzi shook his head with a slight smile.

“My lord, do you understand or not?”

Taking off her kendo uniform little by little, she opened the door slightly and threw it directly onto the ground outside.

Back in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, my face can still see some whiteness, and I can even see a trace of dry cracks on my lips, but my mental state is restored.

“Ah, it seems that I really think too much. My lord is not a profit-oriented person, but rather values the potential ability of the future, not the established ability of the present. ”

I finally found a suitable place, because I didn’t want to be abandoned, so I tried a little harder. But the result was this.

Of course, there was nothing to complain about, and that was the answer she most hoped for.

I smelled the smell of sweat on my body.

“Today is really… I also became emotional. ”

Poison Island Tsuko has always been very good at managing her emotions, and emotions like this today are actually relatively rare.

But the more emotional she is, the more she cares in her heart.

People don’t get emotional for people and things they don’t care about, and only when they care will such emotional changes occur.

“It seems that if there is such a change in the future, you should still go to my lord.”

Poison Island Tsuko secretly made up her mind in her heart, in the future, such thoughts still have to consult with Tsunayoshi, when she is emotional, she will most likely be out of control like today.


After dropping him off at the bath, Sawada Tsunayoshi left for the second floor.

The format of the second floor here is similar to the format in the home, there are also two rooms on the second floor, and the corresponding name has not been written on the door, and he does not know which room is real night and which room is sub-night.

“Knock knock!”

After knocking on the door, there was no movement in the room. Standing outside the door, Sawada Tsunayoshi sighed slightly.

You can only push the door in.

When I first entered the room, I smelled a faint fragrance, and I didn’t know if it was the smell of perfume, shampoo, or body soap.

The sleeping person was buried under the covers, but his hair was still exposed, and it was long silver hair.

In other words, the room on the left is the room of the real night.

Tsunayoshi Sawada did not stand still in the doorway, and walked to the edge of the bed without restraining his footsteps.

Gently pushed the bulging edge inside the quilt.

“It’s a night, get up.”

The inside of the quilt seemed to hear the sound and reacted slightly, and slowly the person squirmed inside the quilt, and a head finally broke through the shackles of the quilt.

“It’s morning?”

The jujube that came out of the quilt was still sleeping in a daze, and it seemed to be sleepy.

“Was it yesterday’s Death Qi Flame Awakening?”

Looking at the real night with an unfake expression, Sawada Tsunayoshi couldn’t help but think of yesterday’s awakening of the flame of death.

“I almost couldn’t hold it yesterday.”

Thinking of the failure of awakening that was almost caused by the insufficient output of Dead Qi Flame yesterday, Sawada Tsunayoshi also had some palpitations.

Whether you can reawaken after failing once is another matter.

After all, yesterday was still bigger.

God knows that the awakening of the flame of death has a certain relationship with the individual’s ability, if he knew this yesterday, Sawada Tsunayoshi would definitely not let the two sisters awaken together, and it would obviously be much safer to awaken separately.

“Next time remember, you can’t hold it up at a time like this.”

It is enough to have a lesson once, and this act of death Sawada Tsunayoshi will not come a second time.

Now the only Guardians who need help are the last two who are not in place.

The next two must also awaken separately, so there is no need to worry about it in particular.

Tsunayoshi Sawada continued to look at Maaya.

“Your situation is much more serious than that of Jizi and Carolus.”

“After the awakening of the flame of dead qi, the strong desire to sleep should be a phenomenon caused by extreme mental consumption. Both you and Yaye have special abilities, so it is more difficult to awaken the Flame of Dead Qi, and the mental wear and tear caused by it is more serious. ”

“Well, that’s how it should be.”

Zao Zhenye, who had just picked up her spirits, heard “it should be like this”, which made her full of question marks.

“Tsunayoshi, weren’t you sure about this before?”

“Well, after all, this is the second time I have helped someone awaken the Flame of Dead Qi. Ah, by the way, the name of the awakening flame yesterday is called the Flame of Dead Qi, and the light blue flame you awakened is called the Flame of Rain, and the function is calm. ”

“……… This should be a very important thing, right? ”

“Sort of. However, I also learned about the information obtained by Ji Zi last night, including a detailed explanation of the ability of Death Qi. This information should have appeared in my hands earlier, but there were some situations in the middle. ”

Zao Zhenye’s consciousness cleared up a little, and his eyes became much sharper.

“Tsunayoshi, they can even intercept information from your father’s side? That Valya is so capable? ”

As one of the members of the family, Zao Maoya naturally knew that Tsunayoshi’s father was also a member of the Pengellet family, and was also the boss of an important internal organization.

Valia’s attempt to intercept the intelligence that was supposed to be sent from the internal organization was clearly a problem.

“Not the ability of Valia, but the personal ability of one of them. But the problem with that person over there is not very big, Arya should have exchanged some information with the other party, otherwise I would not have known about that information yesterday. ”

“Not a big problem? The object of this exchange of benefits is the least safe, right? ”

Zao Shinye reminds Tsunayoshi and this kind of person that it is very dangerous to be false and snake. He dared to betray Valya today, then one day that person would betray even them.

“No, now the other party’s handle has been grasped. By the time the other party sent this information, the position had completely changed. ”

Sawada Tsunayoshi dares to say this for his own reasons.

“Know what? True night, when a person controls the future of the past, she has most of the advantages. ”

“Mastering the future…… Is it someone with the same special abilities as you? ”

“Yes, being able to see through people’s hearts and see what is happening in the future.”

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