Chapter 96 Revenge on the Mafia!!

After the home economics class, Sawada Tsunayoshi contacted Ribaun as soon as possible.

After all, the teacher of the home economics class in front of him has a special relationship with Ribaun, and it is normal to contact him to deal with it.

As a result, as soon as Ribaun appeared, Bi Yangqi, who had a cool look before, pounced directly.

Well, it is a person who faces a small baby who directly pounces, this relationship, just looking at it, you know that it is a lover relationship.

It’s just that how did Ribaun’s situation make an adult big sister obsessed with him?

Sawada Tsunayoshi noticed that Biyoki’s eyes had changed into the shape of a heart when he pounced just now.

In the past, he had only seen such pictures in some special pictures. It was a pink-haired woman holding her face with her hands, but there was a hint of a girlish smile on her face, and the woman’s eyes were love-like at that time.

From here, it seems that this woman is really fascinated by Ribaun, and even plans to kill him in order to bring Ribaun back.

“This person’s brain circuitry is really strange.”

Although Sawada Tsunayoshi admired Biyokichi’s love for a guy with a small baby-looking, Sawada Tsunayoshi still felt very lost in this person’s operation.

Anyway, in the future, as long as it is for Ribaun, Sawada Tsunayoshi feels that Biyoki can really do anything.

Therefore, when encountering some things in the future, it is especially necessary to consider Bi Yangqi’s attitude towards Ribaun.

“Ribaun, you don’t have to let someone teach me those things on purpose, do you?”

Sawada Tsunayoshi knew that this was done to make him have a long memory, pay attention when things happen, and not do whatever he wanted based on his strength.

In fact, Sawada Tsunayoshi has always remembered this.

His habit is to hide some hole cards, how can he show his hole cards?

Again not at the time of exercise and practice.

“For your education, you need not written and oral education, but hands-on learning.”

Ribaun does not have any worries about the current character of Sawada Tsunayoshi, and he can endure what ordinary people can’t endure, and this kind of heart is also not worried.

For Sawada Tsunayoshi, the biggest education is not the written education, but the need to pay more attention to practical learning.

In fact, it is also learning that broadens horizons.

And in the face of assassination, which is what Sawada Tsunayoshi will need to face often in the future, so Biyoki’s stimulation is necessary and quite necessary.

Subsequently, Ribaun threw out a piece of information.

Tsunayoshi Sawada took the information and glanced at it, and immediately became interested.

“Investigated so quickly?”

It was only a matter of morning, and the results were not until noon, and the intelligence had already been investigated, and Pengele’s intelligence department was really amazing, and it was possible to get the intelligence so quickly.

“Not because the intelligence investigation is fast, but because their style of doing things is cruel, so that the entire underground world is looking for them.”

“Even some special guys are looking for the location of those people.”

Ribaun is just calling up the information.

He didn’t even need to investigate the intelligence of these people in too much detail to emerge one by one.


Sawada Tsunayoshi noticed the following note.

“Because they are used by their own clan as the last crazy bargaining chip, they will have hatred for their own family, and even hatred for all the mafia.”

“It’s really an Avenger-like arrangement.”

“But they disposed of a mafia family with good character? This is not a very avenger. ”

Tsunayoshi Sawada understood the revenge of the three against the mafia.

After all, it was the mafia that banned the special bullets developed by that family, which led to the last crazy move of those families.

It can be said that the principle that the entire mafia is the object of their revenge is correct.

However, when it comes to a mafia family whose rights are on the side and completely unrepresentable, such revenge is a bit overdone.

There is no need to empathize with these people, and sending them in and locking them up is the greatest empathy for those they killed.

More importantly, that family is not doing some special professions, but more just forming a family that acts together.

In the face of such a harmless family, they were slaughtered.

There was nothing to say, and Sawada Tsunayoshi knew that those three Avengers had been completely blinded by revenge.

He didn’t say that revenge is bad, but shouldn’t the object of your revenge be your own family?

It seems that the people who conduct human experiments are not other mafias, right? And no one you.

Well, how to say, these people just lack education.

Generally, in this case, it is good to be locked up and calm down.

However, Sawada Tsunayoshi hopes that the three people who are imprisoned will preferably not come out in their lifetimes.

After reading the information, Sawada Tsunayoshi gave it to Ayakor and Carolus.

“Ribaun, is there any information about my other Guardian?”

Those three people are worth paying attention to, but it’s not worth wasting too much time on them now.

Three almost peers slaughtered in the face of a large family, and their strength was absolutely unquestionable.

But that’s about it.

Compared to the retaliation of those people, Sawada Tsunayoshi felt that after Kyoya the lark was led over, he could definitely delay those people for a certain amount of time.

So it would be better to spend this time looking for the person who would have been his guardian in the future.

Ribaun did not disappoint Sawada Tsunayoshi either, and he took out another piece of information from behind him.

“According to Arya’s description, Pengelle has found a girl who meets the criteria, and she lives in Heiyao City next door.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi, who took the information, paused slightly.

“That’s really coincidental, those people’s stronghold is in the Black Yao Middle School next door, and one of my guardians is also in Black Yao City.”

“It seems that the original me and that guardian may have met because of those three.”

This has to be said to be an encounter of fate.

Well, the current situation is similar to the original him.

“Then, find a time to go over.”

The specific location is already there, and the next problem is to invite people over as soon as possible.

Arya also said before that she would contact her as soon as she was found, and she could also arrange a suitable teacher to teach.

Isn’t this all the more important to find the last guardian quickly?

PS: The new book is on the shelves for data!


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