Chapter 133 Wanted Valia!!

In the early morning, the gentle morning light shone into the hotel room, and the orange sunlight looked so warm, sweeping away the morning chill, giving people hope and light.

But even if the morning sun was so bright that it dispelled all the darkness before dawn, it could not dispel the silence and tension in the hotel room, and the faces of the six people wearing the same black leather uniform could not hide the solemn expressions.

“What’s going on?”

There was an indescribable anger in the cold voice, and the person who spoke was trying his best to suppress his anger, but it gradually burst out from the unsettling voice.

The gentle morning light shone on the face of the man sitting on the sofa, and several obvious scars could be seen on the cold face, but it further set off the dangerous temperament that the man constantly exuded.

The black leather uniform was draped over the shoulders, and the fur sewn on the leather collar and the feathers of some kind of bird were more temperamental.

The blood-colored pupils exuded unparalleled killing intent, and those scarlet eyes flowed in the pupils like blood, making the murderous aura on the man’s body even more uncontrollable.

The other five were unanswered, under the weight on their shoulders, leaving them speechless, and they didn’t know why the plan was completely exposed.

“It’s Iemitsu.”

“Yesterday afternoon, Iemitsu took his advisers from outside the door, together with Pengele’s other allies, to join Pengele’s headquarters in the war of suppression. The Shadow has been caught, and the Shadow’s identity has been confirmed, and our rebellion in Valia has been caught. ”


The man with a murderous face slammed into the table, smashing the wooden solid wooden table to a complete crack.

The man did not feel pain in his feet, the anger in his heart made a lot of adrenaline secrete in his body, and the tyrannical factor in his heart had reached his brain, making him almost unable to control his emotions.

“What I want to ask is why Iemitsu appeared in the main department!?”

“Our actions should tell him bluntly where we are and why Iemitsu is still in the headquarters!?”

Iemitsu Nanada, the boss of the advisor outside the door, can have the same rights as Pengele’s boss when he encounters a crisis.

Just yesterday, Tian Jiaguang used this right and also sent out a request for help among the allies around the headquarters, and also directly captured most of the troops arranged by Valia in the headquarters, and also released the news that Valia had betrayed Pengelle and kidnapped the IX.

This action directly broke all their previous arrangements, and also put Valia in a position of disloyalty, and the mafia of the entire world knew that they had kidnapped Pengelje IX.

This is what makes men the most popular.

Everyone here knows the reason for the man’s anger, all the planned plans are unusable, and they have become the most wanted criminals in the entire world, which is no joke.

The kidnapping of Pengelle IX was the biggest rebellion within Pengele.

Valia, as Pengele’s assassination force, did such a big contrarian thing, which already doomed the history of Valia to end here.

As Pengele’s sharpest blade, he swung his butcher knife at Pengele, and just listening to it knew how ironic it was.

Mamon, who sat upright in the midst of the silent crowd, had a hood that covered his eyes, so that people could not see what was in his mind.

“Arya do it.”

“Only Arya can do such a thing.”

For future predictions and predictions, only by seeing the picture of what will happen in the future can we make arrangements in advance.

The indigo pacifier reflected Mamon’s slightly thoughtful face.

“Varya is completely over here.”

“I kidnapped the ninth generation, and none of the members of Valia could escape.”

Muttering to himself, Mammon was sure that this result would not change.

Betrayers in the inner world are often unwelcome, and Valia came twice in a row, once eight years ago and once eight years later today.

This result dooms Valia to no more good results, any whitewashing plan is in vain, and even this time the ring battle does not have to participate, because at the moment when he is wanted by Pengele, Valia will no longer have any human rights.

Sberbiscuvaro, usually the loudest person is him, but now he is completely silent.

The long silver-white hair completely lost his previous domineering feeling, and today he languished like a defeated rooster, and it was obvious that he had understood that defeat was inevitable.

For death, this proud and unafraid shark has never been afraid, but admitting defeat so resentfully is more uncomfortable than death.



The prosthetic leg of his left hand slammed the broken wooden table fragments, and the already broken wooden table remains emitted mournful and wailed, and finally turned into a pile of broken wood slag.

“… If I had been captured and executed in this form, I would not admit that it was my defeat!!! ”

“Stupid, who cares if you admit it.”

A boy with blond fluffy hair spat out with a “hee-hee” laugh, and the silver crown he wore on his head was shining, as if telling it was extraordinary.

“The plan went bankrupt, and most of Varia was caught… If we do this, the result must be execution. ”


The words landed, but the grin revealed his white teeth, and each white teeth bore a frightening chill.

“However, the prince’s death made me unhappy as a prince.”

“A prince can die in battle, but a prince cannot be executed!”

Simple words already make their position clear.


Skuvaro took a step forward directly, listening to his chest and looking at the only man in front of him who he admitted, and at this moment he still did not change his loyalty to this man.

“We Valia can accept defeat, but we cannot accept this kind of execution!”

“A man’s death can never be in such a place, even if I want to die, I will die on the battlefield!”

The gloomy man raised his head coldly, looking at the gentle morning light outside, he stood up from the sofa with a gloomy smile, and walked step by step to the front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his eyes looking at the quiet and peaceful city in front of him.

“Iemitsu, this is the place you guard.”

“Since you want to go against me, then I will destroy everything for you!”

There was only a thick killing intent under the man’s eyes, and there was no room for turning at all.

The man whose hopes are shattered only has the killing intent to completely destroy everything in his heart.

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