Chapter 91 Pengelle X is not a concern!!

From the point of view of favorites, then the figures of Mayako and Tsukiko are definitely the most in line with Sawada Tsunayoshi’s standards.

Tall, plump body, pretty face and more suitable personality. But can these words be said?

Sawada Tsunayoshi felt that if he said it, he would have two more rows of teeth marks on his body.

One row is for Carolus and the other is for Aye.

It’s just that Sawada Tsunayoshi’s slight silence and subconscious gaze have already explained the answer to this question.

The four girls present were all sensitive people, and naturally they could feel the fleeting gaze.

The answer is Poison Island Rinko and Zao Zhenye.

Zao Zhenye looked at Tsunayoshi, who was holding his head between himself, with a look of surprise.

“I didn’t expect you to like me and Junzi type.”

At this moment, Tsunayoshi Sawada completely froze.

“Tsunayoshi, you like the type of sister and sister Junzi. Is it? ”

Tsunayoshi Sawada had already heard the slightest trilling in Yaya’s speech.

It can be heard that Yaye is extremely unconfident in herself, perhaps because the object of comparison is her sister and Jizi.

Tsunayoshi Sawada also knew that normal girls would not be confident when comparing themselves to two people standing on the ceiling.

Therefore, at this time, as the head of the family, he needs to stand up and say something.

At least not to let this flare out before war with Varya begins.

Tsunayoshi Sawada took a deep breath and looked at Yaya with some seriousness.

“I should not only like the type of Mahaku and Tsukiko, I should say, I only like beautiful.”

The society died. Scumbag sure!

Tsunayoshi Sawada knew that if he said such a thing, he would definitely be recognized as a scumbag, after all, this is really a scumbag.


Zao Zhenye was directly laughed, in order to ease Yaye’s emotions, he directly admitted that he was a scumbag.

Also just like the pretty.

Well, Zao Zhenye feels that this sentence should be true, but according to this judgment condition, Yaye can also be classified as a favorite category.

Zao Yaye was also stimulated by this sudden words and was stunned in place, just now knowing in his heart that Tsunayoshi liked his sister and the sense of loss that rose suddenly did not know where to put it.


Zao Yaye thought of this for the first time.

Thinking about Tsunayoshi, who didn’t let her lose thoughts even if she was self-defiled, she could feel some of Tsunayoshi’s intentions.

That’s certainly not because of liking, but for balance.

However, even if he made a self-defilement practice to balance, it made Zao Yaye’s mood a little complicated.

“Tsunayoshi, I’m actually quite happy when you say that.”

There must be joy.

Zao Yaye was worried only that his ideas were not valued, and obviously, this did not look like he was not taken seriously.

But she also wished Tsunayoshi would say something like that next time for another reason.


“Hey~ So that guy is Pengelle X?”

“Is that the kind of guy who only pleases girls? Does Lord Skeleton need to care about this kind of guy? ”

It’s really hard to imagine that such a guy is the object that Lord Skeleton needs to pay attention to.

Aren’t such guys everywhere?

“Dog, the key is not his character and behavior, Lord Skeleton only cares about his identity.”

The man in the knitted hat standing next to him pushed his glasses, and he clearly knew that the reason why Lord Skeleton wanted to investigate this person was the identity of Pengelle X.

“The identity of Pengele’s future ten is enough to radiate to the underground organization of the entire world, and Lord Skeleton should want to use this person’s identity.”

“As for his character and his behavior, the weaker and more wasteful, the more toys that the skeleton can control.”


The blond man looked at the very disdainful deflated mouth over there.

“Lord Skeleton wants to use that person’s identity, I know, but does this guy’s identity really need to be used?”

“I think such a guy will definitely not be able to sit in that position, if you really let such a guy sit in that position, maybe you can take revenge on all the mafia without the skeleton master’s hands.”

The man in the knitted hat pushed his glasses slightly, although he and the dog had different cognitions and judgments in some concepts, but he still approved of this sentence.

“I also don’t think that such a person will be candidacy for Pengelle X, and I even think that such news may be to cover up the real candidate.”

“However, whether it is true or false, in the end, judge whether the identity of that person is a person with use value or a skeleton lord.”

“All we need to do is investigate that person’s intelligence clearly.”

“Also, solve some troublesome units that will shoot…”

The blond man’s face also became solemn, when it came to troublesome units, he had seen it, no wonder Lord Skeleton defined that kind of guy as a troublesome unit.

“And Sheng Middle School Style Discipline Chairman, Skylark Kyoya.”

He subconsciously put his hand on the wound on his shoulder.

“That guy’s abduction is really good, obviously facing the two of us at the same time, in the end, he can only barely escape from that guy’s hands.”

The man in the knitted hat also had a slightly ugly face, and he still had a plaster on his chin, where he was punched out of the wound, and he was even almost taken away by a punch.

“Compared to Pengellet X, he and his guardians are nothing to worry about.”

With a little contempt, he looked at the five people walking in the distance.

“Adopting four girls as members of his family, this Pengelle X seems to be really thoughtful.”

Women are inherently weaker than men in physical strength, and in such a situation, Pengelle X also looked for four girls as his guardians, what does that mean is not too obvious?

It is not so rare for the mafia to be addicted to alcohol, but it is really rare to become addicted to alcohol at the age of fourteen, and even recruit guardians with this standard.

“The real problem is the discipline committee member of Hesheng Middle School.”

“Since we are going to do something to the students of Hesheng Middle School, Kyoya, who is a member of the Wind Discipline Committee, will inevitably join in, and this is the biggest problem.”

“Lord Skeleton is only one person, we are not the opponent of Kyoya the Skylark, and in the end, we still need to let Lord Skeleton personally face Kyoya the Skylark. Once Pengelle X saw the stitches, perhaps Lord Skeleton would be in danger. ”

“So what to do? I can’t fight and fight, and I can’t continue to lead to Lord Remains. If Lord Skeleton and that guy were injured against each other, and then against Pengelle X, wouldn’t it have been picked up cheaply? ”

The blonde man grabbed his hair irritably at the thought of such a situation.

“Now we are not his opponents, maybe we really need to do it yourself.”

The knitted hat man’s voice did not have any ups and downs, but the words revealed helplessness everywhere.

If he could, he would love to help Lord Skeleton hold this troublesome guy back.

But strength is a big problem.

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