Chapter 148: The Scam of the School City!!

“Bee Eater Prayer really has a lot to do with you now, but the plan of the school city against you, I think it’s better not to stimulate you for the time being.”

As long as you say the “Absolute Ability Plan” with Mikoto Misaka’s personality, even if there is a great risk of going back to Gakuen City, you will definitely rush back as quickly as possible.

Mikoto Misaka is such an innocent and kind girl.

Mikoto Misaka bit her lip slightly, she didn’t know what could irritate her, but her so-called stimulation was definitely not a good thing for her.

“BOSS, I think I can take a thrill.”

Tian Gangji sneered twice.

“What kind of personality is your Mikoto Misaka I don’t know? Is your personality stimulated? ”

Mikoto Misaka was speechless for a while.

Tsunayoshi really knows her character, just like he knows Gakuen City.

“People, there are problems that must be crossed.”

“There are a lot of troubles against you in Gakuen City, so I don’t need to say what you need to do, right?”


The very cold truth is in front of him, and Mikoto Misaka knows that his own strength is the last word to know the secret.

The world in the past was very cold, and only strength could warm oneself.

Namada Tsunayoshi nodded in satisfaction.

“No matter what you want to do, power is the foundation of everything, but only if you master the power your anger will not be incompetent rage.”

At the root of everything is power itself.

What people who don’t have the power say is just fart.

Only with the strength to have the right to speak can you change what you want to change.

This simplest truth, Namuda Tsunayoshi has only recently come to know enough.

Ideal life, good life, these are not something that can be reached with lip service, these need enough strength to support.

“Ly.6 does not change much about your position, and if you want to control your own destiny with superpowers, your highest level is actually only Lv.6”

“So what am I going to do?”

“Flame of Death. Completely different from your superpowers, the Flame of Dead Qi is a power that is completely absent from the world you are in. I don’t know if this power can help you go far, but it may be more suitable than your efforts on superpowers. ”

Mikoto Misaka slightly felt that something was not quite right, and she also directly raised this question.

“I’ve exercised my superpowers for so long, it’s normal to continue to work hard in the field of superpowers at this time, right?”

Tsunayoshi glanced at Mikoto Misaka, and only then slowly revealed some information that she didn’t know.

“Literacy judgment, do you think superpower is an ability that needs to be exercised?”

“Of course.”

Mikoto Misaka had no doubts about this.

So Tian Gangji sighed, the propaganda of Gakuen City is actually an outright scam.

“In fact, the level and height of superpowers that can be achieved by scientists in the academy city have known from the beginning. The so-called literacy judgment is actually to judge where the highest limit of a person’s superpower is. ”

“Therefore, the reason why superpowers are superpowers is not how hard they try, but that even if they do not exercise, their abilities will reach the level of Lv.5.”

“In addition, there are actually more than eight people with Lv.5 level abilities in the school city. It’s just that some of the capable people with that kind of quality became the material for the experiment, and only eight capable people with the strength of superpowers stood last. ”

Obviously, the truth about this part of the academy city made Mikoto Misaka can’t believe it at all.

“How so… Literacy judgment… Effort can become Lv.5… These… All fake? ”

The ideas that have been shaped have become completely fragmented.

Mikoto Misaka has always been indoctrinated that those who have the ability can increase their ability level as long as they have enough ability, that is, except for those who are destined to be incapable, as long as the ability is not mediocre, as long as they work hard enough, they can get involved in that field.

But now someone tells her that the so-called literacy judgment is a scam.

What is the upper limit of the level of the capable, then what height can the capables reach.

This is not a gap that can be bridged by so-called effort, this is innate talent.

Tsunayoshi also sighed slightly as he looked at the complete collapse of faith on Mikoto Misaka’s face.

In fact, he is not unacceptable to the set of capable people.

The so-called ability is just an innate talent, since it is a talent, it is naturally high and low, which is just a natural result.

I can’t accept that the idea that fate can be changed just because of the efforts created in the past is too deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

People can only expect the better, and often cannot accept the worst outcome.

However, this situation is the same for everyone, but some people are calm enough when facing some things, but some are often controlled by emotions.

“The existence of the school city itself is actually just a scam.”

“It exists only to let a person show his character and make a person content with the self in his heart.”

“The chairman of the academy city also established the school city based on the situation of such a person.”

“So, to him, the academy city is not an important thing, and for his desired purpose, it is just a necessary condition for cultivation.”

As for the chaos and darkness within the school city, it was just a fact that the chairman had expected for a long time. But this chaos is the best situation for the chairman, and only enough games for superpowers can make his plan more natural. ”

At this time, Tian Tsunayoshi’s voice also had an indescribable firmness, and only after knowing more did he better understand that power is justice.

Tsunayoshi doesn’t want his future to be interfered with by such and such people, so he needs to be strong enough.

Those gemstones that are still out are also a clear directional string.

Although the power compatibility of gemstones is poor and difficult to control, the gemstone’s non-rejection of him is the key to his choice of this path.

How to perfectly master the power of gemstones is a problem that Tsunayoshi needs to solve, but it is also a solution that has a lot to do with the flame of dead qi.

The harmony of the Great Void Flame has been proven by him to be used to regulate the power control of gemstones, and even to reconcile the rejection between gems and gems.

However, this requires a strong enough Dead Qi Flame to be able to do it.

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