Chapter 157 Rotten!!

After all the dust settled, another ten years passed, and the once young girl was completely mature.

When he became a university student five years ago, Tsunayoshi had already moved out of the Tian family and used his ability to earn a fortune that would enrich his life.

In fact, after collecting the six Infinity Stones, even if you don’t have to work hard, you can get everything you want.

“Then it loses its meaning,” Tsunayoshi said,… Then I invested with my super intuitive ability.

In a sense, this is also a form of cheating.

However, this kind of cheating gave Tian Tsunayoshi a different feeling, simply put, a sense of experience.

Even if he knew in advance that he would definitely make money, but seeing the string of numbers really made that sense of joy and satisfaction fully overflow.

The wealth has been easily obtained, just like the life that Namuta Tsunayoshi originally hoped for.


Still as refreshing as ever.


Just as Tian Tsunayoshi’s body turned, the person in his arms also involuntarily groaned and twisted his body along with him.

He opened his eyes and looked at the person in his arms.

“Ah, it’s a real night.”

Tian Gangji couldn’t help but sigh.

Pulled up the quilt next to him to cover the skin exposed from sleeping.

Since moving out, Tsunayoshi has lived with his guardians, but this is also an inevitable result, after all, it is natural that they live together as members of a family.

Ten years ago, they were not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, and now they naturally will not be a relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Ten years later, there’s nothing unusual about their development into a marriageable relationship.


The sound of opening the door sounded, directly pulling Tian Tsunayoshi’s consciousness back.

The person who walked into the room was Yaye, but her face was bulging, and she looked like she was jealous.

“I really like to be jealous, obviously we have been together for so long.”

I don’t know why, Yaye is the most jealous girl in the family, perhaps because the person who fell asleep next to her was her sister.

Sisters have a habit of competing for toys, and things like sisters robbing their sister’s boyfriend often happen.

Is it just that their sister gave her sister a gun in this situation?

So did you have the same idea when you saw Yaye sleeping with yourself the next day?

“I feel that Zhenye doesn’t think so, I feel that Zhenye prefers to bully Yaye is true.”

Tian Gangji complained unconsciously in his heart.

After getting along for so long, where would you not know the character of Zhenye? It is not her habit to like bullying people, but bullying Yaye’s sister is a common thing.

Although Tian Tsunayoshi also wanted to mediate, but every real night would stop here, and he would not start too hard.

Feeling the piercing gaze on her body, Zhenye also opened her eyes in confusion, and saw her boyfriend up close, she opened her hands and hugged her boyfriend deadly, Yan’s red lips rubbed on her boyfriend’s face, and finally stopped at her ear and bit gently.

“Good morning, Tsunayoshi.”

After saying hello, Zhenye’s voice complained with some nets.

“Really, didn’t you say surrender yesterday? Isn’t this waking up early in the morning without strength? ”

The cold sweat behind Tian Tsunayoshi who said these words came out.

Are these words something that can be said at this time?

Do you really think that Yaye who heard these words did not react at all?


Sure enough, a roar heralded that Yaye was completely angry.



Some of the people downstairs who had long since gotten up sighed silently.

“Why does Sister Zhenye have to tease Yaye every time?”

This kind of scene has been staged many times, and the people in the family have actually seen it strangely.

“It should be… Like it. ”

Mikoto covered her head with some helplessness, and she always felt that Sister True Night had really overplayed.

“Just because I like it, I often provoke Yaye.”

“Oh, in that case, wouldn’t it be nice for her to go directly to Sister Mayako and Tsunayoshi’s room yesterday?”


A sip of tea was not swallowed by Mikoto because of the fierceness of this sentence directly sprayed out, and she turned her head to look at Carolus with a slightly red face.

“Carolus, man… We ordinary people are ashamed, even if we are really ready to get married, we can’t accept this kind of thing. ”

“Why? Haven’t you done it all? ”

It doesn’t seem like a big deal in Carolus.

Mikoto wordlessly wiped the tea from the corner of her mouth, feeling that there was a big generation gap between her and this person.

Is she too conservative?

No, her conservatism is just the level of ordinary people.

It’s because the person in front of him is too unreserved.

The cowboy who was drinking milk on the side couldn’t bear this kind of fierce statement, and the corners of her eyes twitched slightly, and she was not ready to respond to that question, but was ready to talk to Mikoto.

“Mikoto, aren’t you going back to things in the world over there?”

In fact, when it comes to this, Mikoto is also quite complicated.

“Mom said, let me stay here. When you get married, you will take them over to the wedding, and your mother plans to live directly with your father. ”

Yako also somewhat understands why Mikoto’s mother decided so, after marriage, according to the current situation, maybe they will be pregnant in less than a year or two, and it is actually very good to come and help take care of the little ones.

“The wedding ceremony should be soon, right?”

“Well, my aunt said before that the ceremony has been almost prepared, and it will be officially held at the end of this year.”

But Mikoto couldn’t help but sigh.

“But if I get married, I won’t be able to bring all my friends over there.”

“Huh? Why? Didn’t Tsunayoshi say no problem? ”

“It’s not his problem that is mine.”

Mikoto’s eyes drifted a little, she wanted to ignore this problem, but she could never ignore it.

“Actually, it’s my junior sister, she seems to be preparing to come to the wedding scene to make a big fuss.”

Yako also remembered that it was the girl with a double ponytail and always holding Mikoto and rubbing fiercely.

She really admired the double ponytail, and she didn’t give up even after this step, and she was even ready to make a fuss at the wedding.

“Your charm is really big.”

“Really… Sister Yazi, don’t joke either. ”

Although I don’t hate Kuroko’s character of persevering to the end, it is really troublesome to make trouble at the wedding ceremony.

“But now that I think about it, time flies so fast, and it’s all of a sudden fast forward to marriage.”

“That scumbag, he really did this.”

It is also thanks to the scumbag who married everyone that came up with this method.

But if you think about it, it’s really dreamy.

From another world, she and the boy she met in this world ended a ten-year love run and are now about to enter the wedding hall.

Of course, she is not saying that she is afraid of marriage.

It’s just that…

“Knock knock!”

The protagonist in pajamas goes downstairs, lip prints can be seen on his face, and a lot of strawberries can be seen on his neck.

Mikoto involuntarily glanced at the past.

“You’re really scumbag.”

The boy I like is a scumbag, which is really a headache (laughs)

PS: Considering that this time I played too much: I made the tutor not look like a tutor, and I should not consider messing up in the future. However, this book is really not very ideal, and many people who want to write have a lot of problems.

PS; To be honest, maybe I set it too high, and even I didn’t have the motivation to write it. Coupled with the drop of subscriptions day by day, in fact, I really feel quite sorry for readers who read books. So I chose to freeze the book here.

PS; Sorry very much!

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