Chapter 112 The corner almost collided again!!

After explaining some things, Sawada Tsunayoshi left the café.

The affairs of Pengele’s headquarters were left to Dino to handle, and Sawada Tsunayoshi did not hope that Dino could keep an eye on the affairs of the department, but if the affairs over there needed to be controlled to a certain extent, the situation could not be transferred in an uncontrollable direction.

The old man of the ninth life can count himself into account, in order to pave such a way for him.

The old man also made a more excessive design, and even the entire Pengellet was designed, so the insurance still had to be done to save things from going overboard.

Even he felt that the old man might even be counted by his father. But this may not require the old man to calculate too much, as long as the ninth gives Valia a chance, then his father will definitely be calculated by Valia.

“A ring battle is a lot of trouble.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi is not very worried about his father’s life safety, with his father’s strength, at most, he will be calculated a wave, at most, he will be confined to Italy and cannot come back to help and so on, and there should be no life safety.

And Dad is the person who has the most contact with the old man of the ninth life, he should be able to feel some problems, if he can see some problems in advance, then he can strangle some problems in the cradle in advance.

But this depends on whether Dad is so clever.

He did not continue to entangle the affairs on the side of Pengele’s headquarters, and the affairs over there were left to Dino to deal with.

The Gabrielone family is not a small family, it is a large and medium-sized family.

The Gabrierone family and the Pengellet family have always had a contractual agreement, which establishes the partnership between the two families.

Even if the Gabrielone family hides outside Pengele, it can use some excuses to prevaricate.

And at that time, Pengele’s headquarters probably couldn’t manage so much.

The affairs on the headquarters side were almost arranged, so Sawada Tsunayoshi did not think about the affairs of the Pengele headquarters. Compared to the things over there, perhaps the things in his family need his attention more.

The secret news from Valia’s side is that the operation has already begun there, which means that these days, the battle for the ring will officially begin.

Before the war officially begins, maybe someone will come early and grab the ring.

In fact, Sawada Tsunayoshi had only shown others the set of rings that were only half half-numbered, and had not yet distributed those rings.

That is, the ring was still on his hand.

“Speaking of which, it seems that the intelligence does not say what kind of surgery Xanxus underwent to remove the restraint on his body.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi did not know about this, after all, the intelligence did not over-explain this aspect.

“Is it loyalty?”

“Or maybe it’s already exposed, so use words to deceive him?”

Either one can explain why the intelligence doesn’t say this.

It was because of this that Sawada Tsunayoshi no longer believed the source of the intelligence. It wasn’t that he was worried about that, and he wouldn’t be going to meet Dino today.

But there is nothing bad, originally the information over there will only be used as a reference for him as intelligence.

Reaching the corner of the intersection, Sawada Tsunayoshi took a step back.


A figure came out directly from the other side of the corner, and if he hadn’t taken a few steps back just now, he might really collide with this person directly.

The girl who came out from the other side of the intersection was also a little frightened. When he saw Sawada Tsunayoshi, he quickly hid behind him.


Sawada Tsunayoshi followed the sound and looked over, a strong pitbull was staring at the girl and letting out a low moan of menace.

“It’s a lot more dangerous than a Chihuahua.”

The pitbull is not a very gentle dog, and I don’t know how this girl provoked this dog.

“Yes, I’m sorry, please, please help me.”

The voice behind him had a strong tremor and a slightly strange grammar and salutation.

But this part is clearly not the focus now.

Now the point is that the pitbull looks like it’s going to really pounce. It’s just that Sawada Tsunayoshi didn’t help a person for no reason.

“How did you go about messing with a pitbull?”

“Not me! I was just out shopping, and when I passed an alley, the dog sneaked out. ”

“Stray dogs?”

Is it a stray dog that will pounce on people?

Sawada Tsunayoshi looked carefully, this pitbull really did not wear a collar, and even some scarlet could be seen on its face, which was obviously freshly stained with blood.

However, the amount is not very much, and it does not seem to bite deeply.


“……… Well, a bite on the hand. ”

The girl raised her bitten and bleeding right hand, and there was a tooth mark on the palm of her hand, which was not very deep, and the amount of bleeding was not very amazing.

But even so, the fact that dogs bite people cannot be hidden.

“It looks like a mad dog.”


As if he understood Sawada Tsunayoshi’s words, the pitbull began to howl like crazy.

“Mad dog.”

A hint of green flashed under Sawada Tsunayoshi’s eyes.

The pitbull, who was still howling fiercely just now, immediately trembled uncontrollably.

The neck even appeared, and the sunken part made the fierce howl just now begin to turn into a wail.


You don’t have to be too polite about this crazy dog.

Therefore, Sawada Tsunayoshi had no intention of showing mercy to this dog’s subordinates at all, and directly dealt with him ruthlessly.

When a dog starts attacking people, the dog loses the chance to live.

It’s like women’s clothing, only zero and countless times.

For dogs, as long as they pounce on humans again, then they will never be able to stop this behavior.

This dog has already lost the opportunity to live. Only death is best suited for this pitbull.

The girl who had been hiding behind heard a ‘click’ sound, and she poked her head out from behind Sawada Tsunayoshi.

She saw that the dog that was chasing her had died, and its neck was directly twisted, and from the twisted appearance of that neck, she did not think that the dog still had the ability to survive.

“You, you killed the dog?”

“I killed the crazy pitbull alone? Do you think you’re dreaming or am I dreaming? ”

The girl was stunned, and then scratched her head embarrassedly.

“Sorry, I thought you did it.”

She reacted that the boy was just in front of her. If the dog was killed by him, would she not know?

PS; Ask for data!

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