Chapter 110 Pengellet is not my pride!!

It was a quiet café, but strangely there were only four people in the café, two teenagers sitting and drinking coffee, and two guardians standing behind.

Sitting on one side was Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was a candidate for Pengelle X.

“Sure enough, it’s getting started.”

“It really didn’t live up to my expectations at all~disappointed me.”

Looking at the information in his hand, there was a hint of course on his face.

When the day of the battle was about to come, the movements on Valya’s side became bigger and bigger.

This point did not exceed his prediction, the action over there is inevitable, and the larger the action over there, the more normal it is.

If there was not much movement over there, then he would instead wonder if Valia was ready to play some trick.

If the situation over there continues, then it is certain that this contact will not have the means of the underworld.

“Varia has close ties to many families, and internally has begun to recruit members who are out on missions. Their actions must be to concentrate all their forces on this ring battle. ”

The person sitting opposite Sawada Tsunayoshi is Gabrielone’s current boss, ‘Jumping Martino’.

With bold blond hair and elegant appearance, he looks like a handsome son.

In fact, he is really a gentleman, and in terms of his status, he can even be said to be a prince-like person.

“The inevitable result. They will inevitably put all their thoughts on this ring battle, after all, this is their only chance. ”

“Ah Gang, Xanxus has been released.”

“So soon?”

“Ah, after all, it takes a lot of preparation, and Xanxus will need time to recover to face this ring battle.”

Dino was actually very worried about Xanxus, this person was too dangerous, he could fully understand this person’s instability.

Hearing the worry in his words, Sawada Tsunayoshi did not understand this burden

“Don’t worry too much, I know how dangerous he is. It’s just that he is also something I have to cross, it’s just a matter of time. ”

“Moreover, if I can’t even cross Xanxus, I won’t be able to sit firmly in the position of Pengelle X.”

In fact, Dino also understood that because the Gabrielone family had a great connection with the Pengelle family, he also knew how resistant Pengre was to foreign heirs.

“Ah Gang, because of the relationship between the family and Pengele, I can’t directly intervene this time.”

“Don’t worry about it, you may have more trouble once you get involved.” Again, the conditions on Valia’s side are the same, but they generally don’t follow the rules. ”

“……… I think too. ”

People who believe that Valia will follow the rules probably die without even their ashes.

When he first learned about the ‘Battle for the Rings’, Dino didn’t think that Valia would play by the rules. Those guys are not without experience of rebellion, wasn’t the cradle incident eight years ago caused by them?

What happened eight years ago they really won’t do it again? Not necessarily.

“If it was that Valia, maybe it would really do it.” In order to win, they can compromise the means. Once it does get to that step, maybe Valia will really go that way. ”

“Not maybe, yes.”

Dino’s consciousness paused, and he looked up at Ah Gang, who was sitting opposite, always feeling that he knew something.

“It’s intelligence from inside Valia, and they’re ready to do the same thing eight years ago again.”


Listening to Ah Gang’s unscrupulous words, Dino immediately widened his eyes.

“Intelligence from inside Valya!? Ah Gang, how did you get that kind of information? ”

“Forgot? Arya is on my side. ”

“The witch of Kylionero! She’s on your side! ”

This information was no less than the information just now, and Dino didn’t expect that Arya would actually stand on Agang’s side. So Valia’s intelligence came from Mamon, who is also one of the members of Alcabareno?

“I didn’t expect her to be on your side.”


“I was very surprised.”

Dino looked at Ah Gang’s ‘rare and strange’ expression and sent it directly with a blank eye.

“That person’s status is not the same as that of ordinary families.”

“In addition to being the boss of Kyrioneiro, she is also the boss of Alquebarno, so her situation is very special. The teacher once told me that even he had to be polite to the person. ”

“I saw that.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi had also heard Ribaun-sensei mention Arya before, but there were some different emotions in his voice. He understood at that moment that Arya was a very special individual in Alquebarno, and there must be a certain reason for this, even about the pacifier.

“Anyway, it’s a great thing for Arya to be on your side.”

“I know that.”

Tsunayoshi Sawada is very convinced of this.

“The problem now is not the pressure within Pengelle, but the need to defeat Valia.”

“Don’t care about internal pressure? Even if he defeated Valia, he also had to face internal pressure. ”

“I know, but I don’t really care about internal pressure.”

“Don’t care?”

Dino didn’t quite understand what this meant by ‘not caring’, after all, if you want to sit in that position, this is a matter of having to care, and there is no way not to care.

“It’s like literally, I don’t really care about the pressure inside Pengele, and even I don’t care much about Pengele.”

To put it bluntly, Sawada Tsunayoshi himself has some detached mentality, and he does not have any thoughts about Pengele.

Pengelle was not a place for him to be at ease, but a place that bothered him.

The creation of the family is just to bring Valia down.

Even if he was destined to inherit the position of Pengelle X, it did not mean that he attached much importance to this position.

“All I care about is the family I have established, and my family.”

“Pengele, that’s not my place of peace of mind, nor the place of peace of mind I am looking for.”

“At the end of the day, it’s just a family that makes things easier for me. I have no interest in that large family, and I don’t think Pengellet has any more value than finance, status, and rings. ”

After all, deep down, he didn’t have any connection to Pengele, and he didn’t have any pride himself.

Such a place is actually just a big trouble for Sawada Tsunayoshi.

It’s just that in view of his identity, there is no way to escape, so he reluctantly took over Pengele.

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