Chapter 100 Lack of courage to introduce yourself!!

Just in case, Sawada Tsunayoshi asked first.


The critter whispered a “hmm”.

Sawada Tsunayoshi turned his head to look at this home, and sure enough, there was no smell of home at all.

A girl who leaves home doesn’t even need to bring anything, is that unnecessary? That’s not it.

Take a closer look at the clothes worn by the little animals, it is really too simple.

No matter how accustomed to a frugal life, it will not make the clothes so old.

The corners of the clothes can be seen to be broken, maybe they are still clean, but you can wash the clothes to appear broken, how long ago did you buy it?

Because there really is no family status, parents really don’t care at all to become like this.

“What about the keys?”

The little animal hesitated for a moment and took out the key to this home from his pocket.

“Do you still want it? Do you want to come back to this kind of place? ”

The little animal raised its head and slowly lowered its head.

There is no space for her to live here, even if this home is enough to accommodate a family of three, but she has never been a member of the family.

Shaking his head slightly.

After getting out of here, she knew she would never come back. How can there be any reason to regret a decision?

The little animal knows that she is not welcome here, maybe Dad and Mom are really like they said before, and they may have lived better without her such a trouble.

Sawada Tsunayoshi picked up the stack of keys with his other hand.

“Well, don’t want this kind of thing.”

The temperature of the palm of the hand rose rapidly, and the iron turned red in an instant, and in less than three seconds, the red key had begun to liquefy and turned into a ball of molten iron.

Poured out his hand, allowing molten iron to flow from the palm of his hand to the ground.

“This is not where you should stay.”

The little animal looked at the string of keys that had turned into molten iron, and the whole person was stunned.

“Hand, doesn’t it matter?”

Sawada Tsunayoshi smiled, and then shook off the molten iron on his hand, and his palm did not have any burns, and it was even the same smooth.

The little animal looked carefully at the hand, and even reached out to touch the palm. You can’t feel the scorching temperature, just the temperature of an ordinary palm.

“That’s power.”

“I forgot to say just now, the family I established is not an ordinary family.”

“The flame is the symbol of our family and the source of our strength.”


The little animal tilted her head, not quite understanding whether this flame and the flame she understood were a thing.

“That’s what I need to tell you later, but it’s not quite appropriate here.”

These are things that need to be known to small animals, but they are not very suitable in this kind of place.

Sawada Tsunayoshi pulled the small animal out of this cold home. The car was parked outside Fujibayashi’s house.

As Tsunayoshi Sawada approached with the small animal, the door behind the car was opened.

“Let’s go inside.”


When the little animal lowered down and sat in the car, he noticed that there were already four girls sitting behind him, each girl was very beautiful, like a star in the sky


In comparison, she was more like mud on the ground.

This makes the little animal sit carefully and quietly in the back seat, and the eyes do not know where to look or what they should do.

Sawada Tsunayoshi then got into the car and sat next to the small animal.

“Teacher Ribaun, let’s go to Obsidian Middle School next.”

The driver, as a member of Pengele, subconsciously glanced at Mr. Ribaun, and saw Mr. Ribaun nodding slightly, and he slowly drove towards Obsidian Middle School.

The interior of the car immediately went quiet.

Even the atmosphere began to become awkward.

Sawada Tsunayoshi also noticed this atmosphere, and his hand gently pushed the small animal sitting next to him.

“Don’t worry too much, introduce yourself to them.”

The little animal was still a little worried, but under the encouraging gaze of Sawada Tsunayoshi, she slowly plucked up her courage.

“Great… Hi everyone, I……… My name is Fujibayashi. ”

The atmosphere was still silent for a while, but it was no longer as stiff as before.

Zao Zhenye held his hands to his chest and sighed slightly.

“You’re really serious enough.”

She actually hoped that this girl could take the initiative to introduce herself, but it was only with Tsunayoshi’s encouragement that she had the courage to introduce herself.

“Although I saw your intelligence before and knew that your personality was somewhat problematic, I didn’t expect it to be so serious.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi knew that Maguya was watching the play next to him in such a mood, otherwise he would have already made it up.

“True night, the circumstances in which she lives have created her character, and this needs time to change.”

“I found a lot of problems in her house just now, and I’ll wait until I go back to talk about those things.”

“Introduce yourself now, don’t let her feel so strange to you.”

“Yes, yes.”

Zao Zhenye nodded slightly, she just wanted to confirm how serious this girl’s situation was, and now that she confirmed it, it was enough.

“Hello, I’m Zao Maye, I’m one year older than you and Tsunayoshi, you can call me sister in the future.”


The little animal didn’t have so much thought, and after hearing the words “sister can too”, he called “sister” very sweetly…

Zao Zhenye was silent for a while, and looked at this child and had a new impression.

“You are so honest that you actually called your sister.”

“You kid, if you walk outside alone, such a personality is definitely easy to be deceived.”

However, Zao Maoya also turned to look at Tsunayoshi.

“Tsunayoshi, can I take such a cute sister?”

Sawada Tsunayoshi made a “please” gesture.

“If she doesn’t hate it, you feel free.”

The little animal saw that the sister on the opposite side showed signs of pounce, and she quickly leaned towards Sawada Tsunayoshi’s side.

The jujube Zhenye who noticed deflated his mouth slightly.

“Sure enough, I just met, and my vigilance is really high enough.”

“That’s sister, you really want to pounce!”

Zao Yaye glanced at her sister, she didn’t expect this girl who had joined the family to react so much, but anyone who didn’t know had this reaction

It should all be normal.

“I’m sorry, my sister is like this sometimes. There’s nothing malicious about her, it’s just that sometimes……… The bad taste of comparison. ”

“Introduce yourself, I am Zao Yaye, the sister of that person just now, my own.”

The little animal focused on the sisters Zao Zhenye and Zao Yaye, their faces really looked similar, except that the color of their hair was not the same, giving people a different feeling, almost exactly the same.


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